Basic Demonstration and Taking Action by Brad Yates

  • 2013

I am often asked to put in my words how to deliberately create the things we desire. Here it is - the four-step process to manifest what you really want (and they do work with money) - I have used them successfully for that. To be honest, it was hard for me to do it. What I want to say is that I knew intellectually that it would work, but…)

1. Believe it
2. Clarify it
3. Live it
4. Release

There you have it. Enjoy it! Happy manifestations!
Well, that's fine - I'll give you more details.

Step One: Believe It
First, decide what you really want. Do you want a new house, a car, a job? Do you want someone special? Write it.

Start with something like:
"I'm so happy! I have…"

Then make the list of things you want in detail.
It is important that you write it in the present tense. If you write, "I want this" then you vibrate with the frequency of desire - and the desire for it is what you will continue to attract. You need to vibrate in harmony as if you already had it.

Write positive things. Because if you write something like, "My new boyfriend is a loser, " you're attracting "losing" vibes. It is important that you do not do this.

Instead of asking for money, focus on what you want to get. Do not limit the Universe by saying that something requires paying in cash. If you want a new car - focus on the car. Money may appear, but you could earn it too.

Once you have given the parameters of what you want, write the ending, "This, or something better - for the greater good of all involved."

an opportunity for the Universe to give you something better and / or appropriate - the Universe knows more than us.

Step Two: Clarify

This is where the TLE comes into play. Too often we are sending contradictory energies, keeping at a distance from us what we consciously desire.
Imagine entering a restaurant and ordering a hamburger.

When the waiter goes with your order, you say, “Mmm… I shouldn't eat that. Maybe I should order a salad. ”Then you think more and say, “ Well, maybe a chicken sandwich is probably what I should eat. ”The waiter waits to see what you're going to want, and you wonder why you don't have Your hamburger yet.
Clarify any contradictory thoughts. The Universe considers them all. Something we use a lot is: "I don't deserve to have this." Use TLE or any other tool to remove blockages for you to succeed.

You also need to clarify your intentions. If you doubt your motives, it may be that you block getting your goal, or you may limit your ability to receive jubilantly. Make sure you want something for the right reasons (and only you decide what's good for you.)
Work on this until you think about successfully achieving your goal without feeling any resistance.

Step Three: Live It

Now that you can think about successfully achieving your goal without feeling any resistance - do it. Think really about having it - and allow yourself to enjoy it.
Feel all the positive thoughts you hope to experience when you enjoy this in your life. It really feels how good it feels.
Now would be a good time to tap and visualize yourself enjoying your goal. As you enjoy, allow positive feelings to bathe and pierce you - feeling good in every muscle, nerve, fiber, tissue, cell and atom in your body. Do this once a day - it is a daily reminder of what you want.

Another great way to do this step is with a partner. Tell him, "I have this __________ new in my life - and I am very happy!" Again, in the present and in positive terms.

Your partner tells you, "It's wonderful - tell me more!"
And you - and he / she asks for more - and more, and more, and more. Continue repeating this while happily sharing your happy situation and both feed on each other's excitement - thus building energy with vibration. Let the other get excited to share something with you too.

Step Four: Release
I call this "Leave the matter and let God do."
You need to be separated from the result. Otherwise, you might limit your energy, asking yourself "Where is what I want?"

This is not a good attraction energy.
A farmer does not plant a seed and then looks at her in frustration waiting for it to grow. It does what it needs to do to feed it, but then lets nature do what it needs to do.

Also, don't control how something happens. You might be looking towards a door, waiting for someone in particular to come in and not finally see it because it entered through another door.
This does not mean that you do not act. Do what you need to do - let the Universe know that you are serious. But don't be surprised if the demonstration is presented in a way that doesn't seem to be related to what you're doing.

The TLE can be a very good tool in this step as well. "Although I feel I NEED TO GET THIS NOW, I loose it."
If you have created your vision, if you have cleared all internal objections about it, if you are allowing yourself to live the experience and really feel how wonderful it would be to have it - and it is not being presented - then trust that it really is not the best for you in this moment.

But the "Delays of God are not the Rejections of God."

There is generally more we need to work on. Abundance exists. It is everywhere. Not being experiencing it is proportionally related to the resistance we have in this regard.
Stop resisting.
Show it.
You deserve it.
Ah, wait ...!
After the movie "The Secret" came out, there were criticisms about just wishing, and many of the movie's experts began talking about the need to act as well. So I decided to add a step to Basic Manifestation. Actually, it was not something new this is an article I wrote in 2004 and it seems good to include it now. Enjoy it.
Taking Action

What did we do before Mapquest (online map system) ?

Now, when I have a destination in mind, I can write it and Mapquest tells me which is the best way, and how much it will take me to get there, and even suggests restaurants along the way.
Before this, I needed to find the way myself.
I searched maps and wondered which would be the best way.

Sometimes I added hours to a trip in the planning stages, asking me what it would be better to do. He did not begin until he knew that he had made the right decision.
Have you ever done this?
Have you done this in other areas of your life?
We had a saying in the hypnosis therapy school: Perfectionism leads you to leave things for later and this brings you to paralysis.
It's always funny to hear people who are paralyzed say with some pride that they are perfectionists. As if they were saying, `` I am like that. GOOD. ''
Maybe. But they are usually SO stuck. And this is not something to show off.

We all have desires, hopes and dreams. And things we want to do that would make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. But often we don't act because we demand to know the right way to do things.
This is what Mike Dooley calls The Curses Cursed. We want to know HOW it will happen. What fools!
The Universe has many ways to make something happen and yet we routinely limit ourselves to what we can think.
Our task is to decide what we want, and focus on it in a positive way. It is not our task to know how it will happen.
That is the task of the Universe.


This does not mean that we are going to sit like a lump waiting for the fortnight to arrive.
Do you know the story of Lana Turner? She was innocently sitting in a soda fountain when a producer discovered her and made her a star.
In my Hollywood days, apparently I thought it was much better than Miss Turner because I thought it would be discovered within my apartment.
It didn't happen that way.
We require going out and acting.

So, we get stuck with the question: which action is correct?

Do not worry about that.
As one of Mike Litman's mentors said, "It doesn't need to go well - you just need to start it."
So instead of waiting to know what the right action is, take the action that you think is the best. That is, an action that can move you towards your goal.

If your goal is to lose weight, a correct action would be to sign up for a gym.

Enrolling in an “Ice Cream Club of the Month” would not be.
If living on the coast of California, you would like to go skiing to Wyoming, renting a fishing boat would not be a correct action. Using Mapquest would be.

There are many other actions you could take.
When you think about your goal, ask yourself: “What could I do to get where I want to go?” Let the ideas flow, and ask the following of each idea, “Is it possible that this will move me in the desired direction?” Then choose one and start.
Of course, you can be wrong, and there may be consequences for it. You don't need to marry an idea - Change strategies along the way. But there is a definite consequence if you don't act: you get stuck.

If you insist on finding the best action, it may be that the snow has melted by the time you arrive at the place to ski.
Decide what you require. Be clear. And then take the action that you think is the best. Thus, the Universe will know that you are serious about your intention. If you don't want to move, the Universe might think it's one more of your whims. Show your commitment to your goal, moving.

And don't be surprised that you find better ways to make what you require appear "magically."
Now ... what are you waiting for ...? Get moving! Do something right now!

Bless everyone around you, including the other participants in this experiment. Imagine how those you bless prosper and surround themselves with good. Then bless yourself and imagine the same. You can continue to bless the person or people on your list of blessings.

"You can never win in the outside world more than you earn in your mind."
“I deserve the life of my dreams. I create it easily now. ”


Basic Demonstration and Taking Action by Brad Yates

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