What do you prefer to be right or be at peace?

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 What do we really gain? 2 Lo Jong or mental training 3 the importance of humility… 4 a margin of action…. 5 a flexible and functional mind….

Of course, the most common response in these times is to "be right", no matter if in the defense of a thing or idea we wear out and lose energy ... we simply want to win .

What do we really win?

If we reflect a little , what do we really gain? Sometimes a feeling of anger that wears out, mental fatigue from trying to find as many arguments as possible in defense of our "I" and the neurosis as a result of not considering ourselves Important and winners. The reality is that we lose more than what we earn.

It is said that in the defense of our personal identity or in the manufacture of our personality we spend a lot of energy, for example, in the effort we make to be fashionable, so that they consider us attractive, successful, bold, leaders, all this we Subtract time and attention that we can use in more uplifting activities such as reading a book, meditating, resting without regret or simply staying calm.

Lo Jong or mental training

In the Tibetan tradition of mental training (Lo Jong) there are some important verses that serve to guide us in how to constructively invest our energy.

In the verses of Langri Tampa we find for example:

“When others jealously treat me badly, I will offer victory and assume defeat”

Of course, this thought does not appear in our mind in any way, as we are simply used to winning or dying in the attempt .

What is really advisable is to choose our battles, this is to know in which we invest our effort, time and energy. Winning or losing a game, an argument, an important work assignment is only in our mind. Avoiding unnecessary conflicts and conserving peace is also winning, no matter if others do not consider it as healthy, it is to be aware of what it is not only to be intelligent but also to be wise. n.

the importance of humility

A resource or antidote to personal importance or Ego is humility, of course that does not mean that we should disrespect, it is advisable to establish healthy limits in our relationships and yield only within those limits. Limits.

It is said that a stubborn or closed mind is fragile, something like when we throw a glass container on the floor and it fades to pieces, so it happens with the selfish spirit, sooner or later it collapses. Humility is flexible allows us to be prudent, assertive, generous, intuitive and tolerant.

a margin of action…

Somehow selfishness, greed, jealousy, competition and resentment close or narrow our thought process, humility, generosity and patience widen our perception and scope of action . This is how we gain in mental flexibility by generously offering victory.

Another verse from the mental training collection is:

"Although someone who has placed high expectations will treat me in a very painful way, I will consider him as my precious teacher "

This verse does not mean that we should allow them to mistreat us, it is simply to understand that by giving in we can learn to correct what we consider harmful in ourselves. For example, if someone tells us that we are ugly, we can understand that it is only a mental projection of the person who affirms it and if as a result we feel sad we can understand that under no circumstances is it advisable to harm others .

Remember that we can not only physically harm, it can also be with our words and thoughts that are basically expressed in our attitudes .

This is how instead of being defenders of the Ego we can become defenders of peace, friendly exchange and respectful interaction.

If we look carefully back at wars, conflicts of opinion and breakdown of personal relationships is the defense of the Ego or personal importance.

Commonly behind every break is pride, pride and lack of generosity.

a flexible and functional mind…

Of course we are free to face difficulties as we see fit, but when we find ourselves in a tense situation we can choose to train our minds to ask ourselves, what do I prefer to be right or be at peace? It is the tranquility and serenity that have as a side effect the happiness of a flexible and functional mind .

AUTHOR: Pilar V zquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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