The missing element - Kryon

  • 2015
Introduction to “The Missing Element”

Introduction to “The Missing Element”

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

I say it often: I know where I am. If you have never seen this before, you may have difficulty separating the voice of the man who was here before, from what you hear now.
The Spirit honors humanity and, as I say, we use the human being to deliver the message. It has been like that throughout history. All the energies of the divinity in the past, through the voices of the Masters; All the information brought to this planet, came through a human. Honor the inner God . You may think that this is weird, strange, mysterious; We want you to hear it again: It's beautiful, it's common, that's how it is. It does not need to happen with a man on stage, or a woman teaching; It can happen with you. Any message they receive from any class they know or not, perhaps beautiful, empowering, is from the inner God. You all have the ability to channel in one way or another. Everyone has a different path and God honors that. What they are now hearing comes from the other side of the veil; My partner stands aside and allows me to come in and greet them again.

Dear ones, are you aware of your story? In these short messages that my partner has called mini-channeling, we give very little teaching. Instead we want to give them close messages; I know where I am. I know who they are, we said it every time before: God knows who is in this room and who hears this. Do you believe it Was there anyone who told them otherwise? That maybe they had to get into a box or do something unusual, or repeat, repeat and repeat something, in order to be heard by the Divine? I want them to start using some spiritual logic. If they are parents, they know how they feel about their children. They know that you have more wisdom than they do, and they take care of you and love you. Would they limit your ability to talk with you? When they are in difficulties, when the child is in trouble and calls his mother, I ask you, mother, what would you do? “Sorry, you have to climb a certain number of steps before I can hear you. Sorry, I'm busy. I'm sorry, you'll have to see such a person to talk to me. Good luck. ”A mother wouldn't do that, right? Now follow the spiritual logic . The love of a human being for your child is just a small example of God's love for you. And when they are frustrated and want to talk to the Creative Source, we are there! We are interested! We want you to take our hand, we want you to feel everything inside and worth feeling! And you don't usually do it.

You create a box that separates you from your multidimensional self. Humans are in 3D; Everything they experience is in a human reality. It is not a problem to be in 3D . (addressing Lee) Reformulate that. - Dear ones, we understand your reality; it is the reality of survival; There is nothing wrong with it, but you also have to learn another. There is what we would call reality of God. It is multidimensional. It is a reality that you must learn to see, and wait, and feel. Then let's practice. Here they are sitting. Is this real or not? Use your discernment, be wise. Don't believe it because I tell you from a chair to believe it. Use your spiritual discernment and what you have within you, the inner God. Do you feel the compassion here? Do you feel the love that grows here? Do you feel that you take care of them? Because it's like that! It’s like that. And if you don't feel these things, I ask you: Do you want to feel them? Is it possible that the intellectual part of the human who creates these reasoning boxes is so active that he won't let me in? It does not allow the Creator to enter . And that is normal. And that is what is changing.

Many come here to look, to perceive, to reveal, to discern whether it is real or not. I speak to them. I want them to feel for themselves if this message is real. It comes from an ancient place, beyond what you can imagine, before the same creation of the universe. And the beauty is that you were there. The soul of the human being, when in a human being, is the soul of the universe. You were there, in a way that you cannot even conceive, not as a singular corporeal entity, but as part of the beauty of a multidimensional God. That which is your Higher Self, which you begin to feel and with which you come into contact, which is not separated from you, is the real self. That is what they are contacting right now. I am Kryon, I am part of a greater energy, an energy of which you are also part. There is a veil that disguises everything, so that you have the free will to say no, and the reasoning behind this is of spiritual logic: that you discover it for yourself, that nobody convinces you, that you accept it because it is good! Not because they threaten them, or because someone tells them they should do it; because on your own you feel love. A rain of love is really falling right now, can you feel it? It falls on you.

Dear, you represent the ancients of this region I know where I am very old; The land in which you are is much older than what you believe. Civilizations have been here sooner than you think they were; and some of you were there. Some of you literally own the dust! They have been here so many times, for so long. Some of you and I know who you are have been attracted here from other places, and now you feel at home. They belong here; The dust of the earth is yours. It is important that they realize this; We have said it before: some of the oldest souls on the planet were here. This is where it will change.

We have already said it: when they look where some of the deepest problems are, the questions of humanity itself, they see them in the oldest places of humanity on the planet. Because that's where they have to be: for ancient souls to solve them.

The last time we were with you, we talked about the changes on Earth . We talk about the fact that the Earth is alive. Gaia knows who they are. This is so; They should understand. There is support for what they call esoteric belief. There is support for what they believe. Many humans are waking up to the possibility that the things in which you believe are true. Maybe they are asking for advice on how they feel. Younger souls begin to wake up earlier, and all you have to guide yourself is you. They will not be asked what they believe unless they see it in their lives. The responsibility of an ancient soul is to show the new consciousness: compassion. Compassion, wisdom, balance. The things that make one want to be with someone with whom it is not difficult to be, who has a positive outlook on life, because they have control. It is balanced. They will listen to you. That is what you are becoming.

The last time we were with you, we told you that the compassion you have now on the planet literally changes the grids of the Earth, and that affects the consciousness of others if you wish to tune into it. It is a new kind of communication, without ever meeting; A group of compassionate ancient souls will change the planet through an esoteric system, which we often describe, which is the planet's magnetic grid, always related to its consciousness, always. It is a process that you are discovering, which my partner teaches.

What do you say you can do? There are younger souls, with fewer lives, who are watching how the ancient soul acts. They will not observe much time, and if they see old energy they will leave. They will not want to be with someone who always complains, who is always angry or disappointed with something. Are you like that Is that a habit of yours? Does that justify your being here? Maybe you would have to examine it and rewrite it, because the way you want to feel is that of a compassionate human being who cares about everything, who has the maturity to not get angry, who handles it the way the Masters did : wisely.

I just described what the ancients can do; And that is you. You had already understood, right? You are your own ancestors. Interesting, right? You go to the museum, you look at the crafts, the sculptures, they can be thousands of years old. You marvel at them, and never, never, do you realize that you made them (laughs). It is there for you to feel, if you want. Does this give you another perspective of who you are? Oh, old man, with the greatest wisdom on the planet, living in a place that has had so many civilizations, I can't say them.

You are the ones who are going to assemble the puzzle. I know who is here.

I will come back with more.

And so it is.


The missing element - Kryon

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Do you feel the sweetness here? Serenity, beauty? It makes you want to suspend time for a moment and simply stay in the arms of God, as if the problems you brought did not exist, as if the frustrations were gone, as if healing had been achieved, and the past had not happened. All are concepts of beauty, and they are real. That is really the Master: the ability to catalog the problems of the day and, in your mind, put them where they should be. And in that there is wisdom.

Because some of you come to this room in a certain way today, and you are going to leave different maybe because you felt it. Here is an altered state that invites you to participate. And perhaps for some it is a surprise. Is it possible that the Creator of the Universe knows your name? Is it possible that you are part of it? It is a beautiful system, which makes sense, spiritual logic, and was always here. That is the teaching since we arrived: there is something greater than what you believe.

And where are you with this? Do you tolerate it? Can you barely wait to leave? It angers you? I know who is here. All these things affect humanity differently. The path you follow is unique. Some are ready and some not yet. Here is our promise: it doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter what; when you have that moment of understanding and abandon fear and frustrations and anger, and summon us - we who have always been with you - we will be there! It does not matter when.

Nothing says that you have to believe in a certain way to have the love of God. There is nothing, there are no rules that say you should be here or there, do this or that, just as there really are no rules for love. You can give it and receive it openly, very completely, and never have a rule for it. It just flows, did you notice? It just flows.

I have a message; It is not long. It has a title; It is really a story. It's called The Missing Element. It is an allegory; It is metaphorical. It is just a story; It is not real, even when telling it may seem real. It is just a story. But everyone loves stories; This has a meaning.

On another planet, at another time, I tell you that there was a great civilization. It was very similar to yours. Humans like you, with many languages, many developments, a great story, except for one thing: none of these human beings had eyes; They had no sight. This is how it is. They have never had eyes and therefore exist without vision. And therefore they are not aware of having no sight. In fact, you don't know what you don't know. So they did not regret not having sight or having ever had it; they don't know how it is; they don't know the light, they don't feel that they lack anything, and they are doing quite well.

They do everything you do; they have developed wonderful senses of iodine smell; They can perceive where people are, what they are doing, but this creates some interesting attributes in society. Since they have no sight, they have no perception of long distance; They cannot see on the other side of the room, nor on the other side of the route. They cannot see the beauty that is there, but they have other senses that compensate for it. They have their own kind of reality, but without vision they cannot see each other. That is why the survival instinct is stronger; It is difficult to trust people when they cannot be seen, when they are only heard or perceived. In their societies, they surround themselves with the people they trust, usually in the family, and isolate themselves carefully. They build walls, and they do a good job with that. They build houses and, without seeing, they still do a good job; but survival says they should be isolated.

Without sight it is difficult to create food, grow it or hunt animals; it is much harder; Then they compete for these resources. The things you take for granted, drinking water, is difficult to achieve when you don't have sight. If you can't see it you have to perceive it. They manage, but it's scary. They do not know where the rivers run, because they cannot see them; so when they reach a river, they build their city there. They use the river until it dries.

They don't perceive what's beyond there, and they don't need it, because they are in survival mode and do a good job. But as they grow, they begin to compete. This creates something else: dysfunction, mistrust and war.

Even without sight, they have politics. It doesn't work well, but it works enough. They can't really trust someone they don't see, but they perceive. And then there are those who can create false perceptions, and then there is distrust for that. But they do their best. Everything you do, they can do, except that they continue to isolate themselves, competing for resources, in small groups. That is your society.

Occasionally something strange happens. Some human is born with a strange difference: he has eyes. Now, for them this is rare, it is unusual, and the human who has eyes must hide it, because it is simply too strange. If they discover it, they isolate it: It's too weird! You can see things in the distance! Even in another mountain. It is extrasensory. It is out of the ordinary. Scary. Some said it's a devil's thing. Eyes. These humans do not last long; they are exiled; They are too strange, too rare.

Meanwhile, life goes on. Society does not regret not having eyes - it never had them! Everything is fine like this! And then comes high technology. Technology can help them perceive what's on the other side of the route. That is good; they use that technology; Increase communication But once in a while someone strangers appears again. In fact, there are more and more strangers. Beware of strangers, because they can do things that one cannot. Take care of them; They are better than one. You can throw something in their direction and somehow they know it's coming and they leave the place! That is too mysterious . You must take care of those; Do not associate with those who have sight.

And then a change begins to occur on your planet: more and more children are born with sight. Everything starts to change; One generation after another, they begin to realize that there is some kind of sensory perception that is amazing, that can perceive things in the distance. Those who have that perception start talking about something called "color." A word that only exists for them. It's exciting to be with them, they become less and less strange. They soon grow up and are young adults; Your children have sight.

Eventually something amazing happens: they can see each other. They had never been able to see each other. This is an amazing planet: it is evolving with eyes. And one of the most amazing things happens: when they can see each other, they don't fight anymore, because they can see their expressions; they can love more easily; You can see another person and see that he is the same as one! It is not a mystery that they have a sense of smell. They can look into each other's eyes; they stop surrounding themselves with walls, they no longer isolate themselves, they stop competing for resources because they can share them. They develop systems because they can see and stop making war. The view has changed everything!

That is the story of a beautiful planet that does not exist. Or if? (Serie)

Dear ones, this is your planet. But it's not about eyes; it is an extrasensory capacity: it is called compassion, and it has not been common throughout the ages, for the reasons that those who had no eyes did what they did. You do what you do because compassion changes everything; Begins to happen on the planet, watch their news. It is the missing element on the planet, which begins to appear. It will change everything. Compassion will allow you to see others who will be equal to you. Compassion is a second sight; it is beyond sight; You begin to understand who humans are, the piece of God within each one. Stop competing for resources, because compassion creates wisdom and you solve it! Compassion creates solutions; Without eyes there was no solution. With compassion there is.

As far as this resource is concerned, this is a planet without sight. It is the missing element that was always missing on Earth. B

The puzzles will increase; Those in your news are just the beginning. Do they love each other or not? Does it matter what the borders are, or not? What is more important? Life, love, happiness? The right of a human being to feed? Or not? It is just the beginning of rewriting compassion on planet Earth, and it will press many controversial buttons. But you will solve it; there are good, efficient solutions, which will bring compassion, in which they never thought, that they are waiting for them to implement; which are good solutions from paradigms never seen - like those of those who had no eyes, when they received the vision.

Your Earth does not know what you are missing; they had an Earth without compassion for thousands of years, and then a few appear who begin to develop it. Then they will be able to share it with others, and those are the ones I am talking about, ancient soul; Wake up with a new vision and change this planet!

And so it is.



AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


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