Divine Mother - Return to Innocence

  • 2015
Table of Contents hide 1 A RETURN TO INNOCENCE - Divine Mother via Cecilia Kinzie 1.1 COMMENTS ON INNOCENCE 2 Innocence is self-protection 2.1 Innocence with conscience 3 Divine Mother - Return to Innocence

Divine Mother via Susannah.

I am the Divine Mother and I come in the name of love. I come in the name of truth and compassion. I call you from the light of my heart because we are One - I need that part of you that is within me; to activate my heart - I put my attention on you, looking for a favor that I need, I accept your favor, I thank you and I bless you.

Today's message is about innocence. Many of you have gotten into trouble by acting innocently. They have to practice innocence with heart consciousness; discernment and prudence, so that they are not afraid to help others again.

The wounds for those innocent beings who are somehow in prison. These wounds are now coming out to be healed. For some of you these injustices are discouraging and terrible, in this era of planetary ascension that we are living. These innocent children of mine who are in prison, awaken the protective that is in me.

I ask the lightworkers to meet on December 30 at 7 pm Spanish time so that we can meditate together for the liberation in all Mother Earth of innocent beings in prison. I will bring many angels and my sisters. I will invite Lord Maitreya Planetary Regent who is with you on Earth, Planetary Prince Sananda, Master Morya in charge of governments, Master Kuthumi the Planetary Christ, Saint Germain Avatar of the Aquarian Age and Archangel Michael Lord of the heavenly militias - there is no need to fear more; The innocent must be released.

You are at such a high point in your evolution and with an awareness of expanded unity, that you are strong and fair enough, so that with your spiritual authority, you shed divine light and divine love, where you are most needed. And I am here, to help you in this work, because you my precious children are one with me.

The innocence of the heart is the grace of God. The violet flame is the grace of God. I am the Divine Mother, I am talking about innocence because this year there are many innocent children of mine in prison and this hurts me deeply. I love you, I follow you in the dark.

Let us meditate together, shedding the divine light to free them and bring them back to life. Many of them are young - we are dissolving the walls of karma and injustice with the grace of God. Ultimately, he who for abuse of authority holds another being imprisoned because he thinks differently from him, whoever harms an innocent; He will be imprisoned within the walls of karma.

A RETURN TO INNOCENCE Divine Mother via Cecilia Kinzie

Go back to that time and place when you were completely innocent. When there were no judgments, there were no mental constructions about your identity. Then there were no injuries. You were simply with your innocent conscience. Feel the breath and the perception of the energy of innocence. This is the part of you that is pure love. In the heart, you find this beautiful innocent part of you. With the same innocence with which they sunbathe. Feel this state of pure unadulterated energy. This is the part of you that hasn't been hurt. This is the part of you that is pure love. And I assure all of you, dear ones, that this uninjured part of you lives within you, lives within your heart. It is the part of you that never left God, that is in peace and in which you are completely one with the Creator. Find that part of you deep in your heart. Breathe in lyv velo. Experience what it feels like to be pure energy. This is the part of you that has been hidden for a long time. I want it to be expressed in the world. Focus your attention on her and let her go.

You are love. You were born of love and you can love again. Healing is a return to love, a return to this space of innocence. You can call me, the Divine Mother, and I will help you find this place within yourself. This is the part of you that can receive from me. This is the part of you, which can communicate with me. This is the part of you and the part of me, where we are one. Where we are one in the fullness of love and this is what we will return to. The fullness of your love, the source of all healing. When you find this place within yourself, the doors of heaven have really opened. There is more joy, more love, more life waiting for you than you can imagine.

You are everything. One with me. You are one with all that is. One in the infinite whole. I love you. Through my eyes you are all whole, perfect, and beautiful, like an innocent child of God. This is how I look and encourage you to see yourself, this way too. Have kindness for yourself. And allow yourself to feel your innocent part not hurt; to play, explore, and ask questions. You are configuring this part of yourself, in which you are free. . This is who you really are. An innocent child of God, in such a way I love you. You are very much appreciated and adored. I love you. Love yourself and allow yourself to explore what we are talking about today. I look forward to connecting with you. I am always with you. I love you.


Shivi Verma

Innocence is a power. All spirituality is to rediscover the purity and innocence with which we were born and that we lost in the trauma of growing up. Purity is the way in which each of us has been intrinsically created. The soul is innocence personified. Children and animals attract us irresistibly because of the innocence reflected in their eyes.

The innocent have no judgment, since the activity of the mind has not clouded the crystalline part of the soul. A little baby wrapped in the mother's arms, innocently looks out in the world. He has no sense of harming himself, since he has only known protection.

Innocence awakens the softest and sweetest emotions in the heart of the beholder. It causes the Higher Self to force its way through the rubble of negativity, despair and cynicism. It means no judgment of oneself and others. We all look back on our childhood with nostalgia; those carefree times when we fought with our friends just to make friends with them in the next moment. When everything was full of wonder, and we didn't need any special occasion to be happy. If we live in the moment, we live fully. Innocence is at its peak when we know that love, security and acceptance are unconditional. When we know that we will never be rejected for making mistakes. When we have no doubts about the abundance of everything we need.


Innocence is godliness. Innocence is a state when purity overwhelms the heart. Purity is the basis of innocence. There is no manipulation, there is no private agenda, nor the need to show anything to the world, we live without expectations and without their corresponding disappointments. Innocence should not be confused with naivety. Naivety is a weakness. Innocence is a force. Piety gives birth to the state of innocence. Animals and birds show innocence spontaneously. Wit and cunning often come at the cost of losing inner purity. All significant relationships in our life are based on innocence. Innocence allows us to accept people in their entirety, without judging or labeling them.

Sri Ravi Shankar

Innocence is that completely natural state of your being - free from all negativity, in which you came to this world, and that is still present within you. The power of innocence is in its state of energy. It is a state of purity that is divine and contagious. The Crusades may or may not change the world, but innocence changes people.

Rehana Mohammed Shakir

I felt very intimidated by dogs, until one of them touched my life with love. This dog shared his space with a young kitten in my office complex. I used to bring cat food for the kitten, and the building security guard asked me to give the dog a portion of the food. The dog was very affectionate even when he knew I was mortally scared of dogs. I liked talking to him from a respectful distance, he waved his tail with joy. One day he was so happy to see me, he jumped on me. A few days later, at work, I couldn't detect it, and when I asked about the dog, they told me he had died the night before. He had been suffering from cancer. It broke my heart. I still remember her soft, loving eyes, her gratitude and her affection. I think it was an angel. It doesn't matter if you are a person, a cat or a dog; The language of love and compassion remains the same. That is what he taught me.

You have the choice to remain innocent; in spite of the distrust and hostility of the world, and innocence becomes a weapon that disarms the attackers and moves Providence to support you.

When Ramakrishna asked him why he came, Narendra replied: "I come to you because I love you not to listen to your sermons." Very often, he doubted Ramakrishna about his divine connection to his, incisive cutting logic, he used to say . Ramakrishna would seek refuge in his Divine Mother at that time, and she would dispel her doubts. However, Ramakrishna's true love, child innocence, vulnerability and pure devotion to Mother Kali finally won the rebel disciple more, who later broke into the world with his spiritual prowess.


In the hard world of profit, innocence is seen as a weakness. Innocence means inner wealth, while greed means inner poverty. Inner wealth in the long run leads to outer wealth. Inner Greed ultimately leads to external poverty. The world falters between manipulations and greed that crush the innocent without mercy. However, innocence is the flower that gives humanity hope.

Sanjiv Ranjan

When you are aligned with innocence, you move to the intelligence of the heart, which is much more powerful and connects you to the Universal Mind, which is supremely intelligent, infinitely ingenious. It's like being connected to www.universe.com

Innocence is self-protection

Look at Lord Shiva - the most popular and powerful deity - worshiped by the majority. It is his innocence and simplicity that make him; The most preferred god. When we remain innocent we remain protected. Innocence brings hope and goodness, expands hearts and reflects the state of inner purity so that the world opens its eyes to ”.

Sri Ravi Shankar

Cunning and manipulation do not allow you to have peace of mind because in the end, they become guilt, creating so much turbulence that the mind cannot be established. It is only through innocence and simplicity that you can go deeper and deeper into yourself and be calm.

Although each of us is born pure and innocent, the pains of growing take their toll. The fear of parents, the anguish of survival, betrayals, guilt and anxiety, create infinite layers of sentences in our minds, and the source of innocence dries up. The classification of children as good or bad according to their performance. from their obedience, from compliance according to social class, they begin to affect their psyche. The confusion, the competition begins to settle, and the mind enters this dangerous game. It is not surprising to continue fighting to improve their qualifications and gain respect. Parental pressure, rejections and divorce lawsuits affect our inner child. We stop believing in our hearts and put too much undue attention in our minds.

Donkey Gopala Christina

A child is innocent by birth, by what is called a reflection of God. Sadly, the influence of modern parents and teachers make them lose this natural glow. Very few are able to develop this quality again by simple and spiritual life. The desire to win the approval of the teachers made me compete with other children. I stopped valuing people for their inner value and saw them through the prism of their rating sheets. Some lose their innocence when they learn that their childhood fantasies are nothing more than a myth, while others lose it due to trauma.

How to return to innocence?

Once we reconnect with innocence, we connect with the universal flow of love and generosity. But it forces us to give up our conditioning, beliefs and ego. It forces us to surrender to the unity, goodness and justice of God. We are asked to set aside the baggage of conceited achievements.


The renunciation of knowledge is the key to returning to innocence. Only innocent people can be blissful. The more you know, the less chance you are happy. That is the meaning of the biblical story where Adam was thrown out of the garden of Eden - because he ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge. He became well informed, became a connoisseur. He lost his innocence. He was just a child and the ego entered him. The ego always enters through knowledge. Knowledge is a very subtle possession, and knowledge separates you from existence. That is why Jesus continues to insist: "If you do not become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of God." One becomes like a child when he renounces knowledge. According to the wise when the Master detonates the ego of knowledge by feeding his disciple, or when the disciple himself surrenders to the Divine, his way back to purity begins. We must surrender to the Divine and know that we are more loved and appreciated than in our wildest dreams - doubts, fears and anxiety vanish, knowing that ignorance is the only sin, and the greatest liberation of consciousness, what It brings joy and innocence.

Satish Purohit

Innocence in my opinion is the absence of conscious elaboration of the expression. While the knowledge of our inherent purity and divine origin, makes us realize; that it doesn't matter where we go and what we do, we are eternally protected and unconditionally loved by our Divine Father.

When gratitude fills our hearts; Innocence returns. When we forgive ourselves, as well as others, we break the walls of the prison of karma, and we run with joy in the field of happiness and happiness. innocence. The facts remain the same. People still hurt, but don't leave us a grudge floor in our conscience. This return to innocence is armed with conscience. We hope that people are better, however, we have more faith in ourselves and in our Higher Self.

Innocence with conscience

However, trying to maintain inner purity does not mean being blind to the instinct of self-preservation. While we must be willing to rely on the inherent goodwill of the universe, we must also refine our intuition that tells us that to take flight we must see the face of danger. An attempt to remain innocent can turn against human growth if people do not learn from their failures and remain naive.

When we trust with conscience and act for the greatest interest of people. When we know that our borders and resources are not being challenged. If your attempt to judge people has not won you a couple of cuts, do not step back from innocence but to grow in consciousness. Obey your instincts and learn to politely decline an offer that you feel is full of bad intentions. The option to remain innocent must be armed with conscience and self-responsibility. An innocent person is not stupid. He is intelligent enough to measure the intentions of those who approach him and prevent dangerous situations unless he is very stressed and makes mistakes. However, your choice to act differently is driven by the desire for a higher good.

Siddharth Sthalekar

The ability to learn, absorb and assimilate has its roots in innocence. You keep one foot in the unknown, keeping one foot in the known. Having both feet firmly planted on either side is foolishness. We are also learning to be polite but firm.

SJamuna Rangachari

At one time, I used to think that I trusted people too much, and therefore they managed to fool me. Trying to be intelligent in the mundane sense, and it created me more tension and confusion in my life. That was when I decided to go back to my old self, and embrace vulnerability and innocence, I met people and providence supported me.

Source: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/

Divine Mother Return to Innocence

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