Maestro Beinsá Dunó: Circle and Ellipse

  • 2015

Lesson given by Master Beinsá Dunó on March 31, 1926 in Sofia.

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!"


Next time write on the subject: "Why does man have to study?"

The theme was read: " Origin of the races ".

How is the black race distinguished from other races? - His lips are fat, jaws - protruding, chin - a little oblique, undeveloped forehead. In this race the lower feelings and the lower intellect are strongly developed. When the black race developed, the conditions on Earth were not beneficial, as a result of which it could not be created as necessary for the concept "man", in a high sense of the word. In the black race the liver is well developed.

How is the yellow race distinguished from the others? The people of the yellow race are more phlegmatic, extreme conservatives. The ligaments are strongly developed in them. They work more with their lower intellect. Above all, by the great they do not care much. The Chinese, who today represent the yellow race, they don't even have a concept about God; They have no name for God. For them God is heaven. Today, consciousness in human races is not equally developed. In this aspect the missionaries who preach Christianity among all races encounter great difficulties. Long time is required to enlighten people's consciousness. In Bulgarians many types intersect. Bulgarian is not a pure type. In some types there are remains of the Atlantean race, and in some the influence of the black race predominates. In the latter types the liver has influence. When the liver in some man is abnormal, he heals hard. This man turns yellow. The liver in man is related to the cerebellum.

The creative mind, the superior mind, is strongly developed in the white race. The white race has created poetry. If you observe poetry in the Semites, you will see that they have a strongly interested character. For example. David's Psalms represent more complaints. The only poet in the Semites who does not have this interested character is Isaiah. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, then, distinguishes themselves with a pessimistic view of life.

Now comes a new wave in the world - the wave of the sixth race, for which everyone must be ready. This brings favorable conditions for the development of humanity; however, such waves rarely come to the world. With its coming, the sixth race will raise all plants and animals to a step higher than the present. Everyone must use the conditions in which they are today. When you enter life, outside and within you certain storms and winds will rise, such as doubts, disbelief, suspicion, discouragement, etc. These things are very natural. When you enter the ocean you cannot wait just calm time. In the same way, if you live among the people, you will have and likes and dislikes.

Humans are not angels, disciples who enter the hidden school, require humans much more than they can give themselves. Frequently you see the mistakes of others, and you do not see them. It is not easy for man to act in an ideal, pure way, in his thoughts and desires. If it's a matter of mistakes, the world is filled with such. The Earth on which we live is covered with human blood. Human thoughts and feelings are stratified on the ground. White disciples need discipline. Hindu disciples are more disciplined than they are. If you go to India, there you will see what a disciple is. In general, the hidden schools are severe, because the higher the disciple rises, the more and the forces that act there are more perfect. And then the disciple can do and very great goodnesses, and very great evils, both to himself and to others.

There are different levels of discipleship. There are disciples who work with small measures; there are disciples who work with great measures. In this regard, when the disciple studies the gospel, he must study it and in small and large things. From the hidden point of view all the verses of the gospel do not have an equal meaning. When Christ says that we should refuse, that we should love God, these are different states, that is, different behaviors that man must have.

I ask: According to you, what does it mean for a man to refuse? What should he refuse? When talking about self-denial, we must understand the internal side of the issue. If we understand this way, we will reach a new light of consciousness. Self-denial is not a mechanical, external process, but an internal, conscious process in man. The law of self-denial over-understands that when man reaches a stage of his development where the land on which he lives has no juices for his development, he must leave this land. Now you don't stop on the external stumbling blocks. These are necessary for your growth. For you to overcome the stumbling blocks in life, you must have connection with God. In order for you to have connection with God, your ideas must be superior, that elevate your spirit. When you think of God, or of the superior beings, you connect with them. When you connect with God, you will have His thoughts, His feelings, which will elevate you.

You often hear someone complain about being offended. If it is a matter of offense, people and without being told something offensive, again carry the offense within themselves. When someone is not doing in life, isn't this an offense? You finish a university, but something is not going for you. You pray to God and no answer you receive. You barely occupy a trade, but and from there you run. And you feel shame, shame, humiliation, you walk from one place to another, I hope you settle somewhere. And after all this you hear that there is talk in the world that with creep you can make your way. If you decide to crawl, you lose your dignity. I ask: What man has so far managed to break through? Keep in mind that you serve God and a man who serves God must act honestly, with dignity, the word ar strapping has a double meaning. In general, all words can be transformed, to be transmitted a different sense. Here is why when man speaks, he must be careful, that he chooses the words with which he will serve. The world we live in today is not organized. We are not yet in the Kingdom of God, but we live in purgatory, in hell. Sometimes the man is so sensitive, that only hand shaking is capable of causing him harm. If hand shaking can cause harm, how much more thoughtless words used in our language can affect you. If we were familiar with the laws of human sensitivity, we were going to be more careful in our behavior towards each other. In that case, when some man is too sensitive, he should not appear among the people; if it appears between them, or should be surrounded, or should endure. For man to endure, he must have will.

Some say: when man enters among people, he must close within himself . What is understood under the words that you close within yourself ? That you close within yourself means that you have no unnecessary desires. Wish for today only the most essential! If you have a little good today, do not wish for the day. For each day you want only a little good. Don't try to achieve everything at once. In eternity all possibilities for the achievement of the ideals of the human soul are hidden. In the process of achieving his ideals, man will face a series of difficulties and contradictions. Take, for example, Christ, Who passes through the Son of God. How did the people of Earth receive Him? The world should receive it with garlands and immediately accept His teaching, but did it come out like this? We say that God is omnifuerte, that he can do everything, and in this we see that His Son, in every step was persecuted by the Sadducees and the Pharisees who objected, counter-acted, etc. I ask: If so, they proceeded with Christ, what is left for you? And after all this, complaints are heard everywhere, unhappy, that they have not accepted you well, that they were not careful towards you, etc. You predict the new teaching but you live in an old way. I ask: Who has endured this what Christ endured? Truly every man has a cross, but this cross is from his past. He does not suffer for God today, but he suffers for himself.

I say: Everything inharmonic, everything bad that exists today in the world, will disappear, and I will not remember any of this. All evils and crimes will be forgotten. Of the contemporary culture, only the beautiful, the beautiful will remain. Ask two people, be they husband and wife, or enemies, who have spent a lifetime in strife, in fights and have caused damage to each other, what have they gained from these behaviors? All life they were under the influence of the dark forces, under the influence of evil. The evil in the world is the old life. All the negative positions that exist in life must be elaborated. First of all, is there any life in disbelief, in doubt, in hate? A few days ago a young man came to me and says: " I want to become a bad man, I don't want to be gentle ." I tell him: before all you have never been soft. Now why do you want to become bad. I want to acquire experiences, to oppose people, not to crush me. I say: No one can crush you except yourself. What will you gain if you become bad? May you be good in all your trials, in this is your strength as a man. You are still not good, you do not know what it means to be the good man. Let good flow through you. This will free you from all the sediments and stratifications of the past that today torture you.

Imagine that you are given the task of cleaning in some way the mud of a ditch, with a length of 5-6 km. Simultaneously they give you a shovel, if necessary, to serve with it. You immediately take the shovel and start collecting the mud and throwing it out. I ask: How much time do you need to clean the trench with this shovel? - A lot of time will be necessary. When you clean the ditch like this, you will get tired, you will get annoyed and you will abandon your work. This is the old way of working. What is the new way? Release the water from a large, impetuous fountain through this ditch and you will see that it, when passing from one to the other side of the ditch, will drag all the mud and take it to the sea. I ask: What better than this, that you let Divine Love flow through you?, So that it washes and takes away all the mud from your bottom. The water from this source represents the idealistic life that flows through us and takes away everything impure. Only this life can take advantage of us. And that is why we say: If we have life, let it be abundant, let it run in the form of a large flow, purify our bottom of the mud, leave only silvery sand and pretty stones in it. The water of our limited life can be purified only by the abundance of the life of the All. If it is purified once, trout can no longer live in this water.

One thing you should know: the elevation of the Bulgarian people depends exclusively on you. If you work, and it will rise; if you do not work, others will do your job, but for that you will collectively be responsible to the invisible world for the non-fulfillment of your duty. If you do your duty properly, the invisible world will assist you in every good initiation. If you do not comply, others will come. You know the story of Mordecai, who worked for the rescue of the Hebrew people of the Royal order, according to which all the Hebrews were condemned to extermination. From this day he became stronger than he was before this. And sometimes you are ready to spoil the beautiful works by some personal works. What will you gain from this? Who is he who, having fought against the Lord, has acquired something? Jacob fought with the Lord, but became lame. God told him: " You bought your birthright from your brother for a plate of lentils, and then you received your father's blessing, but this was not a Divine act, now, if you straighten your life perfectly, you will receive My blessing " then God pushed to Jacob by the thigh and he became lame. In this way Jacob received a moral lesson. Each of you can have the experience of Jacob who suffered 14 years where his uncle Laban suffered. But since God spoke to him and showed him the way he should walk, he changed his life, changed his name.

Many of you want God to be benevolently inclined toward them. And this can be done, but do you listen to the Lord? You expect everything to go for honey and butter, and if this does not happen, you say: since we enter this path, since we turn to God, our sufferings from day to day increase. If you want to know, worldly people suffer more than spiritual people. Do you know what misery, what sufferings there are in the world? In London, for example, there is a neighborhood in which around 50, 000 people live, women, men and children, the last of whom do not know their parents. When a foreigner enters this neighborhood, he must be accompanied by a guard. Insecure is the life of foreigners in this neighborhood. There is all hell. Looting, robberies, murders occur not only in London, but in Paris, and in Berlin, even and in little Sofia.

I ask: What is your predestination in the world? You have arrived on Earth to receive the new and apply it. God wants to transform bad into good. This is to be achieved through Love. From our point of view, evil has never taken supremacy over good. The good is stronger than evil. Love is more powerful than hate. Today all people, and young and old, have to solve some specific issues of theirs. Each one can solve his questions, with the condition of keeping his internal connection with God. This is especially required of the disciples. You will have internal struggle - this is in the order of things. One thing is important in this case: keep your connection with God! You must have only one sacred idea, and not two, and that all other ideas be grouped around this idea. Great thing is that man has only one sacred idea! One God we need, and not two. Two gods cannot be served. If you serve the One God, you will correctly solve the tasks that are given to you in life.

It is said in Genesis that God created the first man in his own image and likeness. This refers to Adam who says: " God created me, and I - you ." Adam can say that God breathed into him a living soul. You, like Adam, can you say that God has breathed into you a living soul? Who among you can say this? Who can say this, he is one with Adam. In this, the same man to whom God breathed a living soul was cast out of paradise. Why? - Because he was missing something, as a result of which he could not keep his connection with God.

When Christ came to Earth, He carried a sacred idea - to serve God in spirit and truth. He carried this idea within himself and applied it. In the same way and you must apply a part of your ideas. You can apply them, you have conditions for this. So that you can, as disciples, succeed in your life, one thing is important to you: either speak wisely, or shut up. When you speak something, your conscience must be awake, remember that you have a sacred idea. If you raise awareness, talk, do all this that your idea requires. In this, whatever your idea, you will work for its realization with different methods: as a young person you will work in a way; as a middle-aged man - in another way and finally as an old man - in the third way. Whatever method you work with, the important thing is that you don't make mistakes. Each teaching has its specific methods for application. After talking to someone for a certain time, pray to God. Say: "Lord, may Your luminous Spirit bless all that this soul can receive and work within itself ."

Frequently you want to make people believe like you. What do you believe in? Sometimes your faith is strong, but sometimes you don't approve. Why? - Because patience is missing. I look at a disciple, remain silent, he endures everything, but when he loses patience, he begins to complain, to murmur, and becomes discontented with life. When a man cries, suffers, the cause of this is that some broken soul suffers and expresses his affliction exactly through him. As you know this, you must be saved. In Bulgaria, especially there are many backward souls that are attracted by your light, as and by the light of all spiritual people, in general. You must educate these souls, and do not let them influence you. When you sleep, once they will enter your body, and in the morning when you get up you will not be able to get rid of them. These are living beings that are imposed on you, and you, unintentionally, live their state and disposition. You must know the laws through which to get rid of them. So nobody in the world is free. Man is under the influence not only of visible beings, but under the influence of invisible beings, of extraterrestrial beings that stalk man and say: “ You are going to help me! I need your help . ”

And so, all those who prepare for workers in the sixth race, they should know that one of the qualities of this race is Brotherly Love. Therefore, he who wants to develop this quality, he must create within himself favorable conditions for his acquisition, and reasonable beings of the invisible world will help him to acquire them. To achieve this quality man must cope with the difficulties in his life. This is not a difficult job, but methods and ways for the correct solution of tasks must be known. Otherwise, is there a sense that man solves a difficulty and faces another bigger than this? For example, they give a man 50, 000 cams to make a small house. He begins to build the house, but until he finishes it he goes into debt with 100, 000 more cams. What did you gain from the first 50, 000 cams? - He earned a bigger debt. In this new position he cannot pay his debt, as a result of which his creditors are forced to sell the house. At the end of things he is left homeless, without money, and with a large debt. I ask: What came out of this charity? They gave this man 50, 000 cams to serve, and left him with 100, 000 debt cams.

Now, as we take these positions into account, we must study both our own and the experience of other people. There are cases when some people were doing very well in a spiritual aspect, and suddenly by some specific current of events, they fail. Many disciples have failed, but and many disciples have risen, those of them who have kept the divine laws have risen and those who have not kept them have failed. As disciples, all of you are required to be patient. Everything that depends on you, fulfill it; What does not depend, leave it to God. The impossible things for you leave them to God. There are things that God will fix; there are things that the most advanced beings that you will realize; and finally there are things that you yourselves must accomplish.

Another important quality of people of the sixth race is the strong aspiration to work. They speak little, do a lot. In this way they will bring many goods to the world.

If you want to correctly solve the difficulties in your life, deal with geometry. This much will help you. At what number, for example, can the circle be similar, and at what point is the ellipse? The circle is a number the one, and the ellipse the two. When one speaks of man as the one, this implies that all his activity is reduced to a common center, that is, it is neither diminished nor increased. Well, when one speaks of man as number two, this means that a transfer takes place, a transit of his energies from one center to another. Therefore, number two can grow, that is, increase, while number one cannot increase. So, if you say that you live only for yourself, that no one wanted to know and no one needed, then you are the one. So, you are rich within yourself, you consider yourself a divinity. This implies that your internal volume neither increases nor can it decrease. If we say that man can develop, grow, he is in number two, in the Divine and in the human. This what can grow and develop is the Divine that is transvased in the human. Here two principles come together: the Divine happens in the human, which under the influence of the Divine begins to develop. When man develops, he begins to grow; when it grows, it expands. And then we say that the Divine force in man grows. When people grow and develop, they increasingly begin to know God. This rejoices God, because we enlighten our minds and with this we reach the magnificent laws of Love, Wisdom and Truth. The writing says: May God rejoice in His works . If we do not understand the great laws of God, we break them and with this the Spirit of God, who lives in us, becomes bitter.

As disciples, you must learn the law of discernment, which makes a difference which states are yours and which are not. Simultaneously, a good and a bad thought can visit you. This shows that two principles simultaneously act on you. Your task is to observe these different manifestations, analyze them and use them reasonably. This is what he observes, and reconciles and the two principles, this is man. He must be in solidarity with the good within himself, because only in him can he find the beneficial ground for his development. If evil comes in man, it always removes something: it lowers the level of the mind and heart, and weakens the will and the body. In order for you to avoid bad states, you must observe yourself without being afraid.

Someone says: I don't want to be a bad man. - It depends on you. You can always be good. However, if evil comes to you, this does not indicate that you are a bad man. It is dangerous if you take the wrong hand to hand and make him master of your life. Evil represents a soul behind in its development, which wants to lower you from your level. May this soul make a little effort, may she come to you and not you to her. You can let go of a little rope, that you can show her which way she can reach you. In the same way and people pray for God to send their spirit to them. The Spirit will in no way come to you. He can show you the way by which you can go to him. If you go to Him, He will teach you everything, He will teach you the Great Love, Wisdom and Truth of God. In general, each soul can go to God. This is no exception. In whatever position you are, you can walk the path that God has prescribed for you. If you walk the Divine path, you will know how to do the work that is given to you. For example, if a mother goes to God, when she returns from there, she will already know how to educate her children.

Scripture says: " All will be taught by God " (Isaiah 54:13 -ndt). Until we are taught by God, we will always walk the human paths in which there is contention, misunderstandings, sufferings, doubts, suspicions, etc. And so, beware of the doubt. Do not listen to it, so that it does not torture you. The bodies that God has given you must be in order. The hidden disciple must be healthy, muscular, normally developed. He must be hardworking, tough. The question is not to worry too much, but the disciple must work with Love, without torture, without pressure of his energy. He must distinguish himself from worldly people with his slender, resilient body, with harmonious and elevated feelings, how and with straight and luminous thinking. The spiritual man must distinguish himself in everything he does: if he is going to manifest himself in the arts, in poetry, in music, in cooking - in everything he must distinguish himself, that he introduces something new. If you want to know if a man is good, make him cook. The good man cooks tasty, sweetly. Whoever eats his food feels vigorous, willing. If you want to understand only to what extent you are good, knead a bread and see what the result will be after eating it.

Someone says: " I have finished my evolution, these things are not for me ." The truly spiritual man is ready for any job. He cannot choose, saying that this or that work is unworthy for him. He is not going to become a baker or a cook, but he must understand of all the arts and crafts, that he already teaches other people, what is the most correct way to knead, to cook. He must introduce the new in the world. Because it is said: " The Spirit of Truth will teach you everything " (Gospel of John 16:13 - ndt).

We talk now about harmonic life, but we prevent and the difficulties that will appear. The great violinist plays well, but much depends on the atmosphere. If the atmosphere is humid, the strings of his violin are going to be deflated, and he is not going to play as pretty, as he would play in dry weather. The great pianist will play with inspiration if he has a new piano, well worked and healthy, in a good, acoustic room. Give him an old piano, disassembled, and he can't play well. When the housewife has a bright, cozy kitchen with clean, healthy, well tinned containers, she will cook with joy and excitement. If you leave it in a dark, narrow kitchenette, with non-tinned containers, with boiled pots, with spoons eaten, she will either refuse her art, or cook without disposition. So, when I talk and pronounce myself about things I always take into account the difficulties that stand out in front of them. Everyone has difficulties in his life, which he must surely overcome.

In that case, when I am going to pronounce myself on people's mistakes, I keep the following Divine law: At 100 errors I mark only 1, and 99 I forgive them. If I give a report about people's mistakes, I take out only those that I have marked in the book. When I pronounce myself on the goodness of the people, I am guided by another Divine law, inverse to the first one: of 100 goodnesses I mark in book 99 of these, and only 1 omitted it. The omitted goodness goes on account of the 99 unmarked errors, so that it balances them. So, a goodness compensates for 99 errors. And you keep these two rules in your life, if you want a large part of your difficulties to be solved correctly. Only in this way can man create an excellent character, but he must work. Now we live in the most favorable conditions, which we must use reasonably.

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!"

Maestro Beinsá Dunó: Circle and Ellipse

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