Metatron - 2013: Year 1 of The New Earth

  • 2013


Channeler: Tyberron (Earth Keeper = Guardian of the Earth)

Friday, November 9, 2012 (published on January 2, 2013)

Greetings Masters!

We surround each of you with a niutritive energy and with the field of self-cultivation, for each of you are true masters in your ascension path. Our purpose is to offer you inspiration and clarity, but it is certainly a requirement whenever YOU, as sacred and sovereign BEINGS, practice discernment with this and any other channeled message.

We will begin this message concerning 2013, a really favorable year, focusing the fears that many of you have. We will tell you first that the ascension of the planet will actually occur. You have made it so. But we want to clarify that the graduation of the planet, an expansion to the 12 dimensions, has already been carried out.

A calendar of the long count

Many of their Mayan researchers have sought to understand what the December 21, 2012 date of the long calendar implied. They question whether it could have been written not by the Maya but by the gods of the 'star nations'. Others were worried because it implied a cataclysmic end of the planet. Others felt that he could mark the date of the 'return of the star gods', as some of the preserved Mayan texts implied.

We will tell you that ascension is a new beginning. And in 2013 the Earth is in a new format that will allow the prophesied 'return'. But the much spoken 'contact' will not happen in the three-dimensional way you think. Rather, it will be humanity's ability to rise lucidly, to consciously ascend to the highest dimensions. This is how the contact will happen. This is no longer a planet in which benevolent teachers must physically manifest in 3D in order to assist them. The New Earth now carries a matrix through the crystalline grid that will allow humanity to be more aware of its true nature within multidimensionality. It will happen. And in doing so, you will become aware of the fact that YOU are the ones you have been waiting for !!!

All the time

It will take a few more years. But it starts in 2013.

As we have told you before, the rise of mass humanity will occur in approximately 300 years! And this will certainly happen, but the ascension of the Earth is absolutely what will allow the ascension of humanity. Everything in time, everything will happen in due time. Do you understand?

Ahota, accordingly, the vast majority of humanity will not see an immediate change on Earth. They woke up on December 22, 2012 and said, "What was this all about?"

Even those of you on the path do not see that an immediate change has occurred. We kindly ask all of you to see around you just a moment. What do they see?

Its media continue to report on wars, famines, disasters and predictions of economic collapse. And what is announced is what is seen in 3D. Everything is full of pessimism, isn't it?

Pessimistic prophets are particularly active in this topic. Many of the disaster speculations in 3D are a particularly fertile field in this arena, generating fear around collisions of comets, asteroids, earthquakes, cataclysmic polar inversions and economic collapse. Whether these detractors recognize it or not, they feed on the fear they generate.

Teachers, there have always been and will continue to be detractors on the planet, those who predict pessimistic scenarios and fearful warnings. What is not recognized is that although they are apparently based on negativity, they serve a purpose in duality, and certainly a quick glance around the globe would seem to justify their position. But we tell you that that is the old energy. And it is not the role of Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to give up your free will. Our message is to tell you about your Divinity, to tell you that in fact, as a matter of fact, the planet is now on the cusp of the A O ONE of the New Earth . Truly mankind will follow her, and at a rapid pace they will also ascend. You are absolutely ongoing for that to happen.

So, my dear ones, we tell you again that the ascent of the planet did happen, and humanity has made it so. Although much of humanity does not recognize it in three-dimensional consciousness, the Earth has truly changed, it has graduated to a new paradigm. So it is time for them to let go of the old TEMOR energy. The prophecy of destruction and pessimism, of global cataclysmic disasters, WILL NOT happen. The economy will not fall into chaos. How could that work? It is not the path of the new planet. We assure you that in 2013 a new Sun will rise, and it is truly the sun of change. He brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And we mean truly magnificent in this new era. It is up to all seekers to project joy, to project light, because in the expansion of the crystalline harmonic, every photo of mental light that you project is amplified. And this happens more quickly in the new energy. So our roles assume a new benevolence as they increase their powers of creation.

So let's talk about specific things in 2013.

2013: Year One of the New Earth

2013 is an incredibly important year, in many ways even more than 2012.

Many of you may have felt that 2012 was the summit, and that the following is anti-climate. Dear ones, your work has just begun! And we will tell you that 2013 will bring you challenges and tasks to which you all agreed by spiritual contract to fulfill. 2013 is a new beginning, in every sense of the word. But it is not time to rest on your achievements. The New Earth contains within its flow line multidimensional intersection points and time gates. They are, in fact, improved multiple time points that allow the ascent to happen. These points are the doors through which many of you who are emissaries of the future, Syrian-Pleiadian-Arcturian navigators and carriers of the cdicts, have entered, are the portals through which they have entered to be here in the planet for ascent. And in many ways their missions are just beginning.

2013 is a period programmed then for the bearers of the codes to begin joining these points in a hemispheric global modality. It is of particular importance for the bearers of the codes to mix the energies of what is called the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Certain key pices in the south, such as Patagonia, Uluru, Eastern Island and Kilimanjaro will be anchored in the new firmament in the transcript of the coming years.

Those of you who have served as carriers of pre-ascension codes will be called upon to assume a greater role by connecting key points to engender the new firmament.

The new firmament begins in 2013

The completion of the crystalline grid on 12-12-12 will engender the formation of the new firmament. The new firmament is vitally important for the ascension of humanity, and is certainly an extension of the completed grid.

Certain points on your planet have the rare energy that allows them to be connection points. Newgrange is one of them. Easter Island is another. Both are multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional grid points. Both are octahedral portals that transcend dimensions and time. Both are connected directly to the 'apexial' points of the double starred pentadecahedron of the 144 crystal grid.

They are being forged to connect directly with the new firmament, which begins its spontaneous early formation after the completion of 12-12-12 and the rebirth (restart) of December 21, 2012. It is important to note that ascending ascension processes They occur on 12-12-12. 12-12-12 allows the crystalline energy to manifest on the New Earth. It allows the new DNA of the planet to contact the crystalline field, connect with the new grid and merge with the 'human grid'. All this happens at 12:12 on 12-12-12. There is a restart that allows the 'birth' of the New Earth to take place on December 21, 2012.

Then the new work begins ..

The new firmament

We have told you about the spawn of the new planetary firmament. This will be outsourced as two elliptical bands of arcs of iridescent frequencies that will surround the Earth as they did eons ago. One of them is the highly refined magnetic-electric of a resonant synergy that emits a golden hue. The other is crystalline and emits a bright platinum color.

These will rotate above the double pentadodecahedron of 144 of the grid of 144. In highly technical terms, the sky will perform the function of transducing supracrystalline frequency oscillations in a piezoelectric reducer to interact with the grid, thus allowing full integration of energy circuits Crystalline range of the Unified Field of Tula, the Great Central Sun. In more understandable terms, the sky will transform the powerful waves of heavenly energy into benevolent forms so that they can be more easily received on the earthly plane.

So, so to speak, the sky is a huge transformer and protector against current spikes. He will polish energetically and continue to form and refine the celestial energies for application in the 12 dimensions of the Earth.

The two elliptical bands will create a frequency field of OM. They will glow in the night skies in 2038, appearing as something similar to Aurora Borealis.

Now the initial anchoring phase of the new firmament will begin at the March 2013 equinox. There will be an opening in several key vectors, including Easter Island and Patagonia (at key latitude 51)

Both will receive coded drops of units of consciousness called 'Akash'. These activating light-energy drops will be received primarily through the main pyramidal octahedron energies and structures in the southern hemisphere in 2013. Many will be attracted to anchor them.

Emissaries of the New Earth

As we explained previously, there is a vast number of beings who have chosen to come to Earth at this time from dimensions beyond 5D, both from the future of the Earth and from the future of other worlds of higher dimensions for purposes that are They will understand better in 2013.

You are truly emissaries of the Crystalline Light, Ambassadors of Love. You have returned from the future, in your terms, in linear time, to assist humanity to navigate through the tumultuous times that have been deployed in the last forty years., and the times that will be presented in the next twenty years leading to the key point of 2038.

Look, many of you have barely truly awakened from your future to the papers passed in 2011 and 2012. And that was by design. The doors of time of those two years were trigger points for the work they will assume from 2013 to 2038. Look, the new firmament will be complete in 2038. Is it not written in its pyramids? Certainly Edgar Cayce alluded to this year of 2038. It is another important point of reference in the rise of humanity.

Some of you will not be physically present by 2038, but you will have key missions to assist those being called to this duty. You will provide the preassembly to connect anchor points and inspire the seekers of the crystalline children for the completion of 2038 of the new firmament.

Look, many of you have experienced the ascension of other planets and other worlds several times and know the dangers. You understand how it works. And what remains is the establishment of the new direction, the anchoring of the new firmament.

But never forget that in addition to the anchoring of codes it is essential in 2013 to assist everyone by shining their light and not succumbing to the last rales of fear, the last kicks of the old energy. .

What will happen in 2013?

What happens is that 2013 is a new beginning. A new beginning is the new pattern of the New Earth. The ascension of the Earth has allowed the dimensional revision and the expansion of the planet. The Earth has expanded to a crystalline field, it has expanded from 5D to 12D.

Powerful dates and activation phases of 2013

The energies of 2013 will be less intense than the obstacle course of increasing frequencies experienced by humanity in 2011 and 2012. And although 2013 will be easier to handle, there are certain key frequencies occurring on specific dates in 2013 The equinoxes, the solstices and the eclipses are extremely powerful, each presenting unique openings of portals of the New Earth. During the equinoxes, solstices and especially the 5 eclipses of 2013, a resurgence of energies will flood the planet. It is absolutely a natural synergy that this would happen and will happen in these astronomical positions. As they, these three events (solstices, equinoxes and eclipses) truly open doors, the openings that have always been unique events for such transfers.

In 2013 there are even more [events] multifacetas than the powerful events that have happened since 2009. Each of the dates below in 2013 offers the following:

1) Time for deep insight into self-discovery on the New Earth.

2) Enhanced energies with power nodes, improved imagination and lucid dreams ..

3) A window to recharge and balance energies.

4) March Equinox: anchoring of the sky within specific points on the planet.

These key dates of 2013 are as follows:

** March 20, 2013 - Equinox

** June 21, 2013- Solstice

** September 22, 2013- Equinox

** December 21, 2013 - Solstice

However, eclipses assume an even more unique quality in terms of offering energy triggers that catalyze change both individually and for the planet. In 2013 these will be especially powerful. It will be the perfect time to change the course of your life, after mediating in the equinoxes and solstices towards self-direction and calibration. 2013 is a new planet, a new time and many of you will discover a new purpose in 2013, or bring to the surface a prolific talent that previously lay dormant.

** Lunar eclipse April 25, 2013

** Solar eclipse May 10, 2013

** Lunar eclipse May 25, 2013

** Lunar eclipse October 18, 2013

** Solar eclipse November 3, 2013

There will be two specific phases of great importance in 2013:

The first is between May 10 and June 22, in which a great opening Triad occurs allowing the rebalancing and contemplation of a new direction. This period involves a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse leading to the June solstice. It is also an improved time for the trip to the power nodes for the code bearers.

The second triad phase occurs between September 20 and November 4. It is the completion of the action of what has happened in the first triad. It represents a time for individuals to manifest the new self, the new purpose, the new association or direction. It is time for an intense reinvigoration of the life force.

In conclusion:

We will tell you that 2013 is a time to flow, a time to flourish. It will be for many a year of change. There is a new energy on the planet. You have created it. There is still much to do. Use this time to find your papers.

Those of you who have been undecided considering taking on more committed leadership roles, writing a book, expressing your internal art, 2013 is your year. The energy will support your greatest good.

In 2013 you will have your second breath . They will assume new missions. For the bearers of the codes, it is the new role of coding and anchoring of the new firmament, and it begins in 2013.

I am Metatr n, and I share with you these truths. You are loved.

And so it is, and it is so. .

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