Message from Tom Kenyon about the Planetary Meditation of September 5

  • 2015

Update on planetary meditation with the Hathors:

More than 500 people gathered at the Peter Jay Sharpe Theater in the Symphony Space in New York to participate as connection points for global meditation on September 5.

The meditation was recorded and you can listen to it or download it using the link at the bottom of this page. They receive this sound meditation for having received the publications of the Hathors. It is only made available to people who receive Hathor messages or who joined us in New York. It will also be part of a workshop team, when it occurs. It is registered intellectual property material. We ask you not to publish it anywhere, but only to use it for your personal use.

The Hathors have said that meditation, in which tens of thousands of people around the world participated, was a success. They say we should see an increase in global awareness and actions in favor of our ecosystem in the next 9 to 12 months. When I asked them more, they told me that this change would come from grassroots organizations, children's voices, and international cooperation that is currently different I can imagine.

I thought some of you would like to hear from my personal experience with this meditation. For days before the event, I resisted because I sensed that the planetary energy would be very intense and how it would affect me.

During the meditation, in a clairvoyant month I felt catapulted into space, and I saw the Earth bathed in celestial light and healing energies from a variety of benevolent beings from multiple dimensions. It was an overwhelming experience, perceiving the depth and magnitude of the heavenly help that was being provided to our planet.

The energy was so strong that I was deeply disturbed for many hours. In fact, I experienced a rapid activation of my biophotonic network, that is, the cells in my body were emitting light rapidly. Keep in mind that this was a psychic impression, not something that I could verify for any kind of scientific measurement. But the impression of the increased light persisted, and I experienced my body of energy as a field of pure diamond lights for more than twenty-four hours. Note: If you do not have news of the science of Biophotonics, you can find a list of sources of information in the Articles section of my website (www.tomkenyon .com) and click on Biophotonics-Class Handout

As I received these sensations from my surroundings and my body, they were periodically eclipsed by other strong sensations of intense white light, and this phenomenon persisted during the night and until the time of sleep.

My experience of this light-filled body was one of bliss and ecstasy, but my subsequent personal reaction was not. By this I mean that, when I enter high vibration energy fields during Intensives and Workshops, I usually have a temporary reaction from my egoic self, that is, my contracted level of self. It usually takes a while until I can return to a state of personal equilibrium, which I call my state of being "normal" (I insist on quotes).

Other psychonauts (scouts of consciousness) also told me that they have experienced similar phenomena in their own explorations.

In the case of the Hathor Global Meditation of September 5, it required me 72 hours to return to my usual sense of self, although I must say that there is now a higher energy in my being as a result of joining all of you in this global meditation, and I really appreciate it.

I share this personal anecdote simply to indicate the power, the power, of the energy that we all create together. And I share this in case some of you had a reaction similar to mine after meditation.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for having dedicated time and energy to participate.

Blessings to you and your loved ones.

AUTHOR: Tom Kenyon


Here is the audio of meditation: To listen and download the audio of meditation

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