The Rainbow Crystals in our Interior and special announcement of The Mother Whale

  • 2012

Meditation of May 25, 2012: The Rainbow Crystals in our Interior and special statement of The Mother Whale

We continue with the Solar Awareness Project!

For those who have just entered this Project, we welcome them and invite them to read and carry out the previous meditations, since every month we have been receiving teachings transmitted by the Master Jesus that will allow us to understand and reconnect with our high purpose as Servants of the light. Each of the meditations constitutes the reconnection with the living memory of who we are, as they allow us to reconnect with the elevated Portals that each of Us has in our Light bodies and physical bodies.

The purpose of the Meditations that we have carried out so far is to give each of you the necessary tools to manifest your Service in the Resonance of the SOLAR Christ Consciousness. As we progressed month by month, we were receiving the teachings that allow us to recognize ourselves as Pillars of Christian Light and reconnect with our Planetary Service. That is why they are invited to carry out the previous meditations and review the information, because in the following months we will now fully enter the Active Service Phase.

These first 6 months of the year have been constituted as the Reconnection and Training Phase, through which we have reconnected with our Service through the Opening of Our Heart as a Portal of Light, the reconnection with the Intraterrene Family and the Cosmic Family, as well as the elevated connection with the SUN to receive Solar Consciousness in our bodies and Points of Light. In this month of May we will perform the last meditation of the Reconnection and Training Phase and later in June, we will receive the INITIATION TO THE SOLAR SERVICE, and then, in the following months of the year, directly enter the Active Service Phase.

In this month we will connect and activate our Interior Rainbow Crystals. These crystals are anchoring and decoding points of the Solar Cosmic Light and when activated we will become Pillars emitting the Cosmic Rays of Light.

The Rainbow Crystals are found in Our Heart and in our head (Pineal and pituitary gland) in a multidimensional way and when activated they enter into Alignment with the Cosmic Suns and with the Great Central Sun, acting as receiving channels of information, Light and sound. Our inner Rainbow Crystals are both multi-faceted prisms that remain in rotation, receiving and transmitting information, each one has a specific function and are the Sacred Anchor Points of the Divine Light that will allow us to act as Pillars emitting the Cosmic Rays of Light.

The Rainbow Crystal of our Head

It is found multidimensionally in the center of our brain, unifying the Pineal Gland and the pituitary gland. While the Pineal Gland receives the Light and Divine information, the Pituitary Gland decodes and retransmits it, transforming it into information, wisdom and understanding. By activating this Rainbow Crystal, the Divine Light enters in a fluid and pure way, propelling our Crystal towards rotation and with it our vibration rises allowing us to receive information and clarity consciously.

The Rainbow Crystal in our Heart.

It constitutes the living memory of All that we are. Each of its facets represents the different multidimensional aspects of our Being and when activated, allows us to understand life from high states of consciousness. Its activation leads us to the Christian understanding, the opening of the heart and is a tool for conscious and elevated co-creation. In turn, the Rainbow Crystal of our heart is the anchoring and transmission point of the Cosmic Rays of Light with which we will perform our Planetary Service as part of the Solar Consciousness Project.

On this occasion, we will activate both Crystals and receive the Cosmic Rays in our Body of Light.

Each of the Cosmic Rays is a Service tool whose frequency carries various Divine attributes that we can attract to our consciences and bodies of Light to elevate various situations in our life or simply elevate our vibration and receive understanding.

On this occasion each one of Us will make the connection with his inner Rainbow Crystals and receive the Cosmic Rays in his Being. Each of you will receive the frequency and the Divine attributes of the Cosmic Rays you most need at this time allowing you to raise and transcend either dissonant situations or problems. Or they will simply lead you to a higher elevation in Love. Therefore, this will be a meditation of elevation and healing for each one.

Here I share a small summary of the Divine Attributes that carry both the 10 Primary Rays and the 9 New Energy Rays, so that you know what qualities will be working in you:

The 7 Primary Rays:

PINK ray . Unconditional Love: To reconnect with your heart, with Love towards yourself and everything around you.

Blue ray. Strength and will: To fill you with strength and align your will with the divine will, it will help you feel divine and strengthened.

Yellow ray. Wisdom: To align with your inner wisdom from the integration of the masculine and feminine of your heart.

Green Thunder. Healing: To cleanse and purify your body, aligning it to receive the Light of new energy.

ORANGE lightning. Joy: Heal and realign yourself with your inner child. Recover the joy of living and focus on the here and now.

White Lightning. Ascension: To raise the frequency of your physical body and all your cells, allowing the anchoring of new energies

VIOLET lightning. Transmutation: it finishes and seals the purification.

The New Energy Rays.

SILVER RAY. The feminine energy is represented through the various dimensional planes by the Pink, Silver and Magenta Rays. Each of these rays increases the vibration of the feminine energy in octaves. The Silver Ray is the next vibrational octave of the Pink Ray and constitutes the healing and equilibrium of the feminine energy in all the Planes. It can be used to balance situations and to clean energy.

GOLDEN RAY. The masculine energy is represented through the various dimensional planes by the Blue, Gold and Turquoise Ray. Each of these rays increases the vibration of the masculine energy in octaves. The Golden Ray is a ray of deep balance, it can be applied for healing and to attract the Solar Frequency towards us and the environment.

PLATINUM RAY . Deep cleaning at DNA level .. It will allow you to work on the healing of old memories of pain and separation. Release of fear Expansion of consciousness ..

DIAMANTINE RAY. It will allow you to integrate more wisdom and connection with the Divine, propelling you towards reconnection with your body of Light and the awareness of your Higher Self.

MAGENTA RAY. Reconnection with the original Unit memory. awakening in the DNA the memories of your galactic origin. It reconnects you with the feminine Christic energy at its highest vibratory level.

TURQUOISE RAY. Reconnection with the unit memory .. Joy, celebration. connection with planetary consciousness. with Mother Earth and all her Beings. Connection with the masculine Christian energy at its highest vibratory level.

ARCOIRIS RAY. Reconnection with your Higher Self, to awaken Wisdom, understanding and compassion. Respect for all Beings.

CORAL RAY . Female energy of the Goddess ... to reconnect and align with the energy of Sacred Love. the purest Light and the unification integration of the cosmic feminine and masculine energy.

BLUE VIOLET RAY. It is a ray that combines the energies of the Blue Ray (Divine Will) and the Violet Ray (transmutation) to purify, transmute and release old karmic patterns and entrenched beliefs that are preventing us from advancing in our process of awakening. This ray is tuned to the Arturian Frequency.

BLUE RAY ZAFIRO It is a ray of integration and balance. This Ray represents the Divine Order and comes to restructure us internally, to balance the aspects that were unbalanced from our dual interpretation of reality, restoring the Divine aspects of our Being as it reconnects us with integrity, respect and Cosmic Love.

Special statement from the Mother Whale

As I write this is May 22, 2012, at the beginning of the day, I received the indications for this month's Meditation. However, throughout the day I received the Mother Whale connection calling us to action to contain and transmute the atomic energies that are being released in Fukushima Japan.

Therefore, before the monthly meditation we will do the work that is asked of us. I also include an image to help you visualize the work of Light, so that from now on, every day we visualize the octahedron of Light, until the Contingency has been exceeded.

Here I share the statement sent to us by the Mother Whale:

The Mother Whale, statement on Fukushima

Cetaceans hold in our hearts the Waters of the Planet and life on Earth.

In recent months we have experienced a great commotion in the Waters of the Planet, especially in the Pacific Ocean and in the Gulf of Mexico due to experiments with sonars and radiated sounds for the search of oil fields. In turn, in Japan, the situation at the Fukushima nuclear plant is in an alarming state, so it still needs containment.

Mother Earth is giving us alerts, constant warnings. Human Beings, it is time for them to transform their consciousness and correct the course. They are still in time to reconcile with life, create alternative ways so that their relationship with Mother Earth is transformed from predation to cooperation and Love.

In the name of all living Beings of the Planet, we ask you to maintain in your inner vision the transformation of consciousness and Unification.

We also ask you to visualize a ring of white Light surrounding the entire area of ​​Japan and the surrounding Pacific Waters. In the center of that ring of Light we ask you to visualize a luminous octahedron that enters the Waters and finally visualize your ring of white Light transforming into Violet Light.

The Cetaceans work with you and we will help you sustain and raise the vibration of the Waters.

Remember, vibration creates geometric waves that expand through the Planetary Grid. The higher the vibration, these geometric waves have the ability to balance and raise those dense vibrations that are misaligned from Light and Love.

We summon you Servants of the Light to sustain in high intention Love and Gratitude for the oceans, for life and for Mother Earth.

In love,

The Mother Whale

In the Mp3 you will find, initially the visualization that the Mother Whale asks us and then the meditation that corresponds to this month.

Here you can download the Meditation.

I share the links of the previous meditations.

As well as the link to download the manual for the Anchoring of the Point of Light.

Remember, both Meditations and the Activation of the Light Point can be done in groups or alone.

Where there is a person willing to Serve the entire universe go to Help!

LOVE ... It is the recognition in Humility of Unity and Divinity in everything that surrounds us. Love is Respect, compassion, Joy ... when we love deeply, without attachments and without fear we can go beyond our barriers to enter the sacred space of Unity. Love is the seed and the fertile field where Life germinates ..

KAI | SYRIO light

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