Welcome Message to The New Era

  • 2012

A brief message I will move you to share tomorrow with those you feel ...

Beautiful beings of light, sweet earthly angels !!!

Welcome to this new era, to this age of light, to this age of enlightenment ... spread your wisdom and show your light, you must illuminate the path of those who are still awaking because the light you are receiving will make you shine like never before ...

Beautiful beings of light is the time for you to show yourself as you are, without any blunder, show all your magnificence, share with others all that you are, show compassion and tenderness, smile and cry, love without borders, love from the bottom of your being, love feeling the pure emotion of love deep in your heart ...

Multitude of gifts will come to you, messages everywhere, open your eyes and sharpen your senses because all your prayers have been heard and will be granted ...

Feel thankful for living this moment of glory on earth, feel proud to be the chosen ones to be part of this energy transformation ...

The children of your children will be born in a better world, free of emotional burdens, free of attachments, free, free ...

Feel the magic of the moment flood your souls, feel how happiness is installed forever in your heart, feel unique and special because you are, because you have been made in the likeness of the Creator ...

Beings of light, you are wonderful and that is why we love you !!!

Message channeled by Montse Macanás, on Friday, December 21 at 9:37 p.m.

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To find a lantern in the sea of ​​life, connect with the Masters and Beings of Light to show you another way to happiness and a fuller life. To transmute the energy and raise the vibratory state and allow the change. To find the point of light in your life and start walking. Montse Macan s, channeler.


Welcome Message to The New Era

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