Maestro St. Germain - Understanding the Elite and the Counter-Elite

Eleven o'clock - and NOT everything is fine -. For this, my beloved, I, Saint Germain, come as the watchman of yesteryear, who walked along the streets of the city in the darkness of the night. But I can't give a report that everything is fine. Because, in truth, all is not well in the United States of America.

So, my beloved, what is the only possible solution? My beloved, it is precisely - as you have requested in this rosary - the restoration of the Word in the United States of America. And that is the Living Word. Because enough of so much dead word in the United States of America.

My beloved, once again, I have asked you to participate in this meditation on cosmic images. * And I have done so, for a very specific reason. My beloved, imagine that you are sitting in a distant galaxy or the Sirian Divine Star, looking down at Earth and the United States of America. What would the United States of America look like from that cosmic perspective, compared to what the United States looks like when you look at it from the inside - from the rigid mental scheme - that has been forming over the United States of America since I founded it?

The second law of thermodynamics and politics

You see, my beloved, as one of the teachers who sponsored science on this planet, I would like to bring you a scientific perspective. What is the problem of the United States of America today? Well, it is a problem that has been described by physicists in a law that has been known for centuries. And it is called the second law of thermodynamics.

Already some of you are familiar with it, through the teachings we have given. But, unfortunately, most people in the world and in the United States of America are not familiar with this law. And if they are, they see it as something that applies only to science, but not to other areas of life.

And this really, my beloved ones, is part of the problem - that everything becomes so fragmented. And as Jesus, Nada and Mother Mary have said, people have become so blind because of the filter they have in front of their eyes, that they can no longer see beyond it. They cannot see broader perspectives, they cannot see themselves from outside - and therefore - they cannot see that they are heading straight for the abyss.

Therefore, my beloved, what is needed is an integration of the philosophical implications of the second law of thermodynamics, so that in truth, you understand what this law means for: a civilization, a nation, a group of people or Even for an individual. Thus, for those who are not familiar with this law, it simply says that if a system closes and isolates itself, to everything external, the disorder will increase in that system, until it breaks down and reaches the lowest power state possible. Which we can also call the lowest common denominator, where everything is so bad, it is so monotonous, it is so bleak that it simply cannot get lower.

And so, my beloved, what does this mean for a civilization, for a nation? Well, it has been said, those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat the same mistakes. So, let's look at the story. Let us look for many reasons the Roman civilization, as a perfect example. One of them is, that in its time Rome was so closed, that it became so dominant in the ancient world, as well as the United States of America has become, after the so-called collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Romans did almost everything they wanted with their armies, as well as the United States of America thinks, today, that it can do almost everything it wants. However, this great civilization that conquered most of the known world until then collapsed. And why did it collapse? Well, it collapsed because he felt he was a victim of the second law of thermodynamics! Because the Romans, especially those who lived in the city of Rome and ruled the Roman Empire or the emperors, wherever they lived were confined in a rigid mental scheme and They isolated themselves from everything external.

And as a result of this, this rigid mental scheme became increasingly closed. They focused more on themselves, were blinded more by their own logic, by the same filter through which they looked at the world. And so, they were absolutely convinced that they were right and that their way of looking at the world was the only possible way to see it. And they were so convinced that Rome was so strong and so powerful, that it couldn't be possible for it to collapse.

And beloved ones, why did this collapse originate? Well, it was precisely because they had been blinded by their logic that they rejected change, refused to transcend and reach higher. They wanted to expand the empire militarily, but they didn't want to expand their minds. They did not want to expand the empire in a spiritual way or in their spiritual capacity. And once the emperors obtained power, they only wanted to keep it, instead, to use that power for the benefit of their own people or for the progress of civilization as a whole.

My beloved, the Roman Empire collapsed first of all from within, through: corruption, decay, neglect and denial. And it was this corruption, this internal division, that made the empire vulnerable to external invasion. But in truth, the invading forces were only an instrument of the same division of people and their internal disorder. They simply finished the process of destruction, which the people themselves had begun, guided by the elite of the power of the Roman civilization.

But I don't think that people, as repressed as they could have been, had no responsibility in this matter. Why did the Roman people do during this time? Well, they wanted to live the good life sing, dance, party, entertain themselves in the forum with the gladiators, engulf themselves with the power and greatness of Rome thinking that they were very sophisticated and that they had They were such a wonderful civilization, as the world had never seen.

Looking in the national mirror

Of course, I must tell you that the Roman civilization, compared with the civilization of Atlantis and with previous golden ages, was not one of the most sophisticated. Actually, it was very, very primitive in almost every aspect. And of course, you can look again at the Roman civilization today, and you will realize, that it was quite primitive compared to what you have, even today, here in the United States of America and elsewhere around the world.

But what most Americans don't care to see - since they're not willing to look in the mirror - is that American society has exactly the same dynamics, like the one you saw in the Roman Empire in the century before its collapse. The same internal contradictions, the same power elite that directs things, the same people who want to entertain themselves through television, football matches and to pursue the American dream - which has been redefined by the power elite - in the illusion of having his own house getting caught in a 30-year mortgage debt.

Well, my beloved, I think you can understand that this was not my dream, for the United States of America, when I sponsored this nation. Certainly, my beloved, I do not believe that there is any problem in people having a comfortable material life. Since, in truth, I sponsored science, precisely because I had realized that while the people, the population, were working assiduously as the population did in the middle ages, they would not have enough energy or attention to achieve any kind of spiritual goal.

So, I don't think there is a problem with a civilization where there is enough material wealth and also enough free time, for people to use it to achieve spiritual goals. However, what has the American people done with their prosperity and all their free time? Well, he has occupied himself in all kinds of empty forms of entertainment, which have dragged him down, down and down - lowering his energies - so that they never have a moment of tranquility in their lives, to really reflect and say: "Perhaps there is something better that I could do with my life, than this unbridled competition to always feel stressed, although I have more time available than any previous generation."

Therefore, my beloved ones, my opinion is simply that: when a society is trapped in a rigid mental scheme, when it begins to enclose itself in that scheme - moving itself away from any external energy, from any energy that can disturb the feeling of that Nation, that everything is fine - well, my beloved, that is the right time to be alert. Because, precisely, you will understand that when people are completely trapped in the lie that says, that they have done everything and that they have created an eternal society - just, at that point - the second law of thermodynamics will begin to break down their civilization. ” eternal. ”

This was what happened in the Roman Empire. And although the critical point has not yet been reached, this is what could happen in the United States of America. And since there is still time, this is why I started by saying it was eleven o'clock - time has not yet run out to change to the United States of America - but this is already running out. And if people don't start waking up from the great deception, that everything is fine in the United States - and that the United States will remain free because it is a democratic nation - then, things will begin to slide down the slope. And they could slide down the slope much faster than people would be willing to consider.

The dilemma of how to wake up a town

I am not trying to be an alarmist. Because, my beloved, we are always here to help you achieve a superior vision. However, do you understand, my beloved, the dilemma that an ascended master faces? I have a cosmic perspective. I see the writing on the wall. I am perfectly able to add two plus two, which are four and see that there will come a time where the United States of America will reach that point of no return, where it will be very difficult to reverse the process of decline.

And so, the only opportunity I have to reverse this process of decay is to transmit the Living Word, which can wake people from deception, which is in the first place, the cause of decay. And to do this, I have to shake people a little because, otherwise, they would continue to pursue the American dream, believing that nothing is wrong and that in the end everything will be fine.

However, on the other hand, I walk on a tight rope. Because as you see, my beloved, when Roman civilization reached a point where people began to wake up from their illusion or deception, what really happened was that they abruptly changed from a state of total denial, to enter a state of panic and in a feeling of fear that things could not possibly change and that everything was so bad, that they could only get worse.

And as you see, my beloved, that change really reinforced the downward spiral and made the descending momentum more powerful. For this reason, I have no desire to wake the American people to an alarmist predisposition in which so many are - that a disaster is already around the corner - and that the economy will collapse and that this or that calamity will fall on this nation . As you see, my beloved, this is counterproductive.

But I need to wake up the American people, from the deception that if they stay in the current direction everything will be fine. Because this is not true. So, once again, the problem, the biggest problem in the United States right now, is that the American people have not woken up. It is in a closed system and therefore the downward force - which, in truth, is not the force of evil but, simply, what Mother Mary calls the contracting force of the Mother - that force is destroying society and some of you already know this.

And because of this, what needs to happen, is that the American people wake up to this reality, without reaching the opposite extreme of the alarmist and disaster awareness. And who, my beloved, - or what - can achieve such awakening? Well, only one thing and that is the Living Word radiating through many hearts - flowing through many minds and hearts - so that you give them a higher vision, that although things are wrong, it does not mean that these they can only get worse, but in reality they can improve, because there is a higher purpose, there is a higher vision for the United States of America and for the personal life of its people.

And therefore, leaving behind all the old does not mean that a civilization will be destroyed and that you lose everything. It means that you transcend the limitations of the old, to move forward and build a better society, a better civilization, one that even, is at a higher level than today. And it must be at a higher level, because the rigid mental scheme that you have created does not even allow people to visualize that the Golden Age could be a reality in the United States of America.

The power of the elite is always dividing

Again, as we said before, when we told you this, you accused us of being too optimistic, of being unrealistic utopians. Well, my beloved, we are utopian but we are not unrealistic. Because, in truth, the Golden Age is a reality. The only question is how many people on Earth will experience the Golden Age?

Because I already experience it as a living reality in the etheric plane. It simply has not been brought to the material plane where your consciousness is currently focused. But it is a reality at higher levels. And that means it can be manifested, if you are willing to be the open doors. And so, what needs to happen, first of all, is that there is an awakening to the reality that things need to change. But an awakening that does not push the people to the opposite extreme.

Because, my beloved, I must tell you - that as we have tried to explain now, especially, through the books of Mother Mary and Lord Maitreya - there are always two dualistic extremes. And when we talk about the elite of power, we are not talking about a homogeneous body on this planet. Because if the power elite were united, she would have already controlled every aspect of life on this planet.

And my beloved, you might think that she already has a lot of control. But if she had this planet under total control, I could not speak through a physical messenger and give this message. And because of this, you see that there is still an opening, there is still freedom for the Living Word to flow. And this is really the potential to change a nation and a planet.

But my beloved, the two dualistic extremes that are established by the power elite, the two different factions of the power elite, are first of all, those who are trying to keep the people asleep, to prevent them from waking up, because they are in total denial of the forces described in the second law of thermodynamics. In truth, they believe they can create a civilization where they have control and can maintain it indefinitely. This is what the Romans, the leaders of the Roman Empire, believed. And they were the last ones to wake up and realize that things had changed and that they could no longer maintain control.

There is another faction of the power elite, which will begin to take action, once, that the control of the first power elite begins to decline. Then, he will enter and try to take advantage of the situation to create panic and a downward spiral that is out of control, so that he can destroy the old order and thus, position himself as the new elite of power, in the position held by the old elite. .

And if you want a typical example of this, look at France before and after the revolution. The old power elite were the kings. And again, you see the typical example, where they had been confined and isolated, creating a rigid mental scheme, which they thought was impenetrable. And yet, the force of the second law of thermodynamics eventually created a change. But then, what happened, was that the counter elite entered and caused the French Revolution to get out of control, until many heads rolled without any logical explanation. And then, they positioned themselves as the new power elite and quickly became as tyrant as the old elite.

Another typical example is Russia before and after the Bolshevik revolution. The Tsar is another example of a leader who had been confined and isolated, not being willing to see reality. And then, after the revolution took place, the Bolshevik forces entered and took power. And I dare to say that anyone who observes history will understand that the communists in Russia were responsible for many more atrocities, murders and repression of the Russian people, which the tsars never did.

Strive to find the Middle Way

And so, you see that many times in history, a nation emerges from a bad situation to fall into a worse one, going from one extreme to the other. And this is not what I want to see for the United States of America in this era. Therefore, I must ask you, my beloved ones, to those of you who are open to this Word. I must ask you to discipline yourself and to make an effort to find the Way. Middle, the middle path between two dual extremes, one in which everything is fine and that you can remain asleep and the other that everything is wrong and that things can only get worse.

My beloved, I wish that the Americans be awakened. But I don't want them to be awakened through fear. I want them to be awakened through love - love for something better than what is here today, instead of being afraid to go to some burning hell, and so so, be willing to give control to those who promise to keep you out of that hell if only you follow them blindly.

Then, I ask you to discipline yourself. I know that many of the people who are open to our word are so because you have overcome the deception that all is well. You have understood that things need to change and you are willing to study alternative points of view that give you a different perspective.

However, many of you have not found the Middle Way. And you have become destabilized waiting for the dark days and scenarios foretold by the prophets. And you have been so forgiving of these things, almost to the point of enjoying how things are wrong, or do you think how things are wrong and c How very soon people will be awakened and you will emerge as the wise men who saw this coming before it happened.

This is a tendency that we have seen, even, in students of previous organizations of the Ascended Masters. And it is a tendency that those of you who are open to our word, it is time that you abandoned it, so that you grew through it. My beloved, this world, this nation, will not be less efficient than it is today, unless you are absolutely determined to see it go to hell. Because as we have tried to tell you, what you project in the cosmic mirror, the mirror will reflect it. What do you want? Do you want a nation that goes from one extreme to another? Or do you want a nation that transcends dualistic extremes and finds the Middle Way? Well, if you want the latter, then YOU must find the Middle Way.

Because my beloved, if those who are open to the Living Word cannot find the Middle Way, how can you expect the rest of the nation to find it? And so, I ask you to stop consulting those Web pages and those mailing lists or wherever you get that information that causes so much uncertainty. And my beloved, let me say this very clearly. I will admit, that there are some dark scenarios outside that may have some reality. I will admit, that there are conspiracy theories that have some reality. But I must tell you that this has a charge of negativity, which pulls you down and pulls everyone down along with them and if you intend to be a student of the Ascended Hosts, then, you cannot allow anything in your life I pulled you down.

We are going up!

Because we are not going down - we are going up! - There is only one address for me and it is UP! And if you want to follow me, you have to go up with me, because I won't stop to wait for you. I have a Golden Age to bring to this planet in manifestation. And I am committed to my Father's business. Therefore, if you want to be a chela from Saint Germain, follow me as I climb!

My beloved, God did not tell me that I had to be the hierarchy of the Age of Aquarius - I made the decision. And I made that decision without pessimism and without thinking that this world was about to be destroyed. I made the decision because I recognized the superior vision of the potential to make the Golden Age a reality.

My beloved, the pessimist's motto over the years has been: "I am not a pessimist, I am a relista". My beloved, there is blind realism and there is realism based on the Mink of Christ. Certainly, there are optimists who are blind, but I am not among them. And I don't want you to be among them. But I also don't want you to be among the blind pessimists, who think they are being realistic in believing that things can only get worse.

My beloved, do you think Jesus would have come to this planet, if he had thought there was no hope of changing it? Do not! Why would we expose ourselves to a lost cause? Why would we tie ourselves to a planet that was doomed to go to hell? This planet is not doomed to go anywhere. But it undoubtedly has the potential to rise and transcend all rigid mental patterns that keep people trapped and asleep.

So my beloved - just to emphasize again at this point - what is needed in the United States of America today, is that Americans are given a different perspective, that allows them to get out of their current rigid mental scheme and look to the United States of America from a broader perspective. To some degree, you can find that perspective on Earth by interacting with people who live outside the United States of America and therefore, can see it outside the rigid mental scheme.

But I must tell you, there is hardly a place to go on this planet, where you do not have your own rigid mental scheme, which filters the vision of reality and the vision of the United States of America. Thus, while you can learn something from people from other cultures and nations, you need to raise that vision and look for something that is completely beyond the consciousness of duality. And that something, of course, is the Living Word, which is the only thing that will connect you to reality, that cannot be affected by duality, and therefore, cannot become a closed scheme and cannot be subject to the forces of the second law of thermodynamics.

As you see, my beloved, Jesus came 2000 years ago to lay the foundations of the Golden Age of Aquarius and create a tradition where people could have and maintain direct contact with the Living Word - which would allow them to develop the Christ Discernment - to that could not be pulled to dualistic extremes and blinded by relative and dualistic logic. Because the only way to prevent the creation of a rigid mental scheme, a closed system, is to be connected to something that is beyond duality.

And the only thing that is beyond duality is the Universal Christ Mind - the LOGOS - which is simply another word to define the Christ Mind and has been translated in the English Bible as the Word. But I tell you, it would have been much better if it had been maintained as the LOGOS. Because LOGOS has a broader meaning than the Word. And I will let Jesus explain this to you.

But the reality is, that from the same moment, when the Creator decided to give beings free will, the Universal Christ Mind was created to ensure that they could never get lost in the consciousness of duality, the consciousness of separation; but always had the way back to the reality of unity. And that reality is the LOGOS, which is expressed in this world through the Living Word. It is the only thing that can help you escape the awareness of duality, without your sense of self-esteem suffering.

Iraq is a typical example

You see my beloved, what has happened in Iraq is a typical example of what I have been talking about - an isolated and confined nation itself. In the United States of America, this has been going on for a long time - there is a tradition of isolation - and in part it is due to the fact that the United States of America is a large nation. You can see other great nations - Russia and China, are the main examples - and how these nations can be isolated and confined, thinking that they have the highest possible civilization. You even saw it to a lesser extent in smaller nations in Europe like England, France and Great Britain ** and to a lesser extent in Spain and Italy. But although most of the smallest nations in Europe have remained outside this trap, large nations fell into it.

My beloved, I believe that one of the worst atrocities of the last century universally recognized, was the Holocaust in Germany. But as you can see, my beloved, most Germans had no idea what was happening in the concentration camps, until after the war. And why did they have no idea? Because they didn't want to know anything! They were like the Romans. They did not want to know anything about corruption and the madness of their leaders. Because if they had known, they would have had to do something to bring down those leaders and regain the power of their nation.

And this is precisely what is happening in the United States of America today. Americans don't want to know about corruption in their country. They do not want to recognize that foreign policy is monopolized by the elite of international power that is simply directing the president and his cabinet as puppets - who are dancing - while they move the ropes behind the scenes.

And then, the Americans are asleep and allow the president and his cabinet to use the September 11 incident, as an excuse to isolate and confine themselves. My beloved, observe the president's comment when he says: "If they are not with us, they are against us." Isn't that total isolation? Isn't that the way of thinking in black and white?

Because, in truth, you cannot say with sanity that anyone who is not willing to support the military adventure in Iraq is against the United States of America or is supporting terrorism. Perhaps, those nations that did not support him, just had a broader vision than that of the US administration, which has looked at the world from a closed scheme, thinking that this scheme gives them a more accurate representation of the world.

And so, what happened was that people allowed this to happen. They allowed the Patriotic Act to undermine their civil rights and their hard fought freedom. And therefore, they allowed their president and those behind him to take them on a military adventure in Iraq. And as you see, my beloved, why has this embarrassing situation happened - which I believe, most people understand today - for the American nation? Well, it is precisely because they would not be awakened in any other way. And since they do not listen to the Living Word, they are exposed to the second law of thermodynamics, through which, their own illusions or deceptions create the force that breaks the illusion or deception and therefore awakens people.

But what is dangerous that happens in this nation - and that is already happening - is that now you see the counter-elite trying to take advantage of the momentum of the collapse of self-esteem, of the confidence of Americans in their nation and of his ability to overcome all this. Y por esto, están tratando de crear un movimiento de oposición, de manera que puedan hacerse cargo de la situación y llevar a Estados Unidos a lo que ellos creen es la única visión global verdadera, pero que en verdad, es el extremo dualístico opuesto.

Esto, amados míos, ya está comenzando a suceder y lo podéis ver en los líderes demócratas que piensan que tienen una apertura, pero ellos todavía no representan la Palabra Viviente. Ellos no han alcanzado la Palabra Viviente. Y como veis, todos ellos son líderes ciegos. Y mientras que los estadounidenses jueguen el papel de seguidores ciegos, las cosas sólo llegarán a ser más embarazosas – en Irak – y en cualquier otro lugar.

Así ¿quiénes serán los que clamen en el desierto, como la voz de la razón, como la voz que anunciará el Camino Medio? Pues bien, amados míos, eso está por verse. Pero nosotros estamos dispuestos a hacer nuestra parte e inspirar a todos aquellos que en alguna medida estén abiertos a ser un instrumento de la Palabra Viviente.

Entonces, lo que estoy haciendo con esta entrega, es hablar a la conciencia de las masas, lo que en verdad, creará una fuerza alquímica. Porque la entrega de la Palabra Viviente, incluso, a través de una sola persona – cuando esa Palabra Viviente fluye desde arriba y en verdad está viva – tendrá un efecto. E incluso, si nadie escucha, tendrá un efecto. Y comenzará ese proceso alquímico, que es como el catalizador que veis en química, donde comienza muy gradualmente a construir el proceso. Pero a medida que se logra el momentum, de repente llega un punto donde la fase de transición tiene lugar. Y ahora, de repente, todas las moléculas entran en alineación y tenéis cohesión***. Y entonces, obtendréis la comprensión para que de repente, todos se despierten y digan: “¡Pero el emperador no tiene nada puesto! ¡Y el otro emperador tampoco tiene nada puesto! Así que busquemos a alguien que represente el Camino Medio”.

Sólo Dios es el Camino Medio

Y amados míos, no hay forma de encontrar el Camino Medio, a menos que Estados Unidos de Am rica, permanezca como una naci n bajo Dios. Porque, amados m os, por qu los padres fundadores escribieron esta frase? Pues bien, porque lo que hab an conocido antes eran las naciones de Europa, que estaban bajo el rey, representando a la elite del poder en la Tierra. Y as, los padres fundadores reconocieron, que a menos que tuvierais un sistema de gobierno, que estuviera basado en el respeto por algo m s grande que cualquier autoridad terrenal algo que no pudiera ser manipulado por la actividad pol tica en la Tierra a menos, que teng is ese respeto por algo superior, no podr ais mantener o incluso crear una naci n libre.

Y as, esta fue su gran visi n, ciertamente, con una peque a inspiraci nm ay de otros. Pero ellos estuvieron dispuestos, tan imperfectos como eran, a ser la puerta abierta para esto. Y cuando comprend is la realidad, mis amados, veis que la Declaraci n de Independencia fue redactada por Tom s Jefferson, quien viv a en una finca aqu en Virginia, una finca que ten a esclavos. Y sin embargo, l fue quien redact las palabras: todas las personas tienen derechos . Pero l no pudo extender estos derechos a sus propios esclavos, porque todav a estaba muy atado a su estilo de vida c modo.

Sin embargo, amados m os, aun as, l fue capaz de ser la puerta abierta para la Palabra Viviente. Y as, lo fueron Washington y otros a pesar de sus imperfecciones. Por esto, de nuevo, nosotros no exigimos que las personas sean perfectas, requerimos que est is dispuestos a trascender cualquier estado en el que est is ahora mismo. No importa que tan imperfecto sea. Lo que importa es vuestra disposici ny buena voluntad para trascender y llegar m s alto, porque esto es lo que estamos buscando.

Porque, amados m os, la Palabra Viviente no es un estado de perfecci n que nunca cambia. Precisamente, es la Palabra Viviente, porque est constantemente trascendi ndose. Y as, s vais a ser un instrumento para la Palabra Viviente, ten is que estar dispuestos constantemente a trascender. Porque, nuevamente, hay dos extremos dual sticos. Uno es ese en que muchas personas piensan: Ah pero yo no soy perfecto, c mo puedo ser un instrumento para la Palabra Viviente? C mo puedo representar a Jes soa los Maestros Ascendidos?

El extremo opuesto, son aquellos que est n enga ndose a si mismos con el orgullo, pensando que ya lo conocen todo, y por lo tanto, no necesitan la Palabra Viviente para que venga a perturbar su comodidad. Ellos piensan que conocen mejor que Dios, como dirigir este planeta. Y de esa forma, salen y se presentan a las personas. Pero ellos no est n conectados con la Palabra Viviente. Porque no hay vida en ellos. Y as, de nuevo, amados m os el Camino Medio, el Camino Medio, el Camino Medio equilibrio.

La vida y la verdad tampoco se encuentran en ninguno de los extremos dual sticos, ni se encuentran en la mitad, entre los dos extremos. S lo se encuentran al trascender la escala de la dualidad, como el Se or Maitreya lo explica en su libro, mejor de lo que yo pueda explicarlo aqu a menos que os vay is al extremo de dormiros (por mi culpa) [risas].

As yo deber a, como Jes s lo hizo anteriormente, no adelantarme, Porque volver de nuevo. Y como pod is escuchar por mi impaciencia, en verdad, tengo muchas m s palabras vivientes para compartir con vosotros. Y por esto, tambi n expreso mi gratitud por vuestra buena voluntad de estar aqu . Porque como lo dije, una persona entregando la Palabra Viviente tiene un efecto, pero entre m s personas est n presentes, m s se multiplicar el efecto a trav s de la Llama del coraz n de todos. Y por eso, este mensajero ha estado dispuesto a estar completamente solo y entregar esta palabra, como cuando l permaneci completamente solo en Berl ny recibi un dictado dirigido a la conciencia de las masas.

No obstante, estoy eternamente agradecido de que muchos de vosotros estéis aquí, porque de ese modo tenemos una multiplicación, que es la que habéis sentido a medida que la luz fluye a través de vosotros cuando dais estos rosarios. Entonces, amados míos, os doy mi gratitud, mi gratitud, mi gratitud. Y me alegraré de veros de nuevo mañana.

*Antes del dictado, los participantes vieron una presentación de filminas con imágenes del universo basados en música clásica.

** Gran Bretaña comprende Inglaterra, Escocia, el País de Gales e Irlanda del Norte.

***Cohesión se refiere a la unión de los miembros de un equipo.

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