Unlocking Your True Expression - Radiant Light Council channeled by Ailia Mira

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Words do not matter, you came here knowing that you would remain clearly connected with everything you are; and hoping you could find your way. 2 Is it not a relief? 3 But you are in a new state of knowledge. 4 Could it be time to realize that your life is no longer built on those terms; And that you are indeed free?

January 18, 2017

Greetings, Great Beings of Light.

We are happy and happy in this co-creation; and happy to say hello again. We appreciate your willingness to dedicate time every day to this knowledge, to this recognition of who you really are, of how your life is developing; and of the different contributions of energy, focus and clarity that you have inside.

We especially appreciate the changes you are making, the adjustments you are making; and we celebrate with you your greatest capacity to release within yourself the flow of knowledge and fullness; and the way your life is changing because of this.

Once you start living knowing the truth about your Being and paying attention to that, you fundamentally change your experience.

What we mean is that you have really made a huge change that forms a new basis for your incarnation; And it is vitally important that you realize the implications of this change to understand and guide your life.

You have done it. You have made this change by recognizing yourself, reminding yourself, claiming the eternity, Divinity and freedom of your Self. You recognize yourself as an extension of what might be called Soul, or Source, or All That Is, an incarnate extension of these vast, eternal and divine energies.

As a result of knowing and claiming it; and of the new foundation created from this; and from the new perspective from which you live your experience because of this, you cannot expect your life to resemble other people's. When you do it and observe beliefs, systems, structures, agreements, contracts; and the transactional ways of thinking that everyone lives with, without thinking about who they really are, you may feel diminished.

We want to remind you that your expansion has transcended many of the beliefs and ideas of your World. You have overcome many of the ways of life of Humans in the past and present. There are others like you, many; and you are never alone or without Human company, if you think your only company is non-physical (smile).

You should not worry where others are in relation to this; even those closest to you, maybe especially because you feel more worried about them. You should only continue to return to the sense of the Self that you have recognized, that you have allowed yourself, that you have adopted; tuning in with who you really are.

Practice this new way of being until it is normal for you; and then keep doing what you want to be real and important. We suggest that your approach to life is to learn how to do this once you embrace the truth of your Being and choose to express it fully and freely.

The way you express who you are, will evolve, change, is dynamic; You can express yourself in many different ways. At different times of your life you will have different interests; Life will stimulate you in many ways.

Contrary to what you may have believed before, or what you have been told, or of what you have considered, you do not have a mission in this life, you did not come with the agreement to do something in particular, or to play a certain role . Many today cling to this idea; so to promote your true expression, today we must talk about this.

Many of you have the idea that you have a mission, that you have a purpose, that before coming here you have made agreements; and these interpretations of the incarnation are made when one is at more limiting frequencies. (NT. I think it refers to the merely intellectual adoption of such a mission) Holding on to this idea limits you because it restricts your ability to follow your Spirit in the present, which is when all your inner truth is accessible.

When you have this idea about your life, you are covering it with some kind of filter that limits your ability to hear your inner truth in the present; and respond freely in the moment following your Spirit.

When you have ideas of right and wrong, of good and bad; and you think of your life in terms of finding within yourself the mission that you have to fulfill, when you have the idea that you had a purpose when you came here and you must fulfill it, you limit your ability to live with coherent clarity and knowledge; and with sovereign alignment.

We want to point out that these ideas may have made much sense to you before, but now they can be discarded. By discarding these ideas you can find that your inner knowledge becomes radiant, clear, bright, inspiring; and you will like that very much.

We say it again: You did not get here having a particular role or function assigned; consequently you do not need to discover or fulfill it. In events such as individual sessions and questions and answers, they ask us a number of questions such as: "What am I supposed to do? ... What should I do now? ... How can I best use my gifts?"

We see that many still have the idea that you have a mission; and that your job is to detect and express it. We want to remind you that you are free to be who you want to be; We also want to remind you of your sovereignty. You are not here to improve the lives of others, you are not here to save anyone, not even to challenge them to grow.

These are radical ideas, most people who have spiritual orientation embrace this kind of beliefs. But as you ascend you will discover that they make no sense, because you see that everyone else and yourself are sovereign and capable of living here as Masters.

So we talked about why you came. You came to explore this realm of focus, to see how it was, to enjoy it; did you know that by infusing your expression into a human body you would have a number of expression options, you wanted to discover what interested you in the incarnation, you wanted your life to be widely open.

You came here for the freedom to do it; and to discover what it is like to be in this free and widely open place; You definitely didn't set limits before coming. You came without an agenda ... Without an agenda! ... You came here knowing that you had a more vast aspect with which you could tune in and feel aligned; Or you might have thought that this is the truth.

Words don't matter, you came here knowing that you would remain clearly connected with everything you are; and hoping you could find your way.

You came here to experience this; and to feel it; and to feel you in it; and you knew that you would find your alignment, you knew that you would feel inspired, you knew that you would feel connected; you knew that in some moments you would not feel these things, but you knew that in the middle of all this you could find your way, trusting yourself. You came here feeling free to discover, explore, make decisions, share; and feel what it was like to have all these experiences; and having absolute certainty that all this would create expansion and benefit All That Is; in such a way that you could focus on joy over and over and over and over again.

You knew you would have all kinds of ideas. You knew you were a unique, particular and beautiful Being; a complete and coherent Energy Signature; consequently you knew that your life would inspire things within you, things that would arise from your interaction with all your experiences; things only for you. You knew that some things would call you more than others; and that you could trust yourself to feel your way; and that there would be ... We really want you to hear this today, so now we will speak in present terms ... We want you to consider how you feel about that before coming here you already knew that there is no way to do this wrong.

There is no way to do it better, nor any mission you should accomplish; you are simply here having an amazing experience in an amazing body; in an incredibly broad, rich and diverse realm of focus. Every day is just another opportunity to discover what you want; and what you like; and that with which you feel good; and how you want to live now with all that; and what calls you now, what do you prefer now. You could simply consider: "What do I want to do today? ... How can I make my day more fun? ... What gives me pleasure? ... What attracts me? ... What do I want more? ... How do I feel? "... This is really your job ... If you want a mission, it is to pay attention, use your inner knowledge and your feelings to orient yourself, tune into yourself; and discover the path of joy for you in this realm of focus.

We want to reassure you that you have that inner knowledge; and also point out how subtly this works. Everything you think is important, everything you have been told that you need to focus on, things like enlightening the World, sharing your gifts, discovering abundance, having a vibrant and healthy body, having beautiful relationships and connections, having inspiring experiences and transcendent moments. of grace and Love ... All that is natural and comes from tuning in with yourself and paying attention to yourself and your path of joy; Everything comes from these things, it is a byproduct of that, of your sovereign alignment.

By living aligned with your sovereignty and claiming it, you experience all these things and contribute abundantly. By aligning yourself with your sovereignty, you free yourself to go to your Spirit, to express yourself authentically in the present moment, in an informed, clear and knowledgeable way. In this state of orientation all life opens up for you.

The expansive and wise Soul of your interior, who knows everything you like, everything you want; and that through your inner knowledge and the inspiration you feel has embraced everything you have chosen, it has become your guide to travel the funniest path to ever increasing satisfaction. The feelings that manifest help you to guide; if you follow your Spirit you can avoid obstacles and limiting ideas about your life, it is not necessary to first remove all that, if you only follow your inner knowledge you can overcome everything you could have thought that needed to be removed.

Isn't that a relief?

All this can lead you to the experiences you prefer and to the life you want.

The true expression is really achieved by giving you permission to do what you want, permission to give you pleasure, permission to do what gives you joy and realize what you don't. And for some people this It's scary. You don't have to accomplish any mission, nor discover it to be able to accomplish it. For some people it is really scary to understand how free they are, but we hope this is also really fun.

We suspect that fear comes from all ideas of right and wrong in your World; and of those occasions in your life when you were wary of doing what you really wanted; and what other people might think, feel or do about it. Or to have those criteria of good and bad, of the best, of the right, that produce the habit of worrying about what you want to do. Of course, in your World it is increasingly acceptable that you be your priority yourself, but many times that is called selfishness and is very criticized; and considered negative.

But you are in a new state of knowledge.

Now that you are oriented toward your inner vastness and returning regularly to the inner connection with all that you are, you are releasing an ever-increasing flow of that inner life into your embodied experience.

We suggest that you consider that the whole reason to be here is to see what is possible here; and choose for the pleasure that your choices produce for you.

We ask you today to think like this on your day: Imagine that you were a castaway and that you came to the coast; that there was food and things there, but nothing else? What would you do? Explore, look at what could be done To do, you will look at what you would like to do. You will establish your life in the way you like.

We want you to realize that every day you have the option of creating the vital experience you want. The only thing that gets in your way is the resistance you feel to do what you want, because of all those ideas of what you should do.

Could it be time to realize that your life is no longer built on those terms; And that you are indeed free?

We are the Radiant Light Council.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting


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