The Recalibration of the Human Being. Kryon by Lee Carroll - 7.1.12

  • 2012

Live Channeling of Kryon by Lee Carroll

Red Deer, Canada

January 7, 2012

To help the reader, this channeling has been reviewed [by Lee and Kryon] to provide greater understanding. Many times, Kryon messages channeled live contain an energy that is transmitted emotionally and is not present on the printed page. So enjoy this improved message presented in Red Deer, Canada.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

It seems that it was only a moment ago that I told them there would be changes in the room, and I can feel them. The attribute of those on the other side of the veil is compassion. However, there are always questions. Some inquire, “How do I know who is visiting me? I am afraid of this or that and when I channel and open my mouth, I don't know what will happen. Should I allow any energy in the universe to come in? ”And we tell them: Oh, how three-dimensional of you to think that the angels around you are going to let that happen sometime! If it is compassionate energy, it is from God. If it is not, it is yours. It's that easy. Do not imagine in your mind a lot of dark energies waiting to pounce on you, because that is a man-made suggestion. They have humanized God so much that they are not even sure when the Spirit takes their hands.

Let that change tonight. Know that wherever you go, you can call it what you want, but there is a courtship with you. I find it very difficult to explain the fragmentation of the soul, because it sounds like something negative, but it is beautiful. There are always three of you all the time, wherever you go. Oh, there really are more, but three represent the main group. One of them is the Higher Self, which is your essence. How can I explain the Higher Self? It is the essence, you. It is the part of you that vibrates higher. It is not above you, but it is in you, and this "I" of your highest vibration opens a portal that is literally a connection and a handshake with the Spirit. And that is you. So that is number one.

Then there is the conscious mind that represents your biological self. Now there are two parts. How many do you need to be a group? You see it? There are things about your quantum self that you are barely getting into, including the eight-meter wide field that surrounds you. The Human Being is amazing.

The other important part is the part of you that remains on my side of the veil and that you deny completely. You see her as a guide or helper to whom you are very attached. But it is rather the constant that connects you with God, always, wherever you are.


I want to talk about what is currently happening on the planet and I would like to give you, in this one, the first complete channeling of 2012, what I would call the attributes about the energy that is visiting you now. This energy is changing. Those who are in the seats in this particular room, and will be in the seats in the room tomorrow [talking about those in the Okanagan Valley], will receive the same message. This is one of the few times that I will repeat a message in the same language. It has to be repeated. Transcripts will be made and many will listen.

After my explanation, old souls will know more about the experiences they are having and better understand what is causing them. This happens with love and there is nothing to fear here. They are in a safe place.

The energy that is coming to this Earth has been expected. The Ancients predicted it and we have presented to them recent channels, including the channeling given in that country that they call Peru, about the change of what we could call the feathered snake movement [first presented in Book 8 of Kryon, in the year 2000]. There is a real change in polarity between the male and female energy of the planet. The Northern Hemisphere, which has always been excessively masculine, is changing. The Southern Hemisphere, which has not been influenced in that way, is changing. The wisdom of the Ancients in the Southern Hemisphere is beginning to replace the wisdom of the Ancients of the North. And they are beginning to see a more tender Human Being.

Spiritually, old souls are first warned about this change and are beginning to receive biological changes. You expected it and it is here. This process is felt by the entire planet. These riots that are now seen in countries that had no revolts for hundreds of years, are the result of this change, because this is what happens when humanity begins to feel more compassion, when it wants to unify rather than separate, and begin to have Place new thoughts and wisdom.

New Inventions

This new consciousness creates new inventions: higher science, higher thoughts and solutions to those things that have been called basic human problems. Demographic explosion, food, water, power generation, all these things will change. There will be a new way of thinking, new ideas and new revelations in the next two generations, including some in the next 18 years. But a change is happening and I want to tell you who will feel it first. It is those who are in these chairs, listening to my voice and reading this, who have been on this planet so many times that they are accustomed to the old energy. Old soul, you are beginning to remember. You are beginning to remember what used to be and what can be again. Old soul, you are beginning to recalibrate yourself and this is the cellular change in 3D.

These energy changes we are talking about are not going to be a kind of esoteric magic of the New Age. Rather, they will see it clearly rooted in governments and science. They will see it all over the planet as the energy begins to move away from what everyone expected. Slowly. I have said it before. Gradually, there will be countries that were isolated for years and will open their doors. Better take some pictures now, because things will never be the same again. Gradually, they will join the rest of you, and their children will know your children and realize that they have things in common and not low energy attributes. They had told them.

The Recalibration of Biology

The theme of this channeling and tomorrow is the recalibration of souls. So the pipes will be similar and not a continuation. You don't need Part A and Part B. I am going to give you everything today and every morning. I want them to know what they can expect and with what some are already working: Recalibration. Your biology has to change. You have to absorb a softer energy, work with it and be part of it. To do that, there has to be a recalibration of the nucleus, or of the center of the energy.

Those who have studied the framework that represents the energy patterns that surround them, know about the calibration. You know the equilibrium energies that are required for a Human to begin to change himself. They know what is the rejuvenation of the body, mentioned even today regarding how the cells divide and how all kinds of cells are regenerated in your body, including the brain and heart and the skin. They are designed to regenerate, and if they are lost, they are designed to regenerate, and if they are damaged, they are designed to regenerate. Oh, I say it again, Humans, don't you think it's strange that the starfish can grow back a member and you can't? Doesn't it seem strange? That will change.

Well, if everything is rejuvenated, don't you think it's strange that a disease can begin to change the way a Human thinks, and the scientist tells them that their brain cells are starting to die, or move, or change, or poison, and that the Human lose even the memory of love? Where is the rejuvenation? Where is the repair? DNA is not designed that way, dear ones. The cells are designed to return to the original plane and create a new and fresh cell. That's how it was designed! Your science will see that, and your spiritual bodies will see it, and those who sit in these chairs have to recalibrate to work with it.

Recalibration is automatic. They don't have to ask for it. Let me repeat it. It will happen because you are old souls, and that is why you are here. They don't have to ask for it. But recalibration is what they expected and what they are remembering. But maybe it's not exactly what they expect?

It is uncomfortable! Now, some of you will know where this message is going when we begin to give you the attributes that I would say are less than positive and that some of you are going to experience in the recalibration process. Now this is for some of you, not for everyone. Each Human Being has its own unique path, so they will experience these things in their own way. So this is not a generic list of what will happen to all old souls. Rather, they are potential given of many recalibration symptoms that old souls might experience, those that are here, ready to move on this planet.

The list

Some of you will have dizziness. It is an attribute of recalibration. It's just that and it will happen. But it is worrying, because those who get dizzy are also disoriented and that could even cause a fall. So what do they do with this new knowledge? Number one: Know that you are not giving them any horrible brain disease. Number two: Be more careful when walking! Does it make sense to you?

There are other things. They will have trouble sleeping, more problems than normal. They will not wake up once, but two or more. Then, those of you who have already been feeling these things, know what is happening. It is recalibration.

The first question asked by the Human is: "How long is this going to last?" The answer is: whatever is needed. Oh how dense! [Kryon's smile] I think they get the idea. Recalibration will last as long as necessary; and if they resist, it will take longer. Worse, if they use drugs to combat it, it will only continue to occur. Celebrate it and move on with it. Tell your cellular structure that you understand it and move with it, not against it. That will accelerate it and it will happen even sooner.

Each of the [Human] biologies in this room is different, and now we propose something that we haven't raised for some time, but they need to hear it. What works for you regarding health is based almost entirely and totally on your Akashic heritage. Where did they spend most of their lives? Maybe in Asia? Maybe in India or Tibet? Maybe in the Southern Hemisphere? Each of these places and cultures will have had different foods, which worked to keep them healthy and balanced. However, here they are in the Northern Hemisphere, in this life. What I want you to know is that the type of diet you used to have [in your past lives] greatly influences you.

Maybe they were vegans. Maybe they only ate beans. Therefore, your cells crave that diet to feel balanced. Do you get it There are others that come mainly from North America, from Europe, and have never had such diets from Asia or South. Therefore, they will have absolutely no problem with local food. Listen: There is no single generic answer to the question: "What should I eat for my spiritual health?" There are no 'should'. Instead, there are good signs coming from the "innate" inside, which gives them an idea of ​​the healthiest things for their own body. In other words, listen to your cells!

Now, why do I mention this? Because people are going to advise you on what you should eat to correct what is wrong with you while recalibrating. So I'm going to tell you right now: ignore them. Instead, go inside and let your own Akashic Record tell you what will work for you. Don't be surprised if some of you end up being allergic to some things you always ate. I will tell you: Your biology is recalibrating. This attribute will be necessary for them to move forward, so that they can move to the place where they can be balanced with the greatest wisdom.

Many of you may not like some processed foods, since you are not used to that in your Akasha. Can you see what I am saying? If you are going to draw the shamanic energy from the depths of wisdom that you have learned and traveled over and over again through past history, some things will come out with it, such as a balanced diet for you, for example, and you will have to deal with that. Do not resist.

Expect these things. They are there for them to see and feel. See them for what they are: Recalibration. They may say: "Dear Spirit, thank you for this recalibration, for caring about me enough to know that this is where I want to go and what I want to do." Being Human, the way you recalibrate now will determine the way you go To return in the next life. You will not have to go through this again - never. The akashic inheritance is much more than the genealogy of those Human Beings from which [parents] came. You know it. An inherited Akasha represents those things they have experienced throughout their lives, regardless of their parents' genes. Sometimes, these are the most prevalent and the heaviest things they have to face. Those in these chairs listening to my voice are starting to face them. So that is the other: Expect these past things to be presented to be cleared.

Clearing the Past

Maybe they didn't do very well with their life lessons in recent lives, and felt that they would do better in it? So it will be, because the Earth needs them. And you don't need to be overwhelmed by fear. Rather, it needs you to say to yourself: “I accept this recalibration. No matter what is in my body right now, it can disappear. If it is not appropriate, it may disappear. I am a piece of divinity on this planet: wise, appropriate, and I belong to this place. This is my moment. Cellular structure, listen: If there is something inappropriate, it disappears. Let it be dragged along with the waste. Let it go because it is not considered appropriate, does not correspond to the energy of God's love. Let only compassionate things enter my consciousness. ”Some of you may find it difficult to say.

The good news

So now let's take a look at the things you can physically expect, which will not be so difficult.

Number one: They will be able to face even the worst habits they have had in their lives, and get rid of them quickly. It is a new energy of cooperation with the energy of the Lightworker. Did you get that? Oh, let's pause, please, and let's take a moment to breathe deeply, because I am dealing with those who hear my voice and read this, with those who have gone through thousands of years of persecution, suffering and torture. There are those who have been burned at the stake. This is because the energy they brought to Earth did not correspond at all to what the Earth was experiencing. Holy men and women were asked to heal someone at any given time, and then, the next moment, they were made to leave town and jump off a cliff. Fear is like that. And they are here. I know them. They have returned. However, now this planet is beginning to move in such a way that all the things that they have brought to Earth with their akashic experience will begin to collaborate with the new energy.

Oh, take a deep breath so that the enriched manifestation begins, not immediately, not today, not at this hour, but very slowly. This quantum clock begins to move in your direction. Earth is receiving a softer and passionate energy. They were born with that. It is the tool they have. In the past, this looked like something peculiar and strange and represented a weakness. They were marginalized. Some of you were expelled from your family. I know who are here. I am telling you that in this new energy, perhaps even they can see you in another way and see how they have begun to soften, without even knowing that it is they who have changed.

Things that didn't work before will work. Do you have any habits that you would like to break? Is it the way you think or the way you eat? Is it what you put in your body? Is it what you smoke? Is he killing you and you know it? You know who I'm talking to, dear. Would you like to change it? So, I am telling you that what you do in this energy will respond in your body very differently, even if you tried before.

Listen: None of you are allowed to say, old soul, wise, you are not allowed to say, "I already tried that and it didn't work." If they do, they will be talking like a child who doesn't know how things work. Instead, they will say: “This time I am more aware. I will manifest it, because the body is listening to me. It is my moment."

Cooperative Energy and How to Use It

So, that is what the new energy brings: Cooperation. Things will go better and flow better. They are going to move forward instead of backward. When you declare what you wish to have in your life and the process begins, many of you will begin to see a positive response immediately. The key is synchronicity. Put yourself in places to make those things happen. Don't try to manifest something and then get in the closet to wait for it to happen. Rather, put yourself in the places where you would expect it to manifest. Do you understand? There are going to be the answers, because there are others walking around with the solution! They are looking for you, while you are looking for them. Do not insulate. During the recalibration mode, there is a tendency to isolate oneself, because they do not feel quite right.

The Common Cold

They will catch more cold. Why will it be? But then they will recover faster, and why will it be? The human cold has always been a recalibration of the biological process. Catching a cold is necessary, and that is why they cannot create . They must go through that. The common cold is a cyclic opportunity for the immune system to correct itself. Maybe they didn't know? That is why they will not receive chemicals to cure the common cold. It is a recalibration device inside. Strengthens the system in a way that helps them, and should be recurring. Do not be surprised when you catch one, or say: Well, I didn't think it would happen because I just went through another. It is a recalibration.

These are the types of things we wanted to present to you, so that you know what is happening and are not afraid of you. There are many positive things that represent a really positive energy that is being produced on the planet and is turning the corner of opportunity for humanity. This is an energy that supports the Lightworker. You don't have to swim against the current anymore, dear ones.

Now, all of you are different, and I know who you are. Commitment is the key. You can't do any of these things lightly, but you already knew that, right? When you commit to the manifestation of what you need in your life, the Universe is listening. When they receive messages from my side of the veil, I will tell them something they probably already know. We do not have a watch. So I speak to you in the now.

I see the energy in this room, and I see who is here. I see old souls. I speak to you in the now. So it is up to you what the clock does and how much time it takes in your reality. In my reality, it is already done, it is already realized, because the strongest potentials become manifest reality. Can you see it like that? Can you get out of here with that already done in your mind? At this moment there is an energy in this room that is being infused in the places where you need to go.

What to expect spiritually

Spiritually, what can you expect? This recalibration has to do with being able to stay on this planet with health and happiness, without drama or fear. That is the potential of this time that the old soul remembers.


My partner mentioned earlier in his communications [the conference] that one of the greatest mysteries for him is why old souls have such deep self-esteem problems. In his ignorance, he stands there and says he has no idea why this happens with old souls. I will tell you why: It is because for hundreds of years they were beaten! Each time two steps advanced, one, sometimes five, backed up. So what did they expect when they came to this life? Very little. Because some of you, even to start a project, feel that inner voice that says: “Ah, I already knew that would happen.” You don't expect much, do you? That is because in an older energy, everything they did encountered resistance. All. Every time they wanted to make a positive suggestion about something that could help, they were told to leave. Every time they saw spiritual wisdom in some complicated problem, no one else saw it. They were not interested. They were isolated again and again. When things got hotter, you advocated a solution. Almost everyone else cried for the sword. Now we are telling you that that is changing.

So, spiritually, they will have to love themselves more, and now they have the opportunity to do so because there is a universe inside called cell structure with billions of pieces of DNA. These pieces are starting to react and are preparing to receive their instruction set. They could say that the hand of their cellular structure is extended and the cells are saying, “Okay, you are the boss. What are we going to do?"

The Key to Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a program. It is a program! It is information developed from experience, and it is something learned. You can unschedule it! All they have to do is tell themselves what they want. They could say: “Dear cellular structure, I deserve to be here. This is my moment. I have things that others want. This is my moment. I am important in the scheme of the Earth. I have earned my gallons. This is my moment. Dear cellular structure, get rid of inappropriate emotional issues that prevent me from entering my beauty and power. The power of which I speak is that ability to create compassion and light wherever I go. ”

Its cellular structure will smile, give them the hand they have been waiting for, and say: “We are your partner in this co-creation. Let's get going. ”


Recalibration You will have attributes that are challenging and that are beautiful. How will they feel when they suddenly become more enlightened and have more information? They will feel much more that they are part of God - with a cold. [Kryon's smile] Falling sometimes, and they have to laugh. Biology is like that. Change takes time, months, maybe more.

So as you deal with the problems of recalibration and discomfort, know why they are here. Then, at the same time, celebrate that which is in you, which is more compassion and which begins to function in your life. Things will work better.

Free Will and the Full Panorama

Now, all this is assuming that they receive this message and identify with it and manifest it. That is, what will happen is that they will choose with free will. If you ignore the message, very little will happen. They are still old souls and have free will.

Finally, I give you one of the most frequently asked questions about this recalibration: “Kryon, you say that the energy of the Earth is changing. That means that all humanity will feel it, right? ”Yes. All humanity will feel it. They will see it in the way governments are eliminated and formed again. They will see it in the different ways of thinking. They will see it in the ways that my partner told them are possible, those that I channeled in the past, thinking differently.

Old energy regimes will not be renewed, but will decide to change. Societies that have lasted 1000 years in a certain way will decide to change suddenly. Cooperation and unity over the next two generations will begin to become the norm. Someday the time will come when they will look back at this day and say, "We were barbarians." That is a change.

Deadlines and the Future

I am on my side of the veil in the now. I don't have a watch to give them here. I'm just telling you that this is what I see. In the long run, I see a healthy planet, with a new science. I see a planet where there is no permanent disease and where drinking water is never a problem. Never! I see a time when all Humans have electricity and it is easy to get and economical, where they can heat their homes easily and well. These are all things that are in the strongest potentials in the quantum soup of manifestation. But I can't give them a watch.

What I can tell you is that the Earth recalibrates itself and there will be problems. Some of them will be political, and some will get worse in the attributes of recalibration, and the Earth will feel it. Will everyone become enlightened? No. You represent less than half of one percent of the human population, old souls, and you will light that match in the dark. We have told you this before: They have become the bearer of matches in the dark, where a few lights allow everyone to see better. That is your job, only the job has been made easier.

I speak in the now. I can't give them a watch. Please understand the wisdom of this by leaving this room. Look at the potentials, not the news and, Being Human, if things don't happen tomorrow, in your rapidly changing consciousness, don't get mad. God has patience; Be patient. Isn't it worth it, having lived all those lives, come now and give this a chance?

In this room some wonder how long they will live, due to what is happening right now. You know who I am talking to. So I will tell you that the potential I see is that of a very long life. There are still those who may tell me: "Yes but, yes but, yes but ..." No matter what I say, some will have some excuse as to why this cannot work. It is the old energy that speaks to them. Recalíbrense! Begin to see what is possible and make it BE.

The Quantum Factor

Finally, this: The more scientists observe the atomic structure in the very small, and then look at the Universe in the very large, they will begin to see something in common. Its scientists are beginning to notice that there is no randomness in what appears to be random in 3D. Instead, they are seeing an intelligent design. This means that in those attributes that they call creation, the way things came together was conditioned on life, predisposed to compassion. What they see is the work of God. You can no longer deny that there is a creator.

As you turn inward and start treating with yourself, I want you to see the same within you. It is time for you to understand that you do not exist at random. Your life is not random. Things do not happen to you at random. They happen to you the way you create. There is a system here, and it can be directed and programmed and re-programmed. That is manifestation.

In the long run, this is the lesson of all mankind: create a healthy Earth, create a peaceful world, go to places where you never dreamed to go, with invention and health. This is the beginning. I do not have a watch. But I have the strongest potentials to see, and that is what I give you this day while my partner sits in the chair in front of you. The potentials we see are more impressive than last year. If Lightworkers are easily recalibrated, they can speed up the process. Do not fight that.

So, when you leave this place and life returns to normal and routine is routine, you could look back at these few minutes we had together and say, "I wish I could do those things." You tend to fall into the old energy very easily, without realizing who they are. That is why recalibration is needed, so that they will not think like that. What happens in a multidimensional state has to do with consciousness outside of time and space. Simply walking on this planet, holding the light, creates an energy that you did not know you had. That is why we want them to remain healthy, without drama or fear. Those who feel they are not doing anything for the planet, are in a world in black and white spreading color everywhere.

So assign a goal, if you wish, because Humans love to do that. But let me tell you this: Many of you are already making changes by just being alive and having compassion for those around you. Some of you in this room are teachers, some are channelers, and some are healers. Some are not interested, and I know who they are too, because this message is not for everyone. They are facing a precipice of the potential for which I came. That's why Kryon is here, to help them cross this bridge. Congratulations for getting here.

The old energy is going to fight back, dear ones. Count on it, but this time expect to win. And they will. Because now, in 2012, the Lightworkers begin to take the lead. That is, the light is being seen and the seeds that were planted so long ago are beginning to be harvested.

And so it is.


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