Sociological Forecast for Nations

Among the citizens of most nations, the idea that the main task of education systems is to prepare the child for citizenship is growing. By this I mean that it is the task of the State and its taxpayers, to train the child so that it becomes an intelligent and collaborative part of that organized whole that we call a nation; the child must be disciplined in such a way that he can play his part in the State and contribute to it; in this way he will have an outstanding social value, playing his individual part and at the same time he will be part of a group directed in the life of the community where he was born and in which he must necessarily earn his livelihood; his life and individual interests are less important than corporate life; The preliminary lesson to be taught is the reality that he is an entity in a functioning group of similar entities, where each one is expected to contribute his share of good for the whole.

When the public mind captures, albeit slightly, the following briefly stated facts, the trend of popular education, the purpose of political science and the goal of economic and social effort will take a new and better direction.

These facts can be summarized in the following postulates:

  1. Man is divine in essence.
  2. Man is a fragment of the Universal Mind or world soul and, as a fragment, participates in the instincts and quality of that soul, as manifested through the human family. When all human beings know themselves and know others as divine self-conscious entities that function primarily in the causal body using the three lower vehicles, only as a means to make contact with the three lower planes, we will have government, politics, economy and social order erected on solid, healthy and divine bases.
  3. The inferior nature and the three vehicles of man are a conglomerate of minor lives, and the group nature, the type of activity and the collective response of these lives depend on it.

When these three facts are well understood, only then will we have a correct and accurate knowledge of the nature of man, which will cause three changes in the ideas of the time:

  1. A readjustment in the knowledge that man possesses regarding medicine, will result in a true knowledge of the physical body, an improvement in its treatment and protection, thus obtaining a more accurate knowledge of the laws of health.
  2. The thoughts of the social world will be dedicated to understanding the emotional nature of humanity, the group relationships involved and the interaction between individuals and groups. Such relationships will be interpreted wisely and broadly, and man will be signaled for his responsibility towards the lesser lives he encourages. This will cause the individual force to be correctly directed and used to balance, develop and refine the substance of the different vehicles. You will also be told what responsibility you have, according to the law, with your own family. This will result in the protection of the family unit and its scientific development; it will eliminate marital difficulties and abolish abuses of various kinds, which prevail today in many family circles. In addition, emphasis will be placed on man's responsibility towards the community. You will be taught the true esoteric meaning of citizenship - based on selfish group relationships, the law of rebirth and the true meaning of the law of karma. He will be instilled in his responsibility to the nation, and the place that corresponds to the community within the nation and that of the nation within the community of nations. Also, you will be taught your responsibility towards the animal kingdom.
  3. In the world of education the understanding of the true nature of man will bring a fundamental change in teaching methods.

As Mircea Eliade put it, the history of the world is based on the emergence of ideas, their acceptance, their transformation into ideals and their timely replacement by the imposition of new ones. In the realm of ideas humanity has no freedom of action. This important point must be taken into account when making a sociological forecast. Once the idea becomes ideal, humanity can freely accept or reject it, but the ideas come from a superior origin and are imposed on the racial mind, whether you like it or not. The speed of human progress or its delay will depend on the use made of these ideas (divine emanations, embodying the divine plan for planetary progress), due to lack of understanding.

Humanity is today more than ever sensitive to ideas, hence the many conflicting ideologies and the fact that, in defense of its plans, even the most recalcitrant of nations has to look for some idealistic excuse to present to others by breaking a recognized law. This fact is of great significance for the Hierarchy, because it indicates the point reached. The main ideas of the world are grouped today into five categories that should be taken into account:

1. The ancient and inherited ideas that have controlled racial life for centuries - the aggression to gain possession, and the prevailing authority of a man, group or church, representing the State: ego ambition This and authority imposed by violence.

2. Relatively new ideas, such as Nazism, fascism and communism, although they are not really as new as people believe. They are analogous at an important point, for example the State or the community of human beings, while the individual is not, which can be sacrificed at any time for the good of the State or the so-called general good.

3. The idea, neither old nor particularly new, of democracy, where (supposedly, but not yet carried out) governs the people, and the government represents the will of the people.

4. The idea of ​​a world state divided into several large sections. This is the dream of the few who have an inclusive mind, for which many consider that humanity is not yet prepared.

5. The idea of ​​a spiritual Hierarchy that will govern the peoples of the world and incorporate in itself the best elements of the monarchical, democratic regimes, totalitarian and communist.

Most of these ideological groups have latent much beauty, strength and wisdom, and can also make a profound and valuable contribution to the whole. Each will eventually see their contribution incorporated, under the control of the Hierarchy of the Compassionate Lords and the Masters of Wisdom. In the last analysis, the whole story is the record of the effects of seven radiations as they act on humanity and the many and varied stages of its evolutionary development. The effect of these incoming energies and that of the active rays, at any given time, is perceived in the following order:

1. The perception of an ideal.

2. The formulation of a theory.

3. The development of public opinion.

4. The imposition of a new canon in development, in evolutionary life.

5. The production of a form, based on that canon.

6. The stabilized functioning of life within the new form.

It must be remembered that each ray embodies an idea that can be felt as an ideal. The rays in time, produce the world canon that molds all planetary forms, thus witnessing the internal power of evolutionary processes. The tendency to create canons is being recognized today by modern psychology in relation to human beings, and their emotional or mental canons are being classified and studied. The same goes for nations and races. Each ray produces three main canons that are imposed on nature form, be it that of a man, a nation or a planet. These three canons are: the emotional one, which personifies the aspiration of a man, a nation or a race, constituting the totality of the tendency of desires at any given moment; the mental canon arises later, and governs the mental processes of a man, a nation or a race. The above canons constitute the negative and positive aspects of the personality of a man, a nation or a race. The canon of the soul is the predisposing and spiritual goal, the "border circle" or destiny, which the spiritual principle manages to impose in a timely manner on the personality of a man, a nation or a race. The canon of the soul over time supplants and destroys the two previous processes producing canons.

THERAPEUTIC DIAGNOSIS: The centers of the planet.

I suggest that you try to see the three main ideologies of which you must necessarily deal with, in terms of three efforts emanating from the three main planetary centers today: Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity. They will thus have a more synthetic point of view and a deeper knowledge of the world picture, which is slowly emerging.

I have brought your attention and I have treated these modern and basic currents of thought, because the power of your idealism affects every person on this planet who is capable of thinking. No one is immune to its effects; each one leans to one side or the other; he fights furiously for what attracts him, under the label of what is called "adherence to a principle." However, most of you feel much more affected by the methods used to materialize the ideas and by the quality of your exponents, than by the ideas themselves, which could hardly be defined if requested. They feel affected by the impact made on the emotional body (not the mind) after those divine impulses have infiltrated the human center and through it, from the shamball and hierarchical centers, being captured and applied to specific national, racial conditions. and policies; Very little is affected by the pure idealism that originated these ideas and underlies them as a motivating impulse (although not recognized). Nor can they still capture or observe these great mental tendencies as the Hierarchy does. Here is his confusion and difficulty.

If we consider these three major planetary centers and their interrelation, in the form of a synoptic chart, we will better clarify the issue:





The Sacred City

Totalitarian Ideal

Leader: Sanat Kumara

The old man of the days

The Blessed

Will or Power




Coronary center

The pineal gland

Management Management

Sustainability indicators


The New Jerusalem

Democratic Ideal

Leader: The Christ

The savior of the world

The Holy Place

Love - Wisdom

Collaboration- Intellectuals



Heart center

The thymus gland.

Financial management.

Indicators of effectiveness.


The Foursquare City.

Communist Ideal

Leader: The Great Lord.

The Server of Civilization

The External Atrium

Active Intelligence


Culture- Disciples


Laryngeal center

Thyroid gland

Productive Management

Activity indicators

The strategic alliances (Ark of the alliance) are made between the political sector (pineal gland) and the education sector (pineal gland) so that the objectives (2) are included in the Development Plans and the global vision of the millennium is sustained (rhyme gland).

PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: the rays of the nations.

Each country, without exception, has peculiar vices and virtues that depend on its stage of evolution, the extent to which it controls the personality ray, the emerging control exerted by the soul ray and the general focus of the nation.

It is convenient to remember that some nations are negative and feminine, others positive and masculine. India, France, the United States, Russia and Brazil, are feminine, and constitute the maternal nurturing aspect. They are feminine in their psychology as well as intuitive, mystical, seductive, beautiful, friends of ostentation and color, also presenting all the flaws of the feminine aspect, with a marked relief on the material aspect of life, the tinsel, the possession and money, or its equivalent, as a symbol of the form aspect of existence. Maternalize and nurture civilization and ideas.

China, Germany, Great Britain and Italy are masculine and positive, mental and political; they rule, they are uniformed, they are aware of the group, esoteric by inclination, aggressive, full of greatness, they are interested in the law and put all their emphasis on race and empire. But they are more inclusive and think in broader terms than the feminine aspects of the divine manifestation.

National relations and large intellectual separations are also based on the influence of the ruling ray. Spain, Austria, France, ruled by the seventh, fifth and third rays, are intimately interrelated. This became very interesting in the Middle Ages, when the destinies of these three nations were closely linked. The new country that is just being formed, the United States, is also intimately and spiritually associated in its form with Brazil, Russia and Italy, hence the primitive influx of certain types of immigrants to that country, in addition to the attraction they exert South American countries in the awareness of their brothers in the north and the development (right or wrong) of the Pan-American ideal.








I keep




I serve on the illuminated road




I hide the seed




I indicate the way




Scattered clouds




I light the way




I release the light

Great Britain



I serve




I hide the light




I open the trails




I link two paths

Obviously nations react like human beings under the influence of their rays, that of personality and soul; This fact is of vital importance for the esotericist and something so far little known or intelligently understood.

France: If the energy of the fifth ray, for example, can make its power felt, then this nation has the supreme glory of proving to the world the reality of the soul and demonstrating its control. The canon of the soul can be translated, due to the genius of the French intellect, in terms comprehensible to humanity and bring into existence the true psychology of the soul. (3)

Germany: In the past, German genius has frequently expressed the line of his fourth ray soul, and through his power Germany has contributed great musical and philosophical works to the human genre. That soul is not expressed at this time; a prevailing personality has expressed greater evils, but as time goes by and Germany learns the proper lesson, the canon of the soul will be reflected again in the German consciousness; Germany must be helped to achieve the vision of this ideal again.

Great Britain : If the ideal of justice that England possesses (canon of the ray of its personality) could be transformed, by the influence of the ray of love of its soul, into a fair and intelligent world service, it could offer to the world the true model of government, genius of the quality of the soul of the British.

Italy has a sixth ray soul, hence its devotion to the past and the old glory that was Rome (this is closely linked to the memory aspect of the soul) and the concept of the restoration of the Roman Empire. Because it is the ray of the soul that is in this current of the influence of lightning, it is interesting to see how Italy carries out its plans with very little hatred and with the minimum of resentment and persecution; He constantly advocates for peace, regardless of what people may believe, influenced by national propaganda and press theories. Their motto, translated esoterically, is, as you know: "I open the Paths." This will eventually be done in a spiritual and literal sense. Rome was the great road builder in Europe, in the distant past; the British race (mostly constituted by reincarnated Romans, hence the friendly bond that exists basically between both countries despite external appearances) is today the original construction of the railways. All this corresponds to the material aspect. As for the spiritual, as I said in a previous book, the whole field of religion will again be inspired and reoriented from Rome, because Master Jesus will take over the Christian church again, in an attempt to re-spiritualize and reorganize it. From the Pope's throne in Rome, Master Jesus will try to bring that great branch of the world's religious beliefs back to a position of spiritual power, and remove it from its current political, authoritarian and temporary power.

The United States of America has a sixth ray personality, hence the difficulties of its personality, its strong desire to live, that impels it to sexual expression and materialism, but a materialism very different from French, because the American citizen gives value to money only for the effects it produces and the things it makes possible in your life. Hence also the rapid response of the American continent to all kinds of idealism, to the need of others, even that of their enemies, to compassion for all those who suffer and to a pronounced progress towards a well-defined humanitarianism. This may be called a democratic ideal, but in truth it is something that derives from democracy, and will eventually be replaced by the ideal of spiritual government, a government formed by the highest and most spiritual people in the country. From there derives his misunderstood esoteric motto: "Illuminate the Way." The various types of government that prevail in the world today? After having done his great experiment with the resulting contribution? they will continue the path of the guide illuminated by the enlightened minds of the time. This development is safe and inevitable and they already perceive the signs who have eyes to see and an internal vision developed.

Russia is particularly interesting at this time, from the point of view of humanity, because it is under the influence of both rays. His soul ray is the seventh, his personality the sixth. This is due to the tremendous conflict between the fanatic cruelty of the sixth ray, his regime also of this ray and spiritual harmlessness, the basic principle of his national ideology. Hence the materialism of several important sectors of its population, the essential brotherhood imposed by idealism and the mystical aspiration of Russian genius, expressed throughout its entire people. In addition, the accuracy of the spiritual motto hitherto misunderstood by them, but which is remarkably noticeable to those of us who can see the internal aspect of life. That motto is: "I link two paths." Their task, which will be developed as they reach a more true understanding, is to link the East and the West, as well as the worlds of desire and spiritual aspiration; of fanaticism, producer of cruelty, and of understanding, producer of love; of developed materialism and perfect holiness; of the selfishness of a materialistic regime and the altruism of a mystically and spiritually oriented people, and all this in a very pronounced and peculiar way. Behind the closed borders of this mysterious and magnificent country, a great spiritual conflict takes place, and the rare mystical spirit and the true religious orientation of the people constitute the eternal guarantee that a true and living religion and culture must finally emerge there. Of Russia? Symbol of the world Arjuna, in a very special sense? that new and magical religion that I have been talking about will emerge. It will be the fruit of the great and imminent Approach that will take place between humanity and the Hierarchy. Through these two centers of spiritual strength, where the light that always shines in the East will radiate to the West, the entire world will be flooded by the glare of the Sun of Righteousness. I am not referring here (as far as Russia is concerned) to the imposition of some political ideology, but to the appearance of a great and spiritual religion, which will justify the crucifixion of a great nation, which will be demonstrated and focused on a great Light spiritual, held high by a vital Russian exponent of true religion, the man whom so many Russians have been waiting for and who will fulfill a very old prophecy.

Spain has the soul of the sixth ray and personality of the seventh - thus reversing the forces that are expressed in the Russian spirit. Spain also acts as a link in global readjustment, but this time the link is between Europe and Africa. In that function Spain has already served previously. It will be evident how inevitable the relationship between Spain and Russia has been and how the latter's ideology has influenced the national government and also why the battlefield of the two great ideologies - fascism and communism? It is inevitably found in Spain. The triumph of the fascist party was equally inevitable from the beginning, because of the egoic relationship between Spain and Italy, as well as because of the proximity of both countries, which has made it possible to easily capture the telepathic impression of fascist idealism in the sensitive and prepared conscience Spanish. As for fanaticism, natural cruelty, fervent idealism, arrogant pride and the religious and mystical quality of the Hispanic character, they obviously have their origin in the sixth ray and are greatly crystallized. The intense individualism of the people can also be seen as a definite part of the team of its seventh ray personality. His spiritual motto: “Scattered the clouds”, indicates the magical task for which Spain will be responsible in a timely manner, perhaps sooner than expected, thus balancing in that individualistic and highly intelligent country, the field of scientific magic and magical work of the Church of the future, This prophecy is far from being fulfilled to be verified by this generation or the next, but it is rooted in national characteristics and in the law of probabilities.

I would like to point out in passing that the two great divisions of the world, the West and the East, are also governed by certain lightning energies, and are:

West ………………… Ray of the Soul ……………… .. 2nd. Thunderbolt

Ray of Personality ……………. 4th. Thunderbolt

East …………… Ray of the Soul ………………………… 4th. Thunderbolt. .

Ray of Personality ……………. 3rd. Thunderbolt.


The whole issue can be analyzed from two angles, and it may be helpful to do so, always remembering that the goal of the new social order, the new policy and the new religion is to achieve the development of human consciousness in order to institute and present men higher values ​​and end the reign of materialism. After all, it is the goal set by true connoisseurs and spiritually oriented men during times, to establish the Kingdom of God, control by the soul, whose nature is love, and carry out the work that Christ initiated. -a era of peace on earth and goodwill among men. This is clearly demonstrated by the widespread emphasis placed on world peace, proclaimed by the great political leaders, and that churches everywhere try to obtain.

The peoples of the world can be classified into four groups, according to the point of view of those who try to guide humanity towards the New Age. Certainly this is a broad generalization, with many liaison groups among the four main groups.

First, the ignorant masses: these, due to poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, hunger, despair and lack of recreation and the means to acquire culture, are enraged. They have enough development to respond to the suggestions and mental control of people a little more evolved than them. They are easily regimented, influenced, standardized and driven to a collective activity by the leaders of any school of thought, who are intelligent and emotional enough, to awaken material desires, love of country and hate towards those who possess more than they do. These people can be controlled by fear and, therefore, driven to act by emotional demand.

Since they know nothing better and suffer so many sufferings they are easily dragged by the fires of hatred and fanaticism, and constitute one of the greatest and innocent threats of this era. They are toys in the hands of those who are well informed, and are helpless against those who try to use them for any purpose. They can be moved more easily by emotional exhortations and promises, because ideas almost fail to impress their consciences, because they are not developed enough to think for themselves. Most of them are young souls, although naturally there are exceptions. It is not the idealism of leaders or demagogues that impresses them and drives them to action (usually of a violent nature), but the desire to retaliate, the desire to possess material goods and the determination to be, as vulgarly says, the boss . They embody the psychology, regime and violence of the people. They are helpless, they are exploited and, because they are thoughtless and unreasonable human beings, they present a truly serious problem as we well know and understand all governments. Blind and thoughtless violence has so far been faced by the armed force. This is what happens today. The masses fight and die lulled by fiery harangues, and rarely know what it is. Their living conditions must be improved, but not by exploitation or by bloodshed.

Second, the so-called middle class and its two categories, superior and inferior: it constitutes the bulk of each nation, the intelligent bourgeois - diligent, inquiring, narrow-minded and essentially religious, although it frequently repudiates the requirements of religion. It is dragged by the economic conflict, and constitutes without exception the most powerful element of any nation, for its ability to read, discuss, think, invest money and support any side. They represent most of the world's supporters, those who fight for a cause and form large groups, whether for or against one or the other party. They like to recognize and choose a leader, and they are willing to die for the cause and incessantly make greater sacrifices for their ideals, based on the ideas presented by their elected leaders.

I do not establish differences or locate the so-called aristocracy of a group, because that constitutes a class difference, based largely on heritage and capital; modern national readjustments merge rapidly into the great middle class. We deal with fundamental issues here, with groups based on correct attitudes and not with divisions that emerge when natural resources come into consideration . The bourgeois mentality penetrates today. constantly and gradually, the masses, the proletariat and also that circle that until now has been called aristocratic class. It exists as a state of consciousness in the aristocracy of any nation and is being absorbed by the current leveling process. Because this leveling takes place everywhere, spiritual aristocracy can now arise - based on the understanding of its divine origin and goal, which knows no class distinction, Reliable barriers or separatist differences. Therefore, we treat human divisions and not class differences.

The second group constitutes the most fruitful field from which new leaders and organizers are extracted. They form an intermediate group between the thinkers of the world, the intellectuals and the human masses. In the last analysis, they are the factor that determines world affairs. The masses suffer from world conditions and the situation that creates the activities of this second group, responding, in one way or another, to new influences, new ideals and new factors that with They control the modern world. This immense group, in turn, suffers in the hands of those who try to impose the new rhythms on the people - the political groups, the idealists and religious fanatics, and the protagonists of the new social order and the reg Eco-feminine germs (as interpreted, correctly or erroneously, by their leaders).

Due to their intelligence, the greater possibilities they have of acquiring culture, their ability to read, the impact of the new methods of propaganda, the press and the radio, they constitute the most powerful group of the world in every nation, and they are leading the leaders, demanding their support and partisan loyalty, bringing the triumph of any leader. They are the only ones who contribute with the most votes in national affairs. They are dominated by uncertainty, doubt and fear, deeply rooted, and the desire for justice and the new order of things to be established. Sobre todo, desean la paz, estables condiciones económicas y un mundo ordenado. Están dispuestos a luchar por ello, combatir en todos los partidos y grupos por los ideales políticos, nacionalistas, religiosos, económicos y sociales. Si prácticamente no luchan en sentido físico, lo hacen por medio de la palabra, discursos y libros.

Tercero, los pensadores del mundo: son los hombres y mujeres inteligentes y muy cultos, que captan las ideas y las formulan en ideales. Estas personas hablan, escriben artículos y libros y utilizan todos los métodos conocidos para llegar a educar al público en general, y así hostigan a la burguesía obligándola a entrar en actividad, agitando, por medio de ella, a las masas. La función y el papel que desempeñan es de suprema importancia. De sus filas egresan quienes influencian firmemente el curso de los acontecimientos mundiales, una veces con fines buenos, otras con fines egoístas. Manejan la mente humana como un músico maneja su instrumento, estando en sus manos el poder de la prensa, la radio y la tribuna pública. Su responsabilidad es enorme. Algunos pocos, quizás más de lo que parece, trabajan desinteresadamente inspirados por la nueva era. Se dedican a aliviar las condiciones humanas ya mejorar los asuntos mundiales, aplicando (correcta o erróneamente) ciertas líneas que, para ellos, constituyen la esperanza del futuro y la elevación de la humanidad. Se hallan en todo gobierno, partido, sociedad y organización, iglesia y grupo religioso. Constituyen hoy la entidad más influyente, porque a través de ellos se llega a la gran clase media, influenciándola y organizándola para fines políticos, religiosos y sociales. Sus ideas y expresiones se infiltran a través de la clase elevada y de la clase media, llegando finalmente a oídos de los individuos más avanzados de las masas no evolucionadas.

Cuarto, el Nuevo Grupo de Servidores del Mundo: son los que comienzan a formar un nuevo orden social en el mundo. Políticamente no pertenecen a partido o gobierno alguno. Reconocen a todos los partidos, credos, organizaciones sociales y económicas ya todos los gobiernos. Se hallan en todas las naciones y organizaciones religiosas, y se ocupan de formular el nuevo orden social. Desde el ángulo estrictamente físico, no luchan por lo mejor que existe en el viejo orden, ni por mejorar las condiciones del mundo. Consideran que los antiguos métodos de lucha, partidismo y agresión, y las antiguas técnicas de luchas partidarias han fracasado totalmente, y que los medios empleados hasta ahora, en todas partes y por todos los partidos y grupos (luchas, violentos partidismos por el líder o una causa, ataques a los individuos cuyas ideas o modos de vida se consideran perniciosos para el género humano>, están fuera de época y son considerados inútiles e inapropiados para obtener las deseadas condiciones de paz, plenitud económica y comprensión. Están ocupados en la tarea de inaugurar el nuevo orden mundial, formando en todo el mundo -en cada nación, ciudad o pueblo- una agrupación de personas que no pertenece a partido alguno ni apoya a un bando, pero postula una tribuna clara y definida y un programa tan práctico como el de cualquier partido. Se apoyan en la esencial divinidad del hombre; su programa se basa en la buena voluntad, característica básica de la humanidad. Por lo tanto, están organizando actualmente a las personas de buena voluntad de todo el mundo, explicándoles un programa definido y postulando una tribuna en la que tienen cabida todos los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad.





Fomentar la clara audición: la comprensión.

Facilitar la comunicación entre los individuos trascendiendo la palabra.


Fomentar la clara visión: la prospectiva

Actuar como comunicadores entre los planos de la iluminación y la ilusión



Fomentar la correcta estabilización de energías.

Curar debidamente a las personalidades individuales



Transmitir la cualidad que impone autoridad.

Actuar como canales de comunicación entre la Voluntad divina y la raza humana.



Resaltar la unidad del espíritu a través de la Invocación

Actuar como canales de comunicación entre la Sabiduría divina y la raza humana.



Estimular la mente de los humanos para que tenga lugar el alineamiento.

Actuar como comunicadores entre la inteligencia activa y el pensamiento humano.


Transmitir sabiduría y conocimiento a través de la meditación

Educar a las masas haciendo de intermediarios entre las mentes abstractas y las mentes concretas.



Revelar la espiritualidad de la ciencia.

Actuar como canales entre las energías y la humanidad.


Iluminar los pensamientos grupales difundiendo el mundo de las ideas.

Relacionar el alma con la personalidad.


Equilibrar la oferta y la demanda, el alma y el cuerpo.

Fusionar creativamente la vida y la forma a través del dinero físico.

DIAGNÓSTICO ASTROLÓGICO: los signos de las naciones.

Daré aquí las actuales influencias que ejerce la personalidad de las naciones, según lo indican sus signos zodiacales regentes, confiando en que los lectores reflexionarán debidamente sobre lo que imparto, asegurándoles. que son de vital significación en esta época, particularmente si se las compara con las que he dado sobre los rayos de las naciones, en el primer tomo de Tratado sobre los Siete Rayos . Quisiera recordarles que (en el trascurso de los siglos) las naciones renacen varias veces o reencarnan en una nueva forma, que podemos denominar “período”, si no es importante, y “civilización”, si es bastante dramática y significativa. Por lo tanto, el rayo de la personalidad y las influencias regentes cambian con frecuencia. Esto a menudo se olvida, porque los cielos son mucho más vastos que los de la encarnación humana. Quiero señalar también que la siguiente clasificación concuerda en parte, pero no siempre, con la asignación de los signos zodiacales aceptados para los distintos países. Daré dos signos para cada país. Uno será la influencia emergente que regirá al ego o alma del país o nación, y el otro el que rige en el momento actual al rayo de la personalidad del país individual, condicionando así a las masas. Debe recordarse que el alma del pueblo está representada por quienes reaccionan a la influencia del rayo del alma y al signo que lo afecta (podríamos decir su ascendente), mientras que las masas están condicionadas por el rayo de la personalidad y en consecuencia por el signo del sol de la nación especificada.














































El hor scopo de un pa s puede ser, por lo tanto, el del alma de la naci no el de la personalidad, basado en el aspecto forma.

Tomemos la carta astral de la fundaci n de Israel, uno de los Estados de m s reciente creaci n: el 14 de mayo de 1948 a las 17 horas 37 minutos, en Tel Aviv. El Sol en Tauro y en la casa vii muestra que la voluntad de esta naci n parece basada en la b squeda de la paz, fundada sobre bases s lidas, sencillas, naturales, pero al mismo tiempo tradicionales y conservadoras (Tauro). Para conseguirlo (casa vii) ser n indispensables unos acuerdos y alianzas. Sin embargo a veces podr haber litigios y tensiones al respecto, debidos casi siempre a reivindicaciones intempestivas de esta naci n, siempre en b squeda de reconocimiento (sol en casa vii, en cuadratura con Marte en Leo). Su ascendente en libra nos permite ver a una naci n que alcanzar su equilibrio y sus ideales de justicia, valores ticos y est ticos. El nodo lunar norte en escorpio le muestra el camino a seguir al mostrarse realista, afirmando su voluntad de paz y moderaci n, su abertura al mundo, su inter s por compartir y concediendo a otras naciones al menos la misma importancia que la suya. Las debilidades que ha tenido son la impaciencia, una voluntad demasiado marcada de querer ajustar cuentas, las actitudes egoc ntricas, desconfiadas, agresivas-defensivas, y las tendencias aut cratas y tir nicas compensatorias. (nodo sur en Tauro y casa I).

Francia es un pa s regido por Piscis y Leo y expresa egoica mente el quinto Rayo de Conocimiento Concreto o Ciencia, y la personalidad, el Rayo de Inteligencia Activa. El alma de Francia rigi subjetivamente a Europa durante la parte m s importante e influyente de la era de Piscis, que va desapareciendo; matiz y domin por su personalidad de Leo, gran parte de los aconteci mientos en Europa, durante la Edad Media y por muchos siglos; fue la mediadora de la cualidad pisciana en la civilizaci n del en tonces mundo conocido, y con su definida personalidad de Leo ?autoconsciente, autocentrada, brillantemente inteligente e indi vidualista condicion a Europa. Esta personalidad de Leo es res ponsable del esp ritu intensamente nacionalista del franc s moder no, que rechaza en l esa tendencia m s acuariana hacia una con ciencia universal o hacia la expresi n del alma avanzada pisciana, a fin de salvar al mundo: Francia est antes que el mundo. Francia ha tratado de liberar a la humanidad de la esclavitud. Esto ocurri dos veces en la era de Piscis: una, cuando se firm la Carta Magna en Runnymede y otra en la Revoluci n Francesa. El reconocimiento de la impor tancia de los derechos de la humanidad, como un todo, lleg al mundo por intermedio de Francia y marc un punto elevado y culminante en la evoluci n de la naci n.

Alemania est regida por Aries, y muestra la poderosa in fluencia de este primer signo, en combinaci n con la de su alma de cuarto rayo (el Rayo de Armon aa trav s del Conflicto). Con una simple interpretaci n de esto, deducimos que se observa el comienzo de una nueva fase y ciclo en la historia del pa s, que adquiere prominencia a trav s del conflicto, pero que es esencial mente un proceso de liberaci n del alma a una expresi nm s plena. Est regida tambi n por Piscis que coopera con la influen cia de su personalidad de primer rayo, el Rayo del Poder y el del Destructor. Todo el problema de las relaciones franco?germa nas est ligado con este hecho, porque el alma pisciana de Fran cia y la personalidad pisciana de Alemania, deben oportunamen te ponerse de acuerdo, y no es acaso evidente que la verdadera soluci n est en manos de Francia, la cual debe permitir que su al ma controle? Debido a esto, al finalizar la era de Piscis dichas relaciones han llegado a un punto focal. Francia posee una personali dad integrada que Alemania no tiene; Francia es mental, mientras que Alemania es predominantemente astral; Francia en consecuencia es más poderosa y su personalidad de Leo puede ejercer un fuerte control, en detrimento de la futura comprensión mundial, o sino ejercerlo su alma para cumplir los fines de la Jerarquía.

Al considerar a Gran Bretaña, vemos primeramente que el signo regente es Géminis, desde el punto de vista del alma del pueblo, y que Tauro gobierna la forma externa material de la nación; este factor ha llevado a su pueblo a aparecer ante el mundo bajo el símbolo de John Bull, que expresa la personalidad británica. Ciertos astrólogos creyeron que Gran Bretaña está regida por Aries, y es verdad en lo que atañe a esa pequeña parte denomina Inglaterra; pero me refiero a todo el imperio y no a una fracción. La influencia de Géminis ha llevado al pueblo británico a un constante movimiento e inquietud; lo ha impulsado a cruzar y recruzar el océano e ir hasta los confines de la tierra, y retornar repetidas veces al centro de donde originó. Tal es la característica de la raza.

Rusia está aún en estado embrionario, le corresponde desempeñar su parte en Oriente más que en Occidente, siempre que siga las líneas indicadas. Sus dos signos regentes son Acuario y Leo y su real función en el concierto de las naciones está muy lejos cuando florezca en el futuro la era acuariana y haya sido neutralizado el control que ejerce Leo sobre la personalidad rusa. El niño cruel y bullicioso puede convertirse, en la vida adulta, en un controlado humanista, y ello lo indican las poderosas influencias en el horóscopo de Rusia.

La personalidad de Italia está regida por Sagitario, el signo del discípulo centralizado, y debido a ello tenemos el objetivo indesviable del estado italiano y su negativa a apartarse de ciertas actitudes y determinaciones. Italia ve más claramente que Alemania los principios involucrados en esta época, y aunque Roma esté cegada a veces por la influencia de Tauro, que la induce a precipitarse ciegamente hacia una meta, sin reparar en las consecuencias e implicancias, sin embargo, la línea recta interna de la prevista y planificada actividad, mantendrá esencialmente a Italia fiel a su objetivo. También tenemos en Italia a Leo, relacionando Italia y Francia, Gran Bretaña y Berlín ?que poseen a Leo como signo regente, ya sea para las naciones o las ciudades principales.

Estados Unidos: Este vasto territorio está regido por Géminis, que lo vincula estrechamente con Gran Bretaña, como también por Acuario, como regente de su rayo del alma. Esta combinación de una personalidad de sexto rayo regida por Géminis, y un alma de segundo rayo (como tiene Gran Bretaña) regida por Acuario, es poderosa en lo que respecta al poder y utilidad futuros. La ciudad capital, Washington, está regida por Cáncer y Sagitario, y esto lleva a Estados Unidos u actuar como el cangrejo (Cáncer), a preocuparse de su propia casa que lleva a cuestas, ya desaparecer, ocultándose ante la primera señal de dificultades. Debido a que la influencia de Sagitario es fuerte, existe una poderosa determinación de mantenerse centralizado en cualquier decisión que se tome, pues la personalidad de sexto rayo obliga a veces a cumplirlo hasta el punto de ciego fanatismo, en detrimento de la amplia visión, necesaria en tiempos como los actuales.


Hablando en forma general, el Plan se divide en tres partes:

Primero: Política.

El objetivo del trabajo proyectado es desarrollar y establecer una conciencia internacional. Este esfuerzo sigue la línea de poder o voluntad, de gobierno o la línea de primer rayo. Los discípulos y aspirantes que actúan en el campo de la organización y la masa de idealistas, se organizaron para realizar este trabajo, siendo puestos en actividad los trabajadores del séptimo y del sexto rayos.

Segundo: Religioso.

La meta de este sector consiste en establecer una comprensión universal de la realidad y fomentar el crecimiento de la conciencia espiritual. Aunque en cierta forma las diferencias religiosas son las más difíciles de eliminar o subsanar, sin embargo se ha progresado mucho en este aspecto del trabajo jerárquico.

Tercero: Científico.

Los que trabajan en esta línea se han impuesto como meta la expansión de la conciencia del hombre, y se ampliará de tal modo su horizonte que tendrá lugar una síntesis de lo tangible y de lo intangible. Hará que el género humano entre en un nuevo y subjetivo reino y se comprendan los nuevos estados de percepción. Dichos desarrollos los producirán quienes trabajan en los campos de la educación, la ciencia y la sicología. Grandes cosas están en camino actualmente y la actividad de los trabajadores del tercer y quinto rayos nunca ha estado tan bien dirigida ni ha sido tan potente como ahora.

La estructura interna de la Federación Mundial de Naciones estará oportunamente bien organizada, y su forma externa se erigirá rápidamente en el año 2025. No debe deducirse por esto que tendremos una perfecta religión mundial y una completa comunidad de naciones. La naturaleza no actúa tan rápidamente, pero el concepto y la idea serán deseados y reconocidos universalmente y en forma general se trabajará para establecerlos.


Como esta es la quinta raza raíz o Ariana, existen hoy en el cuerpo de Aquel en Quien vivimos, nos movemos y tenemos nuestro ser, cinco puntos focales de energía espiritual, expresándose por intermedio de cinco centros, que han despertado en ese cuerpo, y son:

  1. El continente europeo.
  2. La Comunidad Británica de Naciones.
  3. El continente americano.
  4. Asia central y occidental.
  5. El lejano Oriente.

Actualmente estos cinco centros están siendo estimulados y vitalizados en forma anormal y deliberada. La energía que fluye de ellos está afectando profundamente al mundo y constituyendo una gran esperanza para el futuro, pero produciendo efectos destructores y desastrosos en lo que se refiere al aspecto material de la vida humana. Hay dos centros en la Vida planetaria que están todavía relativamente pasivos, en lo que atañe a cualquier efecto mundial, a los cuales no les asigno ningún otro punto focal, fuera de señalar que algún día se descubrirá uno dentro del continente africano y, mucho después (varios millones de años), otro será descubierto en la región de Australia. Sin embargo, sólo nos conciernen los cinco centros de esta quinta raza raíz.

Les interesará conocer también los rayos regentes y los signos astrológicos de estos cinco lugares, hasta el punto en que puedan ser dados en la actualidad y durante el ciclo actual. Recuerden que los rayos de la personalidad cambian de un período a otro, en relación con los países y ciudades, así como sucede con el individuo.

Ciudad Rayo Alma Personalidad Signo

1. Londres 5to 7mo Géminis.

2. Nueva York 2do 3ro Cáncer.

3. Tokio 6to 4to Cáncer.

4. Ginebra 1ro 2do Leo.

5. Darjeeling 2do 5to Escorpio.

En la antigua Lemuria, con el advenimiento de las ideas y del mecanismo mental, la vida animal de grado inferior (que en cierta medida parec a humana, pero definidamente no pose a mente, era ignorante y ciega) fue repentinamente consciente de lo que arrojaba luz en su camino, lo cual signific muy poco para los hombres animales de esos d as, pero acrecentadamente tuvo significaci na medida que transcurrieron los milenios; civilizaciones aparecieron y desaparecieron; tambi n se desarrollaron razas y desaparecieron. En los d as lemurianos, la luz de la percepci n que moraba internamente (aunque era una percepci n tan distante de la nuestra, lo que es pr cticamente inconcebible) revel el mundo f sico y lo que en l exist a, y que el ser humano de entonces consideraba deseable. Luego, en la poca atlante, esa misma luz que moraba internamente y la luz de la mente en desenvolvimiento, sirvieron para develar el mundo de las emociones, y en la segunda mitad de ese per odo se revelaron los valores m s est ticos; las artes empezaron a florecer y se registraron el color y la belleza. En nuestra moderna raza aria, la luz nos ha revelado el mundo del pensamiento y nos ha llevado a una s ntesis de los sentidos, desarrollados en anteriores ciclos de la vida humana. Cada una de estas tres razas tiene en escala racial, en forma misteriosa, una analog a con las primeras tres iniciaciones.

Hoy, a medida que entramos en la nueva era, tiene aplicaci n la simbolog a de la cuarta iniciaci n, la Renunciaci n; los hombres enfrentan la necesidad de renunciar a los valores materiales para sustituirlos por los espirituales. El fermento del proceso inici tico contin a minando el materialismo de la raza humana, revelando cada vez m s la realidad subyacente en el mundo fenom nico ( nico mundo reconocido por los lemurianos) y, al mismo tiempo, proporcionando ese campo cultural de experiencia en el cual los hijos de los hombres, que est n preparados para ello, pueden pasar por las cinco iniciaciones, t cnicamente entendidas.

He hecho sugerencias respecto a la orientaci n que se ha lle vado a cabo o se llevar, en relaci n con los tres centros mun diales principales; tambi n he insinuado la relaci n que tienen algunas de las iniciaciones mayores con dichos centros. Esas in dicaciones constituyen una nueva l nea de pensamiento. A este respecto hay uno o dos puntos que quisiera desarrollar en cone xi n con ello, para que todo el tema sea esclarecido m s considerablemente que en la actualidad. Quisiera tambi n relacionar estos centros con los rayos que est n ahora en manifestaci n (en trando, saliendo o en plena expresi n). Hablando en forma breve podr a decir que:

La primera iniciaci n est estrechamente vinculada con el centro planetario, la propia humanidad. Producir, cuando termine, un creciente est mulo del intelecto, al expresarse como una actividad ordenada en el plano f sico. Esta iniciaci n se halla tam bi n estrechamente vinculada con el tercer Rayo de Inteligencia Activa, rayo que ha estado en manifestaci n objetiva desde el a o 1425 de nuestra era y permanecer en encarnaci n durante toda la era acuariana.

La segunda iniciaci n est ntimamente relacionada con la Je rarqu a como centro planetario, y con la actividad de segundo rayo. Esta iniciaci n producir en el iniciado un creciente sentido de relaci n, de unidad b sica con todo lo que respira, m s el reconocimiento de la Vida Una, que conducir finalmente a un estado de expresada hermandad, que la era acuariana tiene como meta traer a la existencia.

La tercera iniciación está relacionada con Shamballa como centro planetario y con la actividad de primer rayo. Debe recordarse que ésta es la primera iniciación, donde la personalidad y el alma se unen y fusionan para que ambos aspectos formen una unidad. Cuando ha tenido lugar esta iniciación, ocurre que, por primera vez, algunas de sus más amplias implicaciones grupales se convierten en realidad, constituyendo de allí en adelante el impulso motivador en la vida del iniciado.


1. Tomado del libro El Destino de las Naciones de Djwhal Khul.

2. En el año 2000, durante la Cumbre del Milenio, 189 países se comprometieron a crear, un entorno propicio para el desarrollo y la eliminación de la pobreza. Pactaron ocho objetivos: Erradicar el hambre y la pobreza extrema, Lograr la educación básica universal, Promover la equidad de género y la autonomía de la mujer, Reducir la mortalidad infantil, Mejorar la salud sexual y reproductiva, Combatir el VIH/SIDA, la malaria y el dengue; Garantizar la sostenibilidad ambiental, Fomentar una asociación mundial para el desarrollo.

3. En la película Trilogía de colores, muestran de manera magistral los ideales de Francia.

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