The healthy mind, by the teacher Beinsá Duno

  • 2013
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Lecture given by Master Beinsá Dunó, on August 26, 1923,

in Cherni Vrah - Vitosha.

Divine thoughts grow under certain conditions. And good thoughts grow in special conditions, in a special field. Sometimes, for lack of this ground, man cannot understand and apply the truth. That's why exactly and the fruits of truth do not prosper well . This refers to those who have fallen behind in their development. The ascent through the high sites strengthens the blood circulation, strengthens the activity of the brain centers. Those people who live exclusively in the low places, must make great efforts for the development of their mind and heart. Through efforts, they will reach the results of the people of the high places. Prayer is an effort of the spirit, so that it rises to the high place. Thus an influx of mental energy is acquired. This facilitates the work of the conscious life of man. When man climbs heights, limb numbness appears, because of the strong action of electricity and magnetism. You feel such numbness and you now. If you have harmony within yourself, the numbness is accompanied by a pleasant warmth. If the harmony is missing, cooling appears, from which the limbs harden. In general, between electricity and magnetism there must be some correlation, that is, that they harmonize. Now it is quite cold, since the electricity above and below is positive. We are among these currents, whose waves repel.

Frequently people talk about certain and uncertain things. People wonder what things are true and how uncertain. How do they distinguish each other? Certain are these things that exist in Nature. Nature alive, reasonable, has images of true, true and real things. Therefore, this what we cannot find in Nature is not real. This is a product of the human mind. What will say, for example, the botanist about flowers? He says that flowers are half conscious, that is, unreasonable beings. Even so, he cannot explain himself why some flowers are white, others - blue, third - red, etc. So what will you say: why do men and women, as reasonable beings, dress in clothes of a different color? Why do they wear caps in different colors? Color determines two things: how the flower should be and how it can develop. To the white flower, Nature says: "You must work in purity." While working like this, the flower is white. When you achieve the necessary purity, this flower begins to work in another direction - that of keeping its purity. When it keeps its purity, Nature gives the flower a yellow color and says: "Now you need intelligence." Then, when the flower acquires these qualities, Nature tells it: "You need the color blue, so that you acquire the necessary matter for the sowing of the truth." The colors of the flowers are the alphabet of Nature. The yellow color, for example, indicates the intelligence of a given flower, but it does not have organs like man to express this intelligence.

When I talk about flowers and man, I make an analogy between man and angels. Regarding angels, men are flowers. Then our virtues and defects, positive and negative, appear in his kingdom as flowers. Angels study man by color. Do not think that in the angelic world, man has such an image as on Earth. There he is a flower that is known for its color. If someone tells you that flowers have eyes, nose, ears like people, you would laugh. This is how an angel would laugh if he were told that the man has eyes, nose, mouth, ears. Very naturally, in front of angels, man has no such image as we know. They raise awareness that these flowers-men are evolving, and say: "One day, when they reach our position, they will acquire an image like ours." Angels are more cautious than us. They can communicate with us, when we can enter into connection with flowers. We cut them, stepped on, without suspecting that we are hurting them. The angels study our lives better than we study flowers. Our brain, as and our conscience, must be transformed, because there are certain centers that are still in an embryonic state. The new ideas that come now, need land, and this must be created in some way. Where will this land come from? Christianity This prepares people for the new conditions, for the new terrain.

The apostle Paul says: `` Not by the works of the law is man going to be saved, but by faith '' (Ephesians 2: 8, 9 ndt). Then, when men understand the Laws of God, then they will be saved. Then the world will be fixed and will become a place of a higher culture. In the present understandings it is not so. It is no question that Paul's words are taken literally. Through faith and works These are two schools. Faith gives everything, she is not dead, but alive. You must know the laws of the mind. Living faith is related to the mind. You touch a stone and say it is dead. If you know the laws, from the stone you can get bread, water. You see that the stone is covered with moss. Where did this moss come from? Consciousness lasts the stone, how did the moss get out? Then and this is reasonable. It hides a small factory that produces moss. Knowledge is necessary for this!

Contemporary people, like you and educated in the old spirit, expect your salvation in a miraculous way. This is mindless salvation. He who enters the Divine path must develop his intelligence, as well as his heart. The human mind has reached a certain level of development, whereby a large part of the human race has reached a high level of intelligence. Higher beings, who have advanced the people present in their development, advocate for their little brothers and work on their hearts. Thus the culture of the heart is created. As you are now, your mind cannot become ennobled. You have intelligence, but you lack softness. Now the human mind is twisted. Whatever is said to a man with such a mind, he will always oppose. He has no softness and a healthy understanding. When he sees you, he doesn't think about doing you good, but will look for a way to use you. He says: Here is a scientist that I can use. He has a son, daughter, and I can use them. This is not culture.

You take a horse, you touch it here, there and you say: A very good horse! Is it for a car or for work? If you take two horses, you will say: An intelligence that uses only economic conditions is not true. Mental organs must be transformed internally, that is, their matter must be recreated root. Do not have illusions that time, conditions, will cooperate for this transformation. These only prepare the material; other forces will come, they will do the work. For example, thinking of God, this is an internal force in the man who works on him and transforms him. You say you believe in God. Ask yourself the question, what is God? How much you ask yourself this question, as if your mind empties. You must enter into this forces of Nature and start working. - What are the forces of Nature? This cannot be determined. How are you going to determine what intelligence is? If you want to give a certain explanation, you will introduce uncertain things into your mind. - What is God? Does he exist? - This can be determined as follows: You have an ulcer on your leg. You call doctors, but nobody can help you. Your life is hung in a hair. Finally you turn to God with the words: “Lord, in You is all my trust. Help me, send me Your help, to know that you exist, that you are a God of the living and that you all help. I promise to serve you, dedicate my life to You. ” If you are sincere and keep your promise, God will help you, and in a short time you will be healthy. What more proof do you want about the existence of God? He is omnifuerte, everyone helps.

I say: What you promise, you will fulfill. I don't talk about the promise a gypsy gave. When his wife was sick, he promised that he will light a large candle in the church, to thank God. When his wife healed, he told himself: "Maybe I'll give, maybe not!" You must be positive. You promise something, you'll keep it. If you are positive, the disease will pass. You will feel a specific state of the soul, a specific internal heat, which will expand in such a way that everything around you will change. You will feel an internal grace and a silent internal voice will speak to you: “Forgive your debtors! Cut your policies! ”If you hear the voice, God will bless you. If you are not ready to do this, you cut the policies, but then you pick up the pieces, hit them and again look for your debtors. The voice tells you: "You didn't act well." You act according to the law of Moses. The debtor, on the other hand, must be honest. If you cannot pay your debt, you will go to the Lord to prove it. Something from inside tells him: "Be careful, many times you have lied, that's why you came to this difficulty." The silent voice prevents you and withdraws.

And so, use the wealth that God has given you. With this you can immediately pay your karma and become perfect. If you do not use your wealth reasonably, you will fall under another law and increase your karma.

In its current development, people have already reached the bottom of hell, where matter is the densest. From here they should start crawling, going up. This requires a large vigil, which does not fall into your past, to repeat your weaknesses and old mistakes. Why are they going to make the same mistakes? Now they have to straighten them, and not repeat them. In the awakening of their conscience, in which they find themselves, the straightening of errors is easy. Once committed, they easily straighten. When faced with the error, the man says: "A second time I will not err." He has a memory of it and is careful not to err in the same way. Use the experiences of your past life, without repeating them. Christ says: "If you love Me, you will keep My Law" (John 14:15 - ndt). Truly, only through the Law of Love will man keep the commandments given to him. Only through Love will he rise to a higher world. Only then will he leave dense matter. This means the words of Christ: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear" (Matthew 11:15 - ndt). I follow in this spirit: “He who has the mind to think, let him think. He who has a heart to feel, feel. He who has the will to work, work on himself. And God will bless you. ”

Sing the song "God is Love."

Imagine that, as you are sitting, I begin to divide everyone for one, for two or more grains of wheat. To one I give only one grain of wheat, to another - two grain of wheat, to third - three, to fourth - four, etc. I give one, two, three busheles. You will be amazed why I do not give equally to everyone. Important is, however, how you will solve your duty. You must all sow the seeds. One day they will ask you: "Have you sown the wheat?" And he who received only one granite will answer if he has sown it. They will not ask you how many fields you have planted, but they will ask you if you have sown the granite. How will it be justified if it has not been sown? The truth will talk. And the child can speak the truth. You are asked to do only one good and not one hundred goodnesses. Man has come to Earth to do only good. Everything else is a preparation for this good. If you do this right as it should, all the ice melts and life makes sense. This is the inner side of life. You say: "I can't do this good." This is the smallest thing that is asked of you. The Truth wants little, but well done. If you live a hundred years on Earth, you are asked to sow a granite every year. Can't you set aside five minutes in a year to plant a granite? If you say you don't have even five free minutes, you don't speak the truth. You wait in the brewery for ten and more minutes for a glass of beer, and you don't have five minutes to plant a seed. The man finds time to eat and drink, but is not ready to set aside five minutes for a seed.

Many refuse to sow their seed, but are ready to sow the seeds of others. Do not get into the work of others. This is the truth. A seed, sown in time, can save the world. Sow apple seed and don't think. Someone will cut a fruit from this apple tree and be saved. You want to hurt someone. You pass by this apple tree, cut a fruit and eat it. After this you deny your desire to do wrong. I meet an acquaintance, I talk with him, and he tells me: "I want to give a lecture, get the truth out" I see his boast and say: You write a beautiful thought, this is enough. - “I don't deal with tiny jobs. I will write a thought! How will this be? ”- Write to your friend:“ Brother, the ground in your garden is good. Sow 50 fruit trees. ” - "I'm not interested in my friend's garden." - There is all the evil, there are the stumbling blocks in your life - you ignore the small jobs, and you deal with great works, for which you are not yet ready.

What application can be taken from this conference of absolute truth? If your boss wants to know what opinion you have about him, will you tell him the truth? Here is what you have to answer: “I will tell you the truth, if you are not my boss. While you're my boss, I can't tell you the opinion I have about you. ” It is not prudent if you tell me to sow my seeds in stony ground. I will tell you: "I can't sow here." There are rules about where you can sow. You will ask yourself if you are allowed to tell the truth. For the truth, little is required. You must be prudent. The truth can be taken out in the School. Remember: Only those things that come out of you are blessed in the School. We must have a printing press, because what we will work alone will be the most beautiful. Above us there were clouds now, but when I began to speak the truth, I noticed that they were removed. Then from above they rejoice. He who wants to tell the truth must pray to be taught how to express it. Say: “Brother, I am sorry that I must tell you the truth, but I am obliged to tell it. I don't want to humiliate you or offend you. ”

I say: We must be servants of God, preach the truth. There is nothing worse than this, that you are deprived of help. - "We want to know the truth, is there any fault in us that this year we cannot have a meeting?" I have to think long if I can tell you the truth. And if I say it, is it going to help you? I will tell you just one fact: Last year a brother said that this meeting began to resemble an assembly. The Lord said: "The next year you will not have a meeting." You all thought: “He has made a mistake, he has made a mistake; He has done this way, he has done that way. There are things that are important to you, and God and in the mind do not come. If it is an assembly, it depends on you that it is not an assembly, but that it be a meeting. Meeting between God and you must be! You must have internal experiences. I can speak to you on the outside, but if you do not open your hearts so that I spoke to you and the Lord inside, everything is useless.

So, the brother who spoke like this about the meeting, has expressed a current in the brotherhood? - Yes it is. Some say the former stayed in the background, and the latter got ahead. Do you know that with your ingratitude you limit the Lord? The choice is not mine, I do what the Lord tells me. You say: "The Master can do everything." This that in the morning a sister fell and hit herself on the stone, shows that the Lord wants you to straighten your life. When a lecture is read or spoken, a brother of the black brotherhood is always present. When bad people want to do something bad, then a White Brother is present. We cannot forbid the black brother to listen. He is a delegate, he has to listen. Reasonable beings see our defects while they are still in us. These easily straighten, but when they express themselves outside.

God is generous and you should use this what he has given you. Abundance has its place. Everyone has good wishes, but you must know how to manifest them. For example, someone has a good desire to invite me to visit their home. He prepares a lot of food, a pie, fruits. When I come, I take a few friends with me, so that all this is eaten, that you may be blessed. Something can remain a dozen nuts, some apples, enough to bless the children. What will happen if I have eaten before arriving? I wish that what you do for me, you do and for others. This makes me happy. You must know the law that you cannot always meet. There are times when visitors cannot come to you, and you cannot visit. If you cling to the Lord, and with a cannon they cannot destroy them.

But the meeting and this year will happen. We will find the time. It is not only on August 19, there are still beautiful days (According to the Master the New Year physical begins on January 1, the A o New spiritual on March 22, and the New Divine Year on August 19 ndt). Today we prepare for the meeting. Here we have come around one hundred people. If the Lord is not with us, why do we need a meeting? We must come here again, because there are beautiful places. Everything in nature is symbols. The beautiful thing today is the clouds in the sky. They look like wool that can be spun. Yes, we must spin. Here is how you can use the excursion. When you return to the city, each one will write a beautiful letter in the province. It is not important if you write to a known brother or sister.

You want me to always be joyful, willing. I sometimes fight with the wolf, I take the sheep from him, I hit him. You say: The Master is indisposed. How can I be willing? Another is the question of whether I am in the garden and pick fruits. I say: Come to give it to you. You see that a brother is indisposed. He has descended down. Gather 5-6 people, send him good thoughts and so you will raise him. This at least you can do. The Scripture says: Pray one for another (James 5:16 ndt). Many beings of the black brotherhood want to come up, but they are not able to understand everything. This morning, due to the intensity of the electricity, we were more than 7000 meters high. Otherwise the height here is 2520 meters. The sister who felt bad in the morning, did not get sick, but could not stand this height and had to eat. The cooling of the faces, the dyeing of blue, is due to the intensity of the electricity. And 2520 meters is an ordinary height. Notice that when you prayed, some could not hold their hands up. Then we were at the same height at which Moses received the commandments on Mount Sina . Then we can be given something. And another, at a height of more than 7000 meters we were and in Agarta. Then and from there we can receive something. Yes, you were there. The conference that I spoke to you above comes from there. The wind came from the East. The horses we have seen in Cherni Vrah were at our disposal. The horse possesses magnetic forces.

How many of you have good internal conditions to go to Musala? First, a deep internal disposition is required, so that there is no bifurcation. Then, that you have no domestic obstacles. How many days would you like to stay there? At least four days You know that it is cold there ?, Insomnia will exist. Will is required for this. You must have warm clothes. Are you happy today? We are very happy. And I see that you are very happy.

The highest sites are electric. Here, where we have stopped - under Rezniovete, it is a magnetic place. There are magnetic hollows. This place is ideal for meeting. Or the meeting can happen in the desert of Rila, where the altar. There is ideal, there are forests, logs, water and road. There we can organize the meeting excellently. We can do it.

In the spiritual world a low top can be high, and the high top can be low. This depends on the intensity of the forces acting there. - "Then, it is straight where they say that the highest peak is Golgotha, because the most intense sufferings were lived there." - Yes, in his time there Christ solved one of the most important tasks. Such a conference, in the classroom can not speak.

The healthy mind, by the teacher Beinsá Duno

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