Message from Master Victory: Knowing Fear

  • 2016

Leading reasons to real situations ...

When I was little I had a lot of interest in growing up because I considered that those who were big were strong, courageous, intelligent, but above all they had all the capabilities to get everything I saw so far away. He considered that time was a prize but at the same time it was something that he wanted to happen so quickly to be able to reach that tomorrow.

But suddenly, that wise old man sat next to me and said: if you have everything, why should you want to grow if your tomorrow can be you today?

But you have not seen that those laugh, that those who leave, that those who travel, those who know, are strong, courageous; Have you seen my father? can grow, can laugh ...

And that wise old man told me, but have you seen him cry when he is worried about everything that is not effective? And have you seen him suddenly show a laugh that is not sincere because he has to show it to you just because you are happy?

Being an adult is sacrificing your happiness many times to make others understand that you are happy when you are not always happy. Trying to be an example yes, but today you can enjoy that everything happy you are is truly sincere, without showing anyone that you are happy even when you are not, without showing someone that you are not strong and should be strong by certain conditions .

At first, when you are a child, you do not understand that the best gift you can have in the present is that, the true present, that present that knows the present because you only enjoy it. Suddenly tomorrow is something you will have to learn according to the conditions themselves tell you; but here it was simply laughing because you wanted to laugh or cry because you wanted to cry, but be yourself.

And that wise old man said: you will know something that is fear, as time runs out and that what you want to achieve subtracts happiness from your existence and not because you move away from it, just because you will know that everything is no longer happiness and there are certain things that are opposed ... you will know fear.

I stopped seeing the old man and then remembered his words all the time. He was going to know fear, but what was fear for that being who wanted to grow up, the being who wanted to be great and courageous, strong, intelligent? And then, I met the fear.

I knew the fear when I began to compare myself with the beings that I had around me, when I saw that many beings that I wanted, many beings that I admired and many beings that really were the basis of my life transcended, went to other parts that already they couldn't see my eyes, starting with my father then, that it was no longer a human life, there I began to feel fear, I began to feel alone, I no longer had his advice, I no longer had what suddenly gave me, certain address to my mistakes that I considered fatal.

That is when I understood that, as I progressed, fear was appearing and now I was afraid to continue growing, the same thing happened to me, I no longer had anyone to tell me exactly what I should and should not do. I missed him so much and thought every day that he wanted me to come back yesterday to have him again and to see him again as he was, there the first fear appeared .

Suddenly fear appeared when I saw my beings around, they who also wanted to grow, but suddenly they were leaving me behind. That being that must already be courageous, intelligent, strong, was not at all because I was afraid, because I saw that those beings also struggled and achieved it and I continued on the same path and suddenly my success was not so abundant, there I started to feel scared. When was I going to be able to achieve what they achieved so easy, so simple? There appeared my second fear ... the comparison. Loss and comparison already knew them but fear still appeared.

Fear appeared when I then had someone to care for, someone who was a small being who followed my steps, someone who thought I was courageous, intelligent, strong, but really was not. When suddenly the abundance did not appear and that being thought that we had everything, because we simply had to be able to obtain a candy, then I thought, yes, we have everything, but we had to teach him something, we had to teach him to have everything, it was not everything that which our eyes could observe, but everything that our eyes do not observe but that is truly valuable, to feel sure of being in the now, not because of what you say but because of what you cannot count on your hands but what is inside from you, that is the true value of growing, of obtaining and of being rich in life and that is when suddenly we had to teach someone more than the richness of life was based on everything that could not be told, there my third fear appeared , to be honest with the beings who admire you and that is when I configured that my mind was such a complex situation that I was afraid of everything and above all I was afraid of not being able to keep what I and gave everyone happiness, those perceptions that I had suddenly created.

The first fear was the loss, when I understood that nothing you lose because everything remains with you And precisely I understood that not everything you see is what counts; I didn't see it anymore but he had left me a great lesson in life, to keep growing, and many times to have to sacrifice your concepts so that others are happy but you don't sacrifice anything because at the same You are happy time, I was also happy when I had to tell my little boy that I was happy because I saw him enjoy that candy, a smile so pure and so perfect, he didn't need anything else m He was not looking for wealth, he just wanted to enjoy the candy sugar, he understood that happiness is often to make others happy and I was happy, just seeing that sweetness and just seeing that face so full of joy, so simple, so sincere.

When I saw that the comparisons were fear, I understood that each one is destined to live certain specific conditions because they are perfect for us, because we need it to grow, because if it were different, then we would not be and that fear was fading away, because when something happens, even if it is not specifically what one expected, it is perfect because it will lead us to a world that we may be discovering.

It eliminated the fear of comparison, eliminated the fear of loss, but the fear of honesty suddenly became more complex, when you had to remain An example for those who saw you as something important, wise, courageous, intelligent and that is when I understood that honesty was to show me what it was like and tell you that it was a being with the same mistakes, but that I always had the opportunity of today to rectify.

And then the little one asked me: why don't you rectify in the morning? and then I replied: because tomorrow is not a security, but if today you have already noticed, today you rectify the path, you don't have to be honest with life, you don't have to be honest with Tomorrow's opportunity, only with the present, which is how he is the one who listens to you, that is also what will pressure you to do it really well.

And the fear lies in our minds and always exists, we are afraid of failure and we are afraid to move forward, we are afraid of the opportunity to meet ourselves, because we are guided by the fears of others, that it is not possible, because it is not safe, that you are not you and you must be different.

You must be what you really want to find in yourself and you must be that which will truly exist for you, because everything that happens will make you strong, it may not make you happy, but it will take you to the world where happiness truly exists and where you find yourself

Fear is suddenly necessary, not always, but it is important to consider that fear must be known, to know the other side of life that is much more pleasant, because it is only in trusting you.

Today I am not afraid of loss; because then I understood that he was going to lose me and just as I lost the father, the son was going to lose his father. When he lost me, I understood that I was always with him and although he felt a little downcast why he did not listen to me, day by day he whispered in my ear: I am with you. And I had left him a great lesson when he ate that candy: that wealth was not in what he told, but in what he felt and then I understood that my fear was really that. He had disappeared, I was always with him, even when he didn't see me; he was sure that I was going to guide his steps, because there was something bigger that united us, an eternal love, no matter where I was, there is no loss.

I have lost the father and the son lost his father and when I was there, today I say: there is no loss ; Those beings we love always whisper in our ears that they are there with us, that we remember what they have taught us, but that they will continue to teach us, accompanying us in existence.

The fear of comparison does not exist because everyone is different, so that comparing differences when there will be a thousand situations to say that are not good, nor that we could also say that they are completely bad.

And the fear of honesty, is a situation that suddenly takes place day by day, is and lies in facing situations as they are, where they come from and how they are, and that everything happens for something.

Let us eliminate the fear of our existence and give ourselves the opportunity to live.

Directing reasons to true situations.

Message channeled by Fernanda Abundes (Puebla, Mexico)

Published by: Geny Castell editor of the great family of

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