How the magician produces precipitation

  • 2017

A COURSE OF MAGIC Unit 3. The Body Learning Object 2. Precipitation

Cognitive science as a study of the mind was a direct consequence of the discovery of the plot of life: the bioenergetic field. Every human thought, be it a powerful collective thought or individual dynamic ideas, arises in its opportunity objectively on the physical plane. This rule is unavoidable and unalterable, and when duly considering the Law that governs the mental substance, the danger of incorrect thinking and the power of the right will be demonstrated. The power of human thought, at present, can be described primarily as creative thinking, there are already many who can think creatively. Public opinion, massive ideas, tendencies of human desire and thought, are of a very high order today, and the physical precipitation of these thoughts in the rise of advertising, marketing and design can be seen very interesting .

The enormous multitude of insects that populate our planet during certain cycles, are the object of growing concern for scientists, farmers and all those who work for the welfare of the human animal, are the direct result of the precipitation of thought. As men learn to think with greater altruism and purity, and as malice, hatred and rivalry give way to brotherhood, goodness and cooperation, the plague of insects, as is commonly said, will disappear with certainty.

This rule concerns the four degrees of energy substance that constitute the energy envelope of all forms in nature, from a mountain to an ant, and from a plant to an atom. With a small change in the current form of the visual approach, it will be discovered that the human eye is capable of including a completely new field of perception and knowledge. Men blindly introvert their conscience, and come to perceive astral objects and that illusory world in ever-changing ways, in which we live, move and have our being; however, they do not see what is in front of them.


  • Identify the various quaternaries and the synthesis in the fifth.
  • Recognize the influence of the upper three in the lower four.
  • Dilute the precipitation process.


The magician must recognize all four; Observe in their work the violet tone they show, and thus build the shadow. When this happens, the shadow covers itself and the four become seven.


Amanda is a deaf photographer who modifies throughout her life her psychological predisposition against the surrounding environment, suggests in her development that the activity of consciousness can influence the real reality sica And what do you know !? is a movie released in February 2004 that combines interviews with documentary style, computer animation, general notions of quantum physics and fiction. The documentary seeks to explain reality by combining mystic beliefs and scientific postulates obtained from physics, particularly from the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, as well as general notions of psychology, psychiatry and chemistry.

Callum Lynch is a criminal locked up in prison and sentenced to be executed for his crimes. Lynch receives a new opportunity from the Abstergo organization, who with the help of Sofia, and thanks to a revolutionary technology that unlocks genetic memories, lives the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in fifteenth-century Spain. Callum discovers that he is the descendant of a mysterious secret society of Assassins, and that he possesses incredible knowledge and skills that will allow him to face the powerful and oppressive organization of the Templars in the present, to recover the apple of knowledge. Assassins Creed, is a 2016 Franco-American film produced and starring Michael Fassbender.

  • After watching the movies And you who know and Assassin's Creed, answer the following questions: What relationship do you see between the name Callum and the corpus callosum of the brain? What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? What is the difference between wisdom and faith? What is a leap of faith? How do faith beliefs consolidate? What is the relationship between memory and life? Which of the two trees does the apple belong to, to knowledge or to life?

ACTIVITY ONE: The Quaternaries

"Four doors are open to the one without money: The hospital and the jail, the church and the cemetery" IN THE GAME OF LIFE Daniel Santos.

The key to the more esoteric requirements is given in this rule: "The magician must recognize all four." It is supposed to have built an excellent character. He has educated himself for the service. His aspiration is true and constant, He lives with purity and altruism. You have learned something about the meaning of meditation. Now you should start training in what is called "hidden recognition."

This rule is a very interesting example of the many relationships and equivalences that can be transmitted in a few words. We have said that you must "recognize all four."

The most obvious meaning is, therefore, the recognition of the four quantum levels, but in turn depends on other meanings, based on the recognition of other quaternaries. I will briefly summarize some of the qualities necessary for the white magician and the acknowledgments that will gradually emerge from his consciousness.

First, he must recognize "the four that constitute the One." In other words, the first quaternary that he must know, and know him well, is what he is essentially:

  1. Physical body, sensory emotional nature, mind and soul.
  2. Soul, mind, brain and the external world of forces.
  3. Spirit, soul and body, within the great All.

This implies a truly spiritual realization and the ability, therefore, to act as a soul. Until you have reached it you can be a white magic apprentice, but not yet a white magician.

Second, you must recognize "the city that has four sides." You must also understand the meaning of "man, the cube", in three ways:

  1. Of himself as a human being,
  2. of his fellow men in relation to himself and the All,
  3. from the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, or seeing the whole kingdom as an entity, an organized life functioning on the physical plane, inhabited by the soul, animated by the spirit.

This means, therefore, that as a man he responds to his species and is aware of the purpose of the kingdom to which he belongs. This can be best expressed in the wonderful words taken from an ancient writing of the Masters' archives and in the words of the aphorism to know, dare, love and silence.

  1. From the north a word that means CALLAR is sung, be pure.
  2. From the south, the word arises. I dedicate and OSAR
  3. From the east, bringing a divine light, the word is vibrating: LOVE.
  4. From the west, the answer is returned: KNOW

These four cardinal points give us the key to orient ourselves towards the center: SERVIR

In the thoughts of purity, dedication, love and service, the nature and destiny of man are summed up and it must be remembered that they do not represent the so-called spiritual qualities, but powerful hidden forces, dynamic in their incentive and creative in their outcome. This must be carefully considered by all applicants. We have, therefore, with these four spiritual realizations added to the first (systemic thinking), five qualities of the white magician.

Third, the white magician must recognize the cross that rises in the Heavens, where the cosmic Christ is crucified, and in which the white magician, being a cell in the body of the cosmic Christ, is also crucified. Technically and astrologically speaking, in this present age you must understand the inner meaning of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, because they are powerful in our world cycle. It must also be able, if I can say it at the same time symbolically and correctly, to express the realization that is the goal of your effort in each of these four signs and under each of these four powers.

  1. In Taurus he has to be able to say: "I look for enlightenment and I am light myself."
  2. In Leo he will say: "I acknowledge being the One. I rule through the Law."
  3. In Scorpio the phrase will be: “Illusion cannot catch me. I am the bird that flies with complete freedom. ”
  4. In Aquarius the words will be: "I am the servant and the dispenser of living water."

Finally, as regards the aspiring reader of these instructions, he must have transcended the four noble truths, learned the meaning of the four gospels, understood the meaning and purpose of the four elements earth, water, fire, air and, esoterically speaking, having passed as a Savior through the four kingdoms.

In summary, the four awards are:

  1. The soul directs the personality.
  2. The use of the mind constructively.
  3. The construction of the bridge between the lower and the upper.
  4. Intention produces the right tension.

Which lead to the fifth: the use of visualization and projection.

  • In each set of four elements, make the proposal of what would be the fifth.

ACTIVITY TWO: The septenaries

Seven are the deadly sins, The days of the week, The colors of the rainbow, The notes of my guitar, The wonders of the world, Seven are the words of the sermon. THE SEVEN Lizandro Meza

In the creative action of sevenfold self-replication, the Infinite Spirit exhausted the associative possibilities mathematically inherent in the existence of the three persons of the Deity, this explains by why the universe operates in seven major divisions, and why number seven is basically fundamental in its organization and administration.




The Universal Father


God's finger

The Eternal Son


The Giver of Wisdom

The Infinite Spirit


The time dispenser

The Father and the Son


The hand of God

The Father and the Spirit


The truth developer

The Son and the Spirit


The holder of Truth

The Father, the Son and the Spirit


The representative of God

It must be remembered that everything said here has a different meaning in each plane and in the seven stages of consciousness, as they are expressed in the seven fields of knowledge. In the world of meanings there are three locks that have to be opened and there are seven keys. Every symbol and allegory has seven keys that are: physiological, psychological, astrological, metaphysical, geometric, symbolic Lica, the numerical. Every book can be read in an exotic, subjective and spiritual way.




Let's master our voice.

Repeating incessantly.

My song will make you happy

Easy to remember.

You just have to know.

The note that follows Do.

If we want to sing well.

Let's master our voice.

Do Yes The Sun Fa Mi Re Do

Ut queant laxis

resonare fibris

look gestorum

famuli tuorum

solve polluti

labii reatum

sanction Ioannes.

So that they can

exalt at full throttle

the wonders

these servants of yours

forgive the fault

of our impure lips

San Juan.

The Creator of the solar system circumscribes his attention to the work done in what we call the four upper planes of our system. The lower three, which constitute the cosmic physical dense plane are objective and precipitation, because the matter of space responds or is attracted by the power of the four higher energetic vibrations. These, in turn, are driven to activity by the dynamic impact of divine thinking. There are similar procedures as far as man is concerned. As soon as a man becomes a thinker, and can expose his thoughts, desire his manifestation and energize "for the recognition" of the four ethers, a dense physical manifestation is inevitable. It will attract, through its pranic energy, nuanced by the superior or inferior desire and animated by the power of its thought, the matter of response necessary to shape its body.

The environment is the result of the work of a group of group thinkers to which it belongs. The origin of this concept can be sought, from a family group to egos that, intimately intertwined, form a group on the upper level of the mental plane, and from there continue to the seven major thinkers of the universe, the Lords of the seven rays. These seven, in turn, are driven to activity by the three supreme magical workers, the manifested Trinity. These Three, in turn, will be recognized as responding to the thought of Creator One, The One Being.

The word "recognition" is one of the most important in the occult language and contains the key to the mystery of Being. It is related to karmic activity, and the lords of Time and Space depend on it. It could be said that the problem of God Himself consists in the triple recognition that He must manifest:

  1. Recognition of the past, which necessarily implies recognition of that matter in space that, through previous associations, is already nuanced by thought and purpose.
  2. Recognition of the four degrees of life that, by previous associations, are now able to respond to their new thinking and can, therefore, carry out their plans and work in collaboration with Him. They subordinate their individual purposes to the divine plan.
  3. Recognition of the objective that exists in His mind. This, in turn, needs a unified approach to the goal and to maintain the purpose through the vicissitudes of creative work, despite the power of the many divine Thinkers, attracted to Him by similarity of ideas.

There are correspondences between the eight, the eighth major arcanum, Justice, the capital letter H and the mathematical symbol of infinity. When the areas of the brain are harmonized, they create a constant flow of thoughts between both hemispheres generating limbic resonance.

  • Establish relationships between all septenaries that come to mind, as in the following table:





“It was the conscience who told Juan If you eat of that fruit you will sin And a giant snake curled in his soul. And he yelled at John, Adam, Adam, Adam. ” THE GARDEN OF ALÁ Georgie Dann

The concept of the revealed Trinity must not be confused with the different triad conformations, the various gods given in the form of a triad, are not the Trinity. The Father, in conjunction with the Son gave life to the Spirit. Man, in its fundamental essence, is the upper triad manifesting itself in a way that gradually evolves, the body of the soul, and uses the triple personality as a means of contact with the three lower planes, for the development of self-consciousness.

The laws of thought are the laws of creation, and all creative work is carried out at quantum levels. This constitutes practically a second formula. Mental forms and models are precipitated by the thinker. But what is a precipitation.

In meteorology, precipitation is any form of hydrometeor that falls from the atmosphere and reaches the earth's surface. This phenomenon includes rain, drizzle, snow, sleet, hail.

In chemistry, it is the process that occurs when an insoluble substance is formed in the solution. In most cases, the precipitate (the solid formed) falls to the bottom of the solution, although this depends on the density of the precipitate: if the precipitate is denser than the rest of the solution, it falls. If it is less dense, it floats, and if it has a similar density, it remains in suspension.

In cognitive science, it is part of the creative process in which it occurs from a brainstorm as a creative activator. A true thinker is an incipient creator who will manage power in order to "precipitate" or force objective forms to emerge, so the three elements of magic, the thinker, power and quality, become the fourth: precipitation .

What is the formula that governs magical activity? The Powers produce precipitation.

The powers are angelic entities that are part, together with the Dominions and Virtues, of the second angelic hierarchy. The powers remain in our finite plane of reality, and are responsible for maintaining the cosmic balance, the physical laws. These powers are driven to activity by the power of thought, and by training them to be creative and by teaching them to govern and control their own destinies, the Race Instructors begin with the mental aspect of the aspirants.

The objective development is sevenfold in the evolution and in the time, nuple during the oscillation and tenfold during the disintegration.

The trees of knowledge and life have often mixed, which creates confusion. Indeed, since Man ate from the tree of knowledge, he was expelled from Eden and could no longer feed on the Tree of life. In other words, the knowledge he acquired caused him to lose his life, the original substance cup. He knew the world but he no longer knew himself. In order to find its axis, you must climb the ladder that leads to the opening of your consciousness: Truth, Life, Revelation.

Each of the three divine aspects are also manifested in triple form, totaling the nine Powers or emanations. These together with the whole manifestation, the All, produce the ten of the perfect manifestation. It is not a product of chance that the fingers of the hands of man are 10, that the senses are 10 (sensation and action), that the name Yod corresponds to the number 10 and that Moses has received 10 commandments from the hand of Yahweh. It is a return to the "Center" and to the Unit, a fulfillment and an eternal return.

Numerous terms have been applied to the concepts of God, The Creator, The One, when everything is considered to have a resident spirit, so we find them in the Jewish tradition of the cabal: Yahweh was the god of the southern tribes of Palestine. EL Elyón is the Most High God of heaven. Shaddai refers to divine Providence. He is the set of gods of the nature of the Bedouin, the names of angels end in Him as well as in Iah. Elohim refers to three in one. Adonai and Yah are other of their names that we find in the tree of life.


To breath

1. Keter Etz Chayim

The Tree of Life

A sound

2. Torah esér ha-sefirot.

Programming the divine law


3. Netzach Merkava Eliyahu

Ascension and activation

1. The Absolute. Atma


4. Urim ve Tumin

Akashic record

2. Pure reason. Budi

5. Aleph etz Adonai

Astrological Registry

3. Pure mind. Manas

6. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh

I am who I am

4. Abstract mind


7. Kadumah Elohim

The revealed divinity

5 concrete mind

8. Rochev Baaravot

The weavers of light

6. Prana

9. Shechinah-Esh

The violet flame

7 bioenergetic body


Diverity of elements

10. Va-yik-ra

Call to divinity

Component Integration

11. Chochmah Micha Halelu

Wisdom of the divine feminine

Or organization of the potential

12. The Shadai


Synthesis of life

  • Establish relationships between the twelve creative hierarchies, the twelve signs of the zodiac and the human genome.

Thanks to the Human Genome project, we learned that it has 3 billion parts, and it is also known that a part of these 3 billion is a readable code, such as proteins that create genes. And maybe we have less than 5% of that which creates what has been called the "tree of life." This is what you can see under the microscope. The rest of the DNA seems to be like a ramshackle language that is randomly placed there, it has been called garbage, but it is not.


The Urantia Book

Treaty on cosmic fire. Alice Bailey

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