Intuition and Judgment

  • 2014

Intuition is not something we can produce, it is something that is. And something that is in all people, as in all people, thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgments are born ... Their vocabulary is not composed of words; If there are words, it is judgment. Its content is not made up of images; If there are images, there is judgment. And of course, its content is not composed of the words "intuition tells me that such a thing or that such a person ..." (Words pronounced within us or put in common); If there are words, there is judgment and also criticism. In recent times I have understood that criticism and personal opinion about someone undermine love and compassion.

Intuition is an inner certainty that expresses itself in an integral way (physically, psychically, emotionally and spiritually) that denotes presence in the present moment, which denotes awareness of yourself in a timeless present. It is a knowledge that is not known. If you think you know, it is judgment.

Intuition is the absolute recognition of yourself at that moment, of the expression of your yo as something not separated in your consciousness; it is understanding of the present moment expressed in the total opening of your heart to that moment.

Intuition does not modify behavior (understanding behavior as the appreciation of yourself that emerges in your consciousness). If intuition modifies behavior, it is judgment. You change opening for defense. Intuition does not need to defend itself. If you sense that you have to defend yourself from someone, you are being attacked by your own lack. Intuition is a celestial virtue that always springs towards oneself, not towards others . Intuition can guide my life only, be my inner master only.

Intuition is silence, it arises in silence and has no need to be demonstrated . Folding the bells by being intuitive is like folding the bells by having a body. (Belief of superiority)

In it springs creativity, expansion, forgiveness, inner voice, discrimination of the real (experience) and the unreal (thoughts, emotions, feelings and experience, the result of our conditioning) . Through intuition you know yourself in your thoughts and do not recognize yourself in them, you know yourself in your body, in your feeling, in emotion, and you do not recognize yourself in them, because when there is intuition there is integration and transcendence, you are more than the sum of your parts.

Does intuition come about to others? Yes

Rollin McCraty, PhD, Mike Atkinson and William A. Tiller, PhD. they presented a study in 1999 that demonstrated the interaction of the electromagnetic energy of the heart of one person over the brain of another at a distance of one and a half meters producing modification in the alpha brain waves These began to be appreciable only in a state of cardiac coherence of both, which implies the maintenance of a neutral listening between them. If I listen to defend a criterion, or to answer, or to advise, I do not comply with neutral listening patterns, therefore I cannot be intuitive about others.

The collaboration of the two people is necessary for this communication to occur. If not, the person who keeps the active listening can observe beyond the words and know the position of the other person, but is subject, in part, to personal analysis and interpretation and the proper characteristics are not given for a communication intuitive between the two (between two). Yes, however, intuition can be maintained about one's feelings; that is, what does it tell me about myself ? If I think I know what happens to the other, I am judging. This subtle position makes the difference between intuitive communication and judgment. It takes a lot of honesty with oneself (and presence). Not being aware of this leads us to project.

Intuition is something that is already in you. It is not necessary to look for it. Intuition emerges. Pay attention to the present moment and keep inner silence and you will be the most intuitive person in the world at the service of the only thing that really is real: conscience, your conscience. Knowing does not make us wise, it only makes us wise not to know.


Intuition and Judgment

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