Why do you still suffer for others? Dear children of the Earth ...

  • 2010


I am M Magdalena, and for a long time of your 3-Dimension reality, which did not address me to this channel, it is for this reason, that I enjoy light, and I feel united to each of you, by integrating and spreading this new and beautiful message, from my inner light, to your inner light ...

Hello dear children of the Earth, I am Mary Magdalene, and I turn to you, in sighs of Love and to see it, through my manifestation before you, a true Crystalline light, that helps you to see, feel and experience, that true Love that each of your acts gives off. You are the essence of your actions, you are the truth revealed within a physical body, since there is no more experimentation, than your true belief, that which is emitted through the Love that your dimensional existences give off.

I am here before you dear children of the Earth, because you have to talk about your true acts, as humans. Of, the main actions, which you are emitting through fear, and which leave you behind, in these times of evolution so high. Do not believe that it is the fault of others, the fault is not anyone's or even yours, since that energy is established, through the frequencies of your 3 Earth Dimension. It is for this reason that you, dear Children of the Earth, do not have enough light energy, (integrated the first truth, within your three-party flame), as to be able to pass through, those realities that are created before you, the which you yourself created, with the intention of raising the vibration both planetary and inner (every path is created from within, to express the truth to your exterior, a truth that can only be expressed through your divine existence).

My dear Children of the Earth, it is Love that delivers the truth, there are no limits, it is infinite and sure, since each one of your acts has to be delivered from the essence of liberation. (the true Sovereignty, is free to choose the path to follow, and that path has to be traced, whether you like it or not, since you chose to evolve, as the planet you reside in) In your existence, one of the realities in which your minds are reversed, it is in thinking that it will be of others, without you, this brings energy to the people you live with, away from you the true reality that is within you. Dear sons and daughters of the Earth, you are selfish. Since you think those people belong to you, and that is unreal. (Nothing and no one belongs to nothing, each and every human being, which exists at the present time of your existence, belongs to the Creator, where they came from, and where they will return, since your first reality has been galactic, and the path of your existences, they bring you back to the galaxy, where your true original family belongs, it is the emotions of your earthly existence that make you believe that you belong to your human family, that is unreal, your galactic existence, chose This family to which you belong to integrate the truths that only they could deliver to you, and that is the reason to belong to the human family, which you belong, is for this reason, that you can thank them for all that they have given you, and follow the Heading from your existences, without attachments to them or anyone, to look at your planet Earth, he is alone and will evolve alone, because just like you, it is only a matter of modifying your behavior stra mind from 3 to 4 and 5 Dimension, where the truth prevails, like the water of your springs in the actuality of your existences….

I want to talk about this, my dear children of the Earth, I want to talk to those women who believe they are on Earth, listening to others, accepting their problems, and trying to help others, from that feeling of Love, that you express towards your Exterior. It is time to feel, it is time to know, it is time to give thanks for all that is around you, since everything absolutely everything has been created from the best intention, that your existences have been able to experience. It is true that many of you believe that you are out of place, and that feeling is because your earthly minds are transforming their existence, and the resistances of your earthly mind, grab you so that you do not fulfill your true evolution. You are going through times of Galactic Depression, a depression that you yourself have created, not being strong enough mind, to face evil, which is within you.

You are sufficiently prepared, each and every one of you, my dear Earth sisters, to face the coming times that are yet to come. You are Goddesses of Light, acting under frequencies of low terrestrial reality, and the truth is that you have to raise those terrestrial vibrations, and follow the course of truth that for so many and so many incarnations ago, you have been raising, with the intention of feeling the true spirit of the Divine Mother, in action.

Your physical existence, acts through the frequencies, which you have created around you, with the intention of supporting the people that surround your existence, it is for this reason, that through your earthly mind, you assume the role of Mothers, for everything in your exterior. This is the reason, which makes you believe that you have to sustain everything that surrounds you. Remember that nothing and nobody belongs to you, and that the only thing that really reflects your earthly existence is your true Divine Sovereignty. You are Goddesses on Earth, and those Goddesses are responsible for transmuting that fear that prevents you from actually being like You are, for this reason, that the energies that act around you, have to be modified, and extracted from the First Source, those energies have to be created for a higher good, a good that you once and for all, in the reality that from many existences ago, you have been looking for, and that because of your previous existences, you let go, without Be really Sovereign.

Now I am going to talk about energy, as humans. This section of the message is for both of you, for both men and women, the two frequencies of duality in your existence, that separation has to be transformed into unity, a unity of the divine connection, is for this reason, that in the times that you are studying in your existence, these separations are creating many confusions through your own fears. It is a question of integrating the Principle of Truth, which governs everything, from the past, to the present and ending in the future of your earthly existences. Since many of your previous existences, you have been wasting your energy, due to an erroneous belief in your lives. Humanity believed that having a superior vision towards someone, for example towards a Master, or perhaps towards a Guru, this would make him feel more united to him, and the reality was not exactly like that, my dear children of the Earth.

As you well know, everything in your existence is composed of energy, every action you take, just as you read this message is created by the action of your energy ace towards him. It is for this reason, that we speak of your own empowerment, in the current times of the evolution of the planet. The reason for this statement is the interception of energies, I want to talk about this, since we believe it is a very important issue, in the current situation that the planet is suffering. Because of the low vibration, which is being emitted by the minds of your earthly existence. Everything in your existences comes to you to fulfill a mission, nothing is created because if, for this reason, there is talk today of Sovereignty, of your existences, since she is able to discern The true way to go.

The energies surrounding your existence work for a single purpose, to teach you to value the truth, so when you assumed your energies towards someone outside of you, those energies They are accommodated towards him, assuming more power, thanks to you, it is for this reason, that in all the actions of providing energy to another person, you have to believe More in yourselves, there is no one who is more than each one of you, dear children of the Earth, it is for this reason, that you lose the direction of your existences, by empowering the On the other hand, against giving you power, all the actions issued outward, created from an internal maneuver, create a void within you, which has to be filled again, through your acceptance It is for this reason that emitting energy towards others has to be created from your great divine presence.

The energies that acted through you, are not more than possibilities in which to act in a better way, and more carefree, time helps to experiment, and experience you help to follow the Path of the Initiate, by learning from your own mistakes. It is like this, my dear children of the Earth, that you yourselves created those losses of energy, which are currently whipping you, and which you constantly ask, What is the reason, of your physical state, if you meet all aspects of your evolution?

My dear children of the Earth, it is like this, that the truth will be shed throughout your planet, radiating light throughout your entire earthly existence, since your existences, continue to grow through the new Auroras that are created to enjoy them., in your physical realities. It is for this reason that this feeling does not belong to you, since that is one of the gifts we have created to feel better and to thank you for your existence. It is so that your consciences change reality, when experiencing, that like that feeling, that you feel for the spectacular vision of the Aurora in the morning, everything that acts through your terrestrial existences, are feelings and emotions, that you have towards others, creating realities through your thoughts, which prevent you from following the true course of your existence.

I am going to give you an example:

(Imagine your spirit which constantly struggles, due to the great electromagnetic density, which creates problems when it comes to accessing you and experiencing the true essence of light, it is for this reason, that it wants to express its first truth through you, as human beings. This same thing happens through your earthly mind, since it feels good, assuming the problems of all the people around you, and the only energy that these people move is that of their friendships, since their energy is given to others, and in this way they lose their true existence through energy, and are left alone to respect, having no energy to be real).

This is how my dear children of the Earth, as you well know, that from previous existences to your first existence, your field of light absorbs and drags, all those energies of previous existences, which form your evolution through etheric energies. It is important to explain this, since like you as earthly minds, you drag those feelings towards others, making an impossible burden of being able to carry, and getting to create that feeling of tiredness, which prevents you from being really free.

Everything in your lives, has a certain duration, so it comes as much as you can go, the truth is that you have to learn to live, in the purest and cleanest way possible, without attacking anything or anyone, and that perhaps your divine existence is telling you about the arrival of an end, to give way to a new principle, which you yourself chose. It is not important to be focused on your minds, on a reality that has to end, but always being tastes in your acts, because experiencing something, which no longer has a truth to be established, can help you expand to an energy level, that field gravitational, which unites you to the first truth. It is time to judge yourself, and to feel if your energies are sent outward, and collected with the same normality that makes you feel and live from the true existence of your interior. (your galactic existence)

It is for this reason, that I invite you to experience and anchor you in the true existence of light, that from so many incarnations you chose to live, I open the doors to the truth that express your dimensional existences accepting the truth, assuming your true existence in Dimensions 4 and 5, and leaving behind those energies that create pain for you, and that already have to be transformed to be able to establish that true throne of light, which awaits you here in the Heavenly Gardens.

Remember and print these words in your hearts, nothing belongs to anyone, and nobody is welcome, since everything in your physical existence comes into your lives for a period of time, with the sole intention of helping to evolve, being real in your lives. acts, and learning from every action created, and felt from your earthly mind, do not fear, pain is not waiting for you, that has already happened ...

At present, your evolution already transcends the reality of 3-Dimension, just feel the air of novelty that you breathe in your existence, feel the butterflies as they fly around you warning the change of your consciousness, and leave please, let it that does not live in your vibration of liberation, follow its path and let you experience those feelings that you are missing, since each and every one of you comes from the First Source, and sooner or later you will return to it…. Do not fear for those left behind, just as you chose to follow this new direction, thank them for all that they have given you, and help them to carry their bags on their next train, since you stay at this station, just I wish you the best, and I want you to count on us your elder brothers in each of your choices, which will be the best, I love you and I will continue to love you along the path of your existence s terrestrial, thank you for remaining united to the truth of the Creator, to which each and every one of us will celebrate your next arrival, your Mother M Magdalena ...

Source: http://www.despertardivino.cl/

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