The Ages of the Soul

The objective of this information is to make an analysis of the age of the soul in which everyone is for a greater understanding of our development.


As a spark of light the soul leaves the Tao in order to obtain new experiences. This is how with his birth and separation he begins the way back home. (Tao himself)

Each fragment progresses through 5 ages of the soul in the physical plane. Each age involves more and higher levels of perception. In summary, a whole cycle, from leaving the Tao to returning to Him, comprises seven ages (five on earth) and two on higher levels, seven levels at each age.

Newborn Soul (Tribal spirits)

The newborn fragment of the Tao is rude, inexperienced and struggles to survive on the physical plane. Your needs are for living raw and intense experiences. (Famine, plagues, battles, being oppressed, floods, etc.) His experience of sexuality is animalistic, he must be taught what is right and what is not. (lacks that awareness) They are generally superstitious, tend to group around the equator since survival is easier there. This level of souls does not become famous or recognized, because it lacks the necessary experience and sophistication. The evolutionary level of the planet will no longer accept newborn souls, nor will there be experiences for them. as a famine on a massive level.

Soul baby.

A typical example of a baby society works as a clock: On Sunday we go to Mass, men to football, women to knit and embroider, the man works long hours and the woman takes care of the children, etc. Find the environment dangerous and seek protection from the most advanced souls. Look for authorities that tell you what to do and how to proceed, to set clear rules. Like young children, they require structure. Ritual tradition and law provide them with an underlying sense of security.

Baby souls tend to be very firm in their beliefs and if they confront them, they become confused and react hostilely. They can fight and kill for their beliefs (the crusades, the inquisition, the missions). They are responsible citizens and community leaders. They protect civilization, they resist change.

They want to be good. As they give authority the last word, they lack original thinking (self judgment) they believe in dichotomy (good versus evil, just and punishing God, and of course, their opponent, an ugly and bad devil).

They think: do it well or better not do it, follow the rules inflexiblely. For them there is only one right way to be and do. Their sexuality bothers them, they feel guilt and shame. They have little vision of their own lives, they do not perceive that their thoughts, feelings and attitudes cause them psychological problems. If they experience emotional difficulties they tend to somatize. They prefer to have surgery and that they take away the problem instead of seeing it in an alternative way. They tend to be obsessive with germs and cleanliness. They see the environment as "outside of me" and potentially dangerous.

Sometimes they demonstrate brutalistic mentality and can hit, physically abuse and be violent. This bad behavior is a crude way to learn how to survive in this world and is your vehicle for creating karma.

Young soul.

Having mastered the survival issues of the baby soul, the young soul is ready to discover how powerful it can be. Independence is an important issue, and your ability to take what you want in life. Motivated by power, young souls fight for positions of prominence and wealth: Politicians, movie stars, religious leaders, etc. Actually they look for what they think will give them success. (Although they don't really like that).

His perception is: It's you and I'm there, and I'm going to beat you. They tend to seek fame, wealth and power at any cost. The young soul is his body. They are strongly identified with their physique and are not very sure that their conscience will survive. They block the issue of death, which horrifies them. The fact that they will not return gives them the push and motivation to become rich and famous ... (Life is only lived once).

The young soul frequently does not question his motives, they seek professional help only to overcome a crisis but then do not continue. They are interested in appearances (the order and cleanliness that is sometimes only superficial).

The majority of the current terrestrial population is in the last levels of the young soul.

Mature soul.

The previous levels are aware outward and create karma. Here the essence has achieved survival in the physical world and has achieved recognition, fame and power. But the person feels empty and dissatisfied, something is missing ... who am I? because I am here?. In short, the mature soul begins to seek the truth. These questions are not formulated by personality, they come from Essence.

The center of the Being is shifting from power (chakra 3) to relationships (chakra 4).

The stage of the mature soul is the introduction to spiritual openness, and this is never easy ... It is the stage of maximum stress for the personality.

This sometimes breaks under excessive pressure causing schizophrenia, psychosis and a high level of suicides. The mature soul is immersed in matters of relationships. The barriers that separate it from people begin to dissolve and this can be very confusing. She feels intensely how others are feeling, and sometimes does not make a difference between others and herself ...

"Do it anywhere, except here." "My life is real, intense and dramatic." She does not expect others to agree with her and wishes to be left alone. Just as the baby soul desires a house like the others and the young soul desires a mansion on the hill, the mature soul desires a house that she can build herself, to her liking, in her chosen place, seeking peace and serenity.

Here the artistic skill is developed to the maximum.

They often choose a partner or relationship that will last a lifetime.

Old soul.

Having mastered the lessons of the mature soul in the complexity of personal relationships, the old soul embarks on the mastery of the following dimension: the context of existence, that is, spirituality. This is a cycle of teaching, the Being asks: "What is my purpose in the great scheme of things?"

The old soul perceives itself and others as part of a much larger whole.

When she looks at another person, she sees in her an aspect of herself. A typical old soul is idividualist, easy to take with her and rarely does something she doesn't want to do.

What matters is to achieve inner satisfaction.

She prefers to work for herself, with the schedules she likes, and generally she gives her work a spiritual concept. The practices of the old soul may seem strange to younger souls, but the old soul is generally discreet about it. They are around matters such as gardening, winemaking, teaching. counseling. (counselors and therapists). They tend towards philosophy and art and find joy surrounded by nature.

Mature and old souls tend to have more self-esteem problems than others because they are more self-aware (inward) of their karma and the personality defects they chose.

Each of the seven ages of the soul has seven levels within itself. A level takes approximately three lives to complete (approx. 200 years) but this depends on the fragment itself (there are faster ones, there are slower ones).

Recall that the entire cycle can take 35 lives (minimum) to 400 in the maximum of the extremes. Once and again we have completed the cycle from different perspectives and ways of life, and returned to Tao again, and again.



It is an introduction to the level itself and to the age of the soul, the Essence entering here manifests two thirds of the previous age and one third of this new age. The first level is a taste of the type of experiences to come.


It manifests more intensely, focuses more emotionally. There is a struggle between continuing to develop and returning to the previous level, it is coupling. Very karmic.


Very introspective, shy, aware of itself, hermitage. It fully shows the level it is in. It moves to the intellectual level. There is self-examination.


It is the anchor of the age of the soul that the Essence is living in that moment. It feels especially comfortable if it is soul baby. The mature soul battles over this level as there is confusion and too much identification. Very karmic. At this level you receive more than what is given.


Here the integration begins. The understanding is given. It's a time to produce. More karma is created and stability disappears. There is a lot of exploration and experimentation. It is the most eccentric level.


It combines the experiences of the previous levels. Here the Essence generally chooses to grow. There are many obligations and most of the accumulated karma has to be balanced. The most difficult stage of all is the mature soul level six because of the difficulty that both entail. The old soul

level six is ​​a great challenge that generally requires many lives to be fulfilled because the Essence must complete all its karma to return to Tao. (It's like a customs).


It is the end of an age of the soul and the preparation for the next. Essence generally enjoys this level very relaxed.

There are generally no difficulties. The level seven soul becomes a great teacher for those who are still in that age of the soul that she is ending.

An old soul level seven feels the need to teach all that he has learned throughout his life to all the younger souls.

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