The Holidays as Portals to Emotional Freedom and Greater Awareness by DL Zeta

  • 2011

The holidays are portals to greater understanding, as they offer opportunities to access and heal painful emotions from the past. Our willingness to embrace and heal these emotions is our best ally to create the emotional freedom that is key to achieving fifth-dimensional awareness. Energy markers - places in consciousness where emotional energy is contained - often accumulate around the holidays and can be activated every year at the same time. However, we don't have to live in fear or terror of painful memories. Rather, we can see them as portals in our own emotional landscape. As we gain awareness and understanding of our emotions, we can open ourselves to the messages of troubled and turbulent times in our lives. These messages have the power to transport us to a new zip code on the map of our higher consciousness.

The Emotional Level of Consciousness

The emotional level of our being is located between the conscious and subconscious minds. Since emotions exist in the realm of the "invisible", they are a sub-level of the subconscious mind. We can see the emotional level as a bridge - or as a great abyss - between conscious and subconscious minds.

Your Emotions are the "Goalkeepers" towards Higher Consciousness

The emotional level exists between their conscious and subconscious minds, acting as a guardian. This is like this due to design. Until a person reaches a place of peace and love within himself, he will not have access to the wide range of advanced capabilities that reside within his superior being. In this way, the emotional level is an integrated protection mechanism. If you have difficulty navigating physical reality and the realm of emotions, you are not yet ready to enter the unknown and untested waters of the subconscious mind. Imagine this as something similar to serving as a captain in a small boat. If they are not able to captain a boat safely in a small lake, they are not likely to be assigned the captaincy of a larger ship sailing through unexplored oceans.

We offer here some techniques to heal and clear your emotions, which will allow you to cultivate inner peace.

The Importance of Assuming Responsibility

The condition of your emotional body determines whether your emotions serve as a bridge or as an obstacle to accessing your subconscious mind. It is impossible to achieve emotional freedom until they assume 100% responsibility for everything in their reality.

If you have pending work on unresolved emotional issues, your emotions are easily triggered by events, people and circumstances in your environment. This constant emotional agitation can lead them to "fall" into the illusion of victimhood, scarcity, insecurity and other scenarios that leave them feeling helpless and disempowered. Impotence and disempowerment lead them to denser emotions that are triggered and catalyzed by self-pity. Self-pity is essentially a denial of the infinite nature of your being and the immense capabilities of your spirit. It leads to an increasingly dense range of negative emotions that can prevent access to the subconscious.

When they exist in a peaceful place within themselves, they are able to travel at will between their conscious and subconscious minds.

Discover Emotional Detonators

In order to eliminate residual emotions, they will have to examine every aspect of their present reality to discover emotional detonators. While many of their emotional detonators date back to childhood, they can find access points through events that unfold within their present moment. If you continue to unravel the threads that bind you to turbulent emotions, you will find that these emotions are, at the source, younger aspects of yourself that are hurt and suffering. In other words, the emotional "wound" occurred at a point before they understood how the universe works - a point before they understood how everything that happens to them is helping them grow and learn. Once they see this, they are much less likely to feel affected or hurt by the events, people or circumstances in their life.

There may have been times when you felt the actions of others as a "judgment" against you, or an indication of your self-esteem. It is likely that they created situations similar to their original wound, throughout their life. This makes it possible to work with your childhood wound in the present time without digging the past to find the point of the original wound (although at some point they might choose to undergo this review of the past as part of their healing process).

To become aware of the emotional wounds that operate in your present moment, pay close attention to the circumstances that trigger denser emotions. If it's useful, take a small notebook with you and write down the emotional detonators you observe. By bringing awareness to emotional detonators, you diminish your power over you.

Discover Your 'Sacred' Wound

Many of their emotional detonators date back to an emotional injury they experienced early in their life, usually around 7 or 8 years old, although not always. There are many different ways this wound can take, including the death of a parent, a serious illness or accident, an apparent abandonment or other loss. All sacred wounds have in common an emotional trauma that entered the "cellular memory." Over the years, the essence of this sacred wound is re-energized in various situations in an unconscious attempt to gain understanding of the wound so that it can heal and release. Sometimes a sacred wound does not heal in a life. In this case, the essence of the wound is taken to the next incarnation, where the wound is recreated.

If you choose to become aware of your original or "sacred" wound, you can begin by writing a simple autobiography of your life, touching the emotional ups and downs. Pay close attention to events that still contain an emotional charge. These events reveal to you the injured aspects of yourself still emotionally trapped in time. You can heal and release these aspects by shining in them the light of your awareness of the present moment.

This detonation adds density and weight to each rite of passage they go through. The activation of unresolved emotional energy is one of the main reasons why some turn their backs on a rite of passage. The periods of transformation are going to raise unresolved emotions in an effort to purge them. For some, this clearing and cleaning may seem unbearably painful. Ultimately, it is the willingness to deal with everything that “presents itself” that allows one to make the leap within oneself, which leads to the emotional freedom that is the `` goalkeeper '' to consciousness higher.

The Nature of the Wounded Self

Within each person there are injured aspects that are often aspects of the ni These aspects of your self assume the unresolved emotions throughout your life. Whenever something in your present moment activates and awakens this wounded self, you experience not only the emotion of what is happening now, but your injured emotional body that contains the accumulated wounds of a lifetime. It may seem at times that they are reliving every conflicting emotion they have ever experienced.

Accept the Gifts of Your Wounded Self

Those moments when your injured self presents the complete menu of your conflicting emotions are valuable moments in which you can access the emotions and work with them to achieve their healing. They can do this by feeling with their injured self and doing a review of the circumstances linked to those emotions. When you allow yourself to see again the situations that created the conflicting emotions from the light of a higher consciousness, you can heal the injured aspects of yourself and release the energy that is contained around situations of its past

The most important among these past situations will be moments of your present life, although these injured scenarios may also be connected with experiences brought from past lives.

By looking at conflicting emotions from a detached and elevated perspective, they can understand the higher purpose to create a situation. Once they see the superior purpose of their creations, they have effectively transformed it into an ally rather than a problem .

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Access Fifth Dimension Consciousness by DL Zeta. For more information, visit

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Thank you Margarita Lopez!

December 24, 2010

Translation: Margarita López

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