Message from the Radiant Light Council channeled by Ailia Mira ~ Consuelo in difficult times

  • 2016

Listen inside yourself now.

There is no reason not to allow yourself to be as you are.

No matter what is happening in this vast and complex game, you can continue to be yourself.

You are perfect as you are, and you are fundamental to Creation. You, in your integrity, are essential.

While you hear this the energy within you is reorganized, the Light bursts into you in new ways. You, when you hear this, have a deep inner knowledge of the truth of what we share, and this knowledge is amplified as we communicate with you by transmitting this message. This moment, the fact of our co-creation, is abundantly present. You can access it in difficult times. You can access it as a way of remembering and returning to the truth of existence and the truth of your being.

Living in different realms of creation is never a lonely experience.

You are always attended by several other fields of light within your own totality and to share your intentions and know yourself in your totality. You are always surrounded by Angelic Beings and fields of Light that can empower your sense of clarity of self and your inner knowledge. You are never alone

You also have deep within you a perpetual stream of Light that is the Creator. This uninterrupted connection with All That Is is feeding your experience and flowing through the highest levels of your being and in your humanity. You are innately abundant, just as the Creator is abundant. You are innately satisfied, just as the Creator is satisfied. You are innately eternal, just as the Creator is eternal.

All these truths can be felt energetically, experientially, in ways that greatly facilitate your life and strengthen your connection senses. You can know these truths in a very real way and live with confidence and a feeling of comfort that helps you participate here with a more empowered and clear conscience.

Orient yourself to your heart now and simply recognize the truths that we offer you here,

Allow yourself to feel the subtle energies around you, for we are making ourselves known to you and we are with the Company of Heaven and many Great Beings of Light.

Realize that you are not alone, that this is a fact; it's impossible to go alone

You are surrounded by Great Beings of Light right now. You are surrounded by love . You are surrounded by Beings that know and love you, some of which act as incarnated fields within your experience through other beings on Earth, and others that act as multidimensional expressions of your own totality, and some more that are your Friends and family of the Light. They all serve you in this way and approach to empower the highest experience and help you remember everything you really are.

You have everything around you your Light that distinguishes you from all other human beings and a Light that listens to you, which takes a direction from your focus and action and life that responds to your call. You are surrounded by loving fields that listen to you and know you and we are amplified in ways that serve your intention and incarnation, as well as the Divine Plan.

There is no way you can get away from any of these supportive love presences, but you can stop tuning in to them - intentionally or inadvertently. You can be present in a frequency that makes it hard to believe this, or to feel the energies of all the love that surrounds you and that is within you.

You can also change your vibration through your focus, and change your feeling about it at any time. You can change your thoughts and tune into the Christ within you, and know again in a very palpable, very real way, that you are never alone. You can feel very clearly and remember again that everything is Unity and Light, and that all presence here is also a Christ Self entering and leaving harmony with the most vast forces within Creation that remind them of their true Self.

Live knowing that you are surrounded by Love. Feel the energetic signature of love around you. Tune in to that expression of Creation. Let him assume your senses. Let your skin tickle, your body warm up, your crown chakra open and your heart burn with the eternal flame of love.

Live knowing that you arise from love. Knowing that you are a manifested expression of this beautiful Planet of Love. Your physical form is composed of subatomic energies that are LOVE, which are the particles and structures of your planet itself. Your expression and action flow love, and your urnic vibration emanates love. You receive love in all the ways in which you are absorbing it and you give love in all the ways in which you are exuding it. That's how it is.

The day will come when illusions will not be available as experience. They will vanish into what was and there will not be the same sense of discovery that is possible now, and eventually this planet and this universe will also merge with other planets and universes becoming fields of consciousness, of Light, more vast, elevated, expanded. .

He appreciates this great time of awakening and expansive contrasts.

Do not confuse this place with any other of what it is, a realm of focus in which immense freedom and oblivion empower the discovery of all that you are in ways that are fresh and miraculous, and therefore, exciting.

Do not forget that all other beings here with you are also Divine Beings of Love, surrounded by Light, and also seeking the maximum enthusiasm to become once more in the form, while they are here, who they are really and fully.

We are the Council of Radiant Light

AUTHOR: Ailia Mira


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