Quantum Patterns - Reissue - Kryon

  • 2016

To help the reader, Lee channeled Kryon again, who made additions so that the concepts became more clear. Many times, Kryon messages channeled live contain an energy that is transmitted emotionally and is not present on the printed page. So enjoy this improved message presented in San Antonio on January 23, 2016

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

At this moment my partner moves aside. We say it again, so that they know that he is not part of the consciousness of the message. Channeling may seem strange and mysterious, because it uses intellect, education, voice, maturity, the wisdom of the Human Being, but the message comes from somewhere else. My partner says it is a regular stream of intuitive thinking groups. My partner is here, but he is not here. When you step aside, you literally open your vehicle (your body) and the messages that you hear come through your pineal and your Higher Self. I tell you this so that you know that it is not he who speaks.

Around you there is energy and invisible things. This morning we talk about the Kryon Environment and it is still here. It cannot be counted, since it is pure energy. So much of what they see, feel, perceive around them, is energy. Energy comes in many, but many forms and not all of it is even documented as energy. To believe in this message about energy, Humans often need to quantify and qualify it. They want to measure their vibratory attributes, and sometimes they can't. The reason they can't is that their science has not yet come to that. This is not a critique of science, but the simple fact that there is more to learn. The sound happened without any ears to hear it, and the light is still there without eyes to see it.

The conditioning of science

This question was already asked to Kryon before: The esoteric world is something that we will somehow know better through science? And the answer is yes. . For now, due to an Earth that has not yet reached its fullness, many things are separated and in a linear fashion; if they were not, they would understand each other much better. We talked about that before: universities and colleges of the highest educational level on the planet have decided to separate all studies into categories. It is done in favor of specialization and efficiency, but it has a disadvantage.

Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine are studied as if they were not related. Of course they are, but there is nowhere on university campuses that has an "integration building" to match them. Some will say, “Well, of course, we had to do it, because everyone needs their own content, there is simply no way to put them all together, because you need to study them independently. There is simply too much to study in each one. ”Dear Human, let me tell you something: Certainly there is a way to unite all these things. Only you still did not think about it and have not looked for the “integration” phase of this puzzle. If they knew the depth of the relationship everything has with everything, they would immediately understand that a change is needed, they could have "integration steps" or revisions. But even that is missing.

One thing leads to another and discoveries are made. But as you study the properties of an area of ​​science in isolation, discoveries usually improve only that area of ​​science. Chemistry leads to more chemistry, and so on, and only chemists are involved. Currently there are real enigmas in each of these independent studies that can only be solved by integrating them with the others. But many times they tend to remain enigmas because nobody "looks around" other areas of study. Did you know that only recently has science postulated the idea that the planet's magnetic field is necessary for life? I told them in 1993, and yet there is still no hard science to prove it, even with all its instruments. The tendency to separate the sciences has prevented many things. You simply did not want to associate Physics with Biology.

There are ways to integrate everything, especially Chemistry and Physics. Dear ones, when you start doing this, you will lead to great discoveries, but that will not happen as long as everything is separated. They have specialists in one field and specialists in the other. Sometimes they get together and have a party, and there it ends. They never get together to really discuss what they are specializing in. How can you separate these things and be complete scientists?

It took them more than 20 years to discover that more than 90% of the DNA was data, rather than chemistry containing codes. All this time he was called "junk" because he was misdiagnosed. Linguists were required to discover it. They saw the patterns of language, rather than chemical patterns. This is the bad thing about having only chemists and biologists studying the complex and unknown puzzles of chemistry. Your assumptions and prejudices prevented this information from reaching you for decades.

The coming integration of science

So, the first prediction we give them is academic. A new consciousness is coming and with it comes a new wisdom. There will be some "scientific common sense" that will see the incredible value of aligning all this together in a confluence of studies that used to be separated. It's all I can tell you; I can't give you details.

However, it is very obvious that it needs to be that way; The day will come when they look back and say, "What were we thinking?" Can you imagine a world in which food is never mixed for a meal, and suddenly specialized chefs meet and make important gastronomic discoveries? Long-range ingredients that come together to make better meals. What a concept!

Can you imagine what communications would be like if trying to learn a language they had to go to the building of verbs, and then to the department of adjectives, and finally to the pavilion of nouns? No one could speak that language, they would only discuss what the “puzzle of the pieces” contains. The language of Physics will be seen and will bring some revelations about Biology, Chemistry and consciousness.

Today's message has to do with the new awareness to come, and how things will change. There are some new things that I want to tell you and some others that I want to discuss with you. We love talking about the future of humanity and the potentials before you.

The vast invisible world before you

What do they know about invisible things? First, let's talk about invisible things that are not esoteric. Let's go to what is real to you and also invisible . Let's go to what you call the typical of the invisible. There are multiple deep and powerful physical energies around you, with which you interact every day, but which are completely and totally invisible to you as Human Beings. However, you accept them and work with them, and they say: “Well, yes, they are invisible, but that's the way it is. It doesn't bother me. ”

The gravity. Gravity affects everyone on Earth! But it is invisible! We have given you many messages about the Physics of gravity, we told you that it is variable and controllable, and you will finally know why. We told you that it is not necessarily empirically linked to mass as you believe. In fact, they could tune in to the amount they wanted if they knew a little more about how to change the mass of objects. It is only a matter of time and discovery, and what follows will be very reasonable and very logical scientifically; one thing leads to another, and this one to another, and finally there will be discoveries that will allow them to do things that in the past would have seemed absurd. Someday gravity can be seen and measured with instruments that still need to be discovered. When they know more about the Physics of gravity they will know how to see it in all its glory. It's coming!

The science of anything becomes more real to you when you can see your physical patterns. Incidentally, when they can finally see the patterns of gravity, they will understand a little more how to alter it. Secrets will be revealed in those patterns that they cannot see for now. Quantum things do not exist in a way that you can see them in 3D as usual. This will require scientific discoveries that will arrive and develop with a new understanding and awareness. That is only one thing. *

The coming patterns

My partner constantly talks about the magnetic field. You know you are there, because your compasses point up. It is there physically and is invisible. That sofa of consciousness in which you are sitting, which is literally linked to the life force of the planet, is totally and completely invisible. However, the time will come when it will no longer be. Your eyes will not see you, dear ones, but your future instruments will. Can you imagine seeing gravity, seeing the magnetic field? What will it look like? What will the instruments tell you about their colors and vibrations? Will there be patterns or just a swirling mass of energy?

I will tell you a secret that is no secret to any physicist or biologist. Everything has patterns - everything . Fractals are always there. From the big to the small, from the small to the big, and the very shapes of the patterns and designs of everything they see literally betray what creates them. This will lead to the next step. They will understand why the magnetic grid does what it does, and they will understand how it aligns with biology and human thinking. Maybe they can even tune it slightly for your health! All these things are coming. It will be science, not esotericism, but it will lead to a beautiful esoteric discovery.

We have told you, again and again, that the time will come for those same instruments to be focused on Human Beings and a revelation in science will occur. It will be clearly revealed that Human Beings have something quantum around. When the instruments can be tuned more accurately, there will be ways to really see, and measure the patterns around the Human Being . Dear ones, this is the Sacred Physics of the Human: the Merkaba.

They should join this knowledge soon, because if they stay in the boxes and compartments, they will not get answers. They will not understand correlations and confluences and how they work with each other. Scientists, it 's time to get out of the box of specialization. It is a linear approach to solve circular problems.

The predictions of the future

I predict all these things. I can predict them because the potentials are here. These identical potentials have been seen before in other societies that reached the point where you are with a science similar to what you have. I can predict this because it has happened before, and some in this room will understand that the ball is already rolling (teaching about reality in the seminar). It is unavoidable. On this planet right now there are scientists who have an internal vision that will lead to these discoveries themselves in the future. All that comes to you. There is a logical progression in thought and wisdom. You walk before you can run; Therefore I can tell you that these things are coming.

Let me tell you something about this room you are in, don't be afraid (Kryon's humor). Did you know that in this room there are invisible things that are dangerous? Did you know that right now, in the classroom, there are invisible, hidden things that can cause illness if you are not careful? They knew it? They are here with you! Horror! Do not fear, do not fear, because they are ... germs!

Now, if I had said this 100 years ago, they wouldn't have believed me. "Ah, it's just esoteric talk, such a thing can't be real." Many laughed big at that idea. But science made it real for you. When they developed the instruments that allowed us to see tiny microscopic attributes of life, a whole new world opened up. It was hidden all the time, but suddenly science made it real. See where I'm going with this? Dear ones, it is your heritage to reach a point where your science, your physics and your knowledge begin to combine with the confluence of a wiser new consciousness. You will have new inventions and many fields of enormous help will open to you.

These inventions will give them as much water as they need to grow things and to drink, in almost every place on Earth. Salt from its oceans can be easily removed in real time, with efficient inventions that use magnetism. The energy will be much easier to obtain and will be produced abundantly, with free and abundant heat.

Population growth will not be a problem, since a higher consciousness will create the wisdom to know whether to have children and when (as indigenous people have been doing for thousands of years). Someday, they will look back and say, “We were fools. We knew nothing at all, and it is surprising that we survived. ” I tell you this because of what will come. It leads me to talk about human consciousness.

Human consciousness

What do you think consciousness is? “Well, Kryon, it's the thought. It is the way people think. It could be said that consciousness is the description of the paradigm of thought. ”It certainly is! But they put aside the part of the evaluation of high and low thinking. What would happen if they developed physics instruments that could really see consciousness? "Kryon, you mean you can see?" Of course, it's Physics! What happens when you are frustrated and your computer crashes or a battery runs out? Isn't that an interface with physical things? An important discovery, using meteorological satellites, has shown a continuous correlation between variations in the strength of the magnetic field and the mass consciousness of human compassion. In other words, against all the predominant knowledge, the magnetic field reacts to disasters and international celebrations! ** Consciousness is related to Physics. With the right equipment, one day they will see the patterns. Is coming.

The next patterns of humanity

What I want to do is reveal something that I never revealed before, and that is what the patterns of human consciousness will look like. Now, we have established the premise that Multidimensional Physics has the potential to reveal many patterns of invisible things so far. Almost everything that involves quantum energy will have patterns to see.

It's not a surprise. What do you think these patterns would look like if they could see a person's consciousness? Now, it is an individual consciousness, as opposed to mass consciousness. This pattern will be physical, individual and will have a field. Eventually, because of this, it will be measurable and will have a pattern: "your pattern."

Do you think it's too crazy? If some simple discoveries and experiments have already detected the physics of change in mass consciousness, why doubt that this can be refined in the future? What will it look like? I will give you two examples. The two greatest energy producers of human consciousness come in pairs: fear and hate; compassion and love They are at both ends of the spectrum and both are powerful, extremely powerful. They can activate alarms; they can block your computer; they can soften your heart; they can affect your chemistry, and they can do it from the other end of the room or from the other side of the planet. Have you ever been in a place where there was someone angry and you knew it? It is palpable, you can feel it. When that happens, you don't want to stay there, you want to leave. When someone is angry or full of hate, you say, "Here is a dark cloud." You perceive the energy and its specific pattern. Would it be a different energy if that person were a teacher and was sending love? Yes! Then you would say: “ I love this place! I want to stay here and absorb this feeling. ”You just described the pattern of consciousness!

There are ways to measure and see all the energy, anywhere in the Universe. There will always be ways to see patterns in everything. It can start as simple waves, but finally, with better instruments, refined patterns will be seen. Those in the room who have sat down with the great masters of this planet have felt the overwhelming love and compassion of the creative source: it comes in waves of euphoria. It makes them cry with joy because they are connected with all things. That is energy! Can you see what I am saying? Can you measure love? Yes! It has patterns and you can see them. Sooner or later a new world will open. Let me show you what the patterns are like.

The patterns - LOW

Now these are predictions. But they are predictions due to the potentials that come. It is such a strong potential that it is a certainty. The day will come when these patterns can be seen. When you are patterns of human consciousness, you will see something very interesting. The patterns that I will now give you will be validated when that happens. This message will be heard by thousands, so it will be easy to find it as a reference.

Let's talk first about what is the lowest, but very powerful consciousness. Understand that low consciousness possesses incredible power and also high. However, low or high is not an indicator of its effective power, but rather only a measure of vibration. Do not confuse it with frequency, because the technology of this is not so linear. What is seen in the pattern is the vibration of thought, and where it can go and where it cannot go, or how restrictive or expansive it is. The power, or the strength, are very deep. You already know. The power of hate creates evil and fear, and is very strong. The power of fear can enslave nations if care is not taken. You know his power from experience. Let's talk about that specific pattern that will be created in a future instrument, measuring it in the person who has that attribute.

Low awareness will create extremely basic and simple patterns. These patterns create or emanate a powerful circle, a confluence of energy that will unite to oppose a barrier to other higher vibrations. It will appear that there is a circle around the individual or the energy of consciousness that he is creating. The circle is like a scheduled prison, or a basic fractal that doesn't repeat itself. It contains itself within itself, and the pattern will not be aware of anything outside its own circle. The force comes from the fact that it is so powerful that it can influence others that will easily join it in a stronger circle. Then, the circle will become wider and larger by trapping the surrounding consciousness, creating an even larger circle, but only a circle.

However; Do you think maybe I speak in a language you don't understand? It may be, but this is the point: It is simple. It is a receptacle that is a circle and cannot see anything outside itself. He only sees himself, and only knows his own evil. Judge and make decisions based only on what you know within yourself. It is a low awareness. His agenda is himself and he sees nothing else. The circle can enslave those who think alike. It can become a bigger circle, but it can never leave itself. You cannot see beyond what you know. Outside the circle there are no patterns that belong to the circle. It is restrictive. It will be deeply obvious: Simple, low vibration, basic survival.

ELEVATED patterns

Now let's talk about each other. This is a higher consciousness, of love, of compassion, of high thought, integrity and affection. What does it look like? Attention, because I can't tell you everything. Create multiple fractals. It creates a confluence of energy that then creates more of itself in the manner of harmonics of itself (many more fractals with higher frequencies that are more Specific titles of the original). These fractal waves emanate outward, improving what is around them in an endless cycle. It is expansive, it is catchy (cumulative); It is structured in a complex way, and harmonics create other fractals far beyond their own reach.

It influences other matter everywhere.

So, from the simplest to the most complex, what do you see as the true difference between the patterns? One is restrictive and powerful because of its uniqueness. The other is expansive and powerful within its multiple expansiveness. Dear ones, so far on this planet human consciousness has tended to surround itself with the lowest possible vibration. Hate, war, attitudes of confrontation, rudeness, cruelty, because everything is a matter of survival. Within the circle, the only thing was to win. Thus, the Humans survived!

Then it became a question of one group against another, one country against another, a circle against another circle, and that is what they got from this pattern. It generated massive mortality and incredible pain. Also between one Human and another, and the circular pattern did not allow consciousness to expand. Then all he did was repeat, repeat, and repeat. Welcome to the history of the planet.

There were no harmonics to emit, and there was no expansiveness. There was no growth; just stagnation, and he repeated himself. He had no place to go, since he could not see anything higher than himself.

Dear ones, the energy of this planet will change the old patterns. Consciousness patterns reside in the attributes of the planet's magnetic grid, as the solar heliosphere alters it. This grid, combined with the new place in which they are in space (to which their solar system is directed), will modify the patterns of both examples of consciousness and will make the most complex, to which has fractals, much more powerful than that of basic survival. Did you get this? The new energy is changing the way humanity reacts to other human fractals! It is time to grow, and human consciousness will evolve and there will no longer be a scale that weighs light and darkness, like the scale of justice, because the influence of evil will be measured as much less powerful than compassionate and complex harmonic vibrations. Light will simply weigh more, by a wide margin, than the simplistic patterns of evil on the planet.

The darkness cannot see beyond itself

Again, I want to give you a test of something unusual and very indicative of the way the low vibration works. In the first channel of this year (2016), I talked about the young North Korean leader. I will do it again. I will do it as a deep example of how a low consciousness cannot see above itself. That means it can only work with what you see and know. No matter how powerful, intelligent and intellectual it is, it cannot leave its own circle.

The former leader of North Korea was a classic selfish. When he died, his son took over the government and could do what he wanted. This boy had watched his father for decades and knew that he would replace him someday. Naturally, he inherited the attributes of self-importance that his father taught him, and he also became an egotist to the fullest. When he assumed power, he had the option of making changes that would allow him to be even bigger than his father. He wanted to do something that would raise his name and his position to the highest egoic place imaginable. The model was his father, and now he could do whatever he wanted to become even more famous. What happened is classic. He completely lost the greatest opportunity any man has ever had to be the most famous and loved on Earth. The idea never occurred to him. Despite being educated in the western world, he wasted it.

If he had taken the elevated road into account and included Earth, instead of the limited population of his own country, he could have been the most famous and beloved leader on Earth, all his life. At the time of assuming, all he had to do was think beyond his circle. He was in a unique position to be “unpredictable” and do something amazing: to unify North and South Korea, eliminate that area of ​​death between the two countries, reunite families after generations, stop the nuclear programs he never needed really except to seem important, and thus give his people abundance, food for all and peace in their region. All Korea would have revered him and the Earth would have sighed with relief, thanking him for his wisdom and courage.

Upon entering the great hall of the United Nations they would have cheered him standing, would have bowed before him and given him the greatest peace prizes. They would have caressed his ego over and over and over again and would have been much larger than his father became. But it never occurred to him. Instead, he perpetuated the dark box he inherited, and now presides over the lowest possible energy, representing the most dangerous renegade energy on the planet. At the cost of keeping his people in need and impoverished, and creating instability in his region, he manages to be a powerful and famous person for just a moment for a very small population. It will not last long. He cannot see that what he does is not supported by the majority of the planet's population, and he will lose everything. Isn't it interesting how strong the circle is that makes low vibration remain low? All this is starting to change, dear ones. If you study the individuals and their way of acting, they will see this coming . They will recognize it.

The individuals

An individual comes to you angry. It is rude and lacking in kindness. Everything that comes out of your mouth is rude and hateful, and you turn away from that experience thinking, "What's wrong with this person?" I want to tell you this: Nothing bad is wrong. It is simply dedicated to survival. The lack of kindness and rudeness get attention, and thus prepares the ground for it to be taken into account. It carries an energy, even if it is not one that you might like, one that demands attention and perhaps authority for fear. Once again: they may not like it, but it is what someone like that does to survive, and many are like that. In the old energy, this works for them, and they see nothing that can replace it. For them, it means surviving in a world where everyone wants what they have. In fact, even today, there are cultures that are invested with rudeness because they say that compassion and goodness equals weakness. They think: “You cannot conquer anyone with compassion and kindness. That is for the weak of the planet. ”From your perspective, you cannot see anything outside your circle of survival, so that until today they come to you with a force of low energy, rudeness and lack of kindness. They can't imagine anything better.

When they see this today, they start to smell what they don't want. The majority on Earth are tired of this approach and are looking for a way to be much more refined.

A compassionate person is not weak at all. The energy that surrounds a compassionate person invites you to enter. The energy that surrounds a rough person repels them. Do you see the differences we talked about? Which do you prefer?

I just gave them the patterns. This is what I tell you: Human consciousness is beginning to rise above what it was, because the proportion between what is light and darkness has changed, and the light is beginning to gain. It means that compassion, integrity and kindness light a light so bright that people see it much faster and more easily than the lack of goodness and strength. Rudeness and lack of kindness will eventually be considered dysfunctional behavior and you will depart. He tells them a lot about a person's energy, and where he is and what he thinks. It is old, for many it is survival, but the new survival will be light and high consciousness and many will begin to see it.

Those with higher attributes will live longer. Eventually, they will be your leaders, and that is what you want. The elections will change because of this, business will change thanks to this, and they will see more light, more compassion and more real solutions due to this expansive effect where fractal harmonics reach everywhere. When someone is compassionate, everyone feels it. Did you know that a compassionate person is considered safe? Safe! “Let's go with this person because he listens and because he enjoys being with her. Did you feel the energy surrounding it? Wasn't it great? ”

It is safe to be close to these balanced individuals. They will not harm you. They will not compete with you or tell you unpleasant or inconsiderate things. They will listen to you and love you. You'll want that in your business, right? Is this too strange for you? Is it too strange to think that this will seem normal in the future? You will be able to see and measure it, and you will even know why it works. It will change the planet.

Dear ones, not all this is science. Sooner or later, human consciousness will come out of survival. It will emerge from the darkness towards a more refined form of survival, a system where those who survive will be able to unite things in an elegant way, instead of conquering and destroying things. Serán personas comunes que mirarán sin juzgar y pasarán por alto las diferencias en los sistemas de fe. Son los individuos que ven a Dios en todas partes, en todos los sistemas, y esperan cosas buenas en primer lugar. Verán diferencias entre los sistemas de creencias del mismo modo en que hay diferencias en las preferencias de alimentación. Así es un humano sabio que está equilibrado.

Está llegando, y parte de ello ya está aquí. Es todo lo que quería contarles en este mensaje . ¿Y dónde están ustedes? ¿Cuál es su patrón? ¿Empiezan a sentir la realidad de esto?

Empieza a ser seguro, queridos. Es seguro relajarse y bajar la guardia un poco, mirar alrededor y ser más compasivo y bondadoso. Algunos de ustedes todavía esperan algo malo desde el lado izquierdo del campo. Es como si hubieran salido de la caverna y todavía no estuvieran seguros de que el tigre de Bengala se haya ido. Los tigres son la vieja energía, y están huyendo en todas direcciones. Los restos de esta vieja energía, el mal y la oscuridad, pierden terreno en todas partes. La realidad de esta oscuridad decreciente está en todos lados, y está empezando a mostrarse, a enfocarse, y sabe que sus días están contados. Cuando vean esta lucha, sepan que es una buena noticia. Significa que está llegando el fin de esta vieja consciencia global.

Si hicieran una encuesta de hombres y mujeres con familias entre las naciones del planeta, ¡ellos quieren paz! No quieren conquistarse unos a otros y no quieren líderes que hagan eso. No quieren aniquilarse mutuamente por los recursos limitados o solo ser poderosos . Ha cambiado la marea, y la consciencia del planeta quiere, abrumadoramente, lo que quieren todas las madres y padres para sus hijos. Es el comienzo de cientos de países uniéndose y planeando formas de crear una paz equilibrada y una unidad – llevarse bien. Las diferencias culturales siempre existirán. Pero la compasión y el equilibrio son atributos comunes a los Humanos. Tienen mucho en común, y esta nueva sabiduría se los mostrará.

Cien años atrás no tenían este equilibrio. Eso es lo diferente hoy, y es lo diferente en su futuro. Dejarán de repetir el pasado y, en cambio, crecerán en la madurez y la sabiduría de los hermosos fractales y los armónicos de la compasión.

Bienvenidos a la Nueva Tierra. Está llegando.

And so it is.


AUTOR: Lee Carroll http://www.kryon.com/CHAN2016/k_channel16_sanantonio-16.html

VISTO EN: https://www.heartmath.org/research/global-coherence/

TRADUCCIÓN: María Cristina Cáffaro www.traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.ar/

EDICCION: Susana Peralta

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