Taking Humanity to a Crossroads: Interview with Greg Braden. January 2009, dc

  • 2010

A conversation with Gregg Braden, author of "The Spontaneous Sanction of Belief" and "The Isaiah Effect" By John David Mann.

Gregg Braden encompasses two worlds. His ability to find innovative solutions to complex problems has led him to have a successful career as a computer geologist for Phillips Petrouleum, during the energy crisis in 1970 and 1980, and as a senior information systems designer for Martin Marieta Aerospace during the past years of the cold war.

In 1991 he became the first Chief of Technical Operations for Cisco Systems. At the same time, Gregg has invested months during the past twenty years in some of the most primitive places on Earth, in monasteries of Bolivia, Peru, Nepal, India and Tibet, exploring connections between the forefront of quantum science and the heart of Ancient spiritual traditions ("While my colleagues take a week at a seaside resort, " says Gregg, "my idea of ​​a vacation is a 22-day pilgrimage on the Tibet Plateau at 17, 000 feet.").

The New York Times bestselling author is widely announced as a pioneer of the bridge between the world of science and spirituality. He spoke with us recently about how today's world is at a crossroads in perspective and how the network market reflects that change.

Gregg, does the work you are doing with spirituality and the power of thought represent a separation between your corporate, technical past or is it a continuation of that past?

I see it as clear progress. I have always believed that there is no difference between science and spirituality, that when we study chemistry and physics, we are learning about practical details of how God works in the world. I was born and raised in northern Missouri in a relatively conservative north-central community; These were the kind of things people talked about every day. But I assumed that everyone thought in the same line and believed as I believed. I soon learned that nothing can be further from the truth. When I went to work in the corporate world, I discovered that most people believed that science and spirituality are mutually exclusive, that we had to follow the path of science or the path of spirituality, that we could not put them together.

But do you think now that this view is changing greatly?

Absolutely. It has to change and everyone feels it. Everyone feels that something is happening but cannot point out exactly what it is. There is underlying tension that transcends boundaries and nations; People everywhere feel that something has changed. There was a conference in 2005, “Crossroads for Planet Earth, ” which brought together scientists, engineers, philosophers, religious and spiritual leaders from around the world to consider the question, What is going on? Is this just the paranoia of the twenty-first century, or is there really something going on here? The result of this question was so profound that the American Scientists dedicated their September 2005 meeting to the topic of the conference.

At the symposium, they identified six different scenarios (climate change, the threat of nuclear war, virulent and intractable strains of viruses, etc.), if any of them were allowed to complete a cycle, they could end civilization. Forever and possibly life on Earth. Our ancestors may have dealt with one or more of these problems at different times. But what makes this moment in history so unique, it was said at the symposium, is that we are experiencing all six situations at the same time. If we are going to survive this time, they concluded, we have to understand it in the next eight or fifteen years. They said: And the only way we are going to do it is to think about ourselves and our relationship with the world in a completely different way than we have done in the past .

And that has to do with marrying the best scientific understanding with the best of spiritual wisdom?

Exactly. This convergence can be the real opportunity to redefine who we are, how to work and what our role in the universe is. There is the scientific question of the twenty-first century that has occupied us a lot: We are passive observers, insignificant spots with very little influence on the world ?, OR We are powerful creators who play a very significant role in what reality presents? Interestingly, the answer to both questions is Yes . It is determined by how we decide to be, by our willingness to accept the power that has been born with each of us, to include in the quality of our relationships, the sanction of our bodies, the success of our careers, peace between nations. As an individual it is easy to get into that existential anguish of feeling insignificant.

Are you saying that we have adopted that position of `` I do not care '' on a social scale?

Yes, I think it is our unconscious conditioning. We have transformed into a society based on science for about 300 years, when Sir Isaac Newton formalized the laws of physics. Since then, we have been believing that we are beings without power, victims of a world where everything separates from everything else, that we have little influence on everything else. This is not necessarily something that is discussed in the office water dispenser; It is an unconscious conditioning with which we all battle to some degree.

Does it filter in our approach to health and medicine, the economy, the environment, geopolitics, everything?

Exact. Our entire civilization has been based on two false central assumptions that are still taught in our schools today. The first false assumption is that the space between things is empty. We say, that ninety-six percent of the universe is empty space. What matters, or one could say matter is a maximum of four percent. The second false assumption is that our internal experience - our thinking, feeling, emotion and belief - have no effect on our world beyond our bodies. Both of these assumptions have been proven absolutely false. That is not theory, it is a scientific fact, documented in scientific journals. He has not only gone to our schools and university textbooks.

Are you talking about the “zero point field” investigation?

Today we know that there is an energy field where all the physical existence lies. This field so new in its discovery, that scientists have not yet agreed on a single word; everything has been named, from the simple "the field" to the "Mind of God" and even "the mind of nature." In 1944, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, called him "The Matrix." We also know that we have the ability to "speak" in a language that resonates with this field, a nonverbal language of feeling and beliefs in our hearts. When we do this, we perform physical healing in the cells of our bodies. The key is to feel the feeling in a precise way, as if the desire that comes out of our heart had already happened. This sets in motion a response in our bodies where chemistry equals the feeling.

Also, when we create very precise feelings as if our career was already successful, our relationships and our partner are already in place and we have the right people to complete all the goals at that time, that sets in motion a mechanism in this field that allows May those things bear fruit. Once we understand the mechanism, it becomes a technology and we can do it consistently and repeatedly.

Is this method related to your work in mass prayer and focused on attention in large groups?

Exactly, the same principle applies to either a relationship, body healing or peace between nations. If we want to influence the result, we can claim the feeling of it in our hearts, as if the result had already been obtained, instead of thinking how to build it step by step. If you are building a space shuttle or cooking a cake, then you want to go step by step. Externally, in the physical world, sometimes we have to gather our ingredients and then do it in sequence, building towards a goal little by little. But in the quantum world of thought, emotion and belief, these principles do not apply. In fact, it is exactly the opposite: we have to clearly and concisely identify the result, because the universe cannot hit a moving target. We were educated to think strategically and tactically. But

Are you saying that on that level, reality transcends the strategic and the tactical and instead effect the result, starting with the end in mind?

Exact. We still put everything in place to make it happen; We can't just sit in our armchairs. But we are changing in a purely Newtonian way to create and solve problems, believing that everything is separate and that we must work towards a goal, in the quantum way of thinking, where we firmly and clearly identify the result. We have a powerful video documentation on how fast the physical world responds to this language. In a video, we see a woman who has been diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous tumor, in the presence of three practitioners, who have been trained in this language of which we speak. Through ultrasound, you see the tumor melt and literally disappear on the screen.

Does this happen because of the power of your thoughts?

It is not a thought, it is a feeling - such a powerful feeling that the tumor dissipates in less than 3 minutes. This phenomenon has not happened once. This is done for brain and bladder tumors all the time in that part of China. The same principle applies when a large number of people gather to feel peace in a wide geographical region, or to feel the success of business projects.

It is interesting that he says that it is a feeling and not a thought. All the stories in the success books we have use the term "think" - Think and Grow Rich, The Magic of Thinking Big, Like a Man Think.

But thought tends to be sequential. That is the natural result of society dominated by the male-schematically-oriented technology-and left hemisphere. It is not surprising that we take these principles and force them in the sphere of what we think; That is our conditioning. But here is the ultimate result: our world is made of electromagnetic fields of information. If you want to change something in the world, you have to communicate it within the electromagnetic field. Interestingly, science has now found - and this has been published in specialized journals in recent years - that the human heart is the largest generator of electric and magnetic field in the body.

Then our language was correct all the time! It is a matter of the heart.

Our brain generates an electric and magnetic field, but it is relatively weak, compared to that of the heart. The electric field of the heart is approximately 100 times more powerful than that of the brain, and the magnetic field of the heart is about 5, 000 times stronger than the magnetic field of the brain. Our textbooks say that if you want to change the atoms of the physical material, you have to change either the electric field or the magnetic field; The heart changes both.

We change the magnet, and the iron padding fits into its shape.

Absolutely. And this is the reason why feeling is much more important than thinking. In our society, we have been conditioned to believe that feeling and emotions are not effective. Most men have not been allowed and women have been told, "If you are going to have them, you go somewhere else where it doesn't bother anyone!" But outside of our society, you find just the opposite. In the monasteries of Tibet, he says that feeling is the most powerful force in the universe. In a monastery, I asked the abbot, "In your tradition, what is the force that connects everything in the universe?" He responded with one word. I thought there was an error in the translation, and asked my translator to ask him again; "Compassion". And I said, “Wait a moment. Is compassion a natural force that connects everything in the universe - or is it an experience we have in the heart? ”After I made sure that the translator had perfectly understood my question, he answered again with just one word:“ Yes ” .

How did these experiences affect your business work?

In my work with Fortune 500 companies (elite companies in the world), I was always on projects that were delayed, or had exceeded the budget or had problems. Using the principles he had learned in Tibet monasteries, he always found ways to navigate through these dilemmas and ended up finding successful solutions. After a while, it occurred to me that all these principles could be applied to much broader contexts.

What triggered this understanding?

The last years of the Cold War were terrible years. Although the public was not very aware, we were very close to having a nuclear exchange; In fact, this happened twice. Recognizing how close we were to destroying everything we had loved, it occurred to me that this was like any other project that is delayed, over-budgeted or troubled! I began researching ways to apply the principles I had used on the boards of Cisco and Martin-Marietta (companies) to this project that we call "life and awareness in the twentieth century."

When we discard those false assumptions that you mention - when we realize that space is not empty, and that our inner world can have a huge impact on the outside - what differences in behavior emerge from that change?

We begin to see that everything is connected to everything else, and that we can not only think of ourselves when we make a decision, whether in the context of our family, our community or the world. There is more in the world than the United States. The next generation will be embedded in this understanding, but this generation is unique in that both perspectives are happening right now at this time. Some people are rooted in these three hundred-years of beliefs, and others are more open to new understanding, but this generation as a whole is riding between the two worldviews, which pushes us back in the fight for Planet Earth. . We are faced with unprecedented challenges that will only be solved if we recognize that we are part of a larger community - whether we like it or not, we are part of a family and we need each other.

In a structural marketing network, we are all independent 1099, and we still have to learn how to coalesce in a field of perhaps hundreds of thousands of people. Is this somehow an omen of a different way of organizing as a society?

Absolutely. As complex as our world seems and as much as we try to separate our working life, from the point of view of physics and the universe, all these areas are based on the same simple principles of fratals. A broccoli trunk is a perfect example of the fractal pattern. A small sprig of broccoli seems the same as the large one from where it was caught and at the same time it is like the largest one from where exactly the same pattern was caught. n on different scales of magnitude. Everything in life seems to work that way, including the human being. What is good for a cell in the human body will affirm life in the whole body. It is the same for society; What is good for the individual is also good for the whole. When we help others, we are helping ourselves. In 2004, I wrote a book, the Code of God, on the unifying principles that bring us closer together as a family on the planet. That book cites more than 400 scientific documents, published in specialized journals to determine whether or not we are a violent species by nature, that is, if the competition is our true nature. The results of these 400 studies are unanimous: we are not a species neither violent nor competitive by nature.

However, they found that we will betray our true and cooperative benevolence and become violently competitive in the presence of one of these conditions: 1) when we are personally threatened; 2) when our families feel threatened; or 3) when we feel that our way of life is threatened. We can see this, for example, in places like Iraq or the Palestinian Territories, where people are typically living under these three conditions.

Is this kind of violent conflict inevitable?

Not at all: it is not our natural state, it is the behavior that is produced by these conditions. Under threat, we lose sight of our fractal nature - we think that our own interest and acting in the interests of others are mutually exclusive directions. We begin to think that there is empty space between us. Another conclusion of these studies was that all species in nature benefit from cooperation. When they behave cooperatively, they consistently produce more offspring, live longer and more quickly. And they have found the same evidence among indigenous populations around the world: longevity and quality of life increase when they cooperate in the collection and distribution of food: the more they cooperate, the better everything goes. That is what the marketing network is about.

Do you see these two ways of thinking run out?

In the political sphere, we have people who are looking alone in our courtyard, and others who think more globally. We have scientists who are looking at what is good for America and others who think what is good for the world. What is especially interesting is that in the nations that are the great players they are choosing new leaders in the last two years. In the last five years, I have been on every continent except Antarctica, and what I have seen all over the world is that people are ready for something beyond the suffering, war, conflict and fear that we have lived in the century. twenty. If you can make your good will known in a different way through the election process, we will find out how spiritual principles play a great role on a world scale.





https://hermandadblanca.org/ - Karla and Marisa

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