The Reactive Factor and the Analytical Factor, by Willy Chaparro

  • 2012

The Reactive Factor

The Soul, Spirit and Higher Self seem to be separated and yet they are "THE SAME THING"; and its source is also ONE. This is an expression that designates the Same Essence, and being incarnated constitutes with the lower self or personality, an alliance to channel Ego roles. The result of the alliance is the "same thing": The Reactive Factor.

The Reactive Factor is the Automatic Reactive Mind, the main guiding factor of emotional life and activities in the material world. It cannot be considered as an intellect, but it can be considered as a center of pure light which must be seen as a powerful light reflector of the soul that transmits evolution to the human being.

Reactive Factor was a survival mechanism given to humans in their first evolutionary periods to survive in aggressive environments. The "same thing" is represented in physical life by the Soul and the Ego, which coexist together with the Reactive Mind, and when they incarnate to channel roles, they do so under the aspect of a duality.

1. The Impulsive Reactive Factor

2. Depressive Reactive Factor.

The Impulsive Reactive Factor also has two definitions: Violent and Impetuous Factor and Depressive Reactive Factor. The Impulsive Reactive Factor has nothing analytical or discernible, it is the root of the Ego, which is manipulated by the Ego and subjected to personality inclinations. It is a factor that is very easy for excessive activity, but does not reason. He goes from here to there and everywhere and does not really understand or perceive.

It shows an apparent rudeness in an effort to end in moments of personality obfuscation and entrenched ambition. The Soul and the Ego are allies in impulsive moments, and when they are emotionally altered, they have violent reactions and a furious self-affirmation with which they want to justify violence and a dramatic self-pity, (Of the lat. Commiserat? O, -? Nis). -Compassion that has the same personality. - Its first reaction is irritability, a natural reaction when it is inhibited.

It is a Factor driven by impulses, it is an impulsive reaction too quick to understand it, and as it is understood, it occurs when the will, the estimate itself, the ideas and plans are infringed by other people, or also by a contact to an answer that does not please the Ego. The Reactive Mental Factor is constantly in a feverish state, with periods of violent activity - speaking symbolically - almost reaching delirium. And when these temperamental explosions occur, it does not allow listening to arguments to which the reaction is directed. They have no tendency to identify with different points of view and it turns a question around the core of it, adopting an irrational attitude. They barely have time to catch something when they immediately undertake another totally different activity.

What can the person next to you do?

Stay there occasionally saying a word or often smile, or also deal with other matters.

The Violent and Impetuous Factor can be defined as: "The Madman of the House" and the Depressive Reactive Factor as: "The Madwoman of the House", both are dangerous when manipulated by the Ego. Some beings have to learn to “tie their crazy people”, because if they leave it for a long time “loose, ” it can lead to bipolar disorder. This process is by no means easy, because the person's consciousness moves from the lower to the higher mind and rarely makes contact with the intermediate point, that of the soul on its own level. It is a gap that exists between the two factors which are astral-emotional in nature and when the Soul is manipulated by the Ego and submitted, it does not allow controlling the factors in enlightened form, so that they can think in a concrete concrete way.

The Depressive Impulsive Factor is generally activated in a depressive person and manifests itself when he fulfills the role of victim and his defenses are low at a psychological level and this causes the person to be driven by reactive and depressive impulses. . When this condition exists, the Ego expresses itself as a duality, as a different person, another personality. In some cases there are opposite reactions, for example: A married couple where the female is very depressed because she feels bored, with no desire for anything, and says to her partner: `` I'm empty, I don't have I want to dance the Madman and the next day when he is not depressed, he says the opposite: I am elated, I am more than kicking to dance the Madman, I have a lot to give you.

In this case, the mind that must be believed is the impulsive one, not the depressive one, because the two in bipolar situations feel comfortable in their roles, but even so they get carried away by their reactions and by their impulses. The main feature of the Impulsive and Depressive Reactive Mind is that they tell the truth, they don't have time to make a lie. That is, he does not tell truth or lie, his depressive mood is not conducive to lying, his own impulse makes them tell the truth.

The two factors do not want to innovate, they are not interested in innovating, they want to leave things as they are.

The vergent of the two factors is that they are inquisitive and reasoning, and the Analytical Factor dictates that it is better not to confront, but they have no place to reflect. They are people who are vitiated by underlying distortions that incite them to ambition, to love power and to face in a tortuous way any type of negative activity.

Reactive factors can be transmuted, it is up to the person to discover the method to do so. Another type of mental form is the active mind of the Selfish Factor, which is a true group good, but when it is enveloped by obfuscation or reprehensible intellectual doubts, it allows the entry of destructive forces. The reactive factors that he is determined to be helpful, but ideally with a clear and focused mind, a loving heart, a cultivated and simple understanding of himself and life of the others. This helps people to order their doubtful and complex reactive attitudes.

The Analytical Factor

The Analytical Mind also called the Analytical Factor is a concept referred to the Higher Abstract Mind, a reflection of the Divine Nature and the product of Universal thought. It is something that transcends the mind of the personality and can be elucidated, which corresponds to the spiritual state of our being, which uses the mental decoder to raise and solve the problems related to survival. It is a conscious and personal factor that allows us to be Homo Sapiens Sapiens and thanks to its operation, we reach mental levels of consciousness that animals do not possess.

In physical life we ​​are guided by feelings, in some cases by emotions, unlike other animals that are absolutely emotional and have no abstract thinking. The Analytical Factor was given to humans in the last 30 thousand years, a conditioning quality of the activity of the Soul, but when they occur in a sense of separation, when it is poorly applied, then it produces a selfish personality-stimulating reaction. The Analytical Factor is the receptive common sense, it is the thinking, inquisitive, reasoning, discriminating and analytical entity, elucidator, which can be defined as the faculty that allows to perceive and establish the differences that exist between different levels of consciousness.

The Analytical Factor is what allows us to adapt to changes in the situations in which we live in order to obtain better results than we would achieve only using either our memory, or a learned action. It is the consciousness of the individual that links three aspects of mental life. –Creative imagination, mind and intuition–, obtaining this synthetic link constitutes the current objective of the I, which uses the mind, but not the self-reactive mind, since this is a mystical survival mechanism alien to its control. The Analytical Factor is related to the concept, the analysis, the development of intuition, elucubration, the good and bad, the beautiful and ugly, the moral and immoral, etc. Cultivate optimism and joy, fully understand what that means for human life, but the Analytical Factor is not a machine, as is the decoding mind, a mind that thinks and acts.

The Analytical Factor accommodates Ego roles, although the ego is housed in the reactive mind, it needs the analytical mind to star and demonstrate the power to discern, elucidate, elucubrate, separate, distinguish, choose or reject and all implications What these terms mean. Do not allow the lower mind to prevent anticipating things, because they can be seen from different angles, from three or many opposing points of view. It is a law that governs humanity and produces control through the Soul. If the Analytical Factor did not exist, the Reactive Factor would not serve to channel leading roles.

With respect to the functions, the Analytical Factor have other definitions, which can be considered as a conceptual triplicity that is based on the conscious understanding of three variables. That is, the variables serve to understand the analytical concept in three different ways for better interpretation. Each incarnate being has a different way of perceiving conceptual triplicity, which can be defined as:

1. Conceptual Evaluation Factor.

2. Conceptual Perception Factor.

3. Intuitive Analytical Factor.

The Conceptual Evaluation Factor

The Evaluation Factor is the basis of knowledge, the evaluation of the concept that each human being has about an idea, an approximate notion, a knowledge about a certain substance, about a certain subject, about a certain thing. - The concept is thought, it is an idea and in turn it is energy. It concerns the private and purely objective life of the personality, which merged with the soul is oriented towards the mental plane. It is not that the personality perceives the soul, but that it records what the soul perceives for itself and transmits it as a concept.

The Conceptual Perception Factor ("prompting")

It has two definitions:

a) Perception factor or "physical prompting", is a concept that can be taken as an idea, that is, an idea that reaches the human being to have an approximate notion of something, an approximate knowledge about a certain subject. It can be a behavior, an action, a subject studied, etc. The perception can be firm or it can be modified to the extent that the concept owner modifies it according to his way of perceiving things, of perceiving people, that is, the way to acquire more knowledge. Without the perception of the concept, the task of preserving the original purity of the idea and purpose becomes difficult. On this there are infinite definitions and that would be information along with evaluation. Human beings have the peculiarity of having more advanced perception than other Homo Sapiens-Sapiens of other worlds. Even being Homo Sapiens-Sapiens in one world and in the other, on our planet there is something that made us improve "physical prompting."

b) Conceptual Perception Factor or "mental prompting" is what makes up the spiritual core. The "mental promptings", is in itself a pure idea, is what makes up the spiritual core, the beings called spirits in human language, to such an extent that spiritual beings call themselves as conceptual, because they communicate through concepts, something that goes beyond human thought as we understand mortals. Conceptual prompting contains the general idea of ​​what the spirit wants to communicate. Such a mind in a human is a basic requirement for people who are on the evolutionary path, but it must be controlled and intelligently correlated with a stable center and confined within certain conceptual limits.

Intuitive Analytical Factor

The Analytical Factor is the perception of the Higher, the recognition of the intuitive process through analysis. Intuition is a faculty of mortal beings and the Analytical Factor aims to develop the faculty of intuition, because the fusion of analysis and intuition produces the consequent control of that faculty, which manifests itself as power and magnetic force and radiation. . Although intuition is amorphous, there are people who have the ability to be aware of things that cannot be explained through normal physical senses or through other senses. They are intuited faculties that must be expressed through ways so that through analysis they can be explained objectively.

The action of the concrete mind must also be deliberately applied through the analytical faculty, which must be neutralized while being used by intuition and as time passes, it can be extended, developed and deepened in fusion

There are other factors related to the analytical

There are other factors related to the Analytical Factor. The following may be considered more prominent:

The Discernment

From lat. Discern? Re, to discern). It is the most difficult point of the Essence of Evolution, it is the midpoint where it is necessary to know the difference between the "conceptual prompting" of the embodied soul and the "physical prompting" so that the human being can advance with strength, love and understanding. .

Differentiation and being able to distinguish are divine attributes, distinguishing something from something else and pointing out the difference between them, is the action and effect of discernment, a mechanism to elucidate, analyze, conceptual, etc.

To discern is to understand and choose correctly through experiment, failure and success, because all men are souls, but not all are prepared for the interests of the soul. A confused being can take a little time to discern, usually occurs when trying to make something resolve, just sit back and relax, reflect on it until it clicks, because the mind always interrogates, and if what is resolved does not resonate with the analytical, then the internal guidance must be ignored and followed. It is something that can be done with wisdom, discernment and discretion, and dedicate an effort where you can achieve better results.

The majority of the human collective is basic and extremely limited in terms of discernment, and at some point in their life they have faced confusing and disturbing thoughts, where a great variety of points of view, concepts and opinions come into play. To discern is to have the necessary sense of proportion. - The essential knowledge of the essential and basic things of life and also the proven discrimination and ability to discern at the time and way of perceiving prompting. It is the stage when the human being begins to depend exclusively on discernment, after intuition and even after inspiration.

Knowing how to discern is essential, because it allows you to perceive and establish the difference between positive and negative things. Many in their physical well-being live oppressed by the thoughts and also by the problems that affect their health, but through discernment they consciously learn to control the thoughts that enter and that can develop negatively. Knowing how to discern when the Analytical Factor conflicts with the Reactive Mind, where thoughts are similar to an “Internet web”, similar to a tangle of wool or thread, but you have to be careful when discerning between a manipulative ego and a integrated ego

Dilute, (From the lat. Dilute)

Dilucidate is a different process that becomes sensitive to physical promptings stimulated by impure thought patterns, which are the product of the reactive. The types of thoughts can be distinguished mentally and by elucidating them, the negative promptings that come from the egoistic can be rejected and refused. It is elucidated because it is essential to achieve the understanding of the promptings conceptual and the promptings of synthesis, that way mortal humans can raise their action Vibrating and growing in wisdom. To elucidate is also to declare and explain a matter, a proposition or a work of ingenuity.

Elucubrar, (From lat. Elucubr? Re)

To elucidate is something abstract related to human behavior, but the Analytical Factor also accommodates the elucubration of beings that dwell in the supraphic planes, that is, the beings that make up the nucleus spiritual, the so-called spirits, which have a conceptual way of elucidating.

The elucubration of the physical or mortal beings is towards the achievements, towards the things that have not been obtained, but which will be obtained.

To elucidate is to activate the Analytical Mind so that it forms a concept or an idea of ​​something that exists, but nobody knows it. It is possible to elucidate an abstract thought, for example: To know the essence of things that have not been, but which will be, and can also be elucidated and meditate or reflect on a issue, imagine things without much foundation. . To elucidate is to wind your brains or turn your head around thinking about an issue, wander, think, study, meditate, reflect, deliberate, meditate, consider, think, think, watch, etc., to get something.

Some people break the chrism by elucidating to obtain material achievements, but it is something that makes no sense, because the best way to grow spiritually is by being useful to others.

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