Magic Full Moon in the Night of San Juan by Lur García

  • 2013

There are only a few days left before the preparations for the verbena de San Juan and this year will be a more special celebration . The summer solstice coincides with a brand new full moon, which will make the shortest night of the year more magical if possible and will boost all the energies that Mother Nature gives us.

Why is it so special tonight?

The night of San Juan has passed to our calendar as a catholic festival, but it has its roots in pagan rituals, where fire is the protagonist as a symbol of our star king The sun . In Greek mythology the solstices were considered as the doors of the year and were consecrated to the god Janus and the summer solstice welcomed the kingdom of men, uniting them with the gods. It is not difficult to see the similarity between Janus and John, and to suppose that the Christian religion inserted the festivities of Saint John the Evangelist (December 27) and Saint John the Baptist (June 24) in the vicinity of the two solstices to give overlapping continuity to pagan rites. These could continue to be held like this without arousing suspicions of witchcraft. And thanks to this, numerous rituals have come to us to enhance the protection of Nature and its beings or to realize our most desired desires.

One of the best known protection rituals is to dance around the fire, but for those who couldn't light a fire, they lit 12 white candles, to perform the same function.

Is it coincidental that this San Juan night coincides with Full Moon?

No, like everything that happens in our lives. Since last April 25 we have been part of a series of changes that have affected us at the vibrational level, starting with the lunar eclipse on Wesak Moon. Days later with the solar eclipse of May 10 and the lunar eclipse on the powerful full moon of May 25. The chain of eclipses and the alignment of planets has consciously and unconsciously caused that ballasts and emotions of the past have come to light. It has been a time of changes, of internal reflection, of memories of past emotions (especially of childhood) manifested in our physical and emotional body, which have emerged crying out to free us from everything we have been dragging to leave room for what new.

Previous days make an internal reflection and put on paper all those things that harm you or have damaged you in the past, all those things that you want to free from your life. Remember those situations that have marked you in childhood and even memories of past lives. Tonight of San Juan is the time to release them. It is time to release all those charges we have been carrying for years.

Examine the space where you live, it is an extension of yourselves. There you will also find objects and memories that have already done their job but should no longer be among you.

Once you have the list of things you want to discard from your life, make a list of requests and wishes. They have to be positive and concrete things. They may be projects, good wishes for third parties, but never requests for evil from others, I would bounce you.

Prepare a little box and that paper bundle it with these herbs:

- Laurel: To overcome fears and mobilize positive forces to achieve the objectives.

- Cinnamon: It will eliminate the negative charges that may come.

- Rosa: The rose petals will welcome love towards yourself and others.

- Thistle: It will provide courage and internal power to achieve all the objectives you want.

You can use colored ribbons to bundle them, with the colors that symbolize the elements: fire, water, earth, air or place diamond and tourmaline inside the box, to enhance the effects of the requests. Save it and look at it next year.

When the verbena arrives, do not forget to throw the list of things you wish to release into the fire and ask that this gap be filled with the requests and positive things that the universe wants to provide you. Do not waste the moment to be in contact with nature, it will enhance your intuition and recharge you. Embracing a tree, being in contact with the energy of the plants or enjoying bathing in the sea purifying you with its water is many of the options that Mother Earth offers us to enjoy this great night. Open yourself to the world and the world will open to you.

Lur Garcia


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