Cursed objects

When findings of this type are made, sometimes the sites where they are found are closed down, blinding them forever, when it comes to objects whose number is abundant, or when the deposit shows signs that cursed objects will continue to appear and the thing is not going to be reduced to one, which appears in isolation. And workers are instructed not to "talk about what they have seen." It is something compromising, which "annoys" excessively.

In Peru it appeared, back in the year of 1572 one of these objects that should not exist. It was an iron nail, embedded in a rock, in a geological layer dated between 75, 000 and 100, 000 years, found in a mine. The nail had a length of 18 cms., And was delivered as a curious memory to the then Spanish Viceroy of Peru.

This was not the only nail of which there is news, because years later, in 1845, in Scotland, in a quarry of Kingoodie, another iron nail appeared, in a block of stone. Part of the nail was embedded in that block, and its head measured 2.5 cm. The problem is that the dating of the finding gave an age of 60 million years for the aforementioned block. Impossible a nail of that time, but true.

By the way, as anecdotal data, I have a Phoenician nail, (relatively modern), bronze, more than 3, 000 years old, and is preserved in perfect condition. I don't know what a nail would last like now.

But if it is rare to find metal nails of such antiquity, the problem is complicated when instead of a nail what is found is a screw, as happened in the year 1865, in a piece of feldspar found in a mine in the State of Nevada, (Treasure City).

The feldspar had the rusty remains of a screw, and the dating of the finding was 21 million years, that is, something impossible from any point of view.

A screw is not a simple object, but developed to be used with the help of another object, a lever, and in more recent times a screwdriver or screwdriver. But, historically, this antiquity given by the Nevada screw is not admitted, but its invention is attributed to a Greek, about 200 BC, from the development of the spiral helix.

The screws, according to Traditional History, (and I am horrified to use that term, since there should only be one History), were used as an alternative to the nails there by the year of 1556. The screwdriver made its appearance in the year of 1780.

None of this coincides, chronologically, with the dating of the findings of the same objects in certain mining and / or archaeological sites, giving dates prior to the appearance of the human being.

Since they have not been able to be created by spontaneous generation, it will be necessary to think that there is a vacuum that must be filled in some more or less rational way. But how to do it?

And not only do the problems start from the fact that some objects appear on dates before the appearance of the human being, with that being the most inexplicable fact, but, once it appears, it is sometimes associated with objects too technologically evolved for the knowledge attributed to those humans who "seem to use" those objects.

The concepts that archaeologists and historians have about the minimal knowledge of metallurgy that, they believed, had certain peoples of antiquity have to be continually reviewed. Complicated jewels, made from the use of copper, gold and silver, sometimes surprise these researchers that such advanced knowledge and skills in certain cultures were not expected. Sometimes it has been observed that electroplating has been used in the treatment of some metals, a procedure that is considered as a relatively recent knowledge, since it dates from 1840, and its discoverer was called Luigi Galvani, although others wanted to join the aforementioned discovery, As often happens.

If this electroplating process, which serves, (among other things), to cover figures with gold or other metals by an electrical process, is from 1840, how do you explain that objects are already galvanized, by this process or this technique? the antiquity ?. We return again to the egg and the chicken.

And if the electric battery, whose invention is attributed to Alejandro Volta, would be an invention of approximately 1800, based on the works of Galvani, how do you explain the appearance of electric batteries, following the same construction principle as Volta batteries, in very old times, as in 250 BC ?. These old batteries are supposed to be used in those galvanizing processes of figurines and other objects.

A battery was formed by alternating pieces or plates of copper and zinc, with a cloth soaked in an acid solution, which caused a certain electrical voltage. The battery was the precursor of the electric battery, and in some languages ​​the battery is already called a battery.

Are there old batteries that can be framed within the denomination of "cursed objects", and that preceded the batteries of Alejandro Volta? ..

Yes. The place is not the most recommended to be visited, since it is in Baghdad, in the Archaeological Museum, in present-day Iraq, where a dangerous war is taking place today.

There are, or were, some electric batteries, classified in a generic way as objects of worship, until one day an archaeologist, (Wilhelm Kónig), discovered what they really were. I say that "they are or were", because the Archaeological Museum has suffered, as a result of that war, a tremendous plunder. Apart from the thefts, some objects that "bothered" will have disappeared, taking advantage of the chaos.

There are about 4, 000 objects that should not exist, which contradict what has been said and written about the History of Humanity, and that throw down scientific and historical dogmas and force researchers to look the other way and pretend not to have seen any.

They have dated them, they have classified them, but before the surprising and amazing results that such analyzes have given, these damn objects that should not exist, and that are nonetheless there, have been saved and the smallest comment has not been made on them the books or in the scientific forums. Some of them have even been destroyed, to hide their existence. Destroyed without contemplation by intolerant and dogmatic scientists.

However, some of them are exhibited in museums, where they are classified as “objects of worship”, or under generic and / or conventional denominations, trying to make them go unnoticed in their true significance, in their true nature.

Curse and nightmare of archaeologists and historians, these objects are clearly indicating that things (History) are not as they seem, or as they have told us and that in the past certain events occurred that are hidden or manipulated.

How to explain the existence, for example, of a hammer over 140 million years old, when we are told that the human being did not appear on the earth until 7 million years ago, and did not manufacture his first and crude tools hunting, work or war until 2 million years ago ?. Something here does not fit. What came first the chicken or the egg?

Because the hammer exists. Too bad for us, the damn hammer exists. And other gadgets too.

The handle of the hammer is petrified, with the interior of the wood converted to coal, and from the analyzes obtained, it turns out that the hammer head throws 96% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 1% sulfur, which It indicates almost total metal purity, which was not possible if advanced metal techniques were not used.

Advanced techniques? But if at that time there were no human beings. How is this possible?

The hammer of marras is exposed in a museum of Texas, (the Somerwell Museum), because it was in Texas, (near London), where it was in the year of 1934.

Nobody wants to know anything about it.

Those of us who have nothing better to do, and who like to fantasize or elucidate, we think that this madness could be explained if we accept the possibility of phenomena such as teleportation of objects, (I don't know Only of place, but also in time), or the existence in very remote times, before the appearance of the current human being, of civilizations so advanced more than ours, that by causes several eventually disappeared, destroyed or moved to other places. And for the supporters of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, it would be an undeniable proof of the visit of beings from other worlds.

It seems that History begins further, much further back than the time line fixed by archaeologists and historians, when officially no human beings existed, and much less even developed civilizations. Perhaps not precisely the history of our civilization, but that of other beings that preceded us.

Because accepting what the ancients said t that the monarchy descended from heaven, would it be too much to accept, or maybe not?

As far as Baghdad batteries are concerned, some clarification is necessary.

There is a strong response from those who do not admit the existence of cursed objects, called ooparts, (objects out of place or time). They seek rational explanations of the mysteries that are being exposed, and I believe that seeking rationality is what should be done, although in the obsessive search for that rationality one can fall into the opposite, in irrationality.

The controversy over these piles is a good example of what we are saying.

Its use is attributed to births, as they were found in the territories that formerly occupied these villages, there for the years from 248 BC to 226 BC

It was in the course of some work carried out by the staff of the Iraqi State railway, in a village located southeast of Baghdad, which found a grave. Notified the archaeologists, about 613 ornaments or beads, figurines and other objects were extracted from the mentioned tomb, among which a strange small clay vessel, a vessel that was fixed on its tomb, stood out internal part a copper cylinder, attached to the neck of the vessel by asphalt. Inside the copper cylinder was an iron rod, which showed traces of having been coated with lead.

In those days, Wilhem Konig, an archaeologist of German nationality, was in charge of the laboratory of the Baghdad State Museum. I want to punish that this man was not stupid, and that he had the knowledge and seriousness that is required to occupy a position of responsibility like the one he held. It is evident that, like every human being, he was not exempt from being able to make mistakes and / or mistakes in his deductions. And in that sense, it is argued that the fact that two metals are found, that in the presence of an electrolyte generates a voltage, that can be a coincidence, and not that those objects were manufactured looking for that effect.

Well, that reasoning seems a bit strange to me. It is true that two metals in the presence of an electrolyte generate a voltage, but if that effect is not sought, why are these small vessels made with the materials in that arrangement? It is true that it is comfortable and uncompromising to classify them as "objects of worship."

It is said that no traces of the electrolyte are found, so it is concluded that it did not exist, and since it does not exist, there is no such cell or battery. The electrolyte, even if it has disappeared, would be detected with current techniques.

And I ask, what if it was grape juice or some similar acid? Could we detect remains of grape juice, 4, 000 years later?

When Wilhem Konig identified the piece as a stack, he later linked it with similar ones, up to a number of ten. He supposed that number of batteries would have been connected in series, to increase the potential.

It is argued that this is not credible, because the necessary wire has not appeared to make the serial connection and perform the supposed electrodeposition of material (???).

This, to me personally, seems stupid. Let's be rational, but not idiots. How many times do we keep our current batteries alone, without connecting to any gadget? Simple batteries appear alone, thrown anywhere. There are no cables or devices where they could be used. Therefore, are they not batteries? That is not rationality. It is simple nonsense.

I insist: I do not take away the reason that objects could be something else and not batteries, but we must use other more logical reasoning.

To complicate matters, at the end of World War 2, an engineer from the General Electric Company (called Willard Gray), in Massachusetts, also identified them as batteries and reproduced them, using copper sulfate as electrolyte, obtaining a voltage between 1 and 2 volts.

Okay. Agree. Two metals submerged in an electrolyte can generate a certain voltage, and that has not been sought. But I have the doubt. Maybe I am little rational.

There is another problem. It is said that these batteries were used for galvanization. But the detractors of this case argue that in electrodeposition the important thing is not the voltage, however high it is achieved, but the intensity, in which they are absolutely right. But if they were not used for electroplating, could these batteries no longer be used?

I use a lot of batteries, but I never do electroplating. I use them for radios, for cameras, alarm clocks and for all the uses we all know where those gadgets are useful.

In case Baghdad's objects are stacks, (and I risk believing so): What would they be used for? That is the question.

What I do begin to think is that many current inventors, rather than inventing, are rediscovering existing inventions.


- Seen at: El-Amarna

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