The violet flame to purify and invigorate the 7 main chakras. Channeled and written in the Saint Germain gold book.

  • 2014

Before starting our meditation, I want to share with you certain data that is important for this meditation to keep in mind.

This meditation allows people to perform a purification and at the same time invigorates the 7 energy centers, known as Chacras.

Your farms are receiving and sending stations of the energy of God, which flows to you through you and that happens every day.

The chakras are located along the spine, from the coccyx to the crown

But at the etheric level of Being. Therefore, the chakras are invisible to the physical eye. It is important that you know that your life and your spiritual progress depend on the vitality that your farms maintain.

Each farm has a unique function and frequency and represents a different level of consciousness. These frequency differences are marked by the number of petals of each field. The more petals a chakra has, the greater its frequency and the more energy it flows through a chakra, the faster it spins.

When the light of the Divine Mother called Kundalini, rises from the base chakra and activates the energies of each chakra, they begin to spin, opening and raising their petals. Indicating the deployment of our latent spiritual powers.

In the journey through several lives, karmic debris accumulates around the farms, hence the importance of cleaning and purifying each farm. It is necessary for the Light of God to flow through them, the results of using the Violet ll for this process are different in each Being, from one day to several months, but if you are constant you will feel the change.

This meditation requires your visualization and concentration, so you can feel, live and create the reality of purification and activation of your 7 energy centers.

1 ° you will visualize the violet flame bathing and cleaning your fields as you listen in meditation, you will observe the flame flaming and dissolving the debris that you have accumulated around them.

2 ° You will repeat aloud each decree and mantra you hear, and at the same time you will visualize the color of each farm, its petals, its color. Repeating the corresponding mantra.

3 ° You will be accompanied by your guardian angel, your Higher Self who is the Divine part of you and the Ascended Master Saint Germain.

We start:

You can sit in the Meditation posture with which you feel most comfortable (gives), many people prefer to lie down and it is perfect. Close your eyes.

Make yourself comfortable, loosen all parts of your body from the head, your back your arms, your hands, release your entire body, your buttocks, your legs and feet. Let nothing bother you, feel your body, heavy with relaxation.

Now focus your attention on your breathing and take three deep breaths, slow at your pace, holding the air for a while and releasing it by the mouth. To focus on your inner Self.

Your calm, relaxed mind ready to visualize, take it to your eyebrows, and through it visualize how from the center of the Universe the divine Violet Flame descends to you.


“In the name of the Presence of God, which I Am”, “Through the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire of the Violet Flame vested in me, I order, that the Violet Flame saturate at this moment my 7 energy centers Ticos, I am the power of the Violet Flame in action now, in powerful ordered cosmic force that begins the liberation now with my Chakra of the Crown by transmuting and eliminating all karma and negative energy, all blockage, all evil housed there from the beginning of creation to our day, Flame Oh call Violet, saturate, release, heal, illuminate and your Light Expand .

Visualize the manifestation of the color of Llama in your chakra of the crown.

And now he descends to my third-eye farm, transducing and eliminating all karma and negative energy, all blockage, all evil housed there, from the beginning of creation to our day. ace. Flame Oh flame Violet, saturate, release, heal, illuminate and your Light expands.

Visualize the manifestation of the color of Llama in your Third Eye farm.

Descend now to my throat farm, transducing and eliminating all karma and negative energy, all blockage, all badly housed there, from the beginning of the creation until our days. Flame Oh flame Violet, saturate, release, heal, illuminate and your Light expands.

Visualize the manifestation of the color of Llama in your throat farm.

Descend now to my Heart farm, transducing and eliminating all karma and negative energy, all blockage, all bad accommodation, from the beginning of creation to our day. ace. Flame Oh flame Violet, saturate, release, heal, illuminate.

Visualize the manifestation of the color of Flame in your heart chakra.

Descend now to my solar plexus farm, transducing and eliminating all karma and negative energy, all blockage, all badly housed there, from the beginning of creation to the present day. Flame Oh flame Violet, saturate, release, heal, illuminate and your Light expands.

Visualize the manifestation of the color of Llama in your solar plexus chakra.

Descend now to my Sacral farm, transmuting and eliminating all karma and negative energy, all blockage, all badly housed there, from the beginning of the creation until our days. Flame Oh flame Violet, saturate, release, heal, illuminate and your Light expands.

Visualize the manifestation of the color of Flame in your Sacral farm.

Now lower my root farm, transducing and eliminating all karma and negative energy, all blockage, all bad accommodation, from the beginning of creation to the present day. Flame Oh flame Violet, saturate, release, heal, illuminate and your Light expands.

Visualize the manifestation of the color of Llama in your root farm.

"I Am" the Violet Flame here and now releasing each farm, healing, illuminating and expanding its Light, in each one of them. "

Breathe deeply and gently, feel your body float by releasing the negative charges of your chakras. And repeat.

Now I visualize my chakra of the crown, with a thousand petals of a bright yellow fire, sending and expanding the Light of the Wisdom of God, the illumination and the wise action to dissipate all darkness.

Om Om Om Om Om Om Om

Now I visualize my farm from the 3rd. Eye, ninety-six petals, of a fiery emerald green, sending the Light of Vision and the Truth of God for healing.

Ksham Ksham Ksham Ksham Ksham Ksham Ksham

Now I visualize my throat farm, of sixteen petals, of a fiery sapphire blue color, sending the Light of God's Will to all nations and their peoples.

Ham Ham Ham Ham Ham Ham Ham

Now I visualize my heart chakra, of twelve petals, of a fiery pink color, sending the Light of the Love of God to all the sensitive life.

Yam Yam Yam Yam Yam Yam Yam

Now I visualize my ten-petal solar chakra, golden purple with ruby ​​tones, sending the Light of the Peace of God and the Brotherhood to harmonize all existence.

Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram

Now I visualize my six-petal Chapel of the Soul Headquarters, violet, purple, pink, sending the Violet Flame of God's Freedom, forgiveness, justice and world transmutation.

Vam Vam Vam Vam Vam Vam Vam Vam

Now I visualize my chakra of the base, of four petals, of pure white color, sending the Light of God to seal the Sacred fire of the Divine Mother, in the chakra of the base, the soul and the four lower bodies of all children of light.

Lam Lam Lam Lam Lam Lam Lam

Breathe at your own pace and contemplate your 7 chakras aligned, observe in the center of each one a burning sun of White Light and around the electric and intense vibrant color that corresponds to each farm.

And now repeat:

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

My chakra of the Crown is a lotus of violet fire!

My Chakra of the Crown is the purity that God Desires!

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

My third eye is a center of violet fire!

My third eye is the purity that God Desires!

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

My throat farm is a violet wheel of fire!

My throat farm is the purity that God desires!

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

My Heart is a violet fire farm!

My Heart is the purity that God Desires!

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

My Solar Plexus is a violet fire sun!

My Solar Plexus is the purity that God Desires!

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

My Soul Chakra is a sphere of violet fire!

My Soul Chakra is the purity that God Desires!

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

My base farm is a source of violet fire!

My base farm is the purity that God Desires!

I am a being of violet fire!

I am the purity that God desires!

Breathe, slowly take three slow breaths at your own pace, and when you feel ready very slowly feel your body, move it, and open your eyes, join your hands in prayer mudra and give thanks:

Thank you Father Mother because that's the way. Thank you Father Mother because it's done.

"I Am" Saint Germain.

The violet flame to purify and invigorate the 7 main chakras.

Channeled and written in the Saint Germain gold book.

by Alma Rosalía García Aguilar

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