Predictions 2010 -A Time of Transparency- October 2009 AD

In 2010 it will become more difficult to hide the truth. The walls that separate reality from fiction will weaken under the force of the light consciousness of humanity that is emerging. Transparency will become the motto of the times.

What does this mean? And how is this relevant to you, the Divine Creators of Change? On a global level it means that many of the disparities and dysfunctions in your world will come out of the shadows of ignorance. While this happens, long-standing situations that are out of balance will be seen and recognized as detriments, even more so than in the present.

Similarly, universal truths about energy and the interconnection of all life will emerge into the mainstream with increasing speed. There will be a growing sense of awareness across the planet that many things are not really as they seemed to be for a long time.

Until recently, the mainstream of thought has remained in a tightly wrapped box with a cord. The year 2010 announced an additional loosening of the cord around that box. The things of conventional external thinking that you have believed for so long will receive a noteworthy reference from unlikely sources.

Do not be surprised when you hear that some high-level public figures believe that there is probably life on other planets. Be prepared for healing announcements for devastating diseases. Some diseases can even be reclassified as researchers understand how interconnected energy systems work in the body.

The history of the planet will be under the magnifying glass as well, as decision makers and scientists fight hard with solutions to the global list of concerns.

People who apparently were not awake before will begin to connect with a desire for a more heart-centered life. Under that desire there will be a memory that there is a spiritual force that is at the center of each being. This is the Divine flash that is inside all life.

The early stages of this recall will manifest in a manner of widespread discontent. When discontent grows enough, the person begins to question themselves more deeply and ask for different things than they used to receive.

Understanding Others

This is being mentioned here so that you connect more easily and join the row of dots when your friends, colleagues and loved ones begin to wake up and act differently than before. You will of course delight in your awakening, however your actions may seem disconcerting.

Sometimes your questions will be masked in absurd debates or complaining. It may seem that some of your irritation is due to something you did. Often, what they did or what they didn't do is just a catalyst for their discontent. So it is not personal. If you can remember this when you are thrown into the center of the other person's awakening chaos, it will be easier for you to find your center.

During 2010, they will have many opportunities to polish their discernment abilities. As the prevalence of transparency increases, they will have much to think about and examine. Some of the reliable information coming to light will be wrapped in lies from side to side. This means that part of what is shown to you is true, but the total picture may be out of the way. Some who pretend to be transparent will present a mixture of true and not-so-true information.

To be sure though, the truth will result in all things at the right time.

The veils of disappointment can no longer be held in place as the planet moves towards a higher consciousness. The hidden yes implies good, bad or unpleasant will naturally become more and more transparent.

You as Change Makers

Remember that you, as a Divine Change Maker, have come to Earth now to be at the forefront of the changes involved with your planet's shift to the light. Being a Divine Change Maker means that you are moving towards conscious creation and regaining your power.

You are acknowledging receipt of the spirit and acknowledging that you come from the spirit. You have found the means to return to the heart-centered existence; That is your true nature. You are observing that most have forgotten their Divine heritage. They are observing how people have learned to be disconnected from each other and from the Divine force that pretends to be the food of life.

Because of your awareness and ancient experiences, you are among those who take the lead during these times of planetary crisis. Remember that being farther on the path does not make you special or better than any other. However, their light and the way they can express it can be of immense help to others who are in the preliminary phases of awakening.

Your light can also be a beneficial and fundamental force for other light workers who are making their journey with a mutual effort with you. Your comrades need to know that they are not alone. You give others the reminder that this is a group effort. You can help each other move more easily through chaos, and stay healthy. You can be the rock of stability for each other.

People in their sphere of energy influence are facing similar challenges, states of uncertainty, overwhelming changes, economic reconfiguration, ongoing chaos, and tense relationships. They face these things regardless of whether they are prepared as you are. In this life and even in the past lives, you have done your homework and prepared yourself in what some others are now, just beginning. Your advanced preparation will greatly help all of you in 2010.

One factor that is helping you even more now than you probably recognize is that you were presented with many useful tools to deal with all this and you have learned some fundamental issues on how to respond to life with an intuitively guided foundation. They have discovered that the key to peace is to learn how to create peace within. You know without any doubt that your relationship with the spirit is the cohesive element that puts all the disconnected pieces together.

Now is the time to put everything you learned into action. It is important that you act on everything you know. Do this even when you perceive that you don't have all the answers. Begin from where you are and more answers will come to you as you need them. They trust that their actions infused with light will make a difference in all of the following, that occurs in the progress of their own soul and in the future of their beloved Earth.

Remember that human beings have a distorted idea of ​​time. It may seem as if no one is preparing for the great change of life on Earth. For the inexperienced eye, current confusion can be perceived as a recent phenomenon. This view resists the way your universe really works. As they understand more, they are really cycles that are continuously in motion.

The cycle of the current process of awakening your Earth has been gaining momentum for many years. However, there is now an intensification process involved. This means a faster departure from the veils that have long held people in ignorance. This means increasing amounts of transparency involving all aspects of your society. This is significant.

Transparency and the Great Change

The tendency towards greater transparency has nothing to do with politics, religion or the desires of special interests of groups. Similarly, it has nothing to do with what is right or wrong. The movement towards greater clarity goes hand in hand with the greatest change of all ages. That change implies a thinning of the veils that have long held the masses in the dark.

Many of the world's problems have been created for a long time, but only recently has this begun to become apparent to the people in general. Likewise, the journey of life for the people embodied on Earth today; It is a continuous cycle a cycle of energy set in motion for ages.

There is a trend that includes each time, this time of key life, to forget what happened before and have amnesia about our individual talents and character defects. As the memory is activated, the individual response will depend on how evolved the person is in this time of life and their state of consciousness when the being is confronted with a change of reality from the truth.

The elucidation of life on a large scale is happening now, and is unprecedented. In no other time of life have you been faced with re-examining so much about what is real, what to pay attention to and how to adapt.

Even if you are experienced lightworkers, you may be anxious when you discover that your early life training did little to prepare you for the level of deployment that is now underway. Go gently and kindly with yourself and with your human companions who are also now discovering your path out of the darkness. It will be easier some days, more difficult others.

The blinders have fallen

In many cases it will be a bit like the racehorse who after the race takes off his blinders before leaving him loose on the open grass. Sometimes the horse will respond wildly, running as fast as it can in the direction of freedom, and yet having no specific destination in mind.

At other times, the horse will move smoothly and effortlessly towards the open field, feeling confident and being happy. On some occasion, the horse will remain standing in place, immobilized and stunned. If he is exasperated enough, the horse can get upset and kick his coach in absentia. If you let it loose with other horses, your pack instinct can take action. The horse will then follow the dominant leader mare.

People frequently respond in a similar way to the race horse that is facing the need to make radical changes and ask questions without external guidance. There is a wise tendency to close the restrictions, even if there is no clarity about where we are hiding. There could be more clarity if people had more experience and confidence accessing the inner wisdom of their heart.

Without an intelligent plan, the person who is really hiding is not in a better situation than before.

Similarly, people often allow fear to be an immobilizing force rather than a catalyst to do great things.

Packaging mental capacity is a very serious obstacle as well. This is true especially in times when people are feeling lonely and want connection with others.

10 Questions to Ask in 2010

To avoid being like the wild race horse in 2010, here is a list of 10 questions that can be asked on a regular basis. Go back to these questions whenever you want more clarity, more focus, more balance and more internal confidence about your path of light.

1. While considering a situation or issue, am I observing both the relevant details and the larger situation?

2. What is the missing key piece of information that will allow me to be clear about a topic or situation?

3. What is preventing me from seeing what I need to see?

4. How am I sabotaging my own progress?

5. In what ways am I surrendering my power?

6. What is the only change I could make in my life to radically change the rigid conditioning of the past and transmute it into a more enlightened state?

7. As I consider the current external world news and the prophecies about 2012, what things are really true, what are the assumptions that make me the most fearful and what cause me the feeling of hope in the highest degree?

8. How comfortable do I feel becoming more transparent with myself, my beloved beings and my outside world?

9. What do I fear to know about myself?

10. Have I remembered today that I am a Divine Change Maker, contemplating what that means in action?

Your Only Choice

You really have a choice to make when the change comes. Are they embracing their role as Divine Change Makers or are they allowing themselves to be a victim of change?

As they continue the journey of rediscovering their Divine nature, we surround them with our love and blessings.

We are the Council of 12.

SOURCE: Copyright 2009 by Selacia, Channel for the Council of the 12,

* All Rights Reserved *

Spanish translation: Alicia Virelli,

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