Maestro Morya: Energy attacks, shadow, implants ... through Solange Marín

  • 2016

I come from the highest unconditional love to deliver a message for humanity that can serve you, beloved Teranos, to understand a little more deeply what is happening on the Beloved Blue Planet.

I am Master Morya, my very beloved brothers on this wonderful day in energy and frequency I come to remind you of my previous message about the protection against the psychic attacks of which some of you are being victims.

Let me explain something to you, just as Luz and her representatives in the Universe do our work and we have an objective to fulfill, so you can feel how those who work on the opposite side do not rest either to achieve their objectives and goals that basically consists of hinder the rise of the Teranos, is to keep them in the 3D dream without letting them out of the Matrix, and this for what? Well, to achieve greater control over energy and balance the balance in your favor.

All these political, economic, shortage, lack of love, competition between brothers, etc., are installed as energy implants as you well know How? through distractions like television, newspapers, mobile phones, Internet, and stop counting. I do not tell you to depart from "technology" or what you take as such, but use the much-cited discernment, ask yourself: what do I read? What do i hear? I think? How do I use my time? Then it will be easier for them to choose between what suits them or not.

Returning to my words about the work of non-light, I will tell you the following: darkness is part of the cosmic and planetary equilibrium, it is necessary even to keep the forces in balance and then I tell you, there is nothing to fear while everyone exercises their free will, but always being faithful to their principles, knowing which side they are on and what is the purpose of their stay on Earth.

We all have missions and tasks within the universal framework, there is no "idle" being to put it in some way, only that each one exercises his freedom as he sees fit. In relation to the energy attacks that many suffer I will tell you some things:

1. Leave the fear. You know who you are and understand that you are very loved.

2. Do not have false beliefs that can harm them. Damage occurs only if you allow it. A strong Being in your Faith and your convictions should not believe in comments and supercheries, is it okay?

3. Learn to be energetically armored . This is achieved by keeping your energy body healthy and free from interference, and through balance you get it.

4. Support each other. When someone feels that he cannot alone or needs guidance, look for it, remember that each person does the spiritual work.

5. Embrace your BEING of Light . Connect with your Higher Self and understand that against true unconditional love there is nothing that can resist.

6. Work daily. Keep a positive attitude, thoughts consistent with Divine Love, raise your frequency at every moment.

7. Understand that it is essential to know yourself to be able to light your own shadow that lives within you, the shadow are the attachments, fears, beliefs that anchor you in low frequency, and here is the most important thing that I have told you .

Light your shadow and you will see how that Light, however small in principle, devours those areas that are still unknown to you. Take it as an excursion inside and carry in your backpack the most important tools: Faith, will, perseverance and wisdom.

Beloved brothers, it is for today that I have come to remind you, I wrap your auras and your bodies in the Blue Sapphire Light, and in the company of the Archangels Michael and Faith, with the assistance of the beloved Hercules, and the energy of the Beloved Helios and We bless you forever. So it is and so it will be for the infinite time-no-time of the Creator of All THAT IS.

In Luz I am Master Morya

I am!

AUTHOR: Solange Marín


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