The Number 3: Curiosities and numerological significance of the people determined by this number

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Curiosities of the number 3 2 Personality: The positive of the number 3 3 Personality: The negative of the number 3 4 The number 3 in Work 5 The number 3 in Love

“The number 3 refers to the balance. The harmony achieved by achieving internal and fully dualities, leaving behind any friction between opposites. ”

- Ibiza Melián

The world of numbers is extremely wide, and constantly crosses our life. The relationship established between our reality and the order of the numbers that order it has been a matter of interest to man since the beginning of time.

This relationship shows us that there is a numerical prevailing in each of us, determined by the date of birth. This number will have an influence on us from the moment we came into the world, and will forever be part of our life, determining various aspects of our personality .

This time, we will talk about a fundamental number, loaded with symbology, such as number 3 .

Curiosities of the number 3

We just need to remember to recognize that the number 3 is present throughout history, going through religions, thoughts and rituals.

In many religions, the creation of the world and divine power is related to this number. In Hindu brahmanism we can see a form of the trinity, represented in Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva . On the part of the Egyptians we find Isis, Horus and Osiris . The Greeks represented him with Zeus in the heavens, Poseidon in the sea and Hades in the underworld. Christianity tells us about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit .

The number 3 is protagonist in many of the religions and worldviews of the world, so it is not surprising that it is considered a divine number . In addition, the Tao Te King refers to this in chapter 42, when he says " The tao produces the One, the One produces the Two, the Two produces the Three, The Three produces the Ten Thousand Things ." In this philosophy, the number 3 refers to Tai Chi, the Self.

In the bible, the number 3 appears 467 times. Seraphim sing "Holy, Holy, Holy." The three wise men are three, bringing three gifts. The Holy Family are Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the theological virtues are three (Faith, Hope and Charity), and Jesus is resurrected three days after his crucifixion.

We ourselves, as a functional unit, cannot fail to notice that we are made up of three basic elements, which are mind, body and spirit . And psychologically we divide ourselves into I, Superyo and It, or Unconscious, Conscious and Being . And we measure all our time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Therefore we cannot deny that it is a number of great participation in the whole history of the human being. And that the people who are determined by the number 3 will be special people.

Personality: The positive of number 3

The number 3 is touched by the art wand. He is creative and cheerful, and has a great personality for colors and proportions . They love forms of expression such as dance or music, and they are very efficient communicators. It is characterized by being outgoing and spontaneous, reluctant to monotony and materialism. Their energy and love for life makes them very attractive and charismatic. They know how to have fun and have an innate ability to earn money.

He is friendly, sincere and generous, ruled by empathy and sweetness in all his relationships. If you need good advice, a number 3 is that you should consult, because you will not have problems trying to help you.

They don't like to stand still, because they are enthusiastic and extremely dynamic . However, it will not be uncommon to find a number 3 taking advantage of their time just to reflect and analyze things. It is perhaps one of the most versatile personalities .

Personality: The negative of number 3

These people have a weakness in transforming their activities into routine, and that is that their rejection of them often leads them to not finish what they begin .

Unfortunately, his ease of communication and his own need for expression can lead him to sin of meaningless charlatans . In addition, accustomed to being noticed where they pass, they can exaggerate and fall into hypocrisy in their quest to impress people and fall well.

A poorly balanced number 3 may fall on vanity and selfishness. His wounded sensibility can lead him to close before the spiritual meaning of life and make it capricious and superficial. The sensitivity to interact with people and their charm can also make him an expert manipulator . Under the right circumstances they can become totally frivolous and intolerant.

In addition, excessive time alone can lead to exaggerated melancholy and depression. They can be extremely sensitive and emotional, which can lead to emotional instability.

Number 3 at Work

Their capacity for creativity, their dynamism and enthusiasm can be great tools in the workplace . Their high level of motivation leads them to be skilled to create new job opportunities. His artistic character and his great talent lead him to excel and excel in his activities . They are participatory, and their facility for social relationships can be helpful for making contacts and customers.

His greatest victories will be in the artistic field, because sensitivity is his greatest tool in this regard. Your imagination and creativity will be your greatest allies in this field.

They can also stand out in medicine, especially in specialties such as pediatrics, dentistry and gynecology.

His great eloquence will be a tool very well used in public relations and sales tasks, and thanks to his persuasive ability also in the legal field.

Within teaching, you may find yourself more comfortable in the field of arts. Dance, music and rhythmic gymnastics will be spaces that you find most interesting.

He is not a very systematic person by nature, he does not enjoy carrying out activities that involve very complex techniques . And the same facility he has to generate job opportunities and produce money, he has to spend it. That is why they do not possess the ability to save money .

The number 3 in love

The same passion he has to face life is for love. He is fiery and passionate, but he will need to experiment long before the need to settle down is born . And the presence of this need will not be a guarantee of anything, because they have many problems with the routine, in addition to the fact that their very dynamism leads them to feel attracted to new stimuli and challenges.

Their sensitivity makes them very affectionate and tender people, and they are also very considerate, although they can easily neglect their obligations.

It is perhaps one of the people with whom it is more pleasant to talk, and enjoy the game of seduction very much . Also, they don't get along very well with the idea of ​​spending a lot of time alone.

He is in love, loves the unknown and is bored when he meets the same thing over and over again. That makes stability in the couple complicated.

It has greater compatibility with the numbers 1, 6, 8 and even with another number 3. However, very similar personalities will learn to live together or collide until they are fed up .

One thing is for sure, and that is where a number 3 passes through it shows.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



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