Channeling of the council of the twelve: "Do not fear"

  • 2014

As always, we begin this day by greeting those who have tuned in to everything that the transmission supports, and we wish to extend a great joy to all; We will tell you a great joy on this day, like the one we have for the entity in recent times. It's the worst hours, but we say it again and again, don't fear! We bring you very joyful news.

So this is the message we wish to impart to each of you today, and it is very clear that this is independent in so many respects of the circumstances in which you could find yourself at this time. We tell you not to be afraid, to remember, remember what you are made of, what you emanate, what you symbolize and know in your center.

We are talking about alignments, and we attract your attention to the heavens, a subject we want to talk about in less linear terms than we have seen on occasion. We wish to remind you that alignments, the planets themselves, as well as their consciousness, are metaphors; They are aware and alive, say, in terms of the most basic. Simply the geometry of these windows through which we are entering - and you are entering - these alignments and doors, portals and corridors, all are symbolic, codes that have been hidden in plain sight. Codes that you knew you would receive and understand. Perhaps you do not see the fun in this, you who are waking up, finding hidden keys in plain sight, keys that you yourselves put along the way, and we tell you now that this is one of the reasons why you should not fear.

Isn't it difficult when they see the trills and quadrants in their skies that alignments are the order of the day, huh?

We want to tell you about the Lion Gate, a subject that is just interesting for many of those who are waking up, and with this statement we want to wander.

We want to remind everyone as this letter comes to an end after our stories , we ask you to remember that this awakening, if seen objectively, is a technical rarity that some are here to anticipate, get involved with and download, accept, integrate and radiate, these that are so fascinated now with the awakening that their conscience is having, a process that seems to have its own momentum or satisfied requirements, this awakening is technical, and if it can be expressed well, it can be seen as something entirely optional. We say this due to the nature of the wave of awakening, and we will discuss this fully over time.

We talk to you about the star gates and the Divinity of each human because both are related. Each one is an emanation of the Source, true and unique expressions of realities, truths and divine understandings, each one is creating itself, an effort and a crystallized will. We tell you this to remind everyone to read or hear that their fellow traveler is their own interpretation of the Light that you appreciate so much.

We tell you these technical skills - and by this we mean simply the coded intention to awaken the DNA beyond its fixed markers. Look, there are those who have done this before, and they are, as they say, "getting in line." You will see more of this, much of this in children, as brother / sister Kryon points out so eloquently; his partner Lee Carroll explains to all that these changes of consciousness are truly the fabric of the grids, and as such, the matrix of realities, probabilities, all engaging with each other in ways that it is not always possible to put in a language in this moment.

We tell you that many have noticed that the merger with other selves is happening, perhaps long forgotten, perhaps never understood, and that this unit is simply an octave, an inclusion of the truth that could not have been easily sustained prior to these changes Recent

To say that the planets graceing their skies, their movements and alignments are not significant for the pure magnetic of their planet would be crazy, and to understand that every planet, every consciousness here now only to assist is giving rise to a new path to the awareness of many and accelerating the discomfort, alarm and fear in many, those who perhaps are vibrationally on par with fields of agreement that are slower and heavier; and we are constantly admired by everything, because each one is a work of divine art, each one makes sense of the things that have never happened in Gaia before. They are all pioneers!

We repeat everyone, do not fear! We bring you a joyful message of expansion, freedom and love, a message that begins and ends with you, in your heart, within your breath, merging the blood with the air, and creating and allowing a physical heart to beat time for a new Earth, a new reality, one as available as any, one that only requires you to be.

Nothing to gain and nothing to do, we ask you to lie in the arms of truth; you are safe, you are well, you have chosen this moment because you are aware in this moment and you are loved immeasurably in this moment. We ask those who can understand this truth that this moment is now the moment and this reality is entirely benevolent. We ask you to consider this as a truth that deserves to be proven.

The alignments and the corridor through which consciousness passes is one that many will not notice, and some will take time out to experience it . We know that many understand the importance of 8-8 in this year of Divinity, and we tell them that codes are now available coming as a torrent with their heavenly partners and will have vast effects on many.

Of course it is good not to notice, and we tell you that this is very similar to the idea of ​​reincarnation, which is of course its linear interpretation of multidimensional reality and is, in fact, plainly a fact of physical life. Reincarnation does not worry about whether you believe in it or not; She will stay here the same. Few things are like this on Earth, we don't have to remind them. The Love of God is such a reality. His Divinity is that reality. Its worth.

As are the importance, meaning and assistance offered in the study of numbers, high science, and we welcome the master numerologists to take their long held places because we see each one, to all, so coded and willing to start presenting themselves . We tell you that this is possible only when it is safe, and that now, all of you, shamans, all of this first wave who are technicians, this will become safer, although it is safe now. There are simply too many of you of course. That is the idea. It is the first wave, do you see it?

We have already talked about the theory of the waves, and we only wish to remind you as your great brother did in the desert. No one will come before you now without an appointment. Do you think this is not so? We ask everyone feeling these changes in themselves to see what they are suffering from and are sorry for. Look well at the things, situations and problems that have made you suffer so much. You do not understand that they are only manifestations of frequency realities and that dissonance is definitely an experience that you will continue to experience as the vibrational changes intensify.

We tell you that this frequency dissonance and tone resonance are healing modalities, as well as metaphors, as well as their origins and butterflies and many natural explanations of the type of spiritual truth. There are many videos available demonstrating dissonance and resonance, and we urge you to see these realities using as many senses as you can to understand that these are metaphors for your conscience, dear ones.

The harmonic of dissonance and resonance and geometry are implied in your reality, but we tell you, we remind you dear beloved ones, that they are instead the generators of your reality, the `` Twins, '' we could say, and we only want to emphasize that there are things that are `` invisible '' that you have at your disposal now, whose states and realities allow the reality of 3D to have Such grip in your conscious state. That is why we tell you that whether you are aware of the heavens or not, you are in tune with other things or see inside, energy is energy, and vibrational change is part of this door., this Door of the Lion from which many will walk differently. The Gate is a culmination, refinement and continuation of the ethereal assistance, part of the revolution of the worlds.

Do you think it is a coincidence that all of you are speaking now in terms that even two years ago were used by a few? We want to emphasize just what has happened in the last two years. See the changes in your patterns, in your thoughts, in your feelings and in your desires. Have they not been altered? Is it not deeper than they could have imagined the sea in which they swim, but who expected some materialization to materialize?

It is very good for those who are technically adept at staying impatient, as we will tell you that this is an old gear, a mechanism that keeps being evolving ahead of the curve. It is a skill, come, a technical skill, and we tell you this to normalize your reality and to point out that all expressions are valuable. We enjoy talking with our technical staff, so to speak, those who see and know and can do things that some cannot. Your time has come to take your place, we tell you again and again that these times are very joyful times, of abundant blessings and immeasurable peace. The effort will never cease, you will always be in the middle of all things, we warn you to remember it, and we remind everyone that that involvement and active co-creation is the order of the day, made highly enjoyable we will say that as these alignments They earn in critical mass . This is a way of saying that ease in demonstration remains the gold standard, my dear ones, and that you allow for balance in your businesses, honoring your own intuition above all else.

Be kind to yourself and don't criticize your conscience, we beg you. We ask you to see your Self as a magnificent being to understand your heart, that you are this and more, God knows you and you are an integral part of this life and are immeasurably valued. As such, we ask you to remain in this moment of love, honor, and return as you wish . We wish you to know this about your self and to honor the self in others, every day, at all times. We understand that there are moments of doubt within everyone, and we honor dissonance as much as we honor resonance.

We invite you to experience these doors as you wish, each interpretation is valid and beautiful. We have given the channel an image of open windows hanging in space, white and covered with undulating curtains. There is an endless series of them, and this is the first. From the window a rainbow dust blows to the house, and the air is alive with it. She sees outside the window and notices that each window is doing that now, and there is a cloud of dust in the air enveloping everything. She inhales her, everyone is inhaling her, changed and improved by her. This visualization is a vision we wish to tell everyone.

It has been said that a wind arrives that changes everything, including the proportions. We ask you again to understand that if parts of your existence and realities appear to be vastly out of proportion, do not criticize them but understand that this is the concept of dissonance and resonance visually understood, emotionally understood perhaps. There are many ways to present realities, and many of them that are coming to you now are intuitive, but as real as your life "wakes up."

There is a coherence in consciousness that was incipient, and we ask those who have an interest in walking through the Lion Gate holding the awareness of this new energy. that they become their windmills, their conduits, and this will of course be done within their fields, and no word should be said . We only ask you to be aware of the changes and remain open to the reality that time has passed long ago to despair.

Do not fear!

by Kathy Vik

Channeling of the council of the twelve: "Do not fear"

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