Prosperity props: Getting clear by Sofia Randall

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Exercise: 2 Affirmation 3 ARTICLES 4 Prosperity props: Getting clear by Sofía Randall

There is nothing more magnetic than when it is clear on the road, and this is your tool to attract abundance, becoming a vibratory equal ...

We are free and aware of our existence and everything that surrounds us, of our attitudes and behavior towards the outside world; how we interact day by day and the type of people we surround ourselves with and attract: friends, couples, family, co-workers, bosses, strangers on the street, etc. But are you aware of your own energy? Your vibrating mood?

What have you attracted the last days, months? Did you break a relationship? Are you out of work? They robbed you? Do not you see the exit? Do you feel that the road was taken from you? In the spiritual world there are no errors, because there are no polarities, it is only in the physical world or third dimension where we feel the effects of incongruity or indecision. Of the feeling of materializing what is already materialized. These days where energy has been much more evident; it pushes us to transcend this dimension because everything is already given. If we understand it on reality levels it will be difficult to access because the mind questions what it cannot see or understand. (And we were stuck)

For centuries we have sought power outside and it is not until now that we understand that power will only be found within ourselves, in our interior "our vibes" . Through knowing what you want, you learn to see people and situations clearly. But to have understood this we had to have fallen or been wrong many times and even run out of work.

Mistakes are not only good but also a part of our DNA in the physical world. Without them it would be impossible to move forward accurately. I have seen many people where their lives have been locked in a constant cycle of bad luck, lack of money or work, material or affection losses, lack of good relationships and clarity to know what they want, and when one aspect goes wrong almost always It is followed by another because everything is interrelated by a constant sway of information that we provide ourselves.

Each and every one of us who comes to this world is important, because we have the tools, qualities, etc. Being born in a specific place and not in another involves our mission, our race and our culture, nothing is random, we are all important; the fact is that our energies are corrupted by not living according to what we were made, a flower can not be anything other than beauty. Therefore you are here to understand that you can always modify your path and shine!

And well as I told you, to be a magnet to abundance you need to have the physical qualities to generate waves of magnetic force, that is, you have to be permanently magnetized, and this is known as retentivity, and you cannot attract when you don't have the strength to do it, you need qualities to attract and your strength lies in the clarity of your intention, of wanting to stop being a victim of destiny, and creating a new magnetic wave from within. to go beyond and create your new reality, your vibratory mood that will make your consciousness change. Abundance is magnetized by simply becoming your equal, abundant!

But what's the point of knowing all this if we don't apply it at real levels? We get lost and things happen to straighten the road. Well, I think it is worth telling them that the way to see how you are doing is to scan your senses, your emotions and body. Find that it is blocking your abundance or lack of good relationships. In the last article (Summoning your Spiritual force, click to redirect) I talked about the technical Tapping that cleanses beliefs by hitting acupuncture points or meridians. With a simple tapping we clean and unlock at ethereal / energy levels and we become aware of the root of the problem; But this does not happen by magic. You need to intervene to see changes. Practice daily, just as you bathe and choose your clothes, so you should pay attention to your energy.

Do you know what you have in your baggage, what you constantly carry? Abundance and poverty are states of being. They are in our beliefs, thoughts and emotions; You go anywhere with it without even being aware of that, for example: You find everyone fighting, rude people in the street, negative situations because then you are connecting with anger and irritability. The outside can very well show us what we bring inside. You might not be angry at that time but you carry a chronic anger that needs to be cleaned. If you vibrate according to what you want, you will have it!

Perhaps a very old resentment with your parents, with your ex, something in which you have felt strongly aggrieved. It is time to eliminate; and as long as we do not eliminate we will continue to witness injustices, ill-treatment, reckless events of others and feel victims again and again. Many of these baggage or energy modules or patterns prevent us from making lasting changes in our lives leaving us to the destiny of everything that happens outside.

Well to make these changes, you must find the real cause of your chaos and get to the root and to know where you are it is imperative to reflect! Chaos manifests itself when we are so caught up in reacting to our lives that we lose sight of what is real. As long as you don't root, the cause of your challenge will remain there. Despite the tumbles we give in our lives, no matter how chaotic they may seem, it has a hidden order. There are no accidents, what belongs to us must come to us and what does not belong to us will never remain by our side. We have exactly the circumstances we need to grow.

And well one of the many exercises that have had an important effect on the clarity of abundance; It is the scan of the chakras, and as you know they are vortexes of energy in our subtle body, to know more you can click on the article that I will give you later. But as long as I give you a brief with keywords to work on.

Each chakra has different themes, emotions, organs, etc. The root chakra or first chakra is the one that says “Yes to life” in this one understands the strength of everything, the basis or foundation for the other chakras to develop, if in your life it is not manifesting with confidence, security, having your needs covered as clothes, food, roof, money will be very difficult for the other chakras to be working on their own rotating route and consequently giving certain discomforts or diseases and issues such as lack of energy, addictions, addictive relationships, low frequency emotions such as hate, lack of love, clarity and the ability to ask and give.

The importance of the first chakra is fundamental because it will give you the basis for everything else to be ordered. It is the "Energy force" Imagine wanting to paint and decorate your house when you still do not build it ... When it is weak or closed we have lower back, legs, sciatica, hemorrhoids and you find it difficult to materialize your desires, not to act because everything is lazy or because You don't have the right energy to undertake anything. There is no motivation and therefore one enters into a type of self-punishment and sabotage. There are also those who only always look more materially and find workoholics who live to work, they cannot be still for a long time, they go to the gym as many hours as they can and give their body more attention than they should.

When the svadisthana or two chakra is active and strong, you will be able to manifest and create, you will have lasting relationships and according to your interests and tastes, the ability to give and receive pleasure and have fun. You can affirm your sensual nature and feel comfortable in your own body. A closed or unbalanced chakra manifests itself as codependence, lack of creativity, not giving birth to projects, everything is stagnant, it has an addictive personality to relationships and substances: such as alcohol, drugs, food, emotions. The person may have problems with menstruation, cysts, hip pain and inability to surrender and express themselves freely in their sexuality.

When the third chakra (Manipura) or solar plexus is open, it allows you to manifest your power in the here and now, hoping to reach your goals, you don't need to control anything because everything flows. Your presence is attractive, attractive and magnetic, you don't need to demand from others what you already have in you: respect. You don't need to see what others are up to or criticize.

When it is closed we seek to control, manipulate, shout, make drama of everything because you feel that nothing you do is important to others, we feel lacking in power and presence, we go unnoticed, the same happens when we abuse power, since makeup of a wounded chakra 3 is to feel less and the only thing that works in this altered state is the Ego that criticizes, judges, condemns, observes over the shoulder. You can physically have pain in the digestive system and wipe out all the food without feeling full.

On the other hand we need the heart chakra (Anahata) to feel guided, it is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras so everything that happens here will be communicated between all the chakras. A strong heart chakra indicates a stable person, emotionally calm, with a healthy feeling of deserving, capable of cultivating one's own and unconditional love; say yes to LOVE at all levels and express compassion and sensitivity to everything around you.

If it is closed we seek acceptance outside, we have no confidence of being loved or accepted, we doubt everything and believe that everyone wants to harm us. We become needy and abuse the space of others and have no sense of deserving. A heart chakra can hold a lot of hatred or resentment because it communicates to the other chakras that it has been broken and therefore the loss of energy is even greater because it gives permission for all low vibration energies to enter its temple. (envy, jealousy, hate, resentment)

We need to communicate and express and that is to the area of ​​the Fifth or Vishuda chakra, through this chakra we maintain our fluid communication, our will is strong and creative projects are easily given, all people who have this strong chakra express themselves through art, sensitivity, speak with the truth and give space to others to be heard.

A closed chakra always has problems with the throat, tonsils, cannot tell what it feels, tells lies, keeps the truth or at its end uses the word to hurt or harm others, the will is weak and does not keep its word or Projects.

The sixth chakra also called third eye or Ajna, it is essential to always have it open because through it we know which way to walk, we have clarity to act, thought is clear and we can live an infinite reality, intuition develops naturally and use is made from it, it also gives clairvoyance, clairvoyance and a facility to access other planes of spiritual understanding.

A closed six chakra has constant headaches, migraine, insomnia, depression, confusion, does not know where he stands or wants from life, he doubts everything he feels because he does not know if it is true. They can become paranoid or hear voices that are not of their higher self. It also tends to isolate the person by creating a lot of loneliness. Feeling misunderstood and little accepted.

Finally, the Sahasrara chakra gives you clarity in your sense of life, your spirituality and inner growth, it gives you the ability to accept life with all its nuances, change and transmute easily. You have the facility to understand, apply and live the holistic terms of abundance, peace, spirituality and know that your superior being is always guiding you. He has an impeccable sadhana or practice because it is part of his life. They have "Awareness" of everything around them, they are aware that they project their weaknesses or greater attributes in others.

A closed chakra is very common because not having the other balanced chakras this chakra remains merely weak without making any changes in your spiritual life.

Now you can help yourself with a pendulum and use this mapping chakra to see where your blockages are. Ask the specific questions:

Note : To use the map you can print it or draw it, you need a pendulum that you will take with your fingers in the middle of the map asking each of the questions and this will start to oscillate with the answer you need to know. Each number indicates a chakra from 1 to 7 and if you look at the map there is a circle with the number 1-7 in orange that means that more or more chakras are involved in your question. If you don't have a pendulum, make one; You can use a chain with some said I have weight and work with it.

Sample questions:

Which of my chakras is the most active?

What chakra do I have weak or closed?

What chakra compensates for the chakra that is closed?

What chakra is too open?

What chakra is blocked?

What chakra do I need to work first?

What is my dominant chakra?

In which chakra is the belief of lack of merit?

What chakra is related to my lack of work?

What chakra keeps traumas of my childhood?

What chakra is related to my lack of abundance?

Here I leave you to know the position of each chakra

On the other hand if you do not want to use the map you can do a scan yourself with the characteristics of each of the chakras.


Wherever you are, look for a quiet place (preferably a garden with grass, take off your shoes and make contact with the earth). Begin by inhaling deeply until all mental noise calms down, ask the simple question: C How do I feel? Direct your attention to the heart, and mentally go through any part of your body that feels tension, exhales and releases what do you need to express? What kind of emotions do you need to release? Have you saved too much? Who do you need to forgive? Who do you need to give space to? Try to focus on yourself, being aware of what you have been keeping quiet, controlling or charging during this time, it is time to RELEASE. (repeat as many times as you need). If you get to have any emotions, just give yourself permission to release and you will discover that you will feel much better.


I welcome the love I feel for everything that surrounds me, for my feelings, for everything that I have not known how to take from life and loose one by one the blockages that no longer allow me to move forward.

Any time, connect with you, feel that peace and that wonderful connection you can create at any time, do not let the glass fill, download and you will see how easy it is to express yourself through the heart.

I have written many articles of chakras with exercises and examples you can click on each one of them so that you can work them conscientiously and allow to unlock the abundance in your life. You will think that it is complicated and absurd but more absurd to have the tools to change and not take them. You can have favorable changes to know that your chakras feed on the surrounding energies and that as we get dirty, so these energy vortices get dirty.


Energy Vortex Chakras

Chakras conflicts

Chakras cleaning exercise

Exercise II for cleaning Chakras

Chakra Suitl structure

When your chakras begin to unlock, everything that did not allow you to see clearly, everything that made you not have a good relationship with you, or attract a good partner to your life, a fair and paid job will also be cleaned.

The universe is an enigma, if you don't know yourself, but when you start to see that you are part of this universe with all its potential, you will begin to create changes in your life. We are our own magicians, nobody has to come to affirm you anything because by the simple fact of being born you are already special and you came to live fully and take everything without guilt.

If one really understands the world of energy and its ways of agglomerating or transmitting information, we soon understand that to attract or love it is only a matter of frequencies and vibration.

As the universe only responds to our vibrations and not to our words it is important that our signal is clear and concise, for this we must eliminate all contradictory energy. By keeping your levels clean (chakras), what you will do is "repel" what you are not in tune with. Attracting people, jobs that are consistent with what you are broadcasting. Looking desperately for a partner or job when you feel ruined or sad is to attract something similar. Instead vibrate: Romance, passion, fidelity, love, deserving, abundance, happiness, understanding this type of frequencies will make others who are looking for the same as you, are attracted.

Another exercise you can use is the Energy Matrix to make changes based on feng shui by placing this map or card in some area of ​​your home to activate, I leave the corresponding link so you can check it for you energy-matrix

Copyright 2012 Aliya Trinidad

And as a last astral reminder we have been open to energies that will not be presented again in many years and the so-called star of David is called by many astrologers, and they are triune or large sextile and give the shape of a 6-pointed star. Well, on more energetic levels they push us to discover our more physical side and the more spiritual side. As I told you in the previous article of the great water trill (spiritual), the earth trill (material) is also active by Pluto in capricorn, venus in virgo, moon in taurus or the southern node or dragon tail and bringing the sky to the earth through our dreams, materializing / manifesting to reality. These two triangles have their base in parallel directions with peaks where the planet will drain and take the planetary energy. That is why our chakras also need to be well aligned to take the good and discard the negative of the environment around us, we even get intoxicated with our own discordant energy.

This means that one of the planets that make up the water trill will be much stronger when it is at the peak receiving / containing or draining / releasing, as well as the ground trill, for this you will feel a release and a force, you will receive intuition discharges, of the steps you must take, will be like insights or gut feelings, sparks of energy.

Tomorrow, July 31, there is the tension between Mars and Uranus, this mundanely are clashes of energy, of wills, tension of two heavy planets, get away from everything that has to do with electricity, fires, avoid extreme sports, and highly reactive people or that only bring tension to your life. We can check several leaks, explosions, fires in the news, avoid as much as you can drive on the road. I say it never hurts to warn than to regret, although it can also give a moment that the tension that you have had recently is clear in a somewhat dramatic way.

Finally, by keeping your levels clean, what you will do is "repel" what you are NOT in tune attracting people who are consistent with what you are broadcasting.

Any questions you have, leave me a comment and do not listen to me in everything I say, just experience it for you ... Everything you are looking for, finds you!

You swore


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Prosperity props: Getting clear by Sofia Randall

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