Scorpio, stand and fight, by Martín Dieser | Logos Group

  • 2010

The reflection on the internal, subjective meaning of the Scorpio sign can be enlightened if we take into account the role of the two previous signs, which, according to the psychological key we have been using, will occupy in the development of consciousness a subtly previous moment.

In Virgo, being imbued in matter comes into contact with the soul, the inner light that attracts it magnetically and drives discrimination in search of the essential, typical activity of the sign. On the other hand, Libra stabilizes the investigation and opens the doors for the reversal of the evolutionary movement, granting silence and a hidden base, substance, aire, to all subsequent efforts.

In Scorpio all that is put to the test; It is the energy that makes known the "hell", which brings to light all the obstacles and forces a decision, which can only be to fight and prove that the soul prevails. It strives to affirm consciousness, which is perceived as superior, and in that process the soul is increasingly revealed on the physical plane.

This broadening of the thread of consciousness in the physical plane is very useful in the internal life, because the triumph is linked not to the struggle, but to the proximity to the soul. Through the effort in the three worlds, the only thing that is achieved is to generate a dynamic vacuum, an invocation so that the soul becomes present and floods with its Presence the battlefield of conscience, bringing by its same elevation the cessation of conflict .

In all this plays an active role Mars, which is the esoteric ruler of the sign; As we have said before, the current placement of Pluto (planet of the 1 Ray of Will or Power) as a conventional regent may respond that the common of humanity is already sensitive to a degree of Divine Will, something never before experienced. Thanks to Pluto he sweeps away everything undesirable; It is a planet of death and destruction, agent of the need on the part of the superior being to achieve a fuller expression at the mental, emotional and physical level.

Mars is a planet of the 6th Ray of Devotion and Idealism and is closely linked to the emotional plane; for being "not sacred" its effect is felt in matter and not in consciousness. In such a way, Mars inflames the inferior nature, puts it well at the hand of being, which can avoid the battle (it is always a decision of its own), but never the awareness of what must be bent. This speaks of an interesting opportunity for internal progress and greater external irradiation. But are we willing to pay the price, to fight?

That brings us to the relationship with Taurus, the complementary opposite. This sign is governed internally by Vulcano, another planet of 1st Ray, but being sacred its effect has to do with the extension of the will from the Monad to the least elevated of the soul, from which contact can be made. It is not only with desire that it triumphs, but also with Will, and the will demands above all understanding, openness and vision, elements provided by Taurus.

Interestingly, Scorpio is linked to it through successive "defeats"; The overcoming is rarely linear, it is marked by cycles and frequent falls, which force us to start over, using the humility learned in Virgo. Two quotes are worth here: first, Vicente Beltrán Anglada used to say that “the initiate is a warrior covered with scars, ” which clearly tells us of the inevitable step through the state of Scorpio consciousness, where the soul itself places us in a demanding situation so that we evoke the highest and prove to ourselves the inevitability of the triumph of the Plan.

And on the other hand we have the phrase of Napoleon Bonaparte, who had Scorpio as Ascending (marking the path of his soul), and said: "the important thing is not to win, but never give up." That internal connection that guarantees immortality, dynamism, the perennial presence of the soul, Life itself, is the one that through Scorpio is poured into the day consciousness, giving the disciple a very important tool for spiritual advancement. The memory of the experience in Scorpio, or the direct experience if it is in the Sun or the Ascendant, is the one that potently or quietly allows to “tip the balance” at critical moments with full confidence in success, with a very peculiar authority that flows of the experience itself.

It is necessary to launch into battle with all the weapons that are had, all the aspiration and all the will, without forgetting that the key is in the triumph not of the personality but of the soul, which reveals itself through love and the understanding underlying every effort.

Somehow it could be said that everything we do on one level will be nothing more than a means to clear the field and open a vortex that allows the soul to burst, suddenly ending the activity in the three worlds through the union. This has a theoretical but fundamentally practical and psychological dimension: to overcome the "struggle" born of separativity, fragmented consciousness, and gain heaven in its own right, approaching the very center of wisdom that lovingly brings together the present time.

It is a meeting with the highest of ourselves, via the effort in the matter; that is why the Tibetan says that Mars rules the five senses; if one remembers that he is regent of the sign, it will be understood how through that activity in the mundane planes that identification will be taken to its limit, and then become aware that what was believed correct is an obstacle to a more direct perception, and sweep with the 1st Ray coming from Pluto and Vulcano. There is a transformation, a process that, as is known in conventional astrology, is governed by Scorpio.

In short, it is a sign that teaches us not so much to fight but to be absolutely willing to do so; It is the true Islamic Jihad, the internal struggle against the inferior within oneself. Being willing to pay the price, to give up what is known, is the great challenge that this period offers us, and the reward for “emerging victorious from the battle” (such as the esoteric motto) is the sincere display of greater realization energy. in all dimensions of consciousness, from the grossest to the highest.

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