Mind and Matter - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Mind and Matter Dr. Joe Dispenza

I am 46 years old. I was born in New York and I live in Rainier (Washington). I am married in second nuptials, and I share five children. Policy? I believe in the divine right of every human being to seek his happiness. God? The immanent essence that gives life to everything. Every second you lose ten million cells: life acts on you, accept it!

The human brain is an organ of colossal plasticity, and today we are learning to stimulate it, enrich it, unfold it. And not only in their intellectual abilities, but also in the emotional ones. And in biochemistry: we can learn to modulate it to produce hormonal showers that strengthen your immune system. Will the medicine of the future consist in that self-control of the resources of the mind on matter, on the body itself, and what will we call health? Dispenza is dedicated to the development of the brain and self-awareness, as explained in the book and the movie Y t what do you know!?, as in a talk given at the school Major Sant Jordi of the University of Barcelona, ​​organized by L Ambar and the Cineforum Spiritual Vision.

- What is a spontaneous remission?

The sudden reversal of a disease: the sick person heals from a medical condition without convincing medical explanation.

Are these types of cures often given?
Yes are given. I have witnessed spectacular cases. And I have good news: they could happen more often.

I have studied many people who experienced amazing remissions of serious illnesses. .. and I have found in them certain common aspects.

- Things we can all apply then?
- Or try, at least! Because those referrals were not so spontaneous ...

- I listen to him: what was in common among these people?
- All accepted that their ways of thinking and feeling ("I have been angry, hating, envying ...."), Their vital attitudes, in short, had caused them imbalances and dysfunctions, had damaged their health.

- Ah, that's not easy to accept ...
- But it can. And one can look for time to start exercising in creating great and happy thoughts: that is proven to stimulate the immune system, which stimulates a healthy neurochemistry!

- What else did those people do?

- Important questions began to be asked: what person or great character do I admire? Who do I know to be happy, to be equal? ​​What should I change in myself to live with joy?

- Just think about that?
- It's that, in addition, they concentrated on thinking about the new person they wanted to be. And that already generates new neural networks!

- Were they already changing, improving?
- Definitely. But there was something else: everyone accepted that the intelligence of life, the universal intelligence throbbed in them, and that they could reconnect to it.

- Sounds too mystical, abstract ...
- It's of a radical logic! Look: every second you lose ten million cells ... Right now! Were you thinking about doing it?

- No.
- There are a lot of cells that decide to be born and die every second of the day and night, that decide to keep your heart beating, all your organs functioning. .. Does all this control your rational intelligence?

- No.
- Well, that is the active intelligence of life to which I was referring! You see? You accept it: you can connect, fit into it.

- And how to get fit into it?

- Today we know that meditation is very effective ... And there is something that I practice: every morning, when I get up, I think about who I want to be, I choose what I want for that day, for my life, what ideals I pursue ... and all that I'm sorry inside of me as if it were already real!

- And what happens, Mr. Dispenza?
- I live amazing days! And that I live every day as if they were.

- Are you suggesting that I can create my reality?
- All the people who did something great were people who lived in a vision, in a reality in which they believed. And so they created it.

- That's not very scientific.
- In this case, the elementary particles are not very scientific either.

- Because it says?
- Because they behave contrary to the laws of mechanical physics! To start: where everything seems solid, what is there?

- What's up?
- Abysses of emptiness!

- Very poetic.
- No, no, it is mere reality: in the atom, between the electrons and the nucleus, there are immensities of emptiness; and among the protons and neutrons of the nucleus of the atom, there are more immensities of emptiness ... That is, the bricks of matter ... are empty. Matter is merely empty!

- Any other quantum physics teaching that you want to transmit to me?
- What mind and matter are not separated. Humans, then, can use the subjective mind to influence the objective world.

- It's not a little work ...
- In fact, we have done it for centuries without realizing it!

- Oh yeah? How?
- When praying.

- Do you propose that we pray?
- Pray is this: close your eyes and think. And for that you don't need Allah, Yahweh, God or anything like that: one is enough. This is what I propose: experiment! Make your life your own scientific experiment.

- Let's say goodbye with some example of an experiment.
- Once I took two people: one stretched a string with one finger for one hour a day, five days a week, for four weeks. His finger gained 30% more strength. The second person did the same ... but only mentally.

- Y?

- His finger gained 22% more strength!

- Without touching the string?
- Without touching the string.

- Wow ...
- The physical is a metaphor for the psychic. Everything is overlapped, it is basically the same. I insist: experiment! Enrich your life with new experiences. Create them in your brain. Create reality with your mind, and then verify it in your environment. You will be creator. We all are! Simply connect with that cosmic intelligence of life, with that total mind. Get rich, get rich ...


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