The Paths of Light and the Star Portal 11:11:11 (By Kate Ann Spreckley)

The opening of the Star Portal on November 11, 2009 marks the acceleration of growth and development within our human consciousness. It is within this Star Portal that we will unite with our innate potential, that which is contained within the invisible realms. At this time we must awaken to the knowledge that our ways of being and living have to change, that we are required to heal the abuses of this world and recognize the imperative need to change our customs within our collective consciousness.

The evolution of our Soul depends on the healing of our world and as we flow with the energy of this Star Portal, a totally different spiral of our evolutionary journey begins, reawakening the sacredness of all life and encouraging us, as Lightworkers and guardians of the Earth, to move towards positions of leadership, global responsibility and healing.

As we merge and integrate with the energy of the 11:11:11 Star Portal, our consciousness rises to another level of self-esteem. This means for us that it is time for our gifts and abilities to be consciously used to spiritually awaken the consciousness of our world through the healing power of love. Particular gifts are required so that we can work with humanity on a large scale and as these possibilities arise we are urged to go beyond our internal constraints and face our responsibilities with an open heart.

The energy pathways necessary to manifest and co-create life are contained within our DNA and unlocked by activating the energy points located on our feet. The reactivation of this energy center will allow another wave of energy from our Divine Creator to flow to the energy grid around the Earth and will show our creations within our consciousness before they manifest on the Earthly plane. This energy grid links all our conscious and unconscious thoughts and emotions, creating a unified force field whose goal is to recreate and restructure the energy grid contained within our Earth. As we begin to access and work consciously with this energy grid, we are urged to manage our emotions and monitor our thoughts so that everything we channel to the grid is for the good of all creation, free from negativity and fear.

We have seriously depleted the energy systems of our planet and, as a result, it is essential that we establish new energy pathways that will sustain all beings living within the Earthly kingdom. By making use of the abundance of energy that flows throughout our Universe and merging this energy with the Earth, we can recreate a structure for the creation of life and thus maintain our life on Earth.

The energy of the November Star Portal will pierce our hearts, strengthening our Spiritual connection and allowing our Spirit to merge and fully manifest itself within our human Soul. As our Soul and Spirit go back as one in this dance of eternal love, we can intertwine the new patterns and possibilities that will initiate within our cellular memories a reconnection with our Divine Spiritual source. Our energy centers will burn within this union, purifying our energy fields and taking us beyond division and in alignment with our eternal beloved self.

During this process our energy will be purified, rejuvenated and balanced, allowing the light of consciousness and love to make their way through our denials and reveal to us the wisdom of our true nature. Our reality will change and change rapidly, as the energy of this Star Portal melts our veils of attachments, which have delayed our ability to fully embrace our destiny. The healing presence of our Divine Creator will extend outward and will envelop all beings on Earth, clearing our energy fields of mental anguish and worries, relieving and healing our shattered souls and encouraging us to release our Earthly burdens, allowing May our vision be purified and restored. By resting within the embrace of our Divine Creator, the power of our mortal and Spiritual choices becomes evident and we are encouraged to open ourselves to the mysteries that lie within and choose to follow our teaching and inner guidance, which will help us reconnect with the higher aspects of our own being, in body, mind, soul and Spirit.

As we unite our highest aspects, we can recognize that our life is a sacred journey, where wisdom can be found in our daily lives. As we become aware of this wisdom, we can understand that the patterns and beliefs that have been imprinted within our dreams and our intentions can change with the growth and evolution of our consciousness. This shows us that the way to free ourselves from our past patterns and beliefs is to align ourselves with our superior wisdom and thus access and explore the very nature of our personal authority and integrity.

It is only when we are confident in our own authority and power that we can begin to spread a path of peace and love and become the bridge of the rainbow that is required to unite the kingdoms of the Spirit with our physical reality. As Lightworkers, it is imperative that we respect all of life and use our intuition and knowledge to meet the needs of our changing world. With the energy of this Star Portal we are being helped to align our motivations with purity and honesty, we are being empowered to speak from our hearts and act with conviction and common sense in achieving our destiny. We are being initiated into service to our world and as we follow the call of our heart we are reminded to walk in reverence and pay attention to the soft reminders we are given to be patient and let our inner wisdom guide us from here on ahead.

In this time of grace, the awakened heart of humanity will reveal the essence of life within the realms of the Spirit. As we learn to fully interweave the Spiritual dimensions with the physical world, we are granted the opportunity to become conscious channels of Divine energy. By becoming aware of the power of our choices, intentions and actions, we awaken new energy pathways that connect us to the energy flow contained in the grid that surrounds our planet, allowing us to access and channel the abundant energies of our Universe to effectively sustain life in the Earth.

As we begin to work consciously with the new energy grids that surround the planet, our consciousness will spread both internally and externally, allowing us to realize any filter that is blocking the passage of cosmic light flowing to the grid that surrounds the planet . In this moment of high energy, our thoughts, emotions and feelings have to be in full alignment with our highest intentions. If they are not, we will be removed from the rack, and urged to heal and change before being reconnected. In those times of healing it is vital that we give ourselves time and space to work, process and release the issues that emerge within our consciousness. As we create these new paths of light we bring greater awareness and awareness to our inner and outer world, so that what needs to heal will become clear and transparent.

It is required that we manifest a path of integrity in our lives and the powerful waves of energy flowing through the energy grid will create unexpected events and powerful awakenings. We are asked to look deep into our inner world, to heal ourselves and have faith in the changes we are required to make. The knowledge of the energies that guide our evolution allow us to go with the flow with faith and confidence in our Divine Creator, giving us the necessary value we need to heal and change, thus allowing us to fully accept the purpose of our existence and move forward in this path of evolution.

By Kate Ann Spreckley -

Translation: Margarita López. -

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