Message from Archangel Azrael: Say hello to the New

  • 2014

Message from the Arc ngel Azrael: Hello To the New received by Julie Miller
June 21, 2014

No matter what has ended in your life, you often feel a feeling of being abandoned, a deep contemplation that something in your life has passed you by. And what has ended does not have to be something monumental, such as a divorce, the death of a loved one, or even the loss of a friendship that has taken a sudden turn. Sometimes such changes arise when you let go of an unhealthy habit in favor of a healthier way of living. When something ends, there is also a new beginning and the NEW is good because he holds the promise of a better tomorrow.

Of course there is no person who enjoys saying goodbye to something, to someone or to a way of life that has been a large part of his life. It is natural to want to preserve beauty. vitality and joy of what it once was, but at the same time, if they refuse to let it go, they end up destroying any opportunity for growth and the newness that comes their way. When you encourage to continue a relationship that has become dysfunctional only because of habit and fear of being without that person or if you remain in a job where you feel demoralized, what often happens is that resentment becomes hate. When something has come to a term, do not cling to it; Let it come to an end and move on to a “place where the sun warms the most”, to new beginnings that will provide you with new opportunities because the new is good.

You can choose when to reach the end of something, to come to an end with someone or a way of life or being. They can hold on to an invisible thread, or they can let it go. Allow yourself to feel grief and anger too. Feel yourself going through the various changes of your inner and outer self, and before you know it, you will begin to feel comforted by your own ability to comfort yourself, to love yourself and be compassionate towards yourself.

There is so much positive to learn when something comes to an end. Not only do they learn why that end came but they also learn what they want to be different next time. Remember, Dear Hearts, that every happy moment that you have felt and experienced has come after letting go of something or someone; It comes when they allow a change to happen, when they allow themselves to grow. Sadness and sorrow have the ability to bring you joy that you never imagined before - if you only allow yourself to be yourselves and become yourselves.

For many dear beings the idea of ​​letting go sounds wonderful, even easy, but in fact it is very difficult because there is a lot of emotional scum to face and through which to work. Letting go is a delicate process that heals and comforts, and provides essential knowledge. Fortunately for you, Dear Hearts, your subconscious minds already know what they need to do; It is up to your conscious minds to be willing to suggest achieving your directive.

We ask you now to think about some time in your life that has ended or changed dramatically. While trying to hold this image in your mind, inhale a deep and cleansing breath while saying to yourself, "Let this happen, " and when you exhale, say 'Let go.' Continue to inhale and exhale these two lines, and you will begin to feel floating and moving away from anger or sadness, reassuring yourself with your own thoughts. This method may take longer for some of you, but it is not intrusive and can be used when you feel sudden anger, frustration, sadness or any other debilitating emotion.

Let what is happening happen, let the emotion come out. After all, it is only an emotion; The less personal power they give you, the less power they will have over you. Then, when you have spent your energy on the emotion that has taken you on this trip, just let it go. You are not expected to find equanimity instantly, but the more you work with these healing words, you can relax in your mix of emotions and move quickly to the next aspect of your life.

Even when they go through the hurt of a difficult and challenging time, it is important to focus on what gives them joy, happiness and gratitude. Once you become more receptive to letting go, put your attention on what this present moment brings and comforts you, and make a mental note of it or write and support yourself in this knowledge that there is someone there for you, or something that you Bring peace quickly. While thinking about what comforts them when they go through a difficult situation, try to contemplate an event that has made them happy, where they felt a pure joy. These memories help them remember how good they have had in their lives and the good that remains available.

We also suggest that you track the events that have led you to feel happy and joyful until you find one that was painful when it happened. Once they trace the happy events to what was not happy, but painful, they will see the type of pain involved, what ended, and from what they discover they will acquire much and valuable information that will help them bring them deeper happiness and more joyful experiences. .
You have learned to let go of these painful events because you felt and also saw all the joyful and happy events you have had. You are not only one-sided, Bright Hearts; There must be a balance. For every unhappy situation a brighter side always emerges; it is just that you need to notice this emergence of joy and simple happiness more frequently in order to appreciate what has happened, what you have lost and what you have learned and become since then.

Everyone has felt a heavy sense of loss of some kind, of having gone through difficulties that have brought great life changes and sudden new directions. There is no way to anticipate what will happen, but what they can do is embrace the unknown with an open heart and mind. Focus on the present because it is as promised. Learn from the past and build today from what you have learned and collected.

When you have lost someone or something that was very valuable and important to you, the feeling can be quite overwhelming, and it can last as long as you need to feel the depth of what has changed. The moment they let go of pain and grief, is when they allow joy to return to their lives ... their grief is transformed into euphoria. Watching babies see that they start being weak, small and requiring love and nutrition in order to grow. When you go through any kind of loss, you also feel weak, small and requiring love and nutrition in order to grow. The source of a newborn baby's happiness is much simpler than yours; However, there are many similarities to admire and appreciate. The many spirits that are around you when you go through situations that cause you grief and difficulties are there to help and guide you, and wish you success by telling them to let go and move on.

There will be times when something will awaken your memories of what you have to let go, but you will have already acquired enough knowledge and wisdom to not allow the memory to bother you more. You will simply let it pass through you appreciating the beauty of the memory, and then you will let it go. Learning to let go is one of your most difficult lessons and with so much knowledge to acquire. We encourage each of you to flow with the knowledge that comes from a loss and letting go, allow the endings to lead you to new beginnings and beginnings as there is much more waiting to be discovered by you from which to learn and grow.

I AM the Archangel Azrael

... via Julie Miller

Translated by Gloria Mühlebach

Message from Archangel Azrael: Say hello to the New

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