The Meaning: from intuition to inspiration. By Djwhal Khul

  • 2010

Symbol, Meaning, Meaning, are the result of enlightenment. Light is the emanating creative energy, the organizer of the symbol, the revealer of meaning and the power of meaning. The meaning behind the meaning always concerns the interpreting mind.

The world of meanings is entered after receiving the third initiation. The world of symbols is that of personal life, that of the phenomenal world, the material Triad of human evolution; the world of meaning is where the intelligent soul lives and acts with intention and understanding; the world of significations is that of the spiritual Triad, which only confers liberation fully in that world, after the Transfiguration.


Intuition is not a feeling of love towards people that means understanding them. Much of what is called intuition is only a recognition of similarities and the possession of an acute analytical mind. Smart people who have lived a long time, have had many experiences, making contact with countless people, can, whenever they are interested in it, easily realize the problems and modalities of others. This should not be confused with intuition.

Intuition is not related to superior or inferior psychism; having a vision, hearing the voice of silence, reacting pleasantly to any teaching, does not mean that intuition acts. Nor is seeing symbols, because this is a special kind of perception and also implies having the ability to tune the Universal Mind in that stratum of its activity that produces the canon forms on which all etheric bodies are based. Intuition is neither intelligent psychology nor loving desire to provide help, produced by the interaction between the personality, governed by a strong orientation of the soul, and the conscious soul of the group.

Intuition is synthetic, prerogative understanding of the soul, which is only possible when the soul, on its own level, goes in two directions: towards the Monad and towards the integrated, and perhaps momentarily coordinated and unified personality. It is the first indication of a deep subjective unification that will reach its consummation in the third initiation.

Intuition is understanding comprehensively the principle of universality; when it exists, all sense of separativity is lost, at least momentarily. At its peak it is recognized as that Universal Love that has no relation to feeling or affective reaction, but predominantly identifies with all beings. Then true compassion is known and there is no spirit of criticism. Only then can the latent divine germ be seen in all forms.

Intuition is light, and when it acts, the world is seen as light and the light existing in bodies of all forms gradually becomes visible. This brings with it the ability to make contact with the light center of each form, thus also establishing an essential relationship, the sense of superiority and separativity being relegated to second term.

Therefore, the development of intuition brings three qualities:

Lighting. By lighting I do not mean the headlight. She is incidental and phenomenal; Many truly intuitive people are completely unaware of this light. The light to which I refer is the one that illuminates the Way, the light of the intellect which really means what illuminates the mind and can be reflected in the mental mechanism when it remains firm in the light . This is the Light of the World, a reality that exists eternally, but which can only be discovered when the individual internal light is recognized as such. It is the Light of the Ages that shines more and more until the Day is with us. Intuition, therefore, is to recognize internally, from your own experience. and not in theory, our total identification with the Universal Mind and that we are an integral part of the great Life of the world and that we participate in the Existence that persists forever.

Understanding It must be considered in its literal sense, meaning the power to understand and penetrate things and also the power of recess or the ability to depart from the eternal identification with life of the form . I would like to point out that departing is relatively easy for those who possess many of the qualities of first lightning. The problem is to move away in an esoteric sense, while avoiding the sense of separativity, isolation and superiority. It is easy for people who belong to the first ray to resist the tendency to identify with others. Having true understanding implies having an increased capacity to love all beings and yet, at the same time, maintain a personal detachment, which can easily be based on the inability to love or worry Selfish by one's own comfort, physical, mental or spiritual and above all emotional. People who belong to the first ray fear emotion and despise it, but sometimes they have to enter an emotional state before they can correctly use emotional sensitivity.

Understanding implies making contact with life as an integrated person, plus the egoic reaction to the purposes and plans of the group. It involves the unification of soul-personality, extensive experience and an accelerated activity of the internal critical principle. Intuitive understanding is always spontaneous. Reasoning, to arrive at understanding, does not constitute an activity of intuition.

Love As already said, it is not an affective feeling nor does it have a loving disposition; Both aspects are incidental and correlative. When the intuition develops, both the affection and the externalization of the loving spirit will be expressed in its purest form, but what produces this is something much more It's deep and comprehensive. It is that synthetic and inclusive uptake of the life and needs of all beings (I have chosen these two words with all intentions), a high prerogative of a divine Son of God. It rejects everything that erects barriers, formulates criticism and produces separation. He makes no distinctions, although he values ​​the need and produces in him who loves as a soul, an immediate identification with the loved.

These three words summarize the three qualities or aspects of intuition, and can be summarized by the word universality or sense of universal uniqueness.


Intuition can be driven to activity in many different ways, and one of the most useful and powerful is the study and interpretation of symbols. (one)

Symbols constitute the external and visible form of internal spiritual realities; when the ease of discovering the reality that is in any specific form has been obtained, it means the awakening of intuition. The study of symbols helps to achieve this and, when done with faith and perseverance, it does three things:

  1. Develop the power to penetrate behind the form and reach subjective reality.
  2. It produces a close integration between soul-mind-brain; Once achieved, intuition and, therefore, enlightenment and truth are obtained more quickly.
  3. It exerts pressure on certain dormant areas of the brain, activating brain cells, this being the first stage in the experience of the aspirant. In most true aspirants, the center between the eyebrows awakens, while the center at the top of the head vibrates very smoothly but is not fully functioning, having to wake up fully before the aspirants are at the height of their maximum opportunity .

The study of symbols involves three stages:

First, the investigation of the symbol and the consequent progress of the analyst, from one stage of perception to another, to gradually include the entire field covered by the symbol.

Second, the intuitive perception of the symbols that are observed everywhere in the divine manifestation.

Third, the use of symbols in the physical plane and their correct adaptation to the purpose seen and recognized, consequently leads to magnetize the symbol with the necessary quality, by means of which the idea can make its presence felt, so that the idea intuited and qualified find a correct form in the physical plane.

Therefore, deal with the symbols in a general, broad, exoteric, conceptual and esoteric way, but you should also make an analysis of your own sensitivity and response to the quality of the symbol.

The study of the symbol requires, exoterically, the use of the brain and memory. Strive to study line and form, number and general external aspects, knowing that every line has meaning, every number has its interpretation and all forms are symbols of an internal quality and life.

The conceptual study of the symbol leads them, internally, from the brain to the mind, in the realm of ideas. Impels activity, focused on the mental mechanism. This way they will realize the concept or idea that the symbol or sign personifies. They will capture its meaning and what it represents. They will understand the purpose for which the form has been manifested. The study of numbers and lines has provided them with a rich knowledge structure at the objective level - wealth that depends in this case on individual reading, mental equipment and knowledge. The ability to read the "meaning" contained in a symbol also depends on the richness of the meaning they attach to the events of daily life and the ability to practice true meditation.

The esoteric reading of symbols, "spiritual reading" as our old master Patanjali calls it, is a refined art. The power to interpret symbols always precedes true revelation. Capturing the truth represented by a line or series of lines that make up a symbolic form is not all that has to be done. A good memory can remember that a series of lines, forming a triangle or a series of triangles, means the trinity or any series of triplicities within the macro or microcosmic manifestation. But that activity and accuracy of memory of nothing will serve to awaken dormant brain cells or to activate intuition.

I would like to clarify that there is no established interpretation for each symbol, since it will impart a special meaning to each human being. The lack of interest in symbols generally presupposes a lack of interest in the proper interpretation of life forms and their meaning. Demonstrating a very academic interest in symbols, presupposes a tortuous and complex mind that loves drawings, lines, shapes and numerical relationships, totally escaping the significance of meaning. The mental balance between form and concept, expression and quality, sign and meaning is vital for the growth of the disciple and the aspirants.

The great need that most students have is to work with ideas and concepts to arrive at meaning, which will need the use of the mind to understand, grasp and interpret. It requires the development of that mental sensitivity that will allow its possessor to respond to the vibrations from what we call Universal Mind, the Mind of God, the Instigator of the Plan. It presupposes a certain ability to interpret and the power to express the idea that underlies the symbol, so that others can share it. This idea of ​​service and increased utility must be firmly held in mind.

Meaning, quality, value, are revealed in their vital spiritual significance when one learns to grasp the fact of the higher realities and the distance between the higher and the lower consciousness is eliminated. The significance of the creative activity and the correct understanding of what we call genius are also clarified, and in this way the creative work will not be considered unique or sporadically manifested, but will be given due attention and will assume its corresponding place in the development of man. It could be added here that creative activity is possible in the field of art when the first aspect of the unifying energy of man can act and intelligence begins to work. Talent develops when two "petals of knowledge" are opened. Then man, through knowledge and creativity, will create something on the physical plane that will express the creative power of the soul. When two of the "petals of love" are opened, then a genius appears, qualified for his collaboration and understanding.

The hermeneutic (interpretive) study (2), together with a systemic (totality) approach (3) of reality, reveals in due time the world of meanings and leads opportunely to the world of meanings. The interpreter tries to discover the reason why ; he struggles with the problem of facts, events, crises and circumstances, in order to achieve the meaning they may have for him; when he discovers the meaning of any specific problem he uses it as a stimulus to penetrate more deeply into the world of meanings that was recently revealed; then he learns to incorporate his small personal problems into the greater All, thus losing sight of the lower self and discovering the higher self. The true esoteric point of view is always that of the Greater All. The student sees the world of meanings as an intricate and extended network about all activities and aspects of the phenomenal world. Knowing the plot and the warp of that network, facilitates the understanding of the social and cultural fabric.

The revelation process (4)

Through intuition the progressive understanding of God's methods is revealed in the world, for the good of humanity; the transcendence and immanence of God is captured in a correlative way, and man can thus penetrate that pure knowledge and inspired reasoning that will allow him to understand not only the processes of nature in his fivefold divine expression, but also the causes that underlie them, proving that they are effects and not initiatory events; through intuition man comes to experience the Kingdom of God and discover the nature, types of life, phenomena and characteristics of the Children of God, when they come to manifestation. Intuition makes him know some of the plans and purposes that are developed through the created and manifested worlds and shows him how he and the rest of humanity can collaborate and hasten the divine purpose, also making him progressively know the laws of Spiritual life, laws that govern God Himself, condition Shamballa. and guide the Hierarchy, as you are able to value them and work with them.

Four are the types of people prone to revelation through the awakening of intuition:

  1. Those who belong to the line of world saviors.
  2. Those who belong to the line of the prophets.
  3. The true priests
  4. The mystics and practical scientists.

The passage of an idea from the plane of intuition to the brain is as follows .

  1. The idea is seen by the mind - kept firm in the light of the soul.
  2. It descends to the higher levels of the mental plane and there is coated with substance of those levels. It still remains as an abstraction, from the angle of the lower mind. This must be carefully observed by the pseudo intitutive.
  3. The soul throws its light up and out, and the idea, nebulous and dim, emerges in the consciousness of man. It is revealed just like an object when it is illuminated by the bright beam of a powerful reflector. The mind strives to establish constant and firm conscious contact with the soul, seeing the upper world through the eye of the openly wide soul; Record the idea every time with more clarity.
  4. The revealed idea then becomes an ideal for the attentive mind, and will eventually be something desirable and materialized. Then the faculty that the mind possesses to create mental forms becomes active; the mental substance is activated by the energy of the idea and vitalized by the recognition of the soul, then the idea takes its first step towards true embodiment. An ideal is just a corporate idea. This constitutes the first step for matterization. Corporification becomes possible. Thus the illusion occurs.

The Technique: Meeting with the Presence.

This technique corresponds to certain scientific lines or modes of work, for which, in large part, the training given in the schools of true meditation and Raja Yoga systems, They have prepared the aspirant. These stages begin where the usual formulas end; they presuppose ease in approaching the angel or soul and the ability to raise consciousness until it merges with the soul. List the processes or stages as follows:

1 The evocation of the tension stage, which is basic and essential. It occurs when the personal self is fully controlled, so that it is equipped to make contact with the real.

2 The achievement of the merger with the Soul or Angel, which guards the access to the Path of the higher evolution.

3 Keep the mind steady in the light of the soul, for being the attitude that the lower self assumes during the remaining period of work, and for maintaining the tension for the soul and not for the personality . The soul takes over this restraint when the personal self has done the impossible to reach the desired tension.

4 Defined and sustained effort to perceive Presence in all forms of the Universe. This could be expressed in the words the effort to isolate the germ or seed of divinity, which have brought into existence all forms . I would like you to observe that this does not mean achieving a loving attitude or a sentimental approach towards people and circumstances. That is the mystical path and, even though no attempt is made to cancel it in the life of the disciple, it is not used today in the effective approach. It refers to the effort to see, mainly, in the light that the Angel radiates, the point of light behind all the phenomenal appearances, constituting, consequently, the transfer of vision. Ethics at higher levels of consciousness. It is not the vision of the soul but the vision or spiritual perception of what the light of the soul can help reveal. The fluctuating light of the soul in the personal self has enabled the disciple to see the vision of the soul and, in that light, achieve union with the soul, even if it is. momentarily. Then, the greater light of the soul is focused like a radiant sun and reveals in turn a more wonderful vision: that of the Presence, in which the angel is the guarantee And promise. Just as the light of the Moon is the verification that the Sun's light exists, in the same way the Sun's light proves, if they knew, that there is a greater light.

5 Then, having perceived the Presence - not theoretically but in vibrant response to its Existence - comes the stage in which the Purpose is assured. The hope of identifying with the Purpose is far away even for the common initiate of less category than a Master. We will not deal with this stage (for us), but with the effort to achieve an understanding of what, through form, is trying to corporify the high purpose, at any particular stage of the evolutionary cycle. This is possible, and has been achieved in the course of the ages, by those who have approached correctly and duly reflected the Path of Higher Evolution. This Path is revealed to the disciple, even if it has nothing to do with the intuitive message that he can bring from his elevated adventure.

6 Then he puts under the light, of what we esoterically call "the triple light of intuition", some world problem, some plan to help humanity, that his mind has developed or his heart has desired, light formed by the fusion of the light of the personal self focused on the mind, the light of the soul focused on the Angel and the universal light emitted by the Presence; When this is done easily, through concentration and long practice, it will produce two results:

to. The solution of your problem will suddenly appear in the alert mind of the disciple (who is still the receiving agent), the suggestion of what is needed to help humanity, the desired information that, when applied, will open up to science, to psychology or religion, a certain door that will bring once open, relief or liberation for many. As I said before, intuition is never related to individual problems or concerns, as many self-centered aspirants believe, but it is purely impersonal and only applicable to humanity, in a synthetic sense.

b. The "intruder agent of light" (as The Old Commentary calls these intuitive adventurers) is recognized as someone who can be entrusted with some revelation, the new dispensation of truth or some significant extension of the germ of a truth already granted to the race . Then he has a vision, hears a voice, records a message or, something far superior to everything, becomes a channel of power and light for the world, a conscious Personification of divinity or a Custodian of a divine principle. This constitutes the true forms of the revelation imparted or embodied that, although rare, are still developing increasingly in humanity.

7 The stages prior to disclosure are called:

to. The renunciation to follow in the upper Path.

b. The return to the Angel, or the refocusing on the soul.

C. The pause, or the interval for constructive thinking, influenced by the Angel.

d. The application of the mind in the formulation of those forms of thought that should corporify revelation.

and. Then what is called “the pause that precedes the presentation”.

8 The presentation of the revelation or the truth imparted and its precipitation in the world of illusion. In that world he suffers the "burning test" where "he passes the test of fire, and a part of the fire, within that which is revealed, returns to the source of origin; another part serves to destroy the developer and, still another, consumes those who recognize the revelation. ” This is the stage of Agni Yoga that, as you can see, corresponds only to those who can penetrate beyond the Angel and reach the place where “the fire dwells, ” where God, the Presence, acts as a consuming fire and awaits the hour of Total revelation. This is the symbolic transcription of a great truth. In the case of the individual initiate, the third initiation, the Transfiguration, indicates the consummation of the process. Only then is glory seen, the voice of the Presence is heard and the union with the past, the present and the future is achieved.

9 Revelation succumbs to the prevailing illusion, descends into the world of mirage and disappears, therefore, as revelation, appearing as a doctrine. Meanwhile, humanity has been helped and driven forward; the intuitive continue with the work, and the influx of that to be revealed never ceases.

Rules for insiders. (5)

1. Be guided by pure reason, which will gradually replace motivation and merge with will.

2. Submit the application and incubate it in your unconscious memory.

3. Make the call to the Universal Mind through the Science of invocation and evocation.

4. Take care of the intention through the difference between Will, Plan and Purpose.

5. Overcome the mental models of the lower mind by the higher mind, through constructivism and share the group's vision through visualization.

6. Think strictly systemically thus unraveling the plot of life.

7. Establish the relationship between love (Hierarchy) and will (Shamballa).

8. Know the meaning of the law of the seven complementary, the three major centers and the unity of planetary life.

9. Participate in the strategic line to which your group belongs in accordance with the Development Plan.

10. Dedicate yourself to consider the methods and rules of disclosure.

11. Develop the four qualities that break the auric egg.

12. Attract the Will of Aquarius, the reasoning power of Mercury and the Taurus Illumination.

13. Learn and understand the law of synthesis, the laws of electricity, spiritualizing processes and the communication process.

14. Know. Express. To reveal. Destroy. Resuscitate substance in the world of meanings.


Just as intuition dissipates the illusion, inspiration tears the woven veil through the plot.

When there is true idealism, right thinking, plus an understanding of the vehicle of expression and the world of forces in which the idea is to be launched, then the student can safely follow certain programmed breathing exercises, and the second phase or the result of an established rhythmic breath will appear. This is inspiration.

Inspiration is the process of qualifying, vitalizing and stimulating the reaction of the personality? Via the centers? towards that point of tension where soul control becomes present and evident. It is the way by which the energy of the soul can flood the life of the personality, break through the centers, expelling everything that hinders, freeing the aspirant from all the mirages and frames that still remain, perfecting an instrument through which the music of the soul can be heard, and later the musical quality of the Hierarchy.

While the process of aspiration and exhalation is carried out, in breathing, a clear line of active thinking must be maintained, so that the breath (when expelled) is qualified and conditioned by some idea. It is here that the common aspirant fails so often. In general, the vital purpose of breathing is forgotten: to energize and add quality to the life of the centers by means of some thought projected and presented, expressing certain and determined idea emitted.

Being aware of the exceptionalness of special breathing and the expectation of phenomenal results, prevents entry to all thoughts, except for lower reactions of a desire-intellect nature, which fosters emotion and greatly increases the power of the emotional body, and Often the physiological results are also powerful and remarkable, as they are a great development of the thorax and the fortification of the diaphragm muscles. Some of this can be seen in the case of opera singers. The song as it is now taught is the manifestation of some lower aspect of breathing and in the case of the aforementioned singers it produces a great development of the thorax, intensifies the emotionality, brings instability in the manifestation of life, which is often called temperament, and the song is totally subject to the emotional nature.

There is a superior and more effective method of singing, whereby a different tension point is obtained and involves a breathing process that extracts the necessary energy from higher and wider sources than those commonly used, which will bring the inspiration that will completely imply to the man and he will not simply awaken his emotional reaction to the theme of his song and his audience. This will lead to a new method of singing and breathing based on a form of mental breathing, which will carry the energy and subsequent inspiration from sources outside the aura of personality.


This article is part of the Tetralogy: The development of consciousness . The previous one was The Meditation, and the last one is The Abnegation .

1. Semiotics studies both the abstract structure of the systems of significance, as well as the processes in which the users practically apply the rules of these systems in order to communicate. One of the writers on semiotics is Umberto Eco and one of his books is The limits of interpretation.

2. Hermeneutics is the art of interpretation, especially of texts, to determine the exact meaning of the words through which a thought has been expressed. According to Wilhelm Dilthey, two methods of science are opposed to each other: explanation (typical of natural sciences) and understanding (typical of spirit sciences or sciences human):

3. Systemic thinking is con contextual in counterpart to the analytical one. One of the promoters of this new thought is Fritjof Capra in his book The Plot of Life.

4. Most of the content of the article is found in the book Mirage: a worldwide problem . by Djwhal Khul.

5. The rules for initiates appear in the book The Rays and the initiations of Djwhal Khul.

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