Lakshmi Hindu Goddess

  • 2012

Lakshmi Hindu Goddess of Good Fortune, Prosperity, Abundance, Beauty and Good Luck. Also known as the Goddess-Lotus.

Lakshmi is also called Shri (Prosperity, Procreation and Growth) is a special goddess. It is magical and practical. His companion is God Vishnu, and his best friend a man, Ganesha (represented as the sacred elephant). She is a goddess revered throughout the world. In the moments of greatest challenge brings healing and sense of fortune, even in the darkest moments. It is a powerful cosmic connection, a divine woman who resembles us and offers a sense of courage, hope, power.

As the Hindu goddess of good fortune, beauty, grace and charm, who represents and is seen as the personification of abundance, prosperity, wealth, well-being and harmony is revered daily by millions of people around the world . It is considered as a universal goddess. His holiday is called "Deepvali", it is the festival of lights and represents a good, moving and prosperous moment when people come dressed in their best clothes to celebrate in the name of the Goddess of Fortune.

Celebrations of the Goddess of Good Fortune

Every year, around the New Moon in October or November, Hindus celebrate the day of the Goddess of Good Fortune and invite her to their homes, trying to get their favors for next year.

The night before the party, children throw firecrackers and light flares, and in some parts of India, adults bang pots and pans to scare Lakshmi's dark brothers, called Alakshmi. Women decorate her windows and doors with small lights (Deepa) that are offerings to Lakshmi, to help her find her way to her abode.

They take sweets to temples or make offerings in their homes to Lakshmi Vishnu (his companion) and his beloved. In temples food is piled and overflowing around the sacred icons and the priests bless them and give treats to children and food to those in need. They are accepted with both hands and a respectful nod. Often, before eating them people kiss these foods and pray for them, it is a blessed food called "Prasad" and they are considered the energies of the goddess and her partner.

Powers of Goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi is a goddess who brings all good things to light and life, leading material and spiritual wealth in our path.

His creation myth is one of the most colorful of all Hindu deities. It is said that he was born, fully grown, on a pink lotus that rose from the sea. He was immediately covered with precious stones and was worshiped by gods and sages. They wanted them to go to their worlds and their homes, because they believed that where Lakshmi was found, wealth and fulfillment would also be found, that's why Deepa is offered to help her find her way to her abode.

Three thousand years later it is still the symbol of luck, it is the most adored and loved female deity.

She is described as a beautiful Indian woman with big dark eyes, golden skin and four arms. Dressed in red Sari embroidered in gold. Red symbolizes Activity and gold indicates Prosperity. It appears sitting or standing on its pink lotus throne, which represents beauty, purity and fertility. He wears two lotus flowers blessing his devotees, representing spiritual evolution and harmony in life. His front arms usually offer a blessing of protection. His ability to improve our luck in life is symbolized by the cascades of gold coins that sprout from his hands. Its four hands represent the four extremes of human life: "Dharma" or justice, "Kama" or desires, "Artha" or wealth and "Moksha" or the liberation of the cycle of birth and death.

He has the Ganges River at his service, and two elephants stand next to her and spray her with their waters, this denotes that the incessant effort, according to the "Dharma" and governed by wisdom and purity, leads to material and spiritual prosperity.

Lakshmi, the Goddess of Abundance, can help us create Prosperity, showing us that wealth can be inspired by God or Divinity. As a sacred manifestation of all forms of prosperity, she is probably the most popular Goddess of all Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

Petitions to this Hindu Goddess

According to Hindu philosophy, for a decree, petition or manifestation to work requires 3 elements:

  • A Mantra: What is the decree itself: Much Prosperity is on its way.
  • A Mudra: A gesture, attitude or reminder. In this case it is the image of Lakshmi
  • A Sutra: The most important of the three. Your intention in which things happen.

The name Lakshmi comes from Sanskrit and etymologically means to perceive or observe. It is synonymous with Laksya which means objective.

Lakshmi is the Goddess through which you will reach your goals, through the observation of yourself and the correct perception of the world.

The meaning of the Hindu Goddesses and Gods is different from the western meaning of God.

The Hindu Goddesses represent qualities that are within us, and that have the potential to emerge.

Usually a Hindu God or Goddess is represented with 4 or more hands.

Lakshmi has two lotus flowers, one in each upper hand; they are the symbol of our inner purity and our spiritual power.

In the other right hand a mudra in offering signal and in the other left hand a jar full of your inner wealth.

Lakshmi is surrounded by two elephants that are the symbol of Royalty and again of Abundance and Prosperity.

An elephant trusts every day that it will find 225 kg of herbs, shrubs and leaves. Pasture to feed. And find them! In his search he knocks down trees, opens roads.

Thousands of more mobile animals benefit from their self-confidence.

Totally Prosper, the elephant is the obstacle remover.

Lakshmi is sitting on a Lotus Flower which is a symbol of purity. The Lotus Flower grows in the swamps and is always clean. It is surrounded by riches at your feet and you just have to extend your giving hand to reach them.

Prosperity is based on a simple principle: The more you give, the more you will receive.

They have to be very alert, very perceptive of what is going on around them and the signs of Prosperity will begin to manifest.

Do not forget Lakshmi and you will realize how Prosperity manifests.

They should be aware of how their Prosperity manifests is what gives value to the power of your inner Lakshmi and reminds them of how prosperous they are.

Miracles are changes in perception.

We just have to be attentive to see that our life is full of miracles.

Lakshmi Gayatri

Om Mahalakshmaye vidmahi, Vishnu priyaye dhimahi, tanno Lakshmi prachodayat

(Om Majaalakshmaye vidmaji, Vishnu priyaaye dhiimaji, tanno Lakshmii prachodayaat)

It means Om let's meditate on the great Goddess of Fortune, the wife of the Omnipenetrant, may the brilliant Lakshmi, inspire our minds with understanding and may Fortune enlighten us. Derived from the Gayatri mantra, the most important Vedic hymn, the Gayatri de Lakshmi is considered one of the most powerful means to achieve prosperity, beauty, harmony and fame.

Mantra of Lakshmi

Om shri Mahalakshmyai namaha

(Pronunciation: Om shrii Majaalakshmiaii namaja)

Om greetings to the great Lakshmi Goddess of Fortune

Om is the sound symbol of the Divine, shri is an honorary title that means "beauty, lady, " Mahalakshmyai namaha translates as "greetings or obeisances to Lakshmi." This is an essential mantra for merchants and all those who wish to preserve or increase their wealth.

While you are singing the mantras, visualize your own prosperity and success. It is a source of positive energy, if you look at it every day, your representation will attract good fortune in your lives.

You can also pray for peace and well-being for all. Good fortune at all levels, spiritual and material, is your domain.

It is believed that who pays attention to the Goddess of Good Fortune daily develops a channel of communication with her. It can also be seen, simply that focusing your attention on your energy is being chosen as creating in your life.

Lakshmi exists in a dimension beyond our human struggles and sorrows, from where he sits in his Sacred Lotus, he can lead us to a greater fortune, to have deeper love relationships and more joys, because he is also considered as the Great Mother who It can lead us from Darkness to Light.

If you allow Lakshmi to be present in your life, you may find that you rise to a higher state of being and living. And in that state is where you start to see that anything can be created.

Daily, his 108 names are sung and prayers are pronounced in his honor every time the act of his devotion is performed. She can hear our prayers from wherever we are.

If you wish to evoke your energy from Good Fortune, you can light a green candle in your honor (with wooden matches) you should also light an incense by offering it to her and thanking her for never lacking health, money and so on. To think that good luck is for you. It may be a sense of peace and well-being, or perhaps they have a financial problem that, if resolved, will make them feel more fortunate. They can also ask for the support they need to make their most felt dreams come alive.

Do you need help with finances, work, success, happiness and love? They can turn to Goddess Lakshmi and Ganesha. In the Hindu tradition they first invoke the Lord of Obstacles, Ganesha, to clear the way to success. He removes obstacles so that Lakshmi can deliver the fortune in his life. There are songs and prayers to evoke Ganesha, it can be called with a simple song: "Om Ganesha, Om Ganesha, Om Ganesha".

Remember: Evoke Ganesha by repeating "Om Ganesha" three times. Then, ask Goddess Lakshmi for your help.

There are many representations in icons and pictures in which the two appear together.

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