Message of Balance of Archangel Gabriel

  • 2012
Table of contents hide 1 The Equinox of Your Soul September 18, 2012 Transmitted through Shanta Gabriel 2 The Need for Balance 3 You are a Lighthouse of Light 4 This is a Point of Inflection

The Equinox of Your Soul September 18, 2012 Transmitted through Shanta Gabriel

Translated by Esther Abreu

Dear ones

This is a time of intense and very deep healing. Just as the Earth moves through this seasonal equilibrium point of the Equinox, all life strives to reach this place of perfect balance. At the point of balance, the energy in the body aligns with the template of Divine Perfection with which each soul has been blessed. To be in harmony with your most authentic Divine Being is to be in alignment with the place of balance that provides healing at all levels. This is the true state of Oneness that all souls are looking for, even if they are not aware of it.

Refined elements of healing are available for those who let themselves be taken to that place where they want balance in their lives. It takes a surprising level of understanding in Western culture to even understand that balance is what one seeks in life. Many of the ancient systems of healing understand this principle and teach many ways to achieve balance between the mind, the emotional state and the physical body. The popularity acquired by Yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Kung is helping many people find balance and better health. As everything exists as a single body, this balance will also greatly help the health of the Earth.

The Need for Balance

Once the understanding of the need for balance is manifested in the mind, situations in life frequently arise that recall what is needed. It may often seem that suddenly the mental and emotional states are beyond one's own control, as if an old relationship leaps from the subconscious. The Child Being could become more aware of the great horror of the controlled adult. In fact, many old patterns and parts of their inner beings can now be revealed. Frequently your Child or Adolescent Being has felt rejected or unloved in the past, but now he would like to be invited into the adult world to bring some fun and joy. Perhaps these aspects of being are seeking harmony and balance with the responsible adult being who works so skillfully in the world. The joyful freedom of childhood wonder brings magic to an excessively responsible adult life. Creative projects, natural environments and other fun activities can help these parts of being to enter into greater harmony and balance. The healthy integration of your mental and emotional beings can bring greater happiness to your everyday world.

While their souls seek balance in life, their physical bodies also demand attention. Disharmony in the body manifests as acute or chronic imbalances that require immediate attention. Most of the time, small signals from your inner being have been ignored and allowed to sprout so they can be handled before they end up in dire situations. To correct this imbalance in the human system, they could lead to the proverbial precipice of the principle of life. From there they are given an expansive vision of the possibilities, so that they can choose, consciously or unconsciously, what brings them to this point of balance and uniqueness with their soul purpose. There could be many possibilities for your future being, but it is at this breaking point that you can choose the optimal future for your souls.

To the extent that planetary energies continue to accumulate, change and accelerate, all life is being called to integrate these frequencies or perish in the process. Many people will find that it is beyond their means to make these internal changes necessary to find the internal balance in this world. There are many souls ready to complete this incarnation in order to choose another more harmonious time for their needs. Those beings who choose to remain on Earth in these times of transformation, will need to seek internal balance, as well as harmony with the changes of the moment and the vibratory frequencies of the planetary evolution that is now in progress.

You are a Lighthouse of Light

There is a tremendous level of help available for those who choose to remain on Earth as a Lighthouse of Light through this, usually tumultuous, time. The invisible support of enlightened masters, the powerful presence of the Angels and many beings from the star realms are making their presence felt in ways that range from the subtle to the miraculous. Every synchronicity they notice in their lives is a signal from these planes of existence beyond the human eye. All forms of assistance are available for invocation and crying. Just remember that it is your resonant vibration frequency that is the key to your level of attraction, because you only attract to your life what is in your mind.

Alignment with your Divine Being is a demonstration of balance and harmony in your beings. Look for this balance in every level of your body, mind and emotional state to be receptive to the Divine assistance available now. Be willing to ask for the help you need in every area of ​​your life. Humility in action brings compassion to being, that part of you that feels helpless in the face of life's challenges that might seem overwhelming. Stories abound of the many souls who were brought to their knees until they were eager to cry for help. This act opens the way, allowing Divinity to intervene in their lives. Courage is required to recognize that a human being alone does not have the power to make the great changes necessary for life to enter into Divine Order and Balance, because as the scriptures say: "With God all things are possible."

Healing takes many forms and you should never presume to know what is best for another person. The Divine Spirit working in each being knows the truth of the path of his soul, and each one comes to a time of choice. When they evaluate the possibilities of their lives, what will they choose? The next time you feel helpless, beaten by life and confused about your next step, consider all the help you may be waiting for because you ask for it. Know that being open to Divine Assistance brings help in many ways that may look very different from what you imagine. Have the faith to believe that you are cared for in the most appropriate way for the growth of your souls.

This is a turning point.

Think that you are at the top of an imaginary mountain, a turning point. You are so high that you can see the vastness of the world before you. It is your election time. There are Angels of Light all around. Their souls are crying out for internal balance and connection to what they most desire. By surrendering to the love their souls offer them, the Angels raise them in their Wings of Light. They are wrapped in the power of compassion, grace and mercy. Let your loving presences guide you through your next steps in life. Ask that your true path in harmony and balance be revealed; then humbly allow yourself to be guided by your soul and embraced by the Angels of Light.

It is time for all beings to find alignment with their Divine purpose. When they seek a place of Harmony and Light within their beings, the heavens rejoice, and their lives become a reflection of that point of Balance, the Equinox of their Souls.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

Copyright: September 18, 2012

Permission is given to publish this message whenever it is complete and credits are given to its authors.

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