Noah and Lumina: Healing Energy Transmission

I am the Supreme Light Noah. Noah that comes from the Divine. My cosmic opposite is Lumina. Unified in the light we address you. With the words OMAR TA SATT Noah greets the collective; It has a special meaning when Noah communicates the message with these words: I greet you personally. Because with these words the energy of Noah (which is the energy of God) enters very deeply within you.

Many of those present here have brought their children and we welcome them with immeasurable love. Because children are the children of the New Time and carry the light of God in the depths of their souls. Because Noah is a creative angel and creates light and life, I want to tell you that creating a light and bringing it to Earth with your earthly parents is a very complex process. You have heard many messages and about the importance of the names of origin, origin, tones and qualities. Sometimes we can verify that parents give their children their terrestrial names and this is something very beautiful that has a deep meaning. But sometimes it also happens that parents reject their children's names because they have the opinion that it is they who want to give them their names. You have heard that we never interfere or manipulate, but it is an important message that carries healing. Because it is precisely those children who, in this time of change, have the need to know their bearing tones. This causes a liberation in their souls, because children are not captured in Duality and know who they are. However, you are the terrestrial children; and it is a sign of unconditional intention and shows great love that you do not deprive your children of being present at a Festival of Love. Because they integrate energies differently.

Sherin, a supreme being, full of Light and Love, has told you that you are in Duality with 18 aspects and that you begin earthly life. 3 aspects remain in the Universe, 2 aspects of your being with your cosmic parents. What does it mean when we talk about 18 aspects? How can we imagine it? This is a very complex issue and many of you cannot understand it with the intellect. But it is important to welcome this message. As always, in this case it is also so that although your mind does not understand it, you can trust that your soul understands it. Because your soul is awake and full of nostalgia. Your soul vibrates much higher than your mind; and it is your soul, your aspects, that send you the impulses that develop you, that make you aware that you are more than just a Human Being.

Seth talked about how many Human Beings who reach spirituality, worry about being manipulated or even becoming dependent. Noah wants to tell you again that you have to decide (you, that you are the bearer of the decision) with every breath of your being. What holds you together, what manipulates you and what interferes with your free will, is Duality. There are Human Beings that are deeply in Duality, they try to deny truth and truthfulness. In each message we convey, we say: Truth seeks its Way! It was the beginning of everything that is.

At every time of time, whenever the truth was proclaimed, there were people who laughed, people who screamed… .. It can't be!

Today there is also this kind of Human Beings and they are also immeasurably loved by us; However, we advise those Human Beings: Take a step back and keep silent. Those Human Beings that have the courage to open up and follow a path that leads to a new Truthfulness, are the human beings that you are going to need. Many human beings believe that they can understand everything with their mind, even very high frequency messages. They want to understand everything and if they don't they start to doubt. But the Golden Age of Salvation hopes that you also trust your logic, what your soul says and your divine power.

What is the soul? What does it mean when the soul addresses you? Many Human Beings whose opinion is that the Human Being is only a physical body and nothing more, is to those of us who want to give this message: the body is one of the 18 aspects of your soul. With each step you take, with each loving thought, with each prayer, but above all with the clear intention, you awaken your 18 aspects. The pioneers among you, whose aspects are almost entirely awake, feel this. Some aspects are connected with your Merkabáh, with your spiritual wheel.

What Noah means is that many of you have the courage to apply your spirituality with your qualities. With all that they are, they enrich their aspects with energy. They expand their aspects and in some of those here you have already merged the aspects between them. These are the Human Beings that have the highest symptoms of the body of light. They feel tired and exhausted, they have all kinds of symptoms. This is due (Sherin has already explained it to you) because many times this aspect that has to keep you in Duality is forgotten; This is very, very important. Sometimes this can lead to symptoms of the body of light called disease in Duality.

The highest form of healing would be to make your aspect that keeps you alive connect with the Earth, with all the means at your disposal. Always join the Earth again in all the work you do. When many aspects are used, an imbalance can occur. Then it would be important to harmonize these aspects again. In this case you have many ways to do it. And many of you also know how they connect with the Earth. For example you can call Ashtar Sheran. The highest level of the conscious is when all 18 aspects merge with each other and in this way you can fulfill your mission on Earth as Avatars. It is what you all want to achieve, because this is the nostalgia of the soul.

Sometimes the Pioneers ask what the Awakening Steps really mean. These mean that each aspect is brought to life, they make them move, they make Merkabáh vibrate and they serve as preparation for this great Fusion.

Noah and Lumina, the Supreme Council of the Wise, belong to the 36 Supreme Councils of Light and have decided to bring you a deep healing by sending our energy not only to your aspect of existence, but also to all your aspects. That is why some aspects will be merged into many of you.

Before doing this, Noah wants to tell you that it is very important to explain what a Passer (Walk-In) means, which you are going to experience with Shiva today. Many wonder how it is possible for such a supreme being to enter a human body. Now I am going to explain this to you with the words of immeasurable love.

The preparations we have made for the Sangitar medium, is that we fill all 18 aspects with energy, harmonize and elevate them. Before the Walk-In, 17 aspects are merged into a single one. This energy is formed in a model of the most supreme tones and is taken to the Shambala Halls. At the same time there is a change of energy and the energy of Shiva enters into all 17 aspects. Only one aspect does not intervene, this is the aspect that maintains life. That is why it is also possible that sometimes you can move, see and speak the Walk-In. The peculiarity of a Walk-In is that if you allow it you can work directly on its 17 aspects. This releases a lot of energy and it is a great experience and a great gift to participate in this. And so I ask you to breathe deeply in this moment and to enter into yourself to feel your Divinity and to gather your chakras. This is a very special healing, you may feel pressure. This is because we distribute our energies in all your aspects. But you can trust that we see your body of light and your soul and that what we do is for your greatest benefit because we love you immeasurably.

Lumina is ready to let the energy flow into you. The entry points of the divine energy are the Alpha Chakra and the Third Eye. This happens without words; and with the Tones of Truthfulness this healing begins on all planes working on all your aspects.

[The music of Truthfulness is heard] Link to hear it:

I am Lumina. I am the cosmic mother of many of you. I love you so immeasurably. Just as you do everything possible to Awaken and follow your path from the other side of the Veil, we also do our best to help you on your path to Awakening. They are not just words or messages. It is much more. And if we completely remove the veil, a reunification occurs. It is important to understand at this time that it has a special sense when the soul addresses you, when we talk to you. It is very important to understand that precisely at this time when all structures and securities collapse, you have to recognize what it means for you to be prepared and know that there is a path of Joy and Lightness.

There are still collective models attached even to spiritual Human Beings that tell you that you cannot do this or that. But true freedom means that you form a life on Earth that makes you completely happy. A life in which you enjoy all your desires and what you consider important to you. Recognize that this path is a path of joy. You have to be brave to understand and feel this. Knowing that everyone has the possibility of creating their own life is the highest form of Freedom.

Your mind cannot understand what it means when we direct all our energy to your aspects. But it has happened; and in many of you something has changed precisely in the moments of the transmission. Many will feel that from now on it will cost you less to make decisions. Be brave and proactive with your abilities. Lumina accompanies you with the words of immeasurable love A ni or heved or drach. I say goodbye to each of you. But this energy remains here and vibrates with you.


Taken from and

Kryon School - Channeled by Sabine Sangitar



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