The law of the mirror, see our reflection in others

  • 2018

The law of the mirror and our projections

The law of the mirror helps us see our reflection in others. This law helps us grow as people and evolve. If you do not know what this law consists of, in this article and in the accompanying video, I will try to explain it to you so that you can use it and improve your life.

Life is a mirror that reflects what is inside us.

Our ego, in its attempt to make us feel free of guilt, plays to project on others everything we do not like about ourselves.

All the things we see in others and all the situations we experience are the result of our own projections . Human beings are like cinematographic projectors that we project in our life our own film. That movie has a script that is written by all the emotions, beliefs and thoughts that are stored deep inside each of us, in our subconscious .

The law of the mirror and change in the world

The great philosophies and the great sages of all time already knew that, not in vain people like Gandhi tried to share that knowledge with the masses, although not everyone managed to understand what he meant by his famous phrase: «Become the change you want to see in the world ».

Change always begins in oneself.

When you change, when you become the change you want to see in your life or in the world, life can begin to reflect that change . That's what the mirror law is about.

Most people do not understand this law and dedicate their lives to trying to change everyone, because they believe that the fault of everything that happens to them is always outside of them. Everyone is to blame for their unhappiness or that their life is as it is, among the culprits are their relatives, their friends, their co-workers, the politicians of their country, the economy and ultimately the whole world, but they never assume their responsibility in what happens to them, because they do not understand this law, the law of the mirror.

Trying to change others or the circumstances that one experiences in life, according to this law, is something meaningless, because in doing so, you are trying to change the reflection that is seen in the mirror of life and that is like wanting comb your hair in front of the mirror, comb the reflection you see in it instead of brushing it through your hair.

Understanding the law of the mirror is not an easy task and neither can anyone understand it, since a specific level of consciousness is required to do so. At that level one begins to become aware that the things that happen to you in your outer life are not separate from what happens to you inside.

There is no separation between emotions, thoughts and beliefs that a person has and the reality he experiences in his life.

Not only the negative things are a reflection of what is inside us, the pleasant things we see in others are also a reflection of us, so we can enjoy them knowing that they also reflect a part of us, our brightest part.

How to use the mirror law to evolve

To start using the mirror law to grow and evolve we have to start taking responsibility for our life and everything that happens in it and from that moment we can start working to change or improve ourselves, instead of trying to force or force others to change or adapt to what we want.

Accepting the law of the mirror means accepting the premise that if you change, your world changes . Accepting that idea, not only allows us to change our lives, but also offers us the only possibility of reasonable change, because we try to change the whole world or all the people around us, so that they meet our desires or the expectations that We have them, it is a colossal company that I do not think anyone is capable of doing, but changing ourselves is something simpler, because we do not need anyone to do it, we only need ourselves, because it depends on us and nobody plus.

If you want to deepen this law I advise you to watch the following video, where I explain in more detail the law of the mirror. If you like it and find it useful remember to share this article and the video so that it reaches more people.

Author: Santos Ávila Ruiz -

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