The Roses of the Soul. Beloved Mary

  • 2012

Channeling by Elsa We already announced that you cannot lead a double life

How will this openness of consciousness affect you? Immediately, they will feel a great detachment from everything that surrounds them from people, homes and things, they will be present at meetings, in their work and their environment, but they will live again those relationships, you will see that you can live them from the outside, without anxiety, without guilt, without absence but at the same time without dependence. It is not that they become cold, but that from detachment, they may experience peace in their thoughts and consequently in their hearts, and thus understand where to act!

Dear child, I am Maria, in the light and especially here in Maya Gaya.

We want to ask you to share a statement of light and hope, in all of you, this weekend, next September 2, until September 5.

The 5-9-5 opens an incredible threshold in all of you, this time it is not an etheric Threshold, it does not act in the aura, nor in the outside, it will not wake up past or collective memory, but it will wake up present deep, very deep, so that you are accepted in the time and the circumstance in which you are, so that you understand that everything is correct, that I help you to get to where you are and in turn, that if you wish it all closes on a conscious Karmic level, As it was closed in the past from a few years ago, it only continued in force in its cultural concept, but not for the planes of light.

How will this openness of consciousness affect you? Immediately, they will feel a great detachment from everything that surrounds them from people, homes and things, they will be present at meetings, in their work and their environment, but they will live these relationships again, they will see that they can live them from outside, without anxiety, without guilt without absence but at the same time without dependence.

It is not that they become cold, but that from detachment, they can experience peace in their thoughts and consequently in their hearts, and thus understand where to act!

Now more than ever you will understand what we have already announced to you that you cannot lead a double life, now more than ever you should know that it will be you who will not be able to resist hiding, after the right thing for your environment, or so that you do not know ... .Because what you do not do so that things come to light and the realities dissolve, the incoming energy will, leaving you before reality; To face it.

Today more than ever with this beautiful full moon, the second, in the month of August that we will have and closes the threshold of leo, the earth rose several octaves and it is you who have to consolidate your vibration, so this integration so strong and concrete of the energy in its vertebral columns and the thymus chakra, to identify who they are here in Gaia and to sustain this energy in their life.

It's about sustaining and radiating, again we repeat it, understanding, canceling sustaining and radiating, that is the great change of consciousness of the next few hours, we love you brothers, from the center of the Etheric Lemuria, we already begin to work with you, sending thousands of pearls of light, which are incorporated into the atmosphere in the next few hours, in the form of rain, air or orbs….

If you want to find your balance in this process, it is very simple, breathe several times and make a good connection with the earth's core and with the star chakra of the soul, (there is an example of anchoring in the blog, but all are valid, the question is to align the farms). And once they are with all their physical chakras full of light, they take a deep breath, expand the light of their aura and call or visualize us, for example with the protocol:

In the name of the I am in me, I invoke Amada María and Al Archangel Chamuel, three times ...

A color or a smell may come to them, that they hear us or that they visualize us, breathe deeply several times and ask, if we are in the name of light and love; if we are, the image will remain, even be clarified, if it is an illusion or a false image will vanish, nothing happens, call again.

They take a deep breath and ask me to pour pink light into their soul star chakra, located about a span of their crown chakra. Breathe again and while you take three breaths you will feel like a pink purple rose opens, very pale a very light pink, which after opening, will turn on top of you with its petals towards the crown chakra and you will feel like from inside you begin to fall intense pink light, like magenta, that will descend through its prana and anger by opening in pink light all its chakras, the crown, the 3 eye, the laryngeal, the heart or thymus, the plexus, the sacral or 2 chakra, the base, and after performing a breath in each of them; they will feel like the low light inside prana, from the base to the star farm of Gaia.

Where when you breathe again 3 times or more, a new rose will be formed, like the first one that will pick up your feet, and leave you between two aligned Maya roses, in Love and the abundance of your inner peace, breathe again 9 times staying there and a few minutes later you will feel like Chamuel, with your hands you fill that alignment of golden light from the star chakra of the soul, to reach the vibration of understanding and respect of everything that happens in us and around us. And after reaching the center of the flower of the star farm of Gaia with the 9 breaths, we can breathe again seeing how a golden light sphere forms in us that envelops us, expanding that energy to our auric field, to our filaments of light, those that allow us to synchronize with others, are at the point and moment they wish to be (but that when interacting with you they do so from their personal vibration, not theirs. That is to say that in their free will, at moment of relating to you be absolutely harmonious). Breathe there are a few moments as much as you wish to remain, visualizing how this field of light expands and complements, which permeates your energy again.

And once the sphere is there, open your hands with your palms up, and feel how from my hands you receive a purple, white or crystal rose as you need and that rose, incorporate it inside your lung, ribs and heart, they incorporate it inside with several breaths of 7 to 9, until they feel that their petals are extended and bright.

They thank for this new opportunity to start from scratch, say goodbye to us, and visualize how their legs have a beautiful pink and golden roots, which come down to connect with the earth's core, anchoring in the crystalline core of light. They breathe again, and each in their own way, makes contact with their physical body, moving slowly, massaging, but first they move everything before opening their eyes and getting up, to stand, deep in the exercise.

Thank you brothers for all the effort that sometimes involves sustaining this change in full active life, but they are fine, they are making it and we love them for it. Remember there are thousands of spheres of ascension light and thousands of roses, as many as necessary, so feel practice and trust that Gaia has already found her place and we support you in your adaptation. He says goodbye with Amor Amada María.

Thank you all for sharing and spreading this message. You can perform this exercise as many times as you want, once a day, or in time when you want to understand something. I add some “Casual” photographs on the blog, which I took from the rain last night, where transparent spheres of water droplets are seen, and bright spheres, orbs, because I was trying to capture the natural rain with the camera, when I discovered the beauty of the images, thank you all again,


The Roses of the Soul. Beloved Mary

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