The Lighthouses of Light - The Work of the Lightworkers: Transmute the Fear into Love

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 THE WORK OF LIGHT WORKERS TRANSMUTE FEAR IN LOVE 2 A wave that moves back and forth 3 This is the time to act 4 Live in harmony 5 Many fear this new energy 6 The Work of the Workers of Light 7 Transmuting fear into love 8 Look for similarities 8.1 CONNECTING THE HEART By Barbara Rother 9 The Lighthouses of Light - The Work of the Lightworkers: Transmute Fear into Love

The Lighthouses of Light ~ Re-cordatories from Home - February 15, 2015


Re-cordatories from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month.'s next “VirtualLight” message LIVE will be Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 11:00 am Pacific Time in the United States.

Re-cordatories from Home
Greetings from Home, dear.

The energy of this day is magical, it goes beyond your understanding. You have discovered a vision of your future that few humans have ever seen. They are used to observing their history only after the event. Possibly, for the first time in the evolution of humanity, you can see forward in this timeline. Now there are challenges and adjustments they have to go through. Many things are happening, dear ones. They have already been able to verify it from their financial perspective and even from their astrological perspective and now we will give them the vision of the spirit. Basically, they have gone through a change, a great change. We already announced this and we talked about it at the end of 12-12-12. That portal was much larger than most people understood and as they went through that energy, they started a surge. That wave has its precession and its recession. Move forward and backward. Many times, when you go forward, you consider it an advance of humanity. And when it recedes, naturally, it tends to bring out the worst of humanity. Well, that is what they have been constantly experiencing on their planet since they crossed that portal.

A wave that recedes and advances

So now they have a new energy that begins to reach planet Earth. Bring all those things you have been dreaming about, the possibility of being conscious creators of your planet. Although we tell you about the greatness of entering that energy and the tremendous capabilities that you will discover as you do it, we also tell you that a great adjustment is necessary for that to happen. You see, that adjustment is like a surge that comes and goes.

This is the time to act

Now, the interesting thing about it is that they can be located in the right place by discovering where they can be most useful. These waves are not here to overcome or expose them in some way. They are not here to survive them. Actually, you created the waves, which means that you can choose the best position so that those same waves that caused so many difficulties to humanity now take you forward. Please understand, don't wait until everything is fine. This is the time to take action on planet Earth; This is the time to set things in motion. You will see very clearly many changes as this timeline crossing occurs. This will run until mid or late November 2015. For that they are preparing.

Live in peace

Meanwhile, they have all kinds of conflict points all over the planet, which have been part of this surge of energy. You brought a wave, but you didn't see its recession because, basically, you hid it so as not to see it. Now those energies are emerging all over the planet in different ways. An easy way to understand it would simply be that others see the timeline differently. Now, we are going to call that radicalism, because it really is part of almost all religions. What happens is that at the moment it focuses mainly on one: the Muslim. It is necessary that adjustments not only be made on the planet as such, but also implies the way in which they learn to live in harmony with the religions that have done so much good on planet Earth. However, if you give your power to something completely, it will be a problem in the future. That is why these changes need to occur.

Many fear this new energy

Now, what you are seeing in this timeline is that you believe that everything that advances brings an advance, and so it is. If you look at their technologies, it is very easy to calculate the incredible advances they have made in a relatively short time. Many of you signed statements about your spiritual rights, which seems to be well established. These are key elements for you to continue along this timeline, witnessing all new technologies, energies and ways of thinking, including the process of accelerating your own spirit. Instead of going through the different levels, they now have a direct connection that they can activate very quickly. It is a new energy and many actually feel fear. Who does it frighten? Well dear, you are going in that direction in the timeline. Many people believe wholeheartedly that all those things they wanted existed once upon a time. We tell you that is not so, dear ones. They had as many problems then as they have today. Perhaps they were not so obvious due to the lack of technologies.

Some believe that if they push back their energy and their lifestyle over time, eliminating everything they consider progress, they will be happy at last. They believe that everything worthwhile existed in the time of Muhammad. That is why they want to return to that time, restoring everything, including the laws that prevailed at that time.

That is not the case, dear ones, however the situation is this. You have two beings who are absolutely convinced that this is waiting for you in the future and you also have another pair that says that this is the future without a doubt. The truth is that you will have to step aside and allow this to be resolved in the different areas. Actually, as Lightworkers, they may have some of those keys. Why does that happen?

In fact, it occurs due to fear, lack of information and terror. This has worked very well and they have even used your technology to spread that fear. Well, that's the situation, dear ones. You must understand that all this is not working as you thought. They need to reconsider everything that has to do with this matter. Now, if you understand that these people are at heart, you can grant them some freedom. The challenge is that they do not know the difference between force and power, and tend to use force when they fail to find power. Dear ones, much of that energy should be resolved by the Muslim community. It is almost as if there was a civil war between the different factions of that religion.

Then comes a third party, be it the United States or a whole coalition of countries, which offers them a common enemy and what would be a fight between two becomes a problem between three.

The work of the Lightworkers

Now, does that mean they should walk away and let the problems solve themselves? No, dear. There is a responsibility, but if you begin to understand the situation in its real dimension, you will begin to glimpse new alternatives. What is the work of the Lightworkers? Dear ones, not only can you establish an energy of peace, but you can learn to find the way to love those you call enemies. Absolute white or black no longer exists, dear ones, because everything has shades of gray. Discover the harmony in the different shades of gray. Know that many of these people have simply grown up with a generational hatred transmitted from their grandparents to their parents and then to them. They are supposed to take it with them and understand it if they hope to be part of that social experiment. Well, now that is beginning to change. It will take some time and those who feel they are being forced to take a new direction resent it. They are returning pressure and that is what happens basically.

The energy will stabilize, but to a large extent it will come from those beings that already reside in that part of the world. They work facing civil war situations and take care of what allows those things to happen. Many people are doing business with those companies and with those that have invaded certain countries. However, they keep doing business with them. Who is responsible there? Consider the possibilities of avoiding the fight and you will begin to better understand the subject. Above all, observe that the human condition that causes all this is the absence of love.

Transmuting fear into love

Dear ones, we know that humans feel fear. We know that many times they return to their own belief systems when they encounter problems that they cannot easily solve. Well, this has happened on a large scale and has given them the illusion of success. They must understand that it is actually the collective that will allow this to happen, or block it. That can be achieved if each one holds in his own heart what he accepts and what is right or wrong. They can open up and try to understand those people so frightened that they are presented with that challenge. They can enter the game or step aside. It is entirely up to you, dear ones, because there is no right or wrong. However, if they are participating in the game of planet Earth and have decided to be here at this time, they play a role in it. In the days ahead, you can hold it in your heart and create in it a sacred space for you and for all humanity. Put that in motion and know that regardless of the difficulties, challenges or terror you see on television, you have the ability to stop everything and transmute it into love. You came for that.

Look for the similarities

So watch the events that occur on your planet and try to love whenever you can. Try to find the similarities between you and your enemies, and soon your enemies will cease to be. It is the new way to achieve it in the fifth dimension, and it is the only way to solve it.

With the greatest honor we ask you to treat each other with respect. Help each time you have. Play this beautiful game and assume your responsibility for it and know that we love you beyond your understanding.

Espavo, dear ones,
The group

The word Espavo is an old Lemurian greeting:

"Thank you for assuming your Power."

By Barbara Rother

Anniversary of the Lighthouses of Light

My message is celebration. February marks the anniversary of the Lighthouses of Light. These magical messages from Steve and the Group have been sent to Lightworkers around the world for nineteen years. I was excited to add my "Connecting the Heart" every month. Steve and I love to connect with our spiritual family. We thank you for your love and support in all our work. Together we spread the light so that this is a wonderful world.

With love and light


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The Lighthouses of Light - The Work of the Lightworkers: Transmute the Fear into Love

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