Las Energias de Mayo 2008, by Celia Fenn

Dear Lightworkers, have an extraordinary month in this extraordinary year. On May 20 you will experience the Second "Plenilunium of the Buddha", when the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. That is why, in this lunar cycle of the “Buddha interlude, ” the Earth will be flooded by the Golden Flame of Compassionate Love, which is sustained by the Buddha's field that envelops Earth at this time. Therefore, the opportunities for a very rapid elevation of consciousness will be magnified, with important transformations being verified both on a personal and planetary level.

Dear ones, it is as if Heaven were holding a door open so that this Golden Light could spill over the Earth and be integrated into the Light Bodies of all those who are ready to ascend to this New Consciousness of Love. Because this is the moment in which Radiant and Compassionate Love is more wonderful and intense. You will feel the "pressure" of this Light as a need to change your lives and the way you live them, as well as a deep desire to have a life more aligned with your I AM presence and your Higher Self. And this, at first, can be uncomfortable, since you have lived distorted stocks for many lives, distortions that you have covered up under repression. But now the veils are rising and you are seeing the truth and feeling the pain caused by the healing of these distortions so that they are realigned with your pure being.

Beloved, you were designed to be Human Angels and live on Earth with joy, balance and perfect health. Earth was designed to be your paradise. You, in your evolution, separated from that original plan and integrated into your DNA patterns of distortion, disease and suffering. But now, in this Golden Light of the Radiant Love of the Source, you are healing them and regaining their original power and clarity as Human Angels.

Thus, having activated the Grail Codes and regained the Balance between the Masculine and the Feminine and between the celestial and the earthly, they are prepared to create miracles of Love in the awakening of the Earth. Dear Lightworkers, you have been granted the gift of working with the Golden Flame to create Love and Abundance.

That said, we will explain how easy this process is for Human Angels. The Divine Light of the Source, which flows from the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun, is received by you through its crown chakra and its pineal gland, which transmit it to the heart chakra. From the heart, this Light is "transmuted" and interwoven into physical manifestation thanks to its Dreams and Desires. Thus, the "River of Life" flows through you and is transformed into physical blessings of Abundance through the Creative Interlacing of the Heart. Isn't this an exceptional gift from the source?

We understand that, right now, many of you are still struggling to manifest abundance in your lives, learning to reactivate this gift that has been given to the "Glowing", to those who are carriers in their golden flame auric field. . Dear ones, to carry this Golden Flame you have to release all your illusions and your bonds, allowing your Heart to be in that place where Heaven meets Earth and the masculine energy is combined with the feminine in Perfect Love and Harmony. And yes, we know that those of you who chose the path of Higher Consciousness are accepting this process and are allowing all the old deformations and illusions to be finally cleared and released.

Thus, in this time when this threshold of light remains open, they have the opportunity to receive the River of Life in their hearts and link their dreams without distortion or interference. Because the purity and clarity of your Heart is what will determine the cleanliness of its manifestations. The most abundant and jubilant creations are those that were created without thinking of one's own interest or benefit, but for the highest good of all. If you can intertwine the Golden Light with this intention and radiate it to Earth, your dreams of Peace and Love will manifest. And, dear Lightworkers, if you do this together, you will create a field of Peace, Love and Balance that will sustain the energy needed to manifest Miracles of Love on the Planet.

Dear Lightworkers, we will also tell you that although this Radiant Light is called "the field of the Buddha, " it is also a manifestation of the Balanced Flame of the Source. The Golden Light is always transmitted from the Source carrying codes of both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, the latter being the one that carries with it the codes of Balance. The Great Cosmic Goddess, Mother of Balance, is Ma'at, whose energy creates the Field of Light that maintains the Balance for Peace, Truth and Love. Therefore, in this time of healing and balance, the Light Codes from Ma'at they will awaken the Peace Field and will be transmitted to the manifestation through the water element. The water in your blood and your cells will transmit those codes to your bodies, and the water from the Oceans and other aquatic bodies of the Earth will transmit those codes to the Earth itself and to its crystalline light grids. And the Earth will celebrate the return of Ma'at, the Cosmic Balance, when its Codes of Light are received again, this harmony is restored and the Earth returns to take its place in the Cosmic Balance of the Field of Love.

And so it is, Dear Ones, this is why you are now healing your relationships with your bodies, with the Earth, with the Source and with others. This month they will find a powerful force of love that will guide them towards healing and liberation of all illusions so that they begin to link with the absolute truth.

As they accept who they are and heal their relationship with their body, they will realize that this is the perfect vehicle of their soul for their earthly journey. You will learn to honor your body and trust your ability to heal and balance. They will stop fearing disease and suffering, because they will no longer feel the need to intertwine these creations so distorted in their DNA. Interweave in Love, following its template that contains the model of Health and Vitality.

By healing your relationship with the Earth, you will learn how She backs you, loves you and provides each of your needs. Interweave from Alegr a, interweave experiences from Alegr a. They will stop recreating distorted experiences of pain and suffering, since a balanced heart creates balanced love experiences.

They will heal their relationship with the Source, because they will cease to consider God as a distant Father figure to feel the Light of the Source within them and in that of the entire Creation. They will see a God who is as Masculine as Feminine or Child, and will laugh at the wonder that is the energy of God when it is perceived without fear or distortion. n.

And they will heal their mutual relationships. In these moments you will feel the need to heal and balance your relationships with others. When they are in tune with Ma at, with their own inner truth, they will see it clearly in others and their truth will align with theirs. They will also be able to see clearly where the truth becomes distortion and heal that distortion with the Light of Love and Peace.

Dear ones, by embracing the Golden Light, you have become a Golden Light Cylindrical; They have become the Grail. They have become a magical instrument of Love and Abundance. That potential rests between the records of your DNA and is now activated by Grail Codes. The work of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was to arrange the genetic template and the geometry of light that would be activated both physically and in the electrical realms of Light at this time, and so it is! They are waking up again and filling their Goblet of Light with the Radiant Light of the Source.

And so, Dear Ones, during this magical window of Light, remember the Compassion of Buddha and the Love of Kwan Yin. Remember the Passion of Jesus and his beloved Magdalene. Remember those who worked to bring Heaven to Earth and know that this is the time and the moment in which you can adopt that same choice and live that same reality.

But know, Dear Ones, that this is a radical healing, so grant yourself the necessary time and treat yourself with love. It could be that you experience intense energies and feelings now that balance is being restored and you are allowed to experience the full potential of Who You are as Human Angels.

The Energies of May 2008

The New Moon, which falls in Taurus, will be on May 5. Taurus is ruled by Venus, being an Earth sign associated with beauty, comfort and artistic expression. The planet Venus itself is this month in Taurus, which creates a powerful connection with the Sun in the house of the Goddess of Love. This month, love will be a predominant theme or feature. It is a good time to work with the balance and healing of your relationships with the Earth and with your bodies.

The Full Moon of 20 is the second Buddha Moon. At that time, the powerful Ma'at Light Codes will be fully integrated into the Earth's field, making it easier for it to have Balance, Peace and Prosperity. It is a powerful time for all who wish to bring the Earth to its equilibrium by creating a Field of Peace and Love so that all the Peoples of the Earth can feel this joyful moment of Balance and Harmony.

Abundance It comes through peace. Peace is a state of consciousness in which Creativity and Joy are expressed. Creativity and Joy are expressed through Laughter, Music, Painting, Writing, Singing and Dance ... Join us to Create Global Abundance through the Field of Peace ... A New Consciousness !


Information phones:

ENGLISH 0381 155530068 - Pigeon.
PORTUGUESE 41 9974 0554 - Angela.

Buenos Aires, Argentina: May 10 and 11. Workshops and Channels. LINK THE HEART - CREATION IN THE NEW EARTH WITH WHALES AND DOLPHINS. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil: May 20. THE NEW EARTH CODES FOR ABUNDANCE AND WORLD PEACE: Workshop and channeling.


All information about this tour in Paths to Being. And ...

... Always in the good company of Blue Space!

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Service in Spanish of Private Channels with Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn. To know the details, CLICK HERE.

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© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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