Meditation: from intellect to intuition. By Alice Bailey

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 THE INTELLECT: 2 THE ILLUSTRATION: 2.1 The Meditation process. 2.2 The technique of Light. 2.3 Rules for Disciples. 3 THE INTUITION:

Intellectual knowledge is the result of the instinctive nature that, when it reached a certain degree of development, was, in a new way, under the direct influence of the hierarchy of the planet, and then under the stimulation of the energies of the planet Venus, a fusion that resulted in the emergence of self-consciousness in man. Gradually, as the eons passed, instinctive nature invariably receded to the second term, or below the threshold of consciousness, while the intellect became a more dominant and increasingly powerful factor.


By the use of the intellect, the reasoning, argumentative, scholastic and concrete mind is put into activity with the result that much of what is childish, impossible and unverifiable, is rejected, bringing as a consequence the clarification in the field of mental results This discriminatory and scientific process allowed man to know much of the truth about the three worlds. The scientific method, in relation to the mind of humanity, performs the same function as the occult method of meditation (in its first two stages of concentration and prolonged concentration or visualization) in relation to the individual. Through it, correct mental processes are engendered, and finally the non-essential and the incorrect formulations of truth are eliminated or corrected, and the constant focus of attention, whether on a seed thought, a scientific problem, a philosophy or a world situation, resulting in the final clarification and the constant infiltration of correct ideas and solid conclusions. The most prominent thinkers in any of the great schools of thought are simple exponents of transcendental meditation, and the brilliant discoveries of science, the correct interpretations of the laws of nature and the formulation of the correct conclusions, whether in the fields of science, economics, philosophy, psychology or in any other field, they are only what registers the mind (and consequently the brain) of eternal truths, and indicate that race begins to eliminate the separation between the objective and the subjective, between the world of phenomena and the world of ideas.

The use of the intellect is the emphasis that is placed on the educational systems, in all it is taught to read, write and achieve a certain ability for numbers. Reading essentially concerns the understanding of a particular idea, writing has a more defined relationship with the specific levels of the mind and with the ability to extract and express the visualized ideas in a proper way; Arithmetic has a definite relationship with the creative process, by generating the formulas that will contain ideas. Any mental form or thought is a subjective and existing entity, covered with subtle matter and capable of manifesting. This is what is commonly called "developing an idea" or "carrying out a project, " which will become a "discovery" or an "invention." Language is the main factor used to "launch an idea" that has been differentiated into phonemes, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and chapters.

Intellectual competencies are associated with abilities and thinking skills that involve decision making, problem solving and creativity, thanks to them the personality that begins to be directed by intelligence develops. Intelligence, the presiding I, is "placed on the throne between the eyebrows, " will wake up and be as alert as the self-centered personality consciousness is. (one)

The intellect acts through the mind and the brain, through the laryngeal and ajna centers, the latter activates the pituitary gland (Thytutarot: from Thytu, everything and Tarot knowledge) which is located in the lower part of the brain, and Its function is to keep the physical body in stable conditions and make the energy-matter respond to the orders of the brain, which sends them through the nervous system to the energy of matter.

The hypothesis, on which the new Cognitive Science could develop over time, could be exposed in the following propositions:

One : The center of energy through which intelligence acts is located in the upper part of the brain. During meditation, if this is effective, the energy of intelligence flows to the brain and produces a precise effect on the nervous system. But if the mind is not controlled and emotional nature predominates, the effect is felt mainly in the sensory mechanism, in the emotional states of being. When the mind is the dominant factor, then the mental mechanism of the upper part of the brain enters into organized activity. Man acquires a new ability to think clearly, synthetically and powerfully, as he discovers new regions of knowledge.

Two : In the region of the pituitary gland we have the seat of the lower faculties, when they are coordinated in the human being of the superior type. There, emotions and more specific aspects of the mind are coordinated and synthesized and resisted (derived from racial habits and inherited instincts), and therefore do not require the exercise of the creative mind or higher.

Three : When the personality (physical, emotional and mental states) is of a high order, the pituitary gland acts with increasing efficiency, and the vibration of the medical center Close to energy becomes very powerful. It should be noted that according to this theory, when the personality is of a lower order, when the reactions are mainly instinctive and the mind is practically inactive, then the energy center is close to the solar plexus center and animal nature predominates in man.

Fourth : The five senses are dominated by the sixth, the mind, and all the consciousness and perceptual faculty of the aspirant are synthesized in the head and directed inwards and upwards. In this way the psychic nature is subjugated and the mental plane becomes the field of man's activity.

Fifth : The five senses are constantly being synthesized by the sixth, the mind. This is the coordinating factor. Later, he perceives that intelligence has an analogous function. The triple personality thus puts itself in direct communication with intelligence and, therefore, man eventually becomes unconscious of the limitations of bodily nature, and the brain can then be impressed directly by active intelligence via the mind. The consciousness of the brain is maintained in a positive waiting condition with all the reactions of the phenomenal world totally inhibited, although temporarily.

Sixth : The intellectual personality, of high development, with its focus of attention located in the region of the pituitary gland (pituitary gland), begins to vibrate in unison with the upper center in the region of the pineal gland (epiphysis). Then a magnetic field is established between the positive aspect of intelligence and personality in expectation, which becomes receptive, due to the focused attention process. It is said that then the light breaks in, the man achieves enlightenment and the phenomenal light appears in the head. All this is the result of a disciplined life and the focus of consciousness in the head, produced in turn by the attempt to concentrate on daily life and through certain concentration exercises. This is followed by the effort of meditation and later, much later, the power of contemplation is felt.

There are parallels between exoteric knowledge and esoteric knowledge. (3)





Experimentation process

Meditation process

Scientific method


Therefore, man can better grasp the Universal Mind when it expresses itself through the so-called concrete mind, abstract mind, practical mind or intelligence that relates them to both.

The concrete mind is the faculty of building forms. Thoughts are things. The abstract mind is the faculty of constructing canons, or the mind that acts with the blueprints upon which the forms are molded.

The goal of the disciple's job is to understand those aspects of the mind with which he must learn to work. Therefore, your work could be summarized as follows:

1. You must learn to think; discover that it has a mechanism called mind and also its faculties and powers.

2. You must learn to place yourself behind your mental processes and your tendency to build forms and discover the ideas that underlie the divine mental form, the world process, and thus learn to work in collaboration with the plan, subordinating these ideas to your Own construction of mental forms.

3. Then the work of consciously constructing mental forms follows, based on those divine ideas that emanate as intuitions from the Universal Mind, which is done through meditation. You must also start working with the blueprints, where everything that exists is modeled and molded. Then he becomes a student of symbolism, and as an idolater he becomes a divine idealist.

4. From that developed idealism, you must progress even more deeply, to penetrate the realm of pure intuition. Then you can extract the truth from its source. Penetrates the Mind of God Himself. In addition to idealizing, intuit; He is sensitive to divine ideas, which fertilize his mind. Later he calls them intuitions and as he develops them, ideas or ideals, and bases on them all his work and the direction of his affairs. From idealism to ideation.

Every true student knows that this involves concentration, in order to focus or orient the lower mind with the superior. Temporarily inhibits the normal tendency to build mental forms. Using visualization, which is the power of the mind to stay in the light, and in that light perceive the plan, learn to "attract" the necessary ideas. Through contemplation he finds that he can penetrate that silence that will allow him to extract the thought of God from the divine mind, and know . This is the job that every aspiring person has before him, hence the need to know the nature of his mental problem and the tools he is obliged to use, and to know how to apply through the correct use of the mental mechanism, what he learns and acquires.


“The illustration is the exit of the man from his condition of minor age… The minority of age is the inability to use his own understanding, without the conduction of another. Have courage to use your own understanding! it is therefore the currency of the illustration. ”Emmanuel Kant

The Enlightenment is the illumination of perception when the light of the soul flows and the man in his brain consciousness can perceive what was previously dark and hidden . The light of the head, which at the beginning is only a spark, becomes a flame that illuminates all things, being constantly nourished from above. This is progressive and depends on persistent practice, meditation and active service. It is the clarification prior to enlightenment.

The disciple tries to work to promote the manifestation of the ideas of the Creator. To do this you must meet certain initial requirements, which can be briefly summarized as follows:

  1. Know the true meaning of meditation. (4)
  2. Easily align the soul, mind and brain.
  3. Contemplate or function as a soul on your own plane. Then intelligence can act as an intermediary between the plane of divine ideas and the mental plane. It will be seen here that such participation in the divine creative process acts as the objective of all true meditation work.
  4. Record the idea intuitively received by the soul and recognize the form it should take. These last six words are of vital importance.
  5. Reduce the vague and hazy idea to its essentials, eliminating vague imaginations and formulations of the concrete mind, thus being able to launch into the activity and, through constancy in contemplation, receive exactly the vision of the internal structure or scaffolding subjective form as it will be.
  6. When intelligence consciously records this in the mind, it is also consciously recorded by the mind, which remains firm in the light and can be considered as reducing the formula to the blueprint.

It would be of value if he briefly presented the graduations of meditative work, which will give a creative result of an effective nature and on which they could reflect. For our purposes we will divide them into seven grades, of which four could be considered individual and the other three as representing their group nature:

1. Desire, which leads to obtaining in the three worlds what the lower man desires and wants; this will include the desires of the lowest types of human beings, going through all intermediate types up to, and even, the mystical yearning.

2. The prayer ; at this stage the aspirant, the mystic or the spiritually oriented man, fuses the desire of the personality with the aspiration, to establish relationship and contact with the soul; Through the proven efficacy of prayer, he discovers the subtle powers and reality of the essential dualism of life, and also that he is the lower self and the higher self.

3. Mental reflection or concentrated thinking. It produces over time the integration and definite realization of personality in the three worlds, which leads opportunely to controlled reflection and to scientific or concentrated thinking; This way of thinking has brought all the creative wonders of our modern civilization, culminating in the concentration achieved in occult meditation, which will ultimately bring the reorientation of personality and fusion with the soul.

4. Direct meditation . It is a focused and focused mental attitude plus a fixed reflection, of a creative nature, because it creates the "new man in Christ, " or produces the personality fused with the soul; This personality then recreates its environment and collaborates consciously in the creative work of the Hierarchy.

As little as they understand it, all these expressions of human meditation or concentrated thinking - be it the concentrated desire for physical or emotional goals, or the higher aspects of concentrated spiritual aspiration - definitely create what is desired. This also concerns the other three stages, because they are intelligently and effectively creative, these four stages being responsible for everything that is seen, possessed, used and known as existing in the three worlds. Men inherited many valuable and other disastrous things from previous civilizations; in turn, modern man has created the current civilization, an exceptional civilization as a result of the combination of all the factors that have managed to bring humanity to the stage where failure is recognized and it is shown that religion and science have reoriented men to the world of more subtle and superior values ​​than the strictly material. The other three stages of human meditation are:

5. Worship . It is the joint recognition and consequent reflection of humanity on the reality of divine Transcendence and divine Immanence. It is complemented by world religions and created that path of return to the center or to the source of divine life, of which world religions and the heart of man also bear witness.

6. Invocation and Evocation . This form of dynamic spiritual meditation is mostly in the hands of the new group of world servants and men and women of good will from all countries. They generally do not know each other, but all struggle and think creatively to obtain a global elevation of the human race and work hard to create a new world order and manifest a more definitively spiritual civilization.

7 Ashramic Meditation . It is based on the evocation of the human response to higher spiritual values; it concerns the creation of those conditions in which these new values ​​can flourish according to the Divine Plan; it is focused on that immediate aspect of the path that humanity needs to tread, its intention being to put into creative activity the desires, aspirations, reflections and concentrated meditation of men at any stage of evolution achieved, so that a powerful movement can begin, coherent and invincible, from which the creation of the new heaven and the new earth must result and result. This is a way of expressing the significance of the arrival of the kingdom of God on Earth and the creation of a new order and way of life.

The process of Meditation.

The meditation process is divided into five parts, each leading successively to the other. By mastering them we can attribute the constant ascent of the conscious spiritual man, from the sphere of feeling to that of knowledge, and from it to intuitive enlightenment. These stages can be briefly listed:

  1. Concentration It is the act of concentrating the mind, learning to focus and use it.
  2. Meditation It is the prolonged focus of attention in one direction and the firm maintenance of the mind on any desired idea.
  3. Contemplation It is an activity of the soul, independently of the mind, maintained in a state of passivity.
  4. Lighting It is the result of the three previous processes, and consists in lowering the acquired knowledge to the brain consciousness.
  5. Inspiration It is the result of enlightenment, as manifested in the life of service.

The technique of Light.

It means the method by which the lighting that flows from the soul (whose nature is light) can radiate not only ideals but life, circumstances and events, revealing the cause and meaning of the experience. When the disciple captures the power of enlightenment that he possesses, he has taken the first step towards the dissipation of mirage. The Technique of Light grants powers that can be effective in the astral plane, and will timely dissipate and make that plane disappear.

The rules for the Technique of Light have been properly established in the Raja Yoga system of Patanjali, of which the five stages: Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation, Illumination and Inspiration are illustrative; these, in turn, must be accompanied by compliance with the five Rules and the five Commandments. These, in turn, produce the innumerable results of psychic sensitivity, of which are an example of hierarchical contact, enlightenment, service and discipline and, finally, the stage of "isolated unity", a paradoxical term used by Patanjali to Describe the inner life of the initiate.







Not steal

Burning aspiration


Spiritual reading

Not be greedy


Rules for Disciples.

It should be borne in mind that these rules are only for those whose personality is coordinated and their minds are gradually being controlled. Man, therefore, uses the lower mind, the reasoning mind, while the soul uses the higher or abstract mind. Both units work with two aspects of the universal principle of the mind, and in this field their relationship is possible. The work that man must do with his mind is to make it negative and receptive to the soul; This is your positive task (observe here the use of the word "positive" in the task of making the mind receptive, because the key to the correct action lies in it). The work of the soul during meditation, is to make the theme of meditation something so positive that the lower mind can be impressed, and the lower man can thus align with the Eternal Plan.

The spiritual development of the character of the disciple goes hand in hand with his internal knowledge, which is achieved in three ways:

  1. An understanding of the stages to reach.
  2. Master the lesson and develop through experimentation and meditation, the perceived truths.
  3. Get more knowledge by teaching others.

The fifteen rules are:

1. Be guided by the principle: "general interest prevails over the individual."

2. Submit the application devoutly: "trusting yourself about such a request."

3. Make the call to the inner Self, after having the physical personality fertilized, the emotional stabilized and the mental transmuted.

4. Take care of the energy that vivifies your physical, emotional and mental fields.

5. Study its origin and understand its own psychology.

6. Be strictly vegetarian.

7. Know the power of language and silence.

8. Develop the vibration of the seven centers of the head and thus activate the seven centers of the organism.

9. Find the particular group of servers to which it belongs.

10. Dedicate yourself to consider the methods and rules of the investigation:

to. The purpose of sound: phonetics and philology.

b. The meaning of the words: grammar and syntax.

C. The laws of vibration and electricity: microcosm and macrocosm.

11. Control the sexual impulse achieving energy transfer from the sacral center (gonads) to the laryngeal center (throat) necessary for creativity. The created has to be preserved by love: heart center.

12 Develop self-awareness and learn to act using dynamic thinking.

13. Learn and understand four categories of concepts:

to. The laws that govern what it radiates.

b. The five meanings of magnetization.

C. The transmutation achieved with alchemy.

d. The hidden selfish name.

14. Listen, touch, see, apply and know.


It is presented as the most spiritual means of accessing knowledge. Actually, intuition is only the mental appreciation of some factor of creation, some law of manifestation and a certain aspect of truth, known by intelligence, emanating from the world of ideas, being of the nature of those energies that produce everything known and seen. These truths are always present and those laws eternally active; but only as the mind is trained and developed, focused and open, can they be recognized, subsequently understood and finally adapted to the needs and demands of the cycle and the time. There have always been those who trained their mind in the art of clear thinking, focused attention on the consequent receptivity of truth, but so far there were very few and appeared from time to time. They constitute the bleak minds of the ages. At present they are numerous and appear more and more frequently. The minds of the race are in the process of training, and many are on the verge of new knowledge. Intuition, which guides advanced thinkers to the new fields of knowledge, is only the vanguard of that omniscience that characterizes the soul. The truth of all things exists and is called omniscience, infallibility and "correct knowledge" in Hindu philosophy. When man captures a fragment of it and absorbs it in racial consciousness, it is called formulation of a law or discovery of one of nature's processes. So far this has been a slow and fragmentary company. Later, and in a short time, the light will flow, the truth will be revealed and the race will take possession of its inheritance - that of the soul.


This article belongs to the Tetralogy on the Development of consciousness, the previous one was The Aspiration and the next one is The Meaning.

1. Robert Sternberg was the one who proposed a tri-archaic Theory of Intelligence.

2. Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary study of how information is represented and transformed in the mind / brain. It is the set of disciplines that arise from the transdisciplinary convergence of scientific and technological research, around functional and emerging phenomena, given from the neurophysiological activities of the brain and nervous system, incorporated, and which are typically referred to as: mind and behavior

3. Such parallels are raised by Fritjof Capra in his book: The tao of physics .

4. In Carl Jung's book, The Secret of the Golden Flower, the stages of meditation raised by Taoism appear.

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