The Metatronical Keys of 2009

Dear Beings:

His life is really a dream that is real and has purpose and is in his vernacular, the "Rubik's Cube" of soul growth. The dream of your life is a puzzle, an enigma that you have modeled for yourself. Life is a riddle that has rules and that law is LOVE. No, the emotion that you think of as love, but the complex science of light called: LOVE. It is the highest order of EVERYTHING IT IS! ”Metatron
Ani Torch

"The Earth Guardian Chronicles"
January 2009: Publication No. 26 - Canal Arcángel Metatrón
The Metatronic Keys of 2009
Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Regards! I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet each and everyone.

And so while one year ends and the other unfolds, we ask all of you to briefly meditate on the changes that have occurred within you in the micro and the macro for a few moments. For many of you on the Path, 2008 seems to have passed faster than previous years. This is specifically true for those of you born in the so-called years in which the birth of the Babies was a Boom, the fifties and sixties, as they entered from their 6th, to their 9th. Biological cycle of seven years.

The pioneers

You are aware of the so-called Indigos and the Crystals, however there has been no name for the soul community of the millions of you who were born in the 25 years after the 2nd. World War. And so we will give you a title. You are the Children of the Light, the "Pioneers." You prepared the path through the '60s and' 70s towards the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and Dear Beings, that event; Harmonic Convergence changed the Path of your planet. He allowed the Ascension. The Ascension was a possibility that became certain because of the paths you found and cleared.

You, the Pioneers, properly reloaded and transformed the thought patterns of the existing state (status quo) from the old repetitive pattern to allow the new paradigm to emerge. But realize, you are only on the cusp of the new energy, that of the Unified Field Crystalline Vibration. Much remains to be done. That is a reality to which they are subject, but they are not responsible for it. Do you see the subtle difference?

When your human vibratory resonance of thoughts is not influenced by the densest frequency patterns, then and only then, can your frontal mind be compared with the supra-mind within the ordered crystalline pattern of the Divine Mind.

The Keys of 2009

The year 2009 will bring many changes. The same energy of the Earth will continue to increase, and this will become apparent easily. The energy that has been poured into the planet through various mechanisms will continue to do so, however it will be distributed more harmoniously, more evenly dispersed starting with the March 2009 equinox.

2009 will be a year of accomplishments, a year of great potential for demonstration! Those of you who are planning to write a book will find the most compatible energies for your realization and other spiritual searches this year. Within this new year there is a harmonic time phase that is uniquely compatible for the manifestation of projects.

that many of you have had in mind, but have not been able to find the time or energy to make them come true so far. The new year 2009 will bring you the opportunity for the release of obstacles and an abundance of new energy that will truly be available to you the Pioneers in a number of ways.

Among the most interesting changes will be something like a sudden awakening of specific groups of humanity who have not been involved in Ascension so far. Many "new faces" will be attracted to align to the metaphysical and spiritual. As such, there will be an increase in the Light Ratio of Humanity from approximately 10% to 12%, especially during the last quarter of the year, after the 9-9-9 event, and culminating in the December solstice.

Many more will be interested in the spirit, in self-healing, in energy work and in metaphysical wisdom. Many of you who have been on the path will be transformed from students to teachers as part of this process. Many of the Pioneers will finally realize and accept that you are their own Master, and you WILL BE the MASTER for many.

Axial-tonal matching

A key change will occur gradually in 2009 on the planet where the distribution of light energy will begin to flow more smoothly across all areas. This axial-tonal equalization of light energy will be generated by the new facilities of the emerging vortex-portal, which many of you have helped to clean over the past few years. It will flow to areas that have been in conflict and energetically dense on the planet. Flow to areas of most low frequency to raise your vibrational resonance, pointing the Return of the Dove. As such, the oscillation of the arc of the duality pendulum of darkness and light will be less severe, and the denser cavities will begin to lighten. Some who have agreed to anchor light in such areas will find that their task has been completed and they will feel free to relocate to other locations, if they choose.

For those who diligently provided services as holders of light, we honor them. We know that this has been a difficult role for some, but it has been very good for the planet. Know that enough light has been connected to the earth, the vortex portals that many of you anchored are now firmly secured in place and new supports are being attracted to space. It is time now for the areas that needed help to stand up with their own strength, all areas, all people will learn to anchor the space of light inside their own vibrations. Such is the case that there will certainly be adequate mobilization and a rearrangement for many in the first half of 2009.

Key areas of operation of the new vortex generators include Tasmania, Arkansas, Mineas Gerais, Brazil, Galveston, Texas; Banff Canada, Capetown, South Africa, Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia; Lake Tahoe, Nevada; Trinity Point, Virginia (and the Charlottesville Vortex); Bisbee, Arizona; the southern and northwestern regions of the Canadian Shield; Western Australia, New Zealand; North of Argentina; Patagonia in southern Chile; Bogot, Colombia; Lake Baikal, Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Crestone, Colorado; Asheville, North Carolina, the Western Alps of Switzerland; Montserrat, Spain; Sri Lanka; Tanzania; Amsterdam, Holland, Moscow, the Grand Canyon, Turkey, Java and Western Ireland; To name a few.

2009 New Beginnings and New Associations

Many of you have had relationships that ended last year and actually in the past decade and thus have remained on a lonely journey without a life partner in the past, or in a relationship of karmic consummation that has actually been completed in 2008. This transition to the beginning of new societies will be manifested for many in the year 2009. In addition, this energy for those who already have their life partners, will take a turn, a deepening in those relationships.

The 2009 harmonic will offer the ability to manifest the life you came to live with a partner who is a true spirit seeker, someone whose companionship and vibration are compatible with his own, and someone with whom to share his life in a sacred union. And so this new year of partnerships, will offer them the opportunity to unite with similar souls who have done their work of transformation and who are now completely ready to leave loneliness and shape a new bond. in the sacred dimension of the true society of the soul family. For many of you, the Pioneers who have gone through the past years in sovereign solitude, they will realize in 2009 that they have traveled alone for long enough and will have the opportunity to expand their vision of existence, to reconnect to the Source, to manifest the highest expression of the principles of unity in your life in the form of balanced, loving and comprehensive relationships.

So this is your year of review and action. Do not observe it as a time of endings but rather as a year of beginnings. But in this case it is not a beginning that begins at a calm point, but rather a midpoint, a "zero point" inside a flashing chaos. Certainly many aspects of your planet remain in chaos. The systems will continue to collapse and reform. Conflicts across the planet will deepen into a chaotic noise.

From Chaos to Perfection: Giving Birth to the Multiverse

Dear Beings, your own Multiverse began in chaos. The Multiverse did not spring up in the so-called "beginning of time", but rather in a central point. It begins in a medium flow in which chaos recognizes itself and understands that it can reorder and reorganize itself towards a better degree of balance. And so did the Multiverse that was born in itself towards a greater order, not from a starting point but from a point where the greater consciousness became accessible to itself to evolve from chaos. So observe, birth is not a beginning, rather it is a rise from one level to another to achieve balance. The transformation that you conceive in your mind as birth does not originate from emptiness, from nothing, but rather arises from what has already been and is elaborated in itself into a new form from a great desire for perfection.

The Way to Ascension

Teachers, let's be clear that the path to the Ascension does not imply that personal struggle or planetary chaos will end when it arrives. Earth's graduation will not be a refuge for those who have struggled through a difficult stay, nor is there a heavenly compensation for those who have fought the right fight.

The Ascension is complex and simply the evolutionary sequential step for those who understand that life must be created with initiative rather than reactively defended. Ascension offers you access to higher dimensions for creation.

It does not imply that you should ignore the conflicts of life or discard facing them. In reality they will not disappear and will still require your attention. This simply means that you respond from a higher perspective of wisdom.

Their conflicts and "systems" of life should not be abandoned, it is not a time for withdrawal, but rather that they will be given the opportunity to strategically move towards a higher dimension perspective and in doing so they will be able to cultivate a different attitude, coming from a framework broader reference.

Therefore, understand that the unresolved confrontations and wars currently on Earth are your own creation that is mirrored and must still be resolved. You human beings created the confusion and you must do the cleaning!

Ascension is not here to erase their questions, but rather to allow them to resolve them with a greater perspective. And so I ask you Pioneers to reflect on this question individually and en masse: "How many projectiles do they still have in their own personal arsenal while imploring others to lower their weapons?"

I tell you this TRUTH, the chaos that attracted your experience, the battles you fight, the struggles you find as Warriors of Light within duality, are truly with your personality / ego.

The Metatronic Keys

Teachers, in 2009 there are frequency keys available to help humanity ascend to higher levels of consciousness, to move to a less dense consciousness above the chaos of the 3rd duality. Even while the pace of life continues to accelerate.

Acceleration happens because the spatial context of the fifth dimension is naturally less dense and that is why light travels faster inside. And as a consequence your sense of time will be accelerated, so that you need to purify your health in order to manage the stress of the increased rhythm. Moreover, those who have not converted the MerKaBa auric field are required to do so to integrate it optimally as an essential Metatronic Key of the Ascension. If they do not do this, they may feel overwhelmed and fatigued in the intensification of the Earth's energy as it increases.

In the supposed case that and when this happens, we implore you to take your time every day and form the Pyramid of life, the octahedron around you and fill it with the golden joy of life. Feel enriched by the wonder that life is and know that your eternal quality is offered to you.

The Way of the Center

And Dear Beings, at this time, remember to walk the central path of joy and even of confident humility. Remain impeccable, nurture it. Avoid the traps of the spiritual ego, while growing in strength. Check them and recalibrate them on a regular basis. They evade vigorously the dangerous throne of self-aggrandizement and the unsuspected danger of believing that their life is even remotely more important than the others. Honor, respect and nurture ALL within the family of man.

The frequency keys will occur on several key dates in 2009. These dates will offer you atypical frequency harmonics that will allow you to understand what we will call the Metatronic keys. These keys are accessible only through the MerKáBico Field and will offer them the ability to transform into the highest MerKiVicos states beyond the tetrahedron star. Within these Keys are more extensive understandings of the geometric sustenance of what we call Unconditional Love through the sacred geometries of consciousness. The most powerful of these portals of 2009 will be happening in the March equinox, in the June solstice, in the solar eclipse of July 22, in the Lunar Eclipse of September 6, in the September Equinox of 9-9- 9, on November 11 and on the December Solstice.

These key vibrational portals are of such a degree that an individual can harmonize with them better than others and thus have favorable access to the wisdom offered in the form of frequency. The recognition of the energy portal by itself will be more apparent to some than to others; according to the individual light capacity of each one or the light quotient. The ability to use it and transform it into the energy of the Metatronic Keys depends on the level of unique and individual vibration of each person. Each experience of the soul with the same energy will be different, but dedication to the subtle aspects requires focus and work. Put more focus, more attention to life is the same in the four years that remain and that lead to 2012.

Focus on the NOW

In the next four years it is imperative to learn to be fully in the moment. Within the MerKábico field you can learn to attract all your awareness in the NOW and consequently access the fulcrum (balance point) of power / energy. Only in NOW can they maneuver all aspects of linear space-time into the accessibility of the Multiverse and co-co-create with initiative. You observe that it is only in the MerKáBicos and MerKíVicos states that you have the complete kingdoms required to enter the Unified Crystal Field. Inside the MerKábico and MerKíVico NOW you access the Eternal Universal Truth in its full expanded power.

This means that they must release all worry, doubt and fear as well as flow consciousness out of thoughts about the past or the future in order to find themselves in the creative controls of LIFE, as it manifests. The paradox is that when you act fully in the NOW, you have the ability to control all 3 aspects of "linear" consciousness, the past, the present and the future and convert them into the multidimensional format.

Always be aware that life is eternal, and that life will continue in each phase, whether one pays attention to the passage of time or not. 2009 is the time for you to pay attention to the issue of LIFE! Life is waiting, life is in the experience and in the discovery of the I. Life requires attention and focus, life is in the achievement of every moment!

Attention and focus are essential. Life will continue to reveal itself whether or not you continue paying attention to each moment within the lens of NOW. If your focus is dispersed, you cannot maintain the necessary fine balance. Life can be focused on the lens of joint creativity only by focusing on its Existence in the light of NOW.

Sacred Existence

Teachers, you need to learn how to be fully in balance within the expansive sacred EXISTENCE that is LIFE.

The purpose of Life is Life itself, and its true nature is growth through expansion, the two cannot be separated. The purpose of the Earth and the celestial bodies that affect and surround them is OPEN TO LIFE. As life unfolds it is essential to sustain its sacred character.

Life must be kept sacred in order for it to continue to reveal itself in the micro and the macro. So you should know that when life does not feel strong and sacred it is due to an imbalance between your own perception and it is a red-light signal for you to restore that balance. The year 2009 is the time for this balance to be performed as a member, to be restored and this requires an effort on your part. It requires your full participation. Do not let this "channel of opportunity" called 2009 pass by. The year 2009 is a time to associate its approach to re-commit, to devote again, reform and rebalance.

Metatronic Keys

So there are practical steps to allow the most wonderful benefit of the transitional energies of the New Year, 2009. It is the time at the birth of 2009 to return to the Earth, to devote himself to his consciousness, to redirect his attention and focus and Give Light from its central posture, its New Life! It is time to rekindle the fires of Life, of passion, to make your heart and mind wake up completely and rebuild your LIFE. In order for the Earth to sustain itself, it must be able to sustain itself. In the same way it is for you Dear beings. For you to move forward you must assume the responsibility of supporting yourself. To be healthy you must sustain your health, so that you feel the joy of Life, you must nurture joy and well-being. It is a necessary compliment to your Path and the key to the Crystal Field portal. It is an aspect we call Platinum Ray.

Recognize the Existence that is the Nature of Life.
Appreciate the sacred character of Life and every moment of Life.
Understand that this recognition of Life is a Metatronic Key
Understand that without this Key of Understanding, life is revealed more densely.
Understand that the Key to Wellbeing Comes with Understanding on the Sacred Character of Life.

They are in a state of Gratitude within the Platinum Ray.

Do not allow the passion to be issued within a dense event.
Slow down and listen to the inner voice.
Wake up the dreamer.

Dear Beings, your genuine cycle within humanity is the path of Divinity. It is through this chosen path that his Divine Nature expresses itself. Humans are a species with amnesia, and often forget who they are. 2009 is the time to remember

(loving memory) and the one to remember focally. His humanity is actually a part of his divinity and his knowledge obtained in the duality of the Earth, and is the vessel in which his divinity expresses itself.

I tell you a profound TRUTH, and that is that you the Path Seekers, you few human beings who recognize that they are representing a dream can only be truly awake in that dream because of That vital recognition. Actually you are dreaming about the version of you that thinks you are awake. And although this is a subject that causes confusion for the majority, and the terminology has no meaning for the masses, the world to which you believe you are attached is a projection of your Co-creative Divine mind. Nothing that seems to happen is written in stone to use your vernacular. You form your past and your future and change them infinitely. You model each morning out of your creative flow of desire, while shaping your present and your past within the moment of power, the infinite and eternal NOW. Is it a dream? Yes, but Dear Beings dreams are real, with purpose and are the Rubik's Cube of soul growth. The dream of your life is a riddle, a puzzle that you shaped for yourself. Life is an enigma that has rules, and that rule is LOVE. Not the emotion that you know as love, but the complex science of light called LOVE. It is the highest order of EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS.

Wellbeing and Deserve in the Platinum Ray.

The Platinum Ray offers itself to everyone. It is an energy of nurturing and well-being. It is an energy that complements your path. It is an energy of feminine loving dedication and male self-confidence in a modest balance. Bring him to his field in meditation and gratitude.

Dear Beings, many of you are still held by emotions of worthlessness. So many of you on the path still measure and self-judge your progress, complete merit and merit for the sum of "acts of virtue" that you have achieved in your collective stays.

But we tell you another TRUTH, and that is that having access to the Crystalline Vibration is neither won nor denied by any paradigm of criticism or Law of Authority imposed, other than your own.

And once again what may seem paradoxical (but in truth it is not) is that without a harmonic guide-vibration, access to the portal would seem inaccessible in frequency, and you could not rise to the Crystal Field.

That is one of the reasons why human beings work so ardently in the biological cycle, to justify their collective and individual selves from a pattern of behavioral history that is actually misunderstood and does not accurately describe their past, present or future. . If you cannot even understand its true origin, how can you judge with such precision in the present that it is also incorrectly interpreted? The answer is that they can't. The past, the present and the future only exist in the NOW that you dream, that you observe.

Everything in your vision-dream is then regulated in your perspective and in your dimension by belief, and as long as you believe you are imperfect, you will be. It is the Law of Attraction, the Law of Creative Manifestation. The chains that tie you are the chains of doubt.

The acts that you perform, which you consider impure are the reason why so many feel unworthy at times. It is actually a vibration pattern that holds them. As long as you try to swim in the dense energy of low vibration, it will be completely impossible for you to avoid sinking further inside. Isn't this interesting? Take a moment to consider what we just shared.

So the reality is that the beliefs for which humanity has lived have kept them virtually chained to the limited belief system of their true past and so far, especially NOW, something prevents humanity from crossing the threshold towards the lightness of Consciousness Crystalline There is a link anyway, which are the vibrational portals that will uniquely facilitate each of you in the individuality next year, to combine with the energy, and enter the portal of the highest field.

You observe that the Crystalline Field is your own impeccability and while you perceive it as the only action guiding your conversation, the truth is that it can happen in a brilliant moment of realization because impeccability is simply and complexly a vibration.

You are GOD

In both collective and individual thinking, each of you and all of you can break the barriers of self-imposed judgment within time and space to finally see each other and make the Quantum leap of recognizing that YOU are your God. You are a flash of the Divinity of the Creator God! You access the Immaculate God within you and this is defined by a quantum vibration frequency of consciousness.

And so within the illusion of their linear time, we can ask them by what degree of measurement can they tell us if they are closer to God than a year ago? Consider this carefully, because the answer is neither in millimeters or in light years.

The truth is that they have never been apart, never separated from GOD. Only fear and perceptions of not being deserving blur the vision from the tiny corners of the darkness in the filters of duality that you allow to manifest within your heart and doubt about the perfection and greatness of YOU, being a part of the Creator God and of Everything that Exists.

We assure each of you that deep inside your core is the consciousness of a DIVINE I, a GOD that is you. And that I God is in a blissful joy. There is a God in the depth of your center who is laughing in love, so know that all is well. Know that everything eventually comes together in ecstasy and rejoice in that Truth. Perceive the lightness that is approaching you, which is available to you in the 2009 frequency patterns. Discover Well-being, accompany you with an expression of admiration on your path.

Live every moment in gratitude to be ready for the long-awaited changes as you move even closer to bring heaven to earth, creating with initiative the new reality. Hold on to the Day!

I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS.

And so it is.

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