The Network of Light Servers

  • 2012

As we raise our vibrational level in Love and unite our intentions from the heart, the planetary frequency rises accordingly. We have the opportunity to impact the frequency of our environment and generate changes, everything lies in our ability to sustain Love and radiate it without inner resistance. High energies of Love are radiating from the heart of Mother Earth, those Solar cosmic energies that Mother Earth has received through the portals of the Poles and that have been anchored in her heart to give her the strength and momentum needed to raise the collective planetary frequency.

With this, the movements of the Earth will increase as the year progresses, since all this corresponds to the Planetary alignment that is happening and with it, our own internal movements will come accordingly.

In the heart of GAIA each one of Us has a part of his Being in that space we are all ONE. The heart of GAIA is a fractal of the Great Central Sun. It can be said that one part of our Being is fused with Mother Earth in her heart and another part is fused with the Great CENTRAL SUN. In that way we remain in tune with the feminine Energy of the Goddess (Gaia) and with the masculine energy of God (Central Sun) these energies merge and nourish each other within our hearts.

When we consciously enter into connection with Mother Earth, we attract to our consciousness, mind and heart the feminine energies of the Goddess and with that, we heal our old memories that link us to the planetary collective consciousness. Because the feminine energies carry a high nutritional frequency of Love, they act as a balm healing the wounds of the past, of our individual and collective history.

When we consciously enter into connection with the Central Sun, we attract to our conscience, mind and heart the masculine energies of God and with that, we awaken and integrate the Light into our DNA, since the Solar masculine energies carry a high driving frequency that elevates the personal vibration and planetary once it has been healed with the feminine Energy.

When we manage to establish the connection with the feminine energy of the Earth and the masculine energy of the Earth, the connection with our body of Light is restored and with it, our perception of life expands. The information is ordered and the memories that our physical body contains and DNA wake up. This allows us to enter the resonance of Love and Light. It allows us to become aware of our role in the collective evolution of the Galaxy and allows us to truly understand the real meaning of Unity, because at that time we experience it with all our senses enhanced by Love.

When Love is restored in our hearts and we become aware that we are truly all intertwined, trust in ourselves is restored and communication between beings is transformed . It dignifies itself, becomes honest, integrates, sincere, transparent, because we can understand that the other is a mirror of our own evolutionary moment. Life takes on a broader meaning, we stop seeing ourselves separated as friends or enemies and we begin to really see that all the people who share our life are there by synchrony and have a high purpose, they have something to show us, whether they show it from Love and resonance or from duality and dissonance.

Each of you is a servant of the Light. The purpose for which they are embodied is personal evolution and in turn planetary evolution.

As we reconnect with Life and with the Planetary Consciousness of the Earth and Solar Cosmic Consciousness, we receive the opportunity to generate the Service of conscious Light. This Service is manifested through the transformation of our personal consciousness that consequently has an impact on our environment. By tuning in to a higher purpose collectively, our consciousness rises and vice versa. Everything is intertwined, we believe that our little everyday acts are unimportant, but in reality they have a lot, because it is as we act that the frequency of the Planet takes a tint. The more people become aware of Love and the connection that unites us all, the more the planetary consciousness is transformed. And as we enter that cosmic connection where we are all ONE, the more our personal frequency rises, everything is intertwined. The little or how much we do has an impact, just as the intention with which we act on a day-to-day basis has an impact.

One of the fundamental bases of Spirituality should be respect for the spaces of others. Respect their ideas, their energies, concepts and contributions. Respect the Truth of the other, although we do not precisely share it. Wisdom compassion is learning to respect those spaces, without judgment. To know that there is enough energy, abundance and Light for all living Beings. Do not try to take advantage of others. If you do not share in humility and Love, with respect, they are the basis of a sustained spiritual transformation. Because through respect for others, we will be honoring and respecting our own Divine Being, drawing him to our consciousness.

However, as human beings, we still have to learn to transcend certain limitations that keep us living in separation. If we continue in our old attachments, skills, judgments and greed, we can hardly see that in reality, we are all working for the Unification of consciousness on Earth, each one from its truth. And there are so many different layers of that truth! If we look beyond our fears, limitations and judgments, we can see that this is a magical time to be alive. Mother Earth is resonating every day, issuing her Ancestral call to reunify all her children.

Let's remember! Each one's space is sacred, as is the work of Light that each one performs and sustains. Let us honor the spaces of each one of Us, without competences or fears, to transcend the awareness of predation. The moment of awakening has arrived. Let's wake up from that long dream in which we all perceived each other apart. The era of Unity has arrived!

There are several factors to take into account to get in tune with the Ascentric Planetary Frequency:

1. Establish the Connection with our Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras. These Chakras are important because they are the bridge of connection with the Earth and Sun Consciousness.

Earth star. It allows us to receive the energy of the heart of Mother Earth, as well as to give back and send Love. Likewise by establishing the connection with this chakra, we will become aware and connected with Energy and the frequency of the Elements, to receive their teachings and make us aware of the Unity that is present in all life. In turn, it allows us to take root and be anchored in the present.

Soul Star Of the top 5 chakras, the Star of the Soul is the first one that we must access and enter into deep connection with the consciousness it carries. This Chakra allows us to enter into connection with the highest purpose of Our Being, allows us to know, integrate and put into practice our mission. It also allows us to enter into the connection with the Solar Consciousness and receive high energies that will give us a pulse or vibratory jump.

2. Conscious connection with the Planetary Christian Grid.

The Planetary Christian Grid is the framework that entwines us all and through which we can provide service and assistance to the Planet for the elevation of Frequency. It is a way of staying in tune as Servants of the Light.

Once we establish the connection with our Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras, our body of Light begins to move and resonate, allowing us to raise our vibration and expand beyond our apparent limitations. This allows us to enter into an expanded resonance that encompasses all of Life, which makes us feel truly connected as One with all creation. In that way we can feel the movements of Mother Earth when they occur anywhere on the Planet and with that, raise our vibration to respond in Service and Love. This allows us to enter into global consciousness with which we transcend our vision. Self-centered and personal reality.

3. Become aware of our role in Planetary evolution.

As Servants of the Light it is very likely that throughout their life they have read a large number of books and attended a large number of seminars and workshops. All this is the impulse of his Soul to remember, something that had been forgotten inside his Being. That impulse or need to work on his own evolution actually responds to the Planetary service and the consciousness that they carry. within their being that reminds them that they are here to generate change.

That change is generated in two ways:

1) Through personal healing with which we detach ourselves from the old paradigms to enter into resonance with our real essence, which is total Freedom.

2) Entering the Planetary Resonance of Unity, with which we become aware that our existence is part of a Divine plan in which we are all participants.

Either way, the natural impulse accordingly is the desire to Serve or Give. What should we give? LOVE, it's that simple, the vibration of Love has the very potential of Creation and healing. For it is the energy that has shaped the creation. When we become aware of our Role in Planetary evolution, we enter the flow of synchrony and then, everything makes sense; from the simplest thing to the most significant act of our lives. We will realize that everything has a reason and that everything that happens has been driving us towards the fulfillment of our Planetary Role. Nothing happens randomly.

This image represents the effect that is generated in our Light body and in our magnetic body once we enter into the connection with our Earth Star and our Soul Star. And it facilitates its visualization to establish the connection.

Each of you is in different countries, but in reality the Network of Light Servers strengthens and unites us all. Wherever we are and whatever we do, it is the Unity that summons us to the Service and to help others. Actually the network already exists, it is the Planetary Christian network. New energies flow through the Christian Network and by making the conscious connection with that luminous network, with the heart of Mother Earth and with the central Sun we can co-create the intentions so that Love and Harmony manifest in our consciences and environments. Every time we emit a loving thought-feeling with a high intention, it expands and multiplies raising the vibration around us. Imagine what we can do, if we are aware of it! We are Pillars of Light, holding change in our hearts and in the Heart of Mother Earth.

We are already in 2012! The Cosmic Party is here and now!

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By respecting each other, we can co-create a Better World.



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