Origin and Purpose of Existence (Max Heindel)

  • 2011

The word "holiness" has been associated in the minds of many with the idea that it represents some who have a long face and a hypocritical temper; and therefore, they are generally very ill disposed against those who pursue a holy life.

But this; Naturally, it is not the truth. For who is really holy, is not a spoiler of joys and rejoices, is not indolent in his business, fully fulfills his duty; both at home and at work, and puts his whole soul into his labors.

This person is a valuable model of fidelity; and is generally respected by everyone who knows her, because her actions speak louder than words that inspire praise.

She is very careful in all dealings with her peers, and strives with those who relate to her in giving them only love; and is always ready and anxious, to help others. Is; In short, Be a model in all aspects of life.

But such a life of worldly righteousness; It is not in itself a test of holiness.

Given that there are many who are splendid in the world, who lead a model existence for ethical reasons; and they behave in ways that inspire respect, of all who know them.

They are also charitable; and they stand out in harmony with their opinion, in all the works related to them. But nevertheless; It must be repeated, that this is not the test.

Since the proof that indicates the difference between the simply model person; and the one that is truly holy, is observed in leisure hours.

When the duty has been fulfilled; and all obligations, end with the day.

At that time, the paths are so different that they follow the worldly and the holy part; For in that period, the mundane person will pursue the fun, recreation and pleasures to give an outlet to his energy.

Or perhaps, he will go in search of his favorite vice in accordance with the inclination of his mind, or with his economic means.

They can simply be games or sports; Either singing and music, theaters, social gatherings or any other means you create provides you with a good hobby.

But the holy person is like the steel touched by the magnet and forced to direct its tip towards the pole. Once the heart has been palpated by the magnet of God's love; duty leads to the affairs of the world, which legitimately require our attention. The holy person does not reject his obligations; Y
before good, it exceeds compliance. Well, always try to do and bring the best and most consciously, than before surrendering to serve God. At the same time, he unconsciously notices the impulse and yearns to mentally return to commune with the Father; which is analogous to the way in which the magnetized steel needle, which has been removed by some pressure from the direction of the pole, returns to the north at the time of being free. During the time when the call of duty has been answered and fulfilled completely and perfectly; and the pressure raised, the thoughts of the holy person automatically turn to Divinity. Going on the subway or other means of transport to work or home is a very opportune moment for such a meditation; and the time spent waiting for someone can also be used for that purpose. Indeed, no moment of freedom is presented to the holy person in worldly affairs, without his thoughts turning instantly toward his origin and goal: God.

We have heard of some who have studied laws in the subway; on the occasion of going to or returning from work. Others have learned languages, using leisure time that many waste with thoughts or hobbies, without purpose or object. From what we learn then, from whom a good lesson in behavior offers us; and let's practice the habit of turning our thoughts towards God, during our free moments. To adapt and accustom the etheric physical body (luminous and reflective ethers), with sublime feelings (Connected with the negative pole of the luminous ether) and thoughts (Connected with the positive pole of the reflector ether). If we practice it faithfully, we will be much more advanced on the path that leads to soul development.

The true purpose of existence is to raise awareness of the great importance of developing and taking advantage of the growth opportunities found only in the present phase of this existence; in a way to learn everything she can teach us, to return to God.

Therefore, the spiritualist must feel; not only the desire to satisfy a silly curiosity, but the holy and selfless desire to help humanity solely for love; and during the rest time, focus on God. And until we help humanity for love and during leisure we don't have the habit of concentrating on God, no progress can be made to achieve holiness.

Information extracted and interpreted from the teachings of the book: Letter To The Students, by Max Heindel in:


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