Bases and benefits of meditation with Tibetan bowls

  • 2018

Meditation with Tibetan bowls or "singing bowls of Tibet" modifies our brain waves and helps us to enter other levels of consciousness. Hence, it seems important to us that everyone knows her. Get ready to enter a world of harmony and balance with this alterative therapy and healthy technique for a full life.

The resonance of the bowls helps those who hear and feel it maintain healthy vibrations. It balances the chakras and emotions, promoting a deep state of relaxation and serenity.

This type of meditation is an existential search for Inner Peace. But it also has a greater capacity for concentration, creativity, and also a search for physical and mental balance.

What are Tibetan bowls?

The Tibetan bowl or "singing bowl" as it is also known, is made with an alloy of between seven and nine metals that achieve a very characteristic resonance .

The authentic Tibetan bowls are made of gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, mercury and tin. The colors that correspond to the seven celestial bodies, with the seven chakras.

These meditation bowls have been manufactured since time immemorial in Tibet, Nepal, India, Bhutan, China, Japan and Korea. At present, Tibetan bowls are used to meditate or heal . Its popularity has extended beyond the areas where they are used for ancestral rites.

The bowls are the symbol of the unknowable and date back to the time of the historical buddha, Shakyamuni (560-480 BC).

The origins of meditation with Tibetan bowls are lost in the very distant past. Perhaps they are a legacy of the ancient shamanic religion Bon, which already existed in Tibet several centuries before the arrival of Buddhism.

Basics of meditation with Tibetan bowls

All those therapies based on sound base their active principles on the principle of resonance, whereby a more intense and harmonic vibration "infects" another weaker, dissonant or unhealthy.

Meditation with Tibetan bowls modifies our brain waves and helps us to enter other levels of consciousness.

It is when we manage to modify our states of consciousness, that it will be possible to reach mystical and profound moods, making us much more receptive to self-healing.

Healing through meditation with Tibetan bowls

Tibetan bowls are used to meditate. But they are also considered a method of healing or healing.

The resonance of the bowls helps those who hear and feel them, to achieve and maintain healthy vibrations at all organic levels and from all points of view: mental, psychological, emotional or spiritual.

Music therapy experts say that thanks to the sound of Tibetan bowls it is possible to cause the self-destruction of cancer cells and the healing of innumerable amounts of diseases.

Specialists indicate that meditation with Tibetan bowls balances the chakras, modifying moods that are not at all beneficial, such as anger, anxiety, sadness or stress, leading them to a sustained state of peace, relaxation and deep serenity.

The whole process leads to positive states of healing. They are more mystical states, of greater importance, that raise our vibrational frequency.

Meditation with Tibetan bowls is an existential experience in the search for a better mental clarity, an increase in creative capacity, a better concentration, a broader vision of the future and, fundamentally, a complete serenity, satisfaction and peace inside.

How to use Tibetan bowls?

The bowl is hit or rubbed with a wooden drumstick in different parts of the surface, managing to produce a range of sounds that keep a harmonious relationship with each other .

Its sound can be high or low depending on the object with which it is vibrated. The rhythm and continuity of the blows or frictions will determine the harmony of your resonance.

There are two ways to perform a meditation with Tibetan bowls:

Sound bath

We can meditate and recite mantras while listening to the vibrations of the bowls . We must concentrate and internally channel the vibrations we perceive.

We can simply sit, concentrate on our breathing and move away negative feelings that may disturb us, while slowly and slowly letting the harmonic sounds invade us.

Body massage with vibration

Another way to practice meditation with Tibetan bowls is by placing the bowl in an area of ​​the body .

In this way we will constantly vibrate so that our cells come into contact with the vibrations of the bowl. In this way we achieve a physical and energetic invigoration of our body .

Benefits of meditation with Tibetan bowls

The alterations we suffer in our health are directly linked to imbalances, emotional decompensations, and unbalanced vibration.

The cells of our body get sick when some begin to vibrate at frequencies different from those of the rest of the body.

The Tibetan bowls directly affect the vibrational alterations and completely correct and harmonize our organism .

Upon entering the field or resonance area of ​​the bowls, the cells of our nervous system are directly affected and emplan for agitation and prepare to reach states of higher consciousness. They are conditioned to achieve greater clarity and mental harmony.

Meditation with Tibetan bowls achieves what other techniques have not achieved in reducing pain, such as fibromalgia, or controlling depression, stress or insomnia.

If we make the experience of filling a Tibetan bowl with water and make it vibrate, we can verify that bubbles begin to form and that, one by one, they begin to jump vigorously.

This vibrational alteration resembles the vibrational resonance exerted by Tibetan bowls on our body .

Thus, in our body the liquid elements are agitated and vibrated. If we approach a Tibetan bowl while vibrating to our body, we will transmit its resonances and vibrations .

Healing is achieved more accurately and quickly if the bowl vibrates at a particular point in our body, which we consider to need a vibratory adjustment. This technique is called integral cell stimulation .

Making a Tibetan bowl resonate manages to modify our weak or diseased molecular structure and transform it into a healthy and harmonious vibration.

But beyond that, the resonance achieved and transmitted to our body, plus the adjustment and vibrational balance achieved, alters our brain waves and induces us to higher states of consciousness, deep relaxation and an increased capacity for self-healing.

The benefits of this meditation are:

  • It induces states of deep relaxation.
  • Reduces stress, anxiety and nervousness.
  • It relieves all types of pain: fibromalgia, migraines, stressed bodybuilding.
  • It helps to obtain greater mental clarity, greater concentration and better intellectual performance.
  • Increase memory capacity.
  • Improves sadness and depression.

All those who experienced meditation with Tibetan bowls or a sonic and vibrational massage with Tibetan bowls, have achieved great and positive changes, at all levels.

Thus, this type of meditation or therapy has become so popular in the West. According to Tibetan bodhisattva master Gwalwa Karmaza, the singing bowls of Tibet emit the sound of emptiness, which is the sound of the universe manifesting .

Seen in The Tibetan Bowls, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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