Manifest Love in the New Energies - The energies of April 2007

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dear Lightworkers, this is a powerful and miraculous time; We know that you are feeling the intensity of the new energies that are reaching your planet. These fiery and creative energies of the Divine Masculine and Feminine are burning all that is illusion, all that "is not love, " revealing to them the Love that resides at the core of all things.

Those of you who have had the opportunity to increase your awareness of the ascension process to move to higher dimensions of action and thought, will surely feel the energy challenges that will arise this month. The energy will forge new patterns of existence and feeling, so you will see your lives change subtly and quickly as soon as you begin to manifest that love that will attract what your heart desires.

Because you know, Lightworkers, that only love will create and manifest the desires of your hearts. Only love will create the New Earth they crave.

Therefore, let's talk a little about the changes and energy leaps that you are experiencing right now. As we mentioned in our previous channeling this year, now that the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine in you are integrated and become One, you are accepting the powerful energy of the Twin Flame consciousness.

These energies are passionate, turbulent and move very fast. They will see many changes and challenges appear in their lives, changes and challenges that they will not be able to solve using their minds. Only their hearts and feelings will guide them in their progress. If you try to think and reason, you will get out of the flow of Divine Creative Intelligence and nothing will seem to go away. But if you just allow yourself to be open and receptive, to get carried away by the flow without analyzing it, just to have faith in what you are guided to, you will find that miracles will open before you. Because, as you will see, the key is to trust in that Higher Aspect of yours, in your soul and in your heart, that you know better what suits your highest good, and in trusting that those decisions can be made at the speed of holographic time, so they do not require the slow linear operations of the egoic mind to achieve success. They are learning to function as multidimensional and holographic beings, to live in the instant of the fraction of a second of NOW and to make choices with the heart at that moment of NOW.

April Challenges

In April Venus will enter Gemini, opposing the Galactic Center in Sagittarius. Gemini is the house that carries the energy of the Twins or Twin Flames, while Sagittarius represents the higher consciousness or spirituality. It is an optimal time for the Divine Feminine energy to reach higher levels of consciousness and unite with the Divine Masculine energy.

Of course, the month of April will be a time for the energy of the Twin Flames, and the energy of this transit will help the awakening and opening of many people to the potential and passion of such unions.

The full moon of April 2 will be in Libra, with the Sun in Aries. At this time, the energy of Mars, ruler of Aries, and the Feminine or Venus, ruled by Libra, will enter into conjunction in the heavens in a powerful way.

This intense transit will culminate between April 7 and 9, when the Moon enters Sagittarius and passes through Jupiter and the Galactic Center. At that point, the Galactic Center or Great Mother will join and integrate with the Divine Masculine in the Cosmic Dance of Light. And as it is above, it is below. The period from the Full Moon to April 9 will be an optimal time for the personal rebalancing of the energies of the Inner Twin Flame, as well as to activate and integrate external unions of the Twin Flame, if they are ready for it at that time.

What will add to these challenges of this time is that, in this transit, Mars, the planet of masculine energies, will be, together with Uranus, in Pisces, and both will form a square with Sagittarius. This means that the energy will be very electric, surprising and unpredictable. It will truly be a time when love and passion will strike unexpectedly and with surprising energy. Those who are still in the process of balancing their internal Twin Flame will perceive this energy as very electric and intense, to the point of feeling uncomfortable. Their intensity could cause anxiety and stress when internal and external integrations accelerate under the influence of these transits.

The Gift of April: Manifest Love

In this month of April you will see how they will begin to redefine the meaning of Love in their lives. They will learn to open themselves to the language of the Heart, which is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, COMPASSION AND GRATITUDE. These are the energies that express love in the Higher Dimensions.

They will finally understand and release the dramas of pain and emotional dependence, since they will understand that such dramas are neither love nor ever were. They were games or illusions that they represented when they were experimenting with the nature of Love on the material and physical levels. But now, upon returning to Unity and Totality, you will regain the understanding of the true nature of Love and Passion and express both at your highest level through the archetypal marriage of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, the God and the goddess. When humans understand this and re-establish it on a material level, they will be able to experience and express the pure and sacred flame of the Divine Source of energy within a relationship based on unconditional love.

Therefore, dear ones, the way to raise your consciousness to that level is to make the conscious choice to express those qualities. Unconditional Love increases our power, is strong and encompasses everything. He forgives everything and accepts everything, remaining powerful and focused. He will not accept or represent dramas, but will remain firm in his own center of gentleness, beauty and self-esteem.

Compassion feels and respects everything as it is. To experience compassion is to feel deeply the path of the other within your own being and to be able to honor it even if it is not your own. Because those who look with the eyes of compassion understand the true principle of Unity, that everything that happens to the other also happens to you, because we are all One. Being able to accept this, without to care how deep and painful the illusions of another person may be, embracing them with love, is to honor in all things the principle of Divine Compassion.

Gratitude expresses the wisdom of the Heart, because the Heart knows that all things and experiences are created for the highest Good. Therefore, to be able to accept with gratitude whatever life brings us is to honor the wisdom of the Heart. Because the Heart has no judgment: it is the mind that judges and creates anger, rejection and other illusory states devoid of reality in the dimensionally superior world of Love and Acceptance.

Once you have internalized these changes and higher level choices, you will be prepared to begin to truly manifest love on the material levels. They will already be ready to express the energy of the Divine Source, making their thoughts, emotions and feelings, as pure feelings, in the first place, be killed by their heart. Because once you experience the superior energies of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Gratitude, you will be prepared to translate those feelings into thoughts, emotions and actions. Then you can be sure that whatever you need to express in the world will be the true expression of your soul and spirit aligned with the Source, which is expressed later on the plane Physicist of the material world.

And so they will find the realm of playfulness, creative and smiling, since the Spirit loves to play and create from innocence and joy. The only thing they have to think to understand the flow of the Spirit is in the purity that children have. Because the truth is that the soul has no age, and that the child expresses love, innate joy and innocence of his soul, before learning models of addictions and earthly behaviors that take away his original joy, putting him in density, sadness and depression.

Therefore, Dear Lightworkers, when you feel the powerful energy outbreaks of this month, remember to focus on your Heart. Remember to feel the great Heart of Unconditional Love that beats in the center of the Cosmos, and know that the energy of that same Heart beats within you. Know that you are immensely loved and respected for your role and for your work here on Earth, and allow yourself to feel the support of that love in everything you do.

And then allow yourself to feel how joy, fun and creativity grow in your hearts. Because they are truly in their home, and they are ready to create heaven on earth. It is time to start, and we can tell you that the first step is fun and joy. Because the innocence of that child and happy is what will raise his personal frequency to that natural expression of his joy of Spirit and his deep love.

April Moons

The full moon will be on April 2. As we mentioned, this moon falls in Libra, with the Sun in Aries.

The moon in Libra is a powerful moment of rebalancing and harmony, especially in relationships and marriages. It is a powerful time for sacred marriages, both inside and outside the world.

The New Moon will be on April 17 in Aries. This time is conducive to sowing and starting its manifestations for the new cycle. Use the energy of the Aries Warrior to establish your intention and focus on what you want and need to create in your lives. Use the magic child's energy to play and create with fun and joy. That is the style of the new energy.

And so we leave you now, wishing you grace, joy and beauty on your way forward.

Celia Fenn for Starchild Global

Translation: Paloma Fernández Fernández.

Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael in the Netherlands

You can download Celia Fenn's pipes in Spanish, in Word file, on Starchild's Spanish site. © 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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